In this way, he dodged the third sword aura, encountered the second sword aura in the process of dodging, and was about to collide with the second sword aura.

But with such a short delay, Chen Xuan missed the second sword energy. He was almost hit by the claws of the second sword energy.

In his eyes, Chen Xuan collided with the second sword energy. But the slightest difference saved Chen Xuan once.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan jumped through the air again, this time dodging three sword qi, and came to the track of the seventh sword qi. The seventh sword qi was about to attack the tip of his nose. He followed closely, with a long The sword fell to the ground and bounced back with the force.

In his eyes, Chen Xuan's jump this time hit the six adjacent sword energies, but visually it looked like he had hit him, but in fact it was still a slight difference.

This scene is really shocking. Viewed from a distance, Liu Hong's sword energy covered the area and struck brutally in the shape of a ball. All the contestants looked at it with their naked eyes, and could only see patches of light and shadow passing by.

Chen Xuanteng's speed of turning and dodging was definitely slower than that of the sword aura, but he happened to shuttle back and forth among the countless rays of light and shadow, avoiding the rapid speed of the sword aura at a slow speed.

"No way."

The warriors on the two black cloud peaks took a breath of cold air. Then how precise calculations Chen Xuande used to achieve this level.

Although this description is an exaggeration, this is how Chen Xuan felt to all the contestants.

"This guy." The head of the Liu family held his arm tightly and shouted, "It's simply too scary. His method of evasion is like that of a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles. There is not enough comparison. You will never be able to do this without experience.”

Liu Jude had a cruel look on his face: "But this kind of rich experience can be called fighting, and it appears in the body of this guy Chen Xuan. Let me kill him."

One of the reasons why Chen Xuan can do this is because he is really suitable for practicing martial arts. He is a man born for martial arts.

The other benefited from his god level.

That is, the reaction, speed, and adaptability are all excellent.

Liu Hongyi was a little proud at first, but now, not only did he have no choice but to feel his chest burning. I just feel shocked.

Find out who is teasing whom.

"Stinky guy. You're showing off to me." Liu Hong was extremely angry. The profound energy in his body increased a little, and he continued to chop the sword, but this time, every sword energy he struck was bigger than the previous one.

The previous sword energy was only over three meters long, but this time the sword energy struck reached six meters. The direct improvement is very large.

"Oh no, Liu Hong panicked." Liu Jude frowned.

As expected, even though the coverage area of ​​the larger Meteor Spirit Sword Qi has been greatly increased, it means a longer charging time.

In order to avoid this kind of Meteor Spirit Sword Qi, Chen Xuan.

But don't forget, Chen Xuan's predicament has not improved or decreased, but Liu Hongyi's consumption of profound energy has been much faster than before. This is what Liu Jude is worried about.

Liu Hongyi was not a fool. He felt his profound strength draining away quickly and immediately realized this, so he quickly put away his sword.

The sword energy stopped attacking, Chen Xuan also settled down on his body, his chest rose and fell slightly, and his eyes were always fixed on Liu Hongyi.

Liu Hong gritted his teeth and cursed: "It really looks like a disturbing leopard, jumping up and down. It seems that there is nothing you can do if I just attack you with sword energy. How about giving this sword energy a try."

Then Liu Hong placed his long sword across the back of his body, followed closely by him, his body arched up, like a monster ready to pounce.

"Thunder Soul Dominant Body."

Then Liu Hong roared and attacked alone.

"It seems that Liu Hongyi finally understood that only close combat can maximize his advantages." Liu Jude nodded excitedly in praise.

The sword passed by. Liu Hong passed by Chen Xuan, and the sword edge slashed directly towards Chen Xuan's face. Chen Xuan made a quick backward movement. The backward movement was so large that his body almost attacked the ground behind him.

Liu Hongyi's second sword failed and he immediately turned around again. The third blow came faster than the first two, and Chen Xuan had not yet recovered. In the eyes of all the contestants, it was impossible for Chen Xuan to escape the third blow.

No matter what he did, Chen Xuan could not escape, but Chen Xuan did a move that all the contestants could not imagine. He grabbed his arm and directly used the force of the pull back to make him lie down for a moment.

The next moment Chen Xuan was lying on the ground, Liu Hongyi's sword just happened to scratch Chen Xuan's body.

"Did it." All the contestants felt their scalps numb as they watched. The scene was really thrilling.

As for the family patriarchs who were watching the battle, some expressed admiration for Chen Xuan, some also expressed appreciation for Chen Xuan, and some showed violent killing intent.

Chen Xuan straightened up and stood up from the ground, still holding the sword in his hand and looking cold.

"I can't believe it." The city lord of Lu Yucheng showed admiration on his face.

"We have been focusing on Chen Xuan before. He can actually change his body flexibly in mid-air to avoid Liu Hongyi's sword energy. This guy is really talented in fighting."

Beside the body, a clan leader answered: "This kind of skill in fighting is difficult to hone without going to Black Cloud Peak."

