However, Chen gave the Mo family a way out and also saved the faces of the two families, so the Mo family had nothing to say.

The Li family elder of Luyu City suddenly sat down with a smile and said to the clan leader beside him: "Look, this Chen Xuan is not a brainless warrior."

The clan leader smiled slowly and helplessly: "Okay, okay, I know that you have a sharp eye and can judge people very accurately. The clan leader is willing to admit defeat."

After the end of the hall restaurant, all the practitioners who were about to enter the Black Cloud Cliff were kept, and the warriors who had nothing to do with the Black Cloud Cliff suddenly left.

Liu Hong said, "I'm keeping you here because the Black Cloud Cliff will start in two days, and the Black Cloud Cliff venue has been cleared. So all the practitioners who entered the Black Cloud Cliff, come back to Liu Hong's mansion with me."

"Tomorrow morning, we will all go to the Black Cloud Cliff for the competition. From now on, no one can leave without permission, and the location of the venue cannot be revealed."

"So serious." Chen Xuan's heart moved. It seems that the Black Cloud Cliff venue this time is very extraordinary.

In the morning, all the warriors who entered the Black Cloud Cliff boarded the "Black Cloud Cliff" together and drove out of Lu Yu City.

The Black Cloud Cliff is a huge Black Cloud Cliff that uses the power of the precious Mogu Jade Grass and spiritual power on the road. The Black Cloud Cliff has a high capacity for carrying people and goods. Generally, only large families have it and are used for freight.

The Black Cloud Cliff that Chen Xuan and others took belongs to the army and Liu Hong's family.

Everyone was the strongest for the first time to ride on the high-end tool of the Black Cloud Cliff. The next moment, the Black Cloud Cliff cabin and the stone palm were full of curious practitioners.

The first to sit on the throne were naturally the warriors of the Sun family, including the chief Sun and his three brothers.

The chief Sun looked around the warriors of the family and said in a deep voice: "The reason why I summoned everyone here this time is because I have something to tell everyone in advance."

"Oh. Nephew Wang, it's okay." The Mo family was very respectful.

The chief Sun smiled coldly and said: "Then I'll say it in advance. This time at Black Cloud Cliff, I will deal with Chen Ruo. Anyone who dares to stop me will be against our Sun family."

But since it has been put forward, it means that the chief Sun hopes that everyone can cooperate.

The warriors of the family looked at each other, but no one dared to refute.

The city lord of Luyu City, Clan Leader Mo, could not help but be curious and asked, "I don't know how nephew Wang is going to deal with Chen. Are you going to do it yourself?"

Clan Leader Sun said calmly, "The family has its own family rules. My Sun family attaches more importance to the rules. I will naturally not violate the rules to deal with the candidates."

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that I will not force everyone to do things that violate the rules of your family."

Hearing this, everyone slowed down. Even if they were afraid of the Sun family, they were unwilling to mess around under the pressure of the Sun family.

Clan Leader Sun said, "So my request is this, come and listen."

Everyone gathered together to conspire and listen to Clan Leader Sun's secret preparations. It is definitely that except for Clan Leader Sun's Sun family, the hearts of the warriors of the other families are more regretful.

There is no doubt that people love talents. This is nature. Everyone has set their sights on Chen Xuan.

It's all because Chen Xuan offended the wrong person. He shouldn't have offended the Sun family, which is in its heyday.

Chen Xuan, who didn't know the situation, was still practicing in his room.

He first sorted out all the skills and techniques he had learned during this period of time to make sure he knew what skills to use in what situations. This was very important.

The second step was to examine his demon soul sword energy cultivation.

"This promotion was a little too weird." Chen Xuan checked his cultivation at the peak of the God King realm, and there was a piece of confusion in his heart.

Not to mention that he had eaten so many spiritual herbs, even if he hadn't eaten any spiritual herbs, just learning all the powerful skills in his domain was enough to make him reach the peak of the third level of the God King realm.

But in fact, the spiritual herbs, plus two abnormal skills, still failed to reach the seventh level.

