Because disciples and warriors from big families traveling from north to south would sell and trade their goods here, making this street a battleground for various families.

Back then, the city lord's palace had four things on this street, including two weapon shops, an armor shop, and a herb shop.

"That's right." Chen Xuan walked on the street and thought to himself: "The few things that the Chinese Army and the others want to buy back seem to be here. I don't know if they succeeded or not."

Now that you're here, let's take a look.

After Chen Xuan advanced for a while, he came to a herb shop that once belonged to the city lord's palace. Chen Xuan glanced inside from the door and happened to see a round table placed inside.

Sitting around the round table was the patriarch of the herb shop, and on the other two sides were City Lord Lu and his two uncles.

Chen Xuan stepped in and sat down next to City Master Lu, but he saw that City Master Lu's face was very ugly, so it seemed that the conversation was not going well.

"Aren't you asking for an exorbitant price?" Wang Lun's face was livid, and he said angrily to the clan leader: "Back then, when we gave it to you, we only got 70,000 crystal stones. Now you are asking for 500,000."

The patriarch's expression did not change, and he glanced at Wang Lun coldly: "Today is different from the past. The northern region is about to open up. Every inch of land in Yingke Street is precious. The rising tide has lifted all boats. It is much more expensive than before."

"Besides, if the city lord hadn't offered to help you, the city lord's mansion, I wouldn't even sell it to you."

"Shaohua, what do you think we should do?" One of Chen Xuan's uncles turned to look at Wang Lun.

Wang Lun struggled for a long time in his heart, and then he exhaled and said: "Fifty thousand is half a million, I want this thing."

"In that case." A look appeared on the patriarch's face. He just spoke, but was interrupted by a very harsh voice.

"Wait a minute." Two people suddenly appeared at the east and west door. It was the patriarch of the Li family of the Hua family, and a woman of about eighteen or nineteen years old.

When Chen Xuan saw the Hua family appearing, he immediately frowned. He knew that the Hua family had indeed come to cause trouble again.

The patriarch of the Li family quickly entered the thing, sat down directly opposite the patriarch, and said with a smile: "Our Hua family will spend 550,000 yuan to buy rubs."

When the clan leader heard this, he immediately spread his hands towards Wang Lun and said, "I'm sorry, someone bids higher than you."

Wang Lun looked at the clan leader of the Li family and said, "It was our city lord's mansion that asked the city lord for help, so the clan leader was willing to sell this thing. Otherwise, the clan leader wouldn't sell it at all."

The head of the Li family was nonchalant and said: "Of course, the one with the highest price gets what you buy. Our Hua family pays more than you. This thing belongs to our Hua family."

As expected, the clan leader smiled and nodded: "Brother Wang is right."

When Wang Lun heard this, he could only think in his heart: "Then our city lord's palace will pay 570,000."

"I'm so angry." The head of the Li family said teasingly: "Our Hua family will pay 600,000 yuan."

"You." Wang Lun pointed at the patriarch of the Li family and was so angry that he was speechless.

"What's wrong with me?" The patriarch of the Li family crossed his legs and sneered: "I'm telling you clearly, don't even think about taking back any of the four things in your city lord's mansion."

At this time, another group of people came to the door, but they were the warehouse stewards of the City Lord's Mansion.

Wang Lun stood up in a hurry and said, "Uncle, third uncle, fourth uncle, how are you doing over there?"

The warehouse manager's face was very ugly, and he was obviously angry. The warehouse manager gritted his teeth and said, "Other things were all messed up by the Hua family, the Hua family, and the Liu family, so we couldn't take them down."

When Wang Lun heard this, he sat down and his whole heart went cold.

Wang Hua and the Hong Mo family joined forces to deal with the City Lord's Mansion. Even if Wang Lun was willing to spend more money to buy it, how could he withstand the financial resources of the major families.

Chen Xuan had been sitting aside and listening. When things came to this point, Chen Xuan felt a surge of anger in his heart.

"City Lord Lu." Chen Xuan stood up and said slowly: "As for purchasing things, it would be better if we go back and discuss it before making a decision."

Chen Xuan knew very well that this matter had reached a dead end now, and he had to rely on the help of outsiders to coordinate. Maybe he could ask the city lord for help.

Wang Lun had no choice but to sigh and walk out.

"You. Are you Chen Xuan?" At this time, the Hua family from inside the thing came out, and the woman who had always stood next to the patriarch of the Li family asked.