"Damn it." Liu Hongyi's sword energy failed, and he roared angrily: "Chen Xuan, you have the guts to confront me head-on."

Chen Xuan looked at Liu Hongyi coldly: "I won't fight you head-on." Liu Hongyi was so angry that he jumped up and down: "Thunder Soul Tyrant Body." Liu Hongyi used this martial art again. The speed of this martial art is super fast, and the most important thing is that he has extremely amazing turning flexibility when attacking. Even his sword blade is full of strong aura. If Chen Xuan is touched by it, he may be in danger. "But." Chen Xuan quickly condensed a sword energy: "I will help you." "What." All the contestants saw Chen Xuan's actions. "I didn't expect that he actually condensed two Suzaku divine powers. As long as this guy practices for a few more years..." Clan leader Liu suddenly said. All the contestants forgot a question. Liu Hongyi and Chen Xuan had been fighting for too long just now. Chen Xuan not only dragged it for four minutes, but even dragged it for several minutes now. "You." Liu Hongyi suddenly showed a look of shock. Chen Xuan landed a sword, followed closely by the power of Suzaku. Moreover, the two attacked each other, how much damage would both sides cause. Liu Hong's face became more and more surprised. Boom!

The two sides collided fiercely and attacked each other, but although Liu Hongyi's speed was super fast and his attack power was very strong, Chen Xuan also had some Fiery Xuan. Not only that, but he could not take advantage of Chen Xuan, and with the blessing of the power of the Vermillion Bird, the real collision relied on the destructive power.

The blade hit the long sword, and Liu Hongyi's long sword was immediately knocked away by Chen Xuan. And Liu Hongyi cruelly condensed the mysterious power to form a body shield.

The mysterious power shield condensed by ordinary warriors is only one layer thin, and Liu Hongyi benefited from the blessing of the God King realm, which made his defense far beyond ordinary people, but this could not withstand the power of the Vermillion Bird.

The Lioyuan Sword pushed against the defense, and Liu Hongyi kept running back. The body shield was first hit with cracks, and then it suddenly broke.

And Liu Hongyi condensed the shield and continued to resist. The second layer of the shield was broken again, and Liu Hongyi's third layer was just right. Chen Xuan pushed Liu Hongyi all the way, almost a hundred meters away. At the moment when the third layer of the body shield was shattered, Liu Hongyi slapped his arm fiercely, and a huge amount of mysterious power suddenly condensed into a stronger body shield.

And Chen Xuan's last half move, the fourth level of Suzaku Suzaku divine power also reached, and several meters of sword energy rushed up. Colliding with the body shield, the two fought against each other, the sword energy quickly shrank, and the body shield also weakened layer by layer.

Finally, when the body shield was consumed to a thin layer, it suddenly broke, and this sword directly chopped Liu Hongyi out, and pieces of blood were sprinkled in the air.

But it shocked all the contestants, and Liu Hongyi actually stood up again.

The defense of the God King is really not a joke. In this battle between the two sides, everyone can see that it was Chen Xuan's attack that defeated Liu Hongyi.

What a pity! Chen Xuan's sword was not enough to kill Liu Hongyi, and the power was a little bit worse. Because Chen Xuan's Suzaku Suzaku Suzaku divine power third level only raised several meters of sword energy. Liu Hongyi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and there was a cruel sword wound on his body.

Liu Hongyi laughed wildly: "The power of Suzaku is indeed powerful, and it can chop out stronger injuries, but you can't kill me."

Liu Hongyi laughed: "Come here, Chen Xuan, if you have the ability, kill me today."

He stuffed a piece of rejuvenation pill into his mouth, staring at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan frowned and thought to himself, Liu Hongyi is a bit troublesome. The power of Suzaku is stronger when it encounters a strong opponent, but now it is only against Liu Hongyi, and it is impossible to fully demonstrate the power of Suzaku. Now the mysterious power in the body can be used again. The fourth level of Suzaku's divine power, but it is still not enough to kill Liu Hongyi.

"Haha." Liu Hongyi clenched the hilt of the sword and said as he walked: "You can see that you can't kill me with a sword energy. This is your biggest problem."

"Chen Xuan, next time, I will make you lose your head."

Then Liu Hongyi made a move that surprised all the contestants. Thunder bursts from Liu Hongyi's fingers, and thick flames began to burn on his body. Until Liu Hongyi's face and face were red as blood, like an angry beast, all the contestants were shocked.

"Thunder Destruction." Chen Xuan silently chanted this word.

The mysterious power in Liu Hongyi's body became more violent. Liu Hongyi, who had entered a frenzy state, slapped his arms directly, condensed a thick defensive mysterious power around his body, and then attacked Chen Xuan.

"It seems not enough." He raised his hand and chopped down with a sword, but it brushed past Liu Hongyi's mysterious power.

"It deviated." Liu Jude frowned and said, "This sword deviated a little too much."

"Thunder Soul Tyrant Body." Liu Hongyi's speed was greatly improved, and he arrived around Chen Xuan's body in an instant.

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