Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2773 Second Level of God King Realm

Suddenly, the Dantian that was originally connected to his body flew away.

"It's done, the second level of the God King Realm!"

When Chen Xuan saw this, he was also secretly happy. Otherwise, the spirit body could only be manifested by being connected, which would be no different from the children of the Liu family. Moreover, in the same realm, the power of the Suzaku was not as powerful as the children of the Liu family. Strong.

Because Dantian is just the power manifested by the spirit body.

The body-protecting profound energy is originally material, and the Dantian is transformed from the invisible material to the outside world with great difficulty. However, once it reaches the second level of the divine king realm, the power of the Suzaku transforms.

Of course, this is all for later. Now Chen Xuan has just entered the second level of the God King Realm. There is no way to reach the Suzaku Thousand Miles, nor can he reach the Suzaku at the same time.

"Give me the energy to start a prairie fire."

Chen Xuan thought even more, and the Dantian penetrated into his space ring, and then followed closely, and penetrated into the Zheng of his sword blade.

As soon as he entered, he saw that there was invisible black energy blocking the sword body. But in fact, it was carved in the body of the sword. Chen Xuan thought again, and the long sword was immediately controlled by his spiritual power. It emerged from the space ring like a flexible spiritual snake and kept going back and forth in mid-air. Hack and slash.

"Haha, my power of the Suzaku has finally come into play. Only now can Chen Xuan truly use the power of the Suzaku." Although Chen Xuan closed his eyes, his eyes seemed to be growing on the sword body. Through this long sword, , he can see various scenes outside.

Suzaku's spiritual power is hidden in the sword body. You can see various scenes outside through the sword body. Otherwise, Suzaku would not be able to kill people from thousands of miles away. Moreover, this kind of sword cannot be an ordinary sword or ordinary weapon. Suzaku's spiritual power cannot enter the sword body. Only Chen Xuan's blade can do this.

Chen Xuan moved his blade in his mind, and suddenly got out of the door: "I can't be too far away from my body now, but I can still stay nearby.

But the spirit body controlled the Suzaku Sword Qi to go out and hang out.

"This Suzaku Soul martial skill is my strongest martial skill." He said to a tree.

Chen Xuan was a little helpless. He didn't know what Li Qingchuan wanted to do. He saw Li Qingchuan slowly pulling out the sword.

Chen Xuan secretly watched from the side. Thinking of the situation outside Black Cloud Peak, he was afraid that Li Qingchuan did not expect that he would be rescued by Chen Xuan and others on the way.

"It's interesting." Chen Xuan continued to watch.

After a while, Li Qingchuan suddenly walked in, looked at Chen Xuan and said: "Chen Xuan, in order to repay you, I want to give you one of our Li family's cultivation techniques."

"This Li family's mental method is the foundation of all cultivation." Li Qingchuan said.

"What's your family's mindset?" Chen Xuan looked curious.

He didn't expect that Li Qingchuan, talking to himself in front of the trees, actually wanted to give this martial skill to him.

At this moment, they seemed to have finished imparting the mental skills. Li Qingchuan continued: "This set of martial arts training is the basic martial arts training for our Li family. Although it may not be as profound as the martial arts of Pantheon, our Li family My martial arts skills will definitely help you. This martial arts skill can help you condense your blood energy."

Three days later, Chen Xuan left the cave. This time he was going to see if anyone from the Li family had discovered him. However, by chance, Chen Xuan met two Liu family warriors halfway.

"Where are you going?" The two Liu family warriors noticed Chen Xuan and suddenly showed strong murderous intent.

"I didn't expect that you, the children of the Liu family, would actually collude with the Li family. If it were known, you would probably have your entire sect wiped out." Chen Xuan said slowly.

"Okay, okay, son, you are arrogant enough."

"Brother, please be careful. This guy has mastered the power of Suzaku Feather. Don't be touched by his flames."

"I didn't expect that he actually knew this! But you two, don't forget that the Suzaku Feather is just a means, and it still relies on upright cultivation." Chen Xuandao.

