Everyone was asking questions, but the questions they asked were clearly trying to please Hua Xia Lu.

As for those young people who are preparing to participate in the Lu Yu Qi Ranking, they regard Hua Xia Lu as if they are worshiping idols.

"Haha." Hua Xialu said with a smile: "I was able to enter the Pantheon, on the one hand, because of my outstanding cultivation talent, and on the other hand, because of my hard work."

"I have always kept in mind that one should not be too ostentatious and should learn to be humble."

When the women at the scene heard Hua Xia Lu's words, their eyes shone with bright stars, and they admired Hua Xia Lu very much.

Hua Xia Lu's words were obviously a side attack on Chen Xuan, mocking Chen Xuan's "arrogant" performance in the martial arts competition.

"Chen Xuan, you are one of the most outstanding young people in our Lu Yucheng. I wonder if you think what I said makes sense?" Hua Xia Lu suddenly asked Chen Xuan.

This question was beyond everyone's expectations. No one expected that Hua Xia Lu would directly point the finger at Chen Xuan's body at the congratulatory ceremony.

All eyes turned to Chen Xuan.

During the entire congratulatory ceremony, everyone was standing and listening to Hua Xia Lu's speech, but only Chen Xuan was sitting in the seat.

Chen Xuan's move made everyone frown, thinking that Chen Xuan was too angry.

Chen Xuan said in a loud voice: "Our city lord's palace was too low-key in the past and could not bear to suppress our rival families, which led to our current tragic ending."

Everyone's expression changed when they heard this, and they all thought that Chen Xuanhui would be gentle with Huaxia Road, and should at least be a little polite, right?

Who knew that Chen Xuan not only refused to slow down, but also got into trouble with Huaxia.

This sentence has now made Hua Xia Lu look ugly.

Then Chen Xuan smiled slowly and said: "Also, being low-key and humble? That is the behavior of the weak. Sometimes, being high-profile is not our choice, but because our opponents are too incompetent."

"Oh?" Hua Xia Lu had a gloomy face, slowly played with the ring in his hand, and said, "What you said is really too angry."

"Do you think you are the most outstanding person? Even if you dare to compete with other powerful people on the spot later?"

"Haha." Chen Xuan said with a cold expression: "Your Hua family has always suppressed our people in the City Lord's Mansion. Do you want to make me embarrassed in public?"

"But it's okay, I will grant your wish. If you have any ability, just use it."

"Yes, yes, yes." The city lord hurriedly came out to smooth things over and said: "Since we are competing, we are competing to cultivate our understanding. I have collected some very good skills over the years. How about letting the outstanding talents at the scene learn them on the spot?"

The city lord was afraid that Huaxia Road Club would attack Chen Xuan in public, so he had an idea and came up with such a solution.

Then everyone was overjoyed. The city lord's own collection of skills was actually being used and made available for others to learn. Each of those precious exercises is a priceless treasure.

"The cluster cannot be used, let's go to the main courtyard." The city lord immediately ordered people to get the skills and invited them to go to the open area together.

After knowing the news, all the families in the main courtyard were overjoyed. Even if they knew they were not as talented as other young people, they still tried their best to participate in this competition.

What does it matter if you lose? Anyway, I saw the exercises and memorized them, so I wrote them down as soon as I got home.

Soon, a large open space was vacated in the main courtyard, and on a table at the scene, the city lord placed three exercises.

Looking at the three secret books of Kung Fu, everyone was agitated. They were all eager to give it a try. Some even took a few big gulps of tea. No matter what, they must learn as many as possible and memorize the Kung Fu training methods.

The city lord stood behind the table and spoke: "The levels of these three skills are not too high. The first one is very low-level, the second one is very high-intermediate level, and the third one is high-level."

Hearing this sentence, my blood suddenly boiled. Now, they are all very high skills.

At this time, the city lord spent an hour and said: "We will use one hour as the time limit. Even if the person who learns one skill within the time limit wins, he can participate in the second round of competition and learn the second skill, and so on. "

"Then, all the talented young warriors with powerful cultivation in Zhenyaosheng, please come and participate."

He screamed and jumped for joy. High-level skills are very rare. A family like the Hua family, the Hua family, and the Liu family probably only have three or five books. If you memorize these three books now, it will be a great harvest.

It seems that the city lord has really spent a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan spoke suddenly. He looked at Huaxia Road and said, "It's just a competition between the winners of the town. It's really boring."

"Brother Xia Lu, since you are going to embarrass me, why not come and join us?"

"Chen Xuan's body" the city lord's face changed slightly, and he said slowly: "You are crazy. Hua Xia Lu is a deep warrior in the Pantheon. How high is his understanding? Do you need me to remind you?"

Chen Xuan just smiled, nothing more, but Hua Xia Lu laughed and stared at Chen Xuan: "Are you sure? Do you really want to humiliate yourself?"

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Then I invite Brother Xia Lu to humiliate me, what?"

"Okay." Hua Xia Lu lifted the hem of his robe and walked to the middle of the field: "Today I will meet you, Chen Xuan, who doesn't know how to be humble."

The city lord loves and hates Chen Xuan. He loves Chen Xuan because he is courageous and courageous, but hates him for the same reason.

Immediately, the city lord asked dozens of warriors, plus Hua Xia Lu himself, to enter the main entrance hall, while the rest stayed on the grass.

The city lord held the first exercise book in his hand, and dozens of people gathered in a circle. The city lord personally read out the training methods of this exercise book. After listening to it, he suddenly understood it on his own.

Listening to the cultivation methods read out by the city lord, dozens of people, some 200 people, looked embarrassed.

