At this moment, after Chen Xuan saw some martial arts in the secret room, he found a black spirit body emitting true energy.

"Is that the demon soul spirit body?"

Wang Lun looked over: "It seems so."

Chen Xuan's eyes also had a trace of true energy. He looked at the demon soul spirit body, closed his eyes and felt it for a while, then opened them again: "It seems to be true. The city lord made these body-destroying formations. In addition to supplying various body-destroying formations, a lot of spiritual energy is all used to nourish the demon soul spirit body."

Chen Xuan walked directly to the demon soul spirit body.

When Chen Xuan and Wang Lun just walked there, a layer of true energy flashed again, and a human figure appeared again, which was obviously the figure of the former city lord.

"Demon soul spirit body. The real blood demon soul handed down from ancient times."

The shadow of the former city lord continued: "The demon soul spirit body absorbs the true energy in my body-destroying formation. It will take several years before it can condense into a demon soul."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember, keep the demon soul spirit body in this place and keep condensing it until the soul is out. Otherwise, the demon soul spirit body will wait for the soul to be born, and it can condense the true energy of the cultivator and break through to the next realm. Moreover, it can also allow itself to have the blood of ancient demon beasts." The shadow of the former city lord continued. This shadow was left by him.

"Chen Xuan actually has to wait for several years." Wang Lun suddenly said.

Wang Lun suddenly said in a daze: "And we have to wait here? What should we do, Chen Xuan?"

However, Chen Xuan showed a surprised expression and said: "I don't have so much time to waste here, I have to wait for a few years."

Then, Wang Lun was suddenly surprised to see that Chen Xuan did not know what martial arts he performed, and then a lot of true qi from the secret room of the former city lord suddenly flew over and turned into true qi and continued to flow in

Soon, the color of the demon soul body gradually turned black.

Wang Lun looked shocked: "It seems that he needs to control his soul to come out. What kind of martial arts is this? I didn't expect that Chen Xuan's demon soul is so powerful?"

But I never thought that the former city lord would need a few years to control his soul. Wang Lun was already at a loss.

Then it actually wanted to fly away directly.

"Demon soul body, where to go."

Of course, Chen Xuan attacked with a sword. At the same time, he controlled the crystal core, and the true qi of the body-destroying formation also attacked, like a powerful hand, covering the demon soul body: "You only have this one choice, be absorbed by me." Chen Xuan said directly.

The demon soul suddenly floated: "I am a noble ancient demon soul, don't even think about it!"

The demon soul is the soul of an ancient demon beast, it has already been born with intelligence. At this moment, it also exudes a powerful demon soul aura, making the entire secret room of the former city lord full of black aura.

"What a powerful true qi barrier, is it the power of this demon soul?"

Wang Lun felt the erosion of the true qi barrier, and his face was shocked. He quickly used his true qi to resist: "It is worthy of being a demon soul. Just now, the soul control was able to exert such a powerful true qi. It is really too powerful."

Under the pressure of the body-destroying formation, these black true qi did not help it break free and escape. After all, this demon soul had just come out of the soul control, and its true qi was actually very weak. If you wait for the demon soul to fully form consciousness, you can turn it into an ancient demon soul.

The demon soul can not only improve the demon soul's cultivation, but also use the true qi in the demon soul.

But the demon soul was still under Chen Xuan's control.

"If you don't submit to me, you will die."

Chen Xuan once again sent out a stream of Suzaku sword energy: "Come on."

Wang Lun had no idea what martial arts Chen Xuan was performing. He could only watch Chen Xuan use his true energy to hit the demon soul. The demon soul suddenly floated up again and again, but couldn't break free or escape.

Wang Lun saw the demon soul float up again, and the black shadow was reflected on the wall. This time the floating was not like before, and then. Chen Xuan released the restraint on it, and saw that the demon soul floated around Chen Xuan in an instant, and was suddenly absorbed into Chen Xuan's body.

"Chen Xuan, what is this?"

Wang Lun's eyes floated and said: "So, it succeeded?"

"Yes, it worked."

Chen Xuan was surprised for a moment and said: "Now this demon soul has laid taboos in the depths of my soul."

"But the former city lord didn't?"

Chen Xuan knew what Wang Lun was thinking, so: "For him, it will take many years. But for me, I naturally have a way."

He looked at the crystal core and some martial arts in the secret room of the former city lord again.

"Put all these things away, we are ready to leave." Then, his Vermillion Bird power began to condense these things and put them into the storage ring.

After all, there are too many here.

So at the beginning, they could only put them in a few storage rings.

"Hmm? How can this be such a good space ring?"

When collecting things, Chen Xuan found something that made him a little interested: "Just put all these things in one ring."

Chen Xuan was not interested in looking at what martial arts were left in the secret room of the former city lord. This ring was still practical. Chen Xuan said: "Don't leave any martial arts for Hua Meng and others."

"Chen Xuan." Wang Lun suddenly said.