He felt the strength in his body, which was about to burst out, and now he was like a sleeping tiger. He said slowly to himself: "I think if I can successfully advance this time, it should be a big step forward." Then he kept comprehending the sword energy condensing gestures of the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique, thinking in his heart: "If I can enter a certain family this time, I should be able to find some ways to enhance my spiritual power." Chen Xuan didn't like these family skills. He wanted to enter the family because he wanted the secrets of the family's skills. Every family has its own hidden skills. These hidden skills are not just skills, but also herbal refining skills, weapon refining skills, and even some precious historical documents. Chen Xuan recalled that among those families, the Sun family had the longest history and should be the one with the most hidden skills, but it was obvious that the Sun clan leader would not let him enter the Sun family. Of the remaining families, Yunye Sect has the longest history, about sixty years. There are many secret manuals in the family, so the probability of finding a way to enhance spiritual power is the highest. "It's Yunye Sect." Chen Xuan made up his mind, especially since the elders of Li Jiagong in Luyu City treated him well. Joining Yunye Sect was the best choice. The days passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already the time when he was in the Black Cloud Cliff.

At this time, Chen Xuan and others entered a city from the city lord's palace. The black cloud cliff passed through the vast cave and gave a clear view of the things above.

All the cultivators have long been looking forward to it in Stone Palm, wanting to see where the city is this time. After all, Black Cloud Cliff is still not famous in the entire continent. The reason why it is called Black Rock World is actually because There is Black Cloud Cliff near Lu Yucheng.

"No way." Li De was startled. He pointed at the top and shouted, "Isn't that the highest peak of Heiyun Cliff?"

All the cultivators also exclaimed.

Going down from here, within a radius of dozens of miles, it is all within the range of the highest peak of Heiyun Cliff.

"Mine." Li De covered his mouth in fear, and his voice floated out from between his fingers: "We are going to attack Heiyun Cliff at the highest peak of Heiyun Cliff. Even if there are still a lot of treasures, but within this Warcraft, he "Erect a school"

The highest peak of Heiyun Cliff is the Warcraft Vertical Line. These cultivators of the God King realm are performing the rituals of Heiyun Cliff inside. It is very difficult for them to survive there.

Chen Xuan also showed a panicked look. He had also been in the city just now and knew the dangers inside it best.

This Black Cloud Cliff, since a cultivator of the God King realm comes in, there is a high probability that he will die inside.

"You're playing a little too much now." Not far away, Mo Jing's face also turned pale.

Heiyun Cliff landed just on the edge of the highest peak of Heiyun Cliff. It did not land on the ground, but was still some distance away from the ground. Moreover, it actually led directly to the remaining parts of Lu Yu City.

Looking from here, I can actually feel that the warriors of those families are waiting outside.

"They are here to keep a close eye on us," Chen Xuan said fearfully: "The patriarchs of those families arrived before us. So what's the point of our so-called secret plan?"

At this time, Liu Hongyi and several other family warriors had already come out.

Then Liu Hong said: "Yes, the location of Black Cloud Cliff this time is the highest peak of Black Cloud Cliff. In fact, the clan leaders can also keep a close eye on it, and he also just arrived before dawn."

"I understand." Chen Xuan suddenly realized: "We wandered around halfway for two days before we got down."

"Liu Hongyi didn't disclose in advance that the highest peak of Heiyun Cliff was the election venue because he was worried that the patriarchs of the family with strong cultivation would interfere in Heiyun Cliff and help his family members cheat."

Liu Hong nodded: "That's exactly it."

Chen Xuan showed a panicked look and said, "It finally started."

"Later, it's time to watch the show."

The next moment, the warriors from those families looked at each other, and each family took out something.

As soon as the crystal stone spirit appeared, all the cultivators almost stopped breathing in shock. Only they can control the infinite infuriating energy formation of the Crystal Stone Spirit.