"If you die, no one will know." A Liu family warrior said.

The Liu family warrior and the two warriors all had cruel expressions on their faces.

Then one of the black-robed warriors among them suddenly condensed his body-protecting mystical energy. It was obvious that he had also entered the state of drying his body, while the other one held the sword blade with his hand, and four sword energy appeared in front of him. This person is actually a demon soul cultivator, and his profound strength has reached the second level of the God King Realm.


The squat warrior's body was spread out, holding a black gold halberd. He was holding a large black gold halberd. Mysterious energy surged around his body, and he killed Chen Xuan and Li Qingchuan with each step.


The other disciple of the Liu family, who was wearing a black robe and also using body-protecting mysterious energy, quickly attacked Chen Xuan.

"Go, look at my Suzaku sword energy and die."

The soul mark of the other demon soul cultivator's palm changed and he quickly gathered a sword energy. He was immediately enveloped by the mysterious force. The second peak sword energy surrounding him turned into a fierce sword energy and killed him. come over.

Several warriors took action together. Although they had suffered some injuries due to the explosion of the Suzaku Feather, now in a frenzy, he used all the power he wanted to use to kill Chen Xuan and the others.

Two Liu family disciples rushed towards them and killed them. Among them, there was even a warrior cultivating a demon soul.

"Soul skill! Activate."

The demon soul cultivator backed away a lot and used his sword energy from afar to kill Chen Xuan.

Of course, the second level of the God King realm has not reached the state of great perfection, so it is actually not possible to kill the thousand-mile Suzaku. Moreover, the farther the distance, the power of the Suzaku sword energy will decrease. These factors will affect the power of the sword energy.

It can be seen that they really fight together a lot on weekdays, and they cooperate well.

"Let me see your cultivation."

Watching these warriors coming to kill, Chen Xuan stood there with his hands behind his back. He was motionless and just spoke lightly.

Chen Xuan didn't need to use all his strength for these people. Their cultivation was still only at the God King realm. Even if the body reached the dry body, it was also due to the Suzaku soul.

"Chen Xuan."

Li Qingchuan responded, without much nonsense, he flashed out in a white shadow, and even did not use the body protection aura, and rushed forward. Suddenly, the two attacking warriors were knocked out.

In addition to him, there were also those who used iron hooks, and they were all knocked out by Li Qingchuan. The moment they flew out, the body protection aura was all broken.


Both of them were shocked.

When Li Qingchuan defeated the two warriors. The second peak Suzaku sword energy of the demon soul warrior who seemed to be going to kill Li Qingchuan before actually condensed in mid-air and killed Chen Xuan at this moment.

"This is bad, Chen Xuanxin." Li Qingchuan's face became more and more surprised.

He didn't expect that the demon soul practitioner changed the Suzaku sword energy so quickly, and suddenly and abruptly condensed to kill Chen Xuan.

He also wanted to rescue here, but he had no choice. The Suzaku sword energy came very quickly and attacked Chen Xuan from tricky directions. As for Chen Xuan, he used the second peak Suzaku sword energy in his backhand.

Of course, facing the attack of this second peak sword energy, Chen Xuan was not afraid at all. He gathered the power of the demon soul in his body and showed it. Chen Xuan slowly gathered the power in his body and looked at four directions.

Among them, the underground.

Chen Xuan used a defensive sword technique of Suzaku.


The fifth level of the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique focuses on defense. In an instant, all of these sword energies were knocked away by Chen Xuan.

Of course, at the moment of knocking away, the demon soul practitioner on the other side trembled all over. He used the demon soul's possession technique. Although the sword energy can change direction in mid-air, his body will also be affected after being attacked.

"Get up for me." As soon as he uttered the formula, the sword energy seemed to be pulled by some force, and then killed Chen Xuan again

The Vermillion Bird's mysterious force flow condensed the sword body, transformed into an illusory firelight, and killed Chen Xuan.