Chen Xuan turned around to look at the girl and saw that she was eighteen or nineteen years old and quite beautiful. What was even more rare was that she actually had the ninth and second level of the divine monarch realm.

"I've heard about you." The woman smiled lightly, stretched out her hands to Chen Xuan, and said, "I heard that you shouldered the burden of the city lord's palace alone. I admire your character."

"My name is Liu Ziqi. We will meet on the Qi Bang in a month. I hope you can perform better by then."

Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment, but still held hands with Liu Ziqi. This Liu Ziqi was not as arrogant as Hua Yuanhong, and he seemed to be easy to agree to.

At this moment, a muffled bang suddenly came from the side, followed by a tragic sword sound.

A figure suddenly flew upside down from outside and landed right at Chen Xuan's feet.

Chen Xuan looked intently and saw that the person lying at his feet who was seriously injured and vomiting blood was actually the warrior Chang An Zai, the general manager of the warehouse.

"Zhong Hua." The warehouse manager was startled and hurriedly went to help Chang Anzai.

Chen Xuan pulled Chang Anzai up first, frowned and said, "Cousin, how are you?"

Before Chen Xuan finished speaking, a burst of spiritual power suddenly came from the gap in the crowd, and the target of that spiritual power was Chang Anzai.

Chen Xuan suddenly became angry. Who rewarded Chang Anzai? That man was so stubborn that he was still pursuing me.

At the critical moment, Chen Xuan raised his hand and slapped him, which actually knocked away the spiritual power.

There was a sudden gasp from the crowd.

That's spiritual power. He was actually slapped away by Chen Xuan?

Chen Xuan looked in the direction of the spiritual power, and the person he saw was Hua Yuanhong.

"You." Hua Yuanhong was still smiling ferociously before, but now his face turned pale. He pointed at Chen Xuando and said, "When did you rise to the ninth level of the divine king realm?"

"Wang. Jing#." Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and raised his hand to see a surge of spiritual power.

This spiritual power is no joke. When Chen Xuan was in the late stage of the Divine Lord Realm, he could easily defeat Hua Yuanhong. Now Chen Xuan is now a warrior at the ninth level of the Divine Lord Realm.

This spiritual power could make Hua Yuanhong break several ribs.

Hua Yuanhong's expression changed drastically: "Save me quickly."

Almost at the same time, Liu Ziqi suddenly took action. She raised her hand and flicked it. The powerful spiritual power condensed on her palm, and Chen Xuan's spiritual power was deflected away.

Chen Xuan didn't hesitate at all. When Liu Ziqi knocked away his spiritual power, he had already rushed out.

Chen Xuan's figure walked around Liu Ziqi and struck Hua Yuanhong's chest with his sword.

"Chen Xuan, stop." Liu Ziqi frowned and pinched Chen Xuan's wrist, and she used the spiritual power of the ninth level and second level of the divine king realm on her hand. The strength of her hand was amazing.

She was sure that Chen Xuan couldn't free his wrist, so she opened her mouth to speak.

Clinker, Chen Xuan secretly converted the spiritual power into Suzaku spiritual power, and the power was suddenly doubled, with a full force of 4,600 kilograms.

Liu Ziqi's expression changed, she flicked her wrist and shouted slowly: "Snake catcher."

At that moment, the spiritual power attached to Liu Ziqi's hand suddenly turned into the shape of a ferocious python, grabbing Chen Xuan's wrist tightly.

Even with twice the explosive power, Chen Xuan was unable to break free.

You must know that the cultivation level of a ninth-level warrior in the divine king realm can no longer be measured purely by spiritual power.

Spiritual power can indeed enhance a warrior's own spiritual power, but it not only exists to enhance spiritual power, it also has a more important function, which is to stimulate the activation of skills.

Her level 9 and 2 of the Divine Lord Realm allows her to use more spiritual power at one time. And the so-called Snake Catcher is obviously a high-level tyrannical technique.

At this time, Chen Xuan only had the trump card of the fourth-level Suzaku Sword Qi technique, which he could not use casually, so he could not compete with Liu Ziqi in terms of techniques.

He could only grit his teeth and spend a lot of spiritual power to increase his spiritual power to a very strong level.

At this time, Chen Xuan's spiritual power surged to a weight of 6,900 kilograms.

