"Chen Xuan, don't move." The leader of the city lord's family hurriedly held Chen Xuan down.

The leader of the city lord's family gritted his teeth, with a look of determination in his pupils. He raised his sword and rushed forward, shouting: "Liu Jude, I challenge you."

"You want to buy time for Chen Xuan. Unfortunately, you are not qualified." Liu Jude had no intention of paying attention to the leader of the city lord's family and walked towards Chen Xuan.

Later, the disciples of the Li family also rushed over, but compared to the previous fight, the cultivation of the leader of the city lord's family and the disciples of the Li family were too ordinary.

Liu Jude directly slashed with a halberd, and easily swept away the leader of the city lord's family.

The leader of the city lord's family scraped the ground and rolled several times, stopping twice without success. Finally, until the attacking profound energy disappeared, he stood up panting again with the Yunye Spear Skill.

Liu Jude: "Give up, you are no match for me at all."

"Stop talking nonsense." The leader of the city lord's family gritted his teeth and shouted, "Go to hell."

His killing halberd was trapped, and he rushed towards Liu Jude with powerful force. This was the thunder shadow phantom that Chen Xuan had given to the leader of the city lord's family before, which could increase his defense and attack power.

Liu Jude raised his giant halberd and used the front of the giant halberd to resist the killing halberd of the leader of the city lord's family.

When the killing halberd struck the giant halberd, the profound energy of the leader of the city lord's family fell apart first and was ejected.

Liu Jude charged forward, and his huge palm was directly pressed into the belly of the leader of the city lord's family, killing him.

The leader of the city lord's family spit out a mouthful of blood, turned several somersaults in the air, and after landing, wiped the ground and retreated far away.

Chen Xuan was still condensing Xuan at this moment, so he couldn't rush to attack Liu Jude, otherwise, the earth Xuan power he had just condensed would be dissipated.

"Recover well." The leader of the City Lord's family pressed Chen Xuan's chest and said firmly: "Don't let City Lord Lu's efforts go in vain."

"By the way, I still have some of the spiritual herbs you gave us before. Eat them quickly."

The leader of the city lord's family did not have a storage ring, so the things he brought were very limited. He took out a pack of rejuvenation grass from his sleeve and fed it to Chen Xuan.

The effect of the soul refining pill is still continuing. The surging and long-lasting effect repairs Chen Xuan's injuries and at the same time restores his profound strength and soul power.

The two restorative medicinal properties made Chen Xuan's current situation begin to improve rapidly.

"Are you still fighting?" Liu Jude held the giant halberd and looked at the leader of the city lord's family from a distance.

"Fight. Why not fight." The leader of the city lord's family struggled to stand up, blood pouring out of his mouth, flowing down his chin and all over his face.

Liu Jude's body hit the ground and he charged forward with an attack.

The leader of the city lord's family hurriedly activated the killing halberd: "Yunye Spear Technique."

Xuan Li formed a powerful protective shield surrounding Yun Ye's spear technique.

But Liu Jude shattered the defense with a simple collision. Xuan hit the chest of the leader of the city lord's family with his sword, knocking the leader of the city lord's family away.

All the contestants' eyes followed the leader of the city lord's family, watching him being kicked up, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then falling down again.

This can't be called a competition at all. Instead, they were crushed together.

"Are you still fighting?" Liu Jude looked at the leader of the city lord's family lying motionless on the ground and said: "Chief of the city lord's family, we grew up playing games before. However, I can give you a life, but if you If you keep trying, you will eventually die."

"The leader of the city lord's family got up from the ground." He wiped the blood from his face and said, "Continue."

"I saw it." Liu Jude nodded excitedly, and with a sword, the leader of the city lord's family showed a surprised look, and punched the leader of the city lord's family in the stomach.

The leader of the city lord's family hurriedly used his killing halberd to defend.

Liu Jude's punch not only smashed away the Yunye Spear of the leader of the city lord's family, but also broke the arm bone of the leader of the city lord's family in half.

The leader of the city lord's family suffered heavy injuries. Without the protection of his profound energy, he rolled several times on the ground. His skin was bruised and bruised, and his whole body was covered in blood.

"That's enough." Chen Xuan stood up and shouted: "Liu Jude, fight me."

This time, no matter how hard the leader of the city lord's family struggled, he could never get up again. He was too seriously injured.

But after this back and forth, the leader of the city lord's family also bought a few precious minutes for Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and flicked the long sword in his hand. The long sword kept making noises.

Liu Jude whispered excitedly: "City Lord Lu used his life to buy you a few minutes."

"But I am not Liu Hongyi or Chen Xuan. I will show my true cultivation."

Afterwards, Liu Jude's body trembled violently, and his profound energy was as turbulent as boiling water.

"That was thunder shock." All the contestants were shocked.

"It's broken." The leader of the city lord's family closed his eyes tightly and his chest was filled with fear.

Mysterious power and thunder shock are not on the same level. Only by entering the third level of the divine king realm can one master the thunder shock.

Although Liu Jude's profound power has not been completely transformed into thunderous shock, it is not something Chen Xuan can contend with.

All the contestants had no doubt that even if Chen Xuan was at his peak at this time, he would never be Liu Jude's opponent.

Chen Xuan looked cruel, he had never underestimated Liu Jude, and he was blasted out with the power of a Suzaku.

Chen Xuan turned into a phantom and faced Liu Jude with the blade of the prairie fire sword.

Liu Jude, who showed his true cultivation, was not afraid and actually chose to collide head-on with Chen Xuan.

"Biyun Halberd Technique." Liu Jude roared, grabbed the giant halberd, and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's Suzaku power was sharp, and it was obviously more than one level higher than Liu Jude's Green Cloud Halberd method.

