"I admit, is the kid surnamed Chen more talented than me? Or maybe he has a better grasp of the sword than me. To be like me, a woman needs to be dexterous. This is training, but it does not prove that he is better than me."

Huaxia Road has now completely lost its grace, which surprised many people.

"Then what do you do?" The city lord frowned. He originally wanted to give Huaxia Lu a step down, but Huaxia Lu didn't know how to praise him.

Chen Xuan looked at Hua Xia Lu with a faint smile, seeing that he had lost his majesty and identity.

Hua Xia Lu said angrily: "City Lord Lu, it's not that I don't give you face, it's that I don't accept Chen Xuan. I want to compare my understanding and my ability to understand. Then I need to find a mysterious skill to compare my ability to understand."

"No one else can do it, only I can do it. This is called having a strong understanding."

When these words were spoken by Hua Xialu, they sounded harsh.

It was obvious that Na Hua Xia Lu had been spoiled by his family since he was a child. He could only promise that everyone would praise him and never allow anyone to steal his limelight.

What's more, he was used to being a powerful person in Lu Yucheng, and this was the first time he met someone like Chen Xuan who was overwhelming him in every aspect. How could he be upset?

"Okay." The city lord was in a bad mood now, and he said softly: "What do you mean, there is no need to compare the next two techniques?"

"No need." Hua Xia Lu waved his hand: "Find a difficult skill, preferably one that even you, the city lord, can't learn."

The city lord took a deep breath. His purpose this time was to integrate the major families and unite them to deal with the Pantheon, so he temporarily tolerated Hua Xia Lu's words and said softly: "It just so happens that I have a copy here. "

After that, the city lord flew away and returned in less than a cup of tea. He now had a incomplete book in his hand.

The book looked tattered and had no cover, as if it had been there for many years now.

The city lord said: "This skill was acquired accidentally when I was young. Because it was incomplete, I never practiced it, so the level of the skill cannot be determined."

"In my opinion, this should be an ice attribute technique, but the strange thing is that its cultivation method is very strange, and I can't practice it no matter what."

"Strange?" Chen Xuan frowned. He noticed the words used by the city lord. It was not difficult or complicated, but strange.

"Since you want this kind of technique, then you and Chen Xuan should learn it together."

The city lord directly invited Chen Xuan and Hua Xia Lu into the main entrance hall, and then taught the two of them the cultivation methods.

When listening to the cultivation methods of the exercises, Chen Xuan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

Hua Xia Lu, on the other hand, looked confused when he heard this.

This book is very strange. As far as the existing part is concerned, the entire book revolves around the ice attribute.

But the strange thing is that if you practice according to the cultivation method, you can't condense the spiritual power into fire energy and the spiritual energy into ice energy.

It's as if it was created haphazardly by a layman, but upon closer inspection, there seems to be some essence hidden in it.

Chen Xuan secretly mobilized his spiritual power according to the cultivation method of that technique, but he tried three times but failed to condense the fire energy.

"It's strange." Chen Xuan thought in his heart: "There is such a strange skill. Every time he is close to the distance and the fire energy is successfully condensed, the spiritual power will suddenly collapse."

"This technique doesn't seem to want people to condense fire energy, but its description seems to want people to condense fire energy. Isn't this inconsistent?"

"Is it possible? That's right. That's right."

Chen Xuan broke out in a cold sweat and thought to himself: "Damn it, this doesn't look like an ice attribute technique at all. This is the Vermillion Bird Sword Qi."

After thinking about this section, Chen Xuan thought about it again. Every time he thought about it deeply, he felt very surprised.

This is a "fire and thunder" exercise book.

As surging and passionate as fire, as fierce and domineering as thunder.

Lei, too domineering. And it was too condensed, like a thunderbolt falling from the sky.

Therefore, most of the Suzaku sword energy is difficult to cause range damage. Even if it can be formed, it will spread out into a fire net, and the consumption of spiritual power is unimaginable.