One of them attacked from the ground, and the other actually drilled into the ground in an instant, and then drilled out from the ground to kill Chen Xuan.

But this method was of no use to Chen Xuan. He condensed the sword light and exerted a Vermillion Bird sword energy, which slapped on the long sword, and immediately made the demon soul practitioner tremble again.

"Die for me!"


Chen Xuan slashed even more vigorously. The sword body of the sword trembled cruelly, the sword formation inside was completely disordered, and the energy inside was also broken by him.

His demon soul technique uses consciousness to control the blade, but there are also some of his thoughts in the blade.

"Impossible." The demon soul practitioner on the opposite side spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You die."

Moreover, at this moment, Chen Xuan had already used the Vermillion Bird, with a trace of fire under his feet, his body blazing with swords, and the whole person turned into a phantom to kill the demon soul practitioner.

"Don't even think about getting close to me."

The demon soul warrior was also shocked.

I saw another sword energy coming out, and with a flash of light, the second peak sword energy merged again and flew up, and then from all angles, it continued to kill Chen Xuan who was rushing towards him.

But it was completely useless. Chen Xuan moved very fast. While constantly approaching the demon soul warrior, the long sword in his hand was also gathering, blocking all his sword energy.

"This is bad."

In a very short time, the demon soul warrior urged the sword energy to continuously attack Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan's body was condensed with flames, blocking all his attacks. At this moment, he was even closer to the demon soul warrior. As Chen Xuan approached, the demon soul warrior was terrified and retreated, but his retreat speed was slower than Chen Xuan's approach.


Finally, Chen Xuan's body's mysterious power suddenly gathered, and he killed the demon soul warrior in succession, cutting him into several pieces. And at the moment of his death.

"Impossible. You, a second-level God King, can actually kill me." In the end, the demon soul practitioner could only die unwillingly.

Chen Xuan sneered and did not answer him. Now Chen Xuan and Li Qingchuan also temporarily joined forces. While Li Qingchuan attacked and killed the two Liu family members, the demon soul warrior attacked Chen Xuan but was instantly counterattacked by Chen Xuan. All this happened in just a moment.

"What? Chen Xuan is so fast." Li Qingchuan was also shocked when he saw this: "He killed this demon soul cultivator in an instant! This is a demon soul cultivator! It's so easy to get close to him. Isn't Chen Xuan just at the second level of the Divine King realm!" "A mediocre demon soul cultivator with some mediocre Suzaku techniques." Seeing Li Qingchuan's reaction, Chen Xuan just said lightly: "Do you think you can deal with me? It's just a show of skill in front of an expert. Qingchuan, take a look at how to punish this person!" Chen Xuan looked at the completely stunned Li family disciple.

He originally thought he was going to kill him, but he didn't expect that the warriors around Chen Xuan were also very strong. Moreover, Chen Xuan, who was clearly only at the second level of the God King realm, could actually kill him in such a short time. Kill a demon soul cultivator!

"This is terrible."

He instantly used his body-protecting profound energy and wanted to escape. Seeing this, Chen Xuan also smiled coldly: "Kill."

Of course, Chen Xuan simply said two words at this time. With a brother like Li Qingchuan by your side, you don't need to do some things yourself.

It's just that the demon soul cultivator just now dared to attack him with sword energy. Chen Xuan got excited and rushed over to kill him.

The next moment, the body came in front of the Li family disciple and blocked the Li family disciple's path. With a casual palm, without using the body's protective Xuan Qi, it slapped the Li family disciple's defensive Xuan Qi into pieces.

"We know we were wrong, don't kill me." They kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"What to do? Of course, die."

Chen Xuan, however, had a stern and unmoving expression, without any nonsense. With a flick of his hand, the black energy flowed into the sword body, and with two backhand swords, he cut off the heads of the two disciples of the Liu family who had supported him a lot and killed them. Blood spurted out and splashed on the ground: "Return. This is what you will get if you dare to take advantage of me."

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