But Liu Jude's thunder concussion is more than one level higher than Chen Xuan's profound power. Now, Chen Xuan is still in the realm of a god king. Although he has condensed the god king, he has not been able to master the thunder concussion.

The two men met halfway with swords and halberds, and Shen attacked together.

The violent and turbulent aura swept across all directions, and people fought with swords and halberds, and they were evenly matched.

Chen Xuan's flames were roaring, desperately trying to shake Liu Jude.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan's second half of the Zhuque move was the third level of Zhuque's divine power. The sword blade was lifted up, and a huge sword energy flew up.

Liu Jude's body trembled violently, and the giant halberd was taken out high under the shock of thunder, and then crashed down again.


The swords and halberds resisted, and both Chen Xuan and Liu Jude were knocked back. Both of them stepped on the ground and ran back more than a meter.

All the contestants were incredible.

Chen Xuan was so powerful that Zhu Quezhi was only on a par with Liu Jude.

You know, even though Liu Hong tried his best after taking two golden elixirs, he could not withstand Chen Xuan's Suzaku power and was almost killed.

The gap between Xuanli and Thunder Shock is actually so huge.

At this time, Chen Xuan finally recovered his Xuanli, but almost half of it was consumed by a Suzaku attack.

Chen Xuan was injured more than ever. He held the arm tightly and raised the blade, preparing to attack again.

Liu Jude casually shook his body and said: "You know, the Green Cloud Halberd Technique is just a very ordinary martial skill. However, my Green Cloud Halberd Technique restrains all attribute mysterious forces. Your Suzaku Power is here for me." Invalid."

These words made the hearts of those watching the battle sink again.

But Chen Xuan said slowly with relief: "I have seen the power of your thunderous shock. If so, Suzaku Feather will probably be helpless against you."

Liu Jude laughed like a bell: "The Suzaku Feather is very strong, and it can still hurt my body to some extent."

Chen Xuan nodded lightly and excitedly: "In that case, it's time for me to take it out."

All the contestants heard this and felt that what happened today was beyond their understanding.

Special skills. Chen Xuan had used so many intimidating martial arts before, weren't they powerful martial arts? How many tricks does this Chen Xuan hide?

When Liu Jude heard about Chen Xuan, he also felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He knew very well that Chen Xuan was by no means a talker. Being able to master the Suzaku Feather was enough to show how talented Chen Xuan was in the fire profound power.

I saw a sword energy condensed on Chen Xuan's sword blade, and his body bounced against the sword several times.

Immediately afterwards, a finger on his arm was suddenly entangled with a layer of fire profound energy.

"What is he doing?" All the contestants were panicking.

A stunned person watched Chen Xuan's arms make various weird moves.

"Concentrate profound strength." During the martial arts competition, Li Lingwei's eyes widened and he shouted in disbelief.

Condensing Xuan is a very ancient method. Only people of Li Lingwei's age and experience have heard of it. Even Patriarch Liu is confused.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's arms moved together, and finally the middle fingers of his body came together, and a sword energy fell down.

Suzaku's divine power, the artistic conception of fire.

At this moment, Liu Jude had noticed a very big crisis before he could see anything, and it enveloped him.

He didn't know where this kind of crisis came from, but as a warrior, he had a keen sense of danger. He immediately raised the giant halberd high and lay it flat on his head to defend himself.

At this moment, his thunderous shock exploded. The giant halberd began to shake.

That is to say, when Chen Xuan's sword energy fell to the bottom, a raging fire fell without any warning.

The fierce fire hit the giant halberd directly and killed me.

Liu Jude didn't even grunt before he was hit by the terrifying and lethal force on the spot.

On the black rock, Liu Jude’s people were no longer visible. Only the giant halberd lay flat and sunk three feet into the ground.

There were no words left, not even exclamations.

It was surprisingly quiet in Black Cloud Peak.

"I didn't plan to use this trick casually." Chen Xuan let out a sigh of relief.

The profound energy he generated was only enough to activate the Raging Fire Concept twice. The reason why he did not choose the stronger Bird King was because the consumption of the Bird King was three times that of the Raging Fire Concept.

Chen Xuan really didn't want to use the power of Suzaku unless he had to, because all warriors knew that the more of his trump cards he showed, the less he could use to save his life.

Now all the contestants have seen the artistic conception of raging fire, and they will also be on guard against this sword energy.

But this artistic conception of raging fire should be enough to deal with Liu Jude.

But the ground behind him shook, and immediately after, Liu Jude's body jumped out.


After Liu Jude landed, the ground actually shook.

He's so heavy.

All the contestants looked towards Liu Jude hurriedly, and someone suddenly shouted: "Look, Liu Jude seems to have grown bigger."

Chen Xuan also discovered that Liu Jude's aura was at its peak. And the body is much stronger than before.

This is what happened.

A thick layer of thunderous shock surrounded Liu Jude's body. Liu Jude wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "To be honest, I really couldn't have imagined your sword energy."

"But my trump card is not just Thunder Shock, but my martial art, Thunder Destruction."

"Death." Liu Jude stretched out a finger: "It's just the second realm."

Chen Xuan frowned deeply. It seemed that Thunder Breaking was a martial skill that could make Liu Jude's cultivation explode. It was not just a simple explosion, but his body became extremely thick.

"Chen Xuan, do it again." Liu Jude picked up the giant halberd and flew towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's pupils moved, and his arms quickly condensed. Liu Jude raised the giant halberd again.

The fierce fire hit the giant halberd, and the flying Liu Jude was ejected directly from the ground. The halberd flew away from his hand, and his whole body's dantian made an overwhelming loud noise.

Liu Jude's body fell to the ground and he spat out a stream of blood. But Liu Jude could not suffer fatal injuries, and he stood up again.

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