But this book forced Lei's spiritual power into fire. It spreads and explodes like ice and fire, forming a large-scale destructive attack, but the consumption is far greater than that of thunder.

It's true that you can't find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it doesn't take any effort to get it.

The Suzaku Sword Qi that I had been thinking about day and night, was actually obtained because of Hua Xia Lu's troubles.

However, the power of this skill was too astonishing. Chen Xuan made up his mind to just give it a try and not be able to use the power of this residual skill in public.

Later, the city lord invited the two of them back to the courtyard and said, "I have spent twenty-three years but still haven't been able to practice this skill, so I will give you a little more time and three sticks of incense now."

"Furthermore, I don't require you to actually be able to practice it. I only need you to be able to master it after three sticks of incense."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan smiled, knowing that he was sure to win.

It is impossible to practice the Huaxia Road. Because one must have the power of Suzaku to learn this broken book.

Even Hua Xia Lu couldn't imagine the mystery of this incomplete book.

Afterwards, the three sticks of incense slowly counted the time, while Chen Xuan sat cross-legged and practiced silently.

The three sticks of incense passed quickly, and the much-anticipated moment finally arrived.

The city lord clapped his hands to indicate that the time was up, and said: "According to the cultivation method introduced in this incomplete book, the incomplete cultivation method can be used to develop a powerful move."

"If you can master this move, you should be able to use a fourth-level Suzaku Sword Qi to pull it out. Unfortunately, I didn't succeed. So, please invite the two of you now."

"What exactly did you see in this technique?"

Chen Xuan looked at Hua Xia Lu with an expression on his face and said, "You first, or me first?"

Hua Xia Lu sneered: "Since I was the first before, then this time, I will be the first."

Then, he looked at the city lord: "My lord, the secret of this technique is really simple. I can try it on the spot."

"What?" The city lord and Chen Xuan were both stunned.

The city lord said softly: "You actually learned it?"

"That's right." Hua Xia Lu was in high spirits.

Everyone was shocked. For such a tyrannical warrior as the city lord, Hua Xia Lu only used three sticks of incense to master the technique that he had not been able to learn for twenty-three years. And can you try it on the spot?

Chen Xuan also found it incredible. He couldn't figure out why Huaxia Road could also be learned. Is it possible? Huaxia Road also has the power of Suzaku?

"Quickly." The city lord hurriedly moved a table and said, "Xia Lu, please try it, on this table."

The Hua family is so happy, especially the Liu family, they are proud and proud. Although his eldest son lost to Chen Xuan in the front, so what?

The things compared before, in Hua Xia Lu’s words, look like nonsense. As long as Xia Lu can understand this technique, let's see what dignity Chen Xuan has.

In front of everyone, Hua Xia Lu regained his calm and calm appearance. He tied up his long hair and enjoyed the admiration and admiration of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, he walked to the table, pressed the table with his palms, and kept an inch away from the table.

Then, he closed his pupils slightly and secretly mobilized his spiritual power.

After about three breaths passed, Hua Xia Lu let out a low shout, but saw a fourth-level Suzaku Sword Qi suddenly appeared under his body.

Everyone's jaws dropped in shock. The other sects were indeed extraordinary, and the Huaxia Road had really been mastered.

On the other hand, the city lord had a suspicious look on his face.

But Chen Xuan laughed directly

"How is it?" Hua Xia Lu wiped away his cold sweat, raised his hands high and shouted: "Who is the most powerful person in Lu Yucheng?"

Everyone was amazed and kept applauding.

But the city lord always had a suspicious look on his face, as if he felt that something was not right, but it wasn't exactly what was wrong. He had read through this book of techniques himself, and although he hadn't mastered it yet, he still knew something about it.

If this incomplete book is completed, will it really be like this? Not quite right.

"Can't you figure it out?" Chen Xuan stood in front of the city lord and said, "You can't figure out what's wrong?"

The city lord nodded as if he didn't understand, and said: "Xia Lu is indeed gifted, but that's it."