Even Chen Xuan, who has super perceptive abilities, had a premonition that as soon as the five crystal stone spirits appeared, the highest peak of Heiyun Cliff became silent.

All the powerful monsters dormant at the entrance of Heiyun Cliff were silent.

The crystal stone spirit is a very powerful crystal stone, and it still has a very powerful infuriating energy, which can even be described as inexhaustible.

Immediately afterwards, Patriarch Sun, on behalf of the Sun family, sacrificed a weapon, which was an exquisite pagoda.

As soon as this tower appeared, the other family weapons were suppressed and dimmed in an instant.

Many cultivators exclaimed.

"Those family weapons are all ordinary crystal stone spirits. Sun's family weapons can still defeat one of them. They are definitely crystal stone spirits with powerful spiritual energy."

"That's right." Patriarch Sun said with a faint smile: "This is one of our family's greatest treasures.

All the young heroes had their eyes filled with envy.

"Sure enough, the Sun family is so tyrannical and easy-going, but they can actually produce a crystal stone spirit with powerful spiritual energy."

"If I am lucky enough to enter the Sun family, then my future will be bright."

"Haha, don't have such foolish dreams. The Sun family is a big family in Lu Yucheng, so why can we get in?" one of the family warriors said.

The cultivators spoke to each other, and their words were filled with incomparable longing for the Sun family.

The warriors from Sun's family were very helpful, and they all had aloof looks, especially the warriors from the Pantheon. His cultivation was already very tyrannical, and now he has confirmed his status through these warriors.

Liu Hongyi also laughed slowly and said: "Everyone has to work hard, but we must seize the opportunity."

At this time, the cultivators expressed their opinions one after another, vowing to use all their cultivation skills to win the favor of the family warriors.

"Okay." Liu Hong clapped his hands and said, "Enough chatting, let's start introducing the rules of entering the city, Heiyun Cliff, Sheng."

The city lord's palace rose again. At the same time, the warriors of those families looked at each other and threw their family's magic weapons into the air.

Six powerful weapons flew into the air at the same time and were released. Several green cultivators screamed again.

"It's the crystal stone spirit in the city."

"It turns out that the city is still so complicated."

Immediately afterwards, six crystal stone spirits floated in the air, and the Qingxuan scattered by these magical beasts fell directly into the highest peak of Heiyun Cliff. In the highest peak of Heiyun Cliff, a curved wave was condensed with Xuanmang. The song is long-lasting.

After many spiritual powers fell to the ground, they actually rose high, forming a mysterious wall that was ten meters high.

Now looking down from Heiyun Cliff, those mysterious walls suddenly looked as intricate as a maze.

"It seems like a lot of black cloud cliff stones." Chen Xuan pondered.

"That's right." Li De nodded and said slowly: "Throughout the ages, many cultivators have used their blood and lives to explore Black Cloud Cliff, and we have even found safe paths."

"Back then, my ancestors used zhenqi to burn Heiyun Cliff like this. Therefore, Heiyun Cliff here is already a place with some ancient traditions."

As one of the oldest cities in Heiyun Cliff, there are basically all monsters in the God King realm, ranging from the second level to the third level of the God King.

At the entrance of Heiyun Cliff in Heishan Cliff are the monsters that have reached the peak of the third level of Divine Lord cultivation, and at the entrance of Heiyun Cliff in Heishan Cliff is the habitat of the terrifying monsters in the God Emperor Realm, which is at the edge of the entrance of Heiyun Cliff in Heiyun Cliff.

Liu Hong pointed to a black cloud cliff above and said: "Each of you will be thrown to the black cloud cliff to be a prisoner."

"And what you have to do is to cross Heiyun Cliff as quickly as possible and reach the center of Heiyun Cliff." Li De continued.

Then, the practitioners who participated in the competition began to move towards the entrance of Heiyun Cliff. Many practitioners crowded together and looked down, staring at the terrifying shape of the highest peak of Heiyun Cliff being burned into. Both pupils were filled with shock.

After flying through the burning center, he actually arrived on top of a huge tree.

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