Soon all the crystal cores, weapons and martial arts in the secret room of the former city lord were all collected by Chen Xuan in the storage ring.

While Chen Xuan was looting martial arts.

Hua Meng, the Cao family, the Liu family and others were still in front of the formation spirit formation.

"Elder Liu, how come you haven't been able to break through this body-destroying spiritual formation for so long?" Elder Liu of the Liu family studied the formation with a serious look on his face. Behind him, Hua Meng, Cao family and other warriors began to stand impatiently.

"This formation is an ancient body-destroying formation."

Elder Liu's expression was not good-looking: "Isn't the body-destroying formation left by the previous city lord extraordinary? How about you come and destroy this body-destroying spiritual formation?"

I heard Elder Liu say this.

None of the disciples from other families are any good. They really have no way to deal with this body-destroying spiritual formation. Elder Liu has at least broken through it quite a few steps.

"I never imagined that it would take us, Elder Liu, so long to complete this body-destroying spiritual formation."

"After all, it is the body-destroying formation left by the previous city lord. How can it be simple?"

"Don't make any noise, don't disturb the sect master's breaking of the formation."

"By the way, how's that bastard Chen Xuan doing?"

"He must not have been able to get in. Even our sect master has not been able to break the body-destroying formation for so long? He is a useless Yunye Sect warrior and is probably at his wits' end. I estimate that he may have quit in despair now. "

Because of Chen Xuan, no conflict broke out between these three families before. At first, because they felt that Chen Xuan must not be able to break the formation to get in, they were all planning to wait for Elder Liu to break the formation. You must take the first step to seize the opportunity.

Just as they were discussing in low voices, a surge of true energy enchantment surged through the entire huge secret room, causing everyone's expressions to change.

“How could this happen?”

"Why is there a sudden energy barrier?"

"what happened?"

"This is the breath of the demon soul. It is the enchantment of true energy released by the demon soul." Elder Liu's expression changed drastically. He could actually feel the breath of the demon soul.

"what happened."

The Cao family was also in disbelief: "How could the aura of the demon soul suddenly be transmitted? It's not true. All of us are helpless. How could that bastard Chen Xuan have already gone in and got the demon soul? This is definitely not true. "

He asked and answered himself and rejected his guess: "It's not true."

Hua Meng also said to him: "How can such a difficult body-destroying formation be easily broken? How can a bastard like Chen Xuan be able to defeat Elder Liu? This is absolutely not true. The demon soul will never fall into This demon soul in his hand.”

He also objected repeatedly, not wanting to admit that he was unwilling to accept the fact that Chen Xuan had won the demon soul and gained martial arts.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's laughter resounded in the secret training room: "The demon soul has come into my hands. All the martial arts skills in the former city lord's secret room are now in my hands. I'm sorry, everyone, I made your trip in vain this time." ”

Came his triumphant laugh.


"How could this bastard really take away all the martial arts and treasures?"

"how so?"

"This body-destroying spiritual formation is so difficult, how did he break it?"

"That's not true."

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Hua Meng, the Liu family, and the Cao family were all stunned on the spot, unable to believe what they heard.

Chen Xuan indeed said this loudly on purpose. He wanted to let the disciples of the Liu family know that he had taken away all his martial arts skills. But they were powerless to let them know who was not worthy of fighting with whom. Although this behavior was a bit childish, he was also a god king in his previous life and did not pay attention to these warriors at all, so for him to do this There is nothing wrong with doing it.

"This bastard must be lying."

"He wanted to trick us into thinking that he had taken everything away and then we would leave."

"Yes, this bastard must have lied to us."

However, where they could see through the pressure barrier between the body-destroying formations, and passing by a secret room, the figures of Chen Xuan and Wang Lun had appeared.

A red line appeared on Chen Xuan's body. However, this time everyone came for the demon soul. Several warriors saw it. This was clearly the appearance of the demon soul recorded in classical books.

"It's Chen Xuan."

"It's that bastard."

"The demon soul, demon soul, actually fell into his hands."

"Isn't it true that all the martial arts skills in the secret room of the former city lord were taken away by him? Isn't it true that the body-destroying spiritual formation is so difficult? How could he break it so quickly and enter the secret room to obtain the martial arts skills?"

"That's simply not true."

Seeing the figures of Chen Xuan and Wang Lun appearing, the disciples of these three families were in disbelief. Several warriors suddenly couldn't help but screamed.

"Not true? I never tell lies."

Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were in a secret room. He stood looking through the pressure barrier of the body-destroying array at the Cao family, Elder Liu, and Hua Meng. He glanced at their expressions and looked at them all coldly: "I After this, everything is mine.”

"We can't let this bastard get away."

"Quick, stop him."

"Kill him and take all his martial arts skills."

Seeing what Chen Xuan said, the disciples of the Liu family were stunned and several martial artists suddenly screamed and wanted to rush over and snatch the martial arts skills from Chen Xuan.

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