"But it's not the same as what you expected, right?" Chen Xuan laughed out loud: "Do you know what's wrong?"

The city lord shook his head, and everyone nearby was surprised when they heard Chen Xuan's words.

Chen Xuan laughed loudly: "Because it seems that Huaxia Road has not been practiced at all. He is cheating."

"What are you?" The city lord was shocked.

Chen Xuan said softly: "Hua Xia Lu just used an ice attribute technique to deceive him. Maybe he used the Pantheon technique, and maybe the effect was somewhat similar to the effect described in this broken book. "

"That's it." The city lord woke up from a dream and slapped his forehead: "No wonder I always feel that something is not right."

Hua Xia Lu suddenly turned red and said angrily: "Chen Xuan, what are you talking about? Do you have any evidence that I cheated? I used the techniques in the residual book. Since you lost, you must admit it."

"Stop spouting nonsense here. Do you think this can prove that you are better than me? It's really laughable."

Chen Xuan walked up to a table with a half-smile and said, "You want evidence? Open your eyes and see clearly. This is the evidence."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xuan pressed his hands on the table, and then there was a crackling sound next to his body.

Immediately afterwards, a very strange fourth level of Vermillion Bird Sword Qi spread out in the blink of an eye.

The fourth level of Vermillion Bird Sword Qi is actually blue-red. It is the fire energy condensed by spiritual power, but its color is really weird.

What's even more strange is that the tabletop was not burned to ashes by the fourth level of Suzaku Sword Qi, but the entire table fell apart in the blink of an eye.

As if it was torn apart by five horses, the tabletop was blown to pieces and bombarded everywhere!

The power does not lie in the high temperature burning of ice and fire, but in the lethality caused by the explosion.

The warriors at the scene couldn't help but applaud. This was admiration from the bottom of their hearts, so much so that they temporarily forgot their stance.

If you forget to do this, will you offend the Hua family and Hua Xia Lu?

Tonight, Chen Xuan's skills were astonishing, and the talent he displayed was truly astonishing.

"Hua Xia Lu, what else do you have to say?" Chen Xuan looked at Hua Xia Lu coldly.

At this moment, the scene suddenly became quiet again. Everyone knew that Huaxia Road lost, and lost in an embarrassing manner, given his superior status.

He would actually choose to cheat in order to defeat a young warrior who was five or six years old. What a shame.

It’s just that no one dared to boo on the spot.

Everyone looked at Hua Xia Lu quietly, waiting for his reaction.

Na Hua Xia Lu stood in the open space, his face turned pale at first, then slowly turned livid, and finally turned red, even his eyes were red.

This look clearly means that Hua Xia Lu is now very angry.

"Okay." Hua Xia Lu shouted loudly. He grabbed his hands behind his back, unsheathed his sword with a clang, and said angrily to Chen Xuan: "You, a first-level unknown person, dare to humiliate me, a Pantheon warrior, in public. You are really a brave bitch. "

"My Pantheon never suffers."

"Not good." Lu Jiuyuan suddenly felt anxious when he heard this.

Lu Jiuyuan has seen Hua Xia Lu's look and behavior too many times.

Sure enough, before Hua Xia Lu finished speaking, he actually stabbed Chen Xuan with a sword in his hand. He wanted to kill Chen Xuan's body on the spot.

The sword blade cut through the sky, carrying a sharp and domineering sword light that looked extremely dazzling in the night.

Hua Xia Lu was a master in the realm of God King. Chen Xuan could not withstand his sword energy even if he tried his best.

Everyone at the scene was shocked. No one expected that Huaxia Road would go on a killing spree after losing the competition.

And at the critical moment, another strong and powerful spiritual power thrust out from the other side.

The two spiritual powers collided violently in the air, and a deafening explosion was heard. The sword light of Huaxia Road was blasted into diffuse spots by the spiritual power that came from an angle.

And the spiritual power that saved Chen Xuan was obviously many times stronger. After shattering the sword light on Huaxia Road, it still flew out into the distance until it disappeared into the night sky.

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