Chen Xuan listened to the exercise and smiled secretly in his heart. This exercise is quite weird. It is very different from ordinary exercises. It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to learn it.

But I am well-informed, and this cultivation method sounds like a fool to me.

Looking back at Hua Xia Lu, this warrior also looked calm. After all, he had seen high-strength techniques in the Pantheon, and he was somewhat capable.

After the city lord finished reciting the technique, he said: "This technique is called Yunye Sword Technique. It will take at least one to three years to learn it to perfection."

As a member of the royal family, Lu Jiuyuan's cultivation was also very strong. When he and Lu Jiuyuan escaped together, he knew that his cultivation had reached the limit of the divine king realm, and he was only one step away from entering the divine emperor realm.

"And my request is very simple. You just need to learn and achieve success within an hour. As long as you don't lose the essence of Yunye Sword Technique, even if you pass the test."

"Okay, everyone, let's go out."

When they arrived at the grassland, the city lord held a sword in his hand and said: "I will use the moves of Yunye Sword Technique on the spot for everyone present to judge."

Then, the city lord pointed at a tree in the courtyard and said: "The first level of Yunye swordsmanship."

"If you want to try, you must stand within the range I prescribed."

The city lord drew a trace on the ground, and then threw a piece of crystal into the air. The trace was exactly ten feet away from the crystal.

Immediately afterwards, the spiritual power of the sword in his hand condensed, and the long sword slashed out. The spiritual power condensed into sword light, and the spar was cut open with a whoosh.

Everyone was envious, that was the sword light. Only what is used with spiritual power can be called sword light, and what is used with spiritual power can only be called sword energy.

After the crystal fell to the ground, anyone who knew something about cultivation would have their pupils shrink.

The spar was cut in half by the long sword. Not only was the fracture very smooth, but there was almost no trace of damage.

You know, sword energy or sword light are easy to chop out, but if sword energy and sword light hit a crystal, basically a piece of crystal will be destroyed.

But the crystal stone is actually two neat halves, which requires that the sword energy and sword light must be refined. Be careful.

It's equivalent to if you use a sword blade to split a piece of crystal, the crystal will definitely be smashed. Only when you use a sharp blade to cut open a piece of crystal can the crystal be preserved so completely.

Seeing this situation, everyone at the scene kept clapping and cheering, but the young warriors participating in the competition all had bitter expressions on their faces.

Many young people were each assigned a sword blade, so they started practicing on the spot.

There were only two people who did not hold swords, one was Chen Xuan and the other was Hua Xia Lu.

Chen Xuan went through Lu Yu's sword qi training method in his mind, and he already had a good idea. This trick is to highly condense spiritual power or spiritual power, compress the striking surface of the sword qi and sword light to the narrowest, and strive to obtain the sharpest cutting effect.

Chen Xuan had also heard about Lu Yu's sword energy. It was one of the royal family's sword techniques and had extremely strong cutting power. Chen Xuan did not expect that City Lord Lu would demonstrate this technique in front of everyone so simply.

The sword is just a carrier, the real essence lies in the movement of spiritual power.

Chen Xuan sat cross-legged, mobilizing the spiritual power in his body according to the unique movement of Lu Yu's sword energy.

Na Hua Xia Lu stood there, gesturing with one finger, as if he was groping for something.

The patriarchs of those families were all worried about their family members.

After an hour passed, the city lord asked all the warriors participating in the competition to try Lu Yu's sword energy on the spot.

Many young warriors looked embarrassed. It was obvious that they had not learned anything and had no choice but to bite the bullet.

A young warrior stepped forward and stood in the trace. He held the sword blade, concentrated his spiritual power on the sword, and then slashed out with the long sword.

But the falling trajectory of the crystal stone thrown by the city lord in the air was not fixed, and the young warrior's sword energy actually failed to hit the crystal stone.

"Failed." The city lord shook his head and was directly eliminated without even touching the spar.

The next young warrior was even more exaggerated. His sword energy was actually several steps away from the crystal.

"Failure." The city lord shook his head.

The onlookers all didn't know why their own clan members were considered very good, so how could they not even be able to split crystal stones?

The city lord couldn't stand it anymore and sighed: "Lu Yu's sword energy is still too difficult for you. You have to do your best to compress the width of the sword energy, which makes it difficult for your sword energy to remain stable."

"But you don't have to blame yourself. You are already very good at being able to do this. Most people can't even cut out a trace. If I had known, although this Lu Yu sword energy is specially cultivated by our royal family, but you also Everyone is qualified to practice this swordsmanship," Lu Jiuyuan said slowly.

Only then did everyone realize that it wasn't that the young warriors were too weak, but that the sword energy was too difficult to control.

Finally, many talented young warriors with powerful cultivation slowly tried. This time, City Lord Lu also showed some favors to these warriors from major families. The purpose was to make Lu Yucheng more united to fight against the Pantheon. .

Hua Yuanhong was the first to perform, and his performance caused a lot of exclamations.

Because Hua Yuanhong is the first person who can hit the crystal stone with his sword energy. Unfortunately, the sword energy was not refined enough and the entire crystal was destroyed.

The second Hua Quanliu was similar to Hua Yuanhong. His sword energy also hit the crystal, but he failed to chop the crystal into pieces. He only shook the crystal a few steps.

Liu Ziqi performed best. He originally used a sword. The long sword hit the crystal, but the sword energy was not condensed finely enough, and it cut the crystal in half.

The city lord suddenly used the spar to look at it, but he saw that the spar was indeed cut, and it was also cut from the middle. Unfortunately, the entire crystal lost about 90% of its area.

"It's pretty good." The city lord nodded: "It's pretty good to be able to leave some fragments of crystal stones..."

Hearing this, he smiled proudly.

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