Although Liu Ziqi used his tyrannical skills to forcibly seal Chen Xuan's spiritual power, it was not enough to lock in nearly seven thousand kilograms of power.

Chen Xuan's wrist shook, knocking Liu Ziqi's hands away, and then he slapped Hua Yuanhong with a palm.

Hua Yuanhong had already slowly escaped just now. However, the fight between Chen Xuan and Liu Ziqi happened so quickly that Hua Yuanhong only had time to run five or six steps away.

Chen Xuan slid over and saw that his palm was about to land on Hua Yuanhong's back. Liu Ziqi, the troublemaker, caught up with him again and grabbed Chen Xuan's arm.

She pulled back a lot of Chen Xuan's spiritual power, but it was a pity that she took action a little later than Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan's palm still hit Hua Yuanhong's back.

"Pfft." Hua Yuanhong spat out a mouthful of red blood and flew out sideways.

"Chen Xuan, you." Liu Ziqi's eyes were red with anger. She pointed at Chen Xuan's forehead and said angrily: "I thought you were a responsible man, but I didn't expect you to be so aggressive."

"It's in vain that I put aside family grudges and admired you. I really misjudged the person."

Chen Xuan's pupils gradually narrowed, and he said solemnly: "It was obviously Hua Yuanhong who injured my cousin first, and I only wanted to avenge my cousin."

"Liu Ziqi, is it only right for your Hua family to injure others, but we from the City Lord's Mansion fought back, but turned out to be aggressive?"

Liu Ziqi's pretty face turned red with anger, and he scolded: "You are really sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued. It's so arrogant for a grown man to learn to speak so sharply."

Chen Xuan frowned deeply, am I sharp-tongued? You accused me of being aggressive, can't I explain it?

But Chen Xuan didn't say anything more. Since they have different ways, they don't want to conspire with each other.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's only good impression of Liu Ziqi was shattered.

At this time, another group of people walked in from outside the crowd, all of them young warriors.

As soon as he saw these people, Chen Xuan's heart slowly moved. Chen Xuan had heard that there were two leading guys missing.

One is Hua Quanhong from the Hua family, and the other is Yuchi Jiu from the Yuchi family.

Hua Quanhong is thin, has a hooked nose, and has deep-set eyes. He looks very sinister. He is a ninth-level and second-level master of the Divine Lord Realm.

Yu Chijiu, on the other hand, was even more tyrannical. This warrior was burly, almost two feet tall, and carried a spear behind him. He was said to be the best master of his age among Lu Yu's Qi Ranking. With a cultivation level at the peak of the second level of the God King Realm, half of his feet have now stepped into the third level of the God King Realm.

In fact, Yu Chijiu was now able to walk sideways in Lu Yucheng, and no one dared to provoke him.

These people are all young warriors two or three years older than Chen Xuan, and they are also top experts who are about to participate in the Lu Yu Qi Ranking.

Yuchi Jiu had a straight nose and a broad mouth, and looked very steady. He smiled slowly at Liu Ziqi: "Liu Ziqi, is someone causing trouble for you?"

This warrior's words are full of energy, which means that his spiritual power is very strong.

Liu Ziqi's two heroes are blushing and have shy faces. It seems that her personal relationship with Yu Chijiu is extraordinary.

"You! Just care, Yuchi will help you out." Hua Quanhong laughed.

Liu Ziqi's face turned redder and he spat: "Don't be so stupid."

Yu Chijiu was obsessed with Liu Ziqi's expression. He smiled gently and said, "It's okay. As long as I'm here, no one will dare to bring trouble to you."

"Is it him?" Hua Quanhong dug into his ear canal and pointed at Chen Xuan's forehead.

Liu Ziqi looked at Chen Xuan with a complicated expression and said hesitantly: "This matter actually involves both of us."

"Then he's right." Hua Quanhong didn't even wait for Liu Ziqi to finish speaking. He directly drew out a sword blade and struck Chen Xuan with his long sword.

This Hua Quanhong had the cultivation level of the ninth level and second level of the divine king realm, and his long sword actually cut out a powerful sword energy that was more than five feet long.

After Chen Xuan saw the sword energy, his heart sank. He suddenly gathered a strong spiritual power and blasted out the sword. At the same time, his body quickly jumped to the left.

Chen Xuan's spiritual power was condensed, carrying a thousand catties of power, and clashed with Hua Quanhong's sword energy.

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