Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2784 The old trick repeats itself

After killing these disciples, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun killed them everywhere again. Wang Lun was responsible for taking action, while Chen Xuan was responsible for ending their lives.

Elder Liu and the Cao family were also angry. They also tried to attack to break the barrier, but they only suffered a series of shocks and could not be broken at all in a short period of time. They could only watch as Chen Xuan and Wang Lun slaughtered the disciples and warriors one by one.

"Elder, save us."

"Elder, save me."

At first it was a cry for help. But then it gradually turned into a cry for mercy.

"Forgive me."

"Chen Xuan, please spare your life. We know we were wrong. We were wrong. We shouldn't have spoken ill of Empress Shuxian. It was Hua Meng who let us."

"We were wrong. Please spare your life, Chen Xuan."

As most of the Liu family's disciples were killed, their elders and elders were unable to save them, and the remaining ones had lost their courage. Before Chen Xuan could kill them in order, one of them had already knelt down on the ground and kowtowed.

Because except for Elder Liu, the Cao family, Hua Meng and others in the area were killed by Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, there was no way to resist. The Cao family is considered a pretty powerful disciple.

However, these powerful Liu family warriors were also killed by Chen Xuan. They resisted twice, but they still could not escape and died.

Chen Xuan's mastery in controlling the body-destroying formation far exceeded their imagination. This body-destroying formation suddenly separated them into different secret rooms.

Who would have known that the body-destroying formation in the former city lord's secret room could actually be controlled by Chen Xuan.

When they abused Chen Xuan before, they never thought that they would be in the situation in a blink of an eye.

They were outnumbered and had many powerful warriors. The three families cursed Chen Xuan in unison, but Chen Xuan attacked so quickly that they could not react.

Seeing several disciples being easily killed by Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, they no longer had the courage to resist. Several warriors were trembling all over and were at a loss.

The remaining warrior kowtowed ferociously and begged for mercy. There are still a few warriors who are ferociously smashing the barrier of the body-destroying formation, but how can they break it with their cultivation.

"It's useless to beg for mercy. Look at how you abused me just now."

When Chen Xuan heard the disciples of the Liu family begging for mercy, a sinister smile appeared on his face and he said: "If I pass, you will all die."

His answer was dark, cruel and overbearing, and he did not give Liu family disciples any chance.

"You are not giving us a way to survive."

"If you want us to die, then we have no choice but to fight with you."

"Fight him."


When the disciples of the Liu family heard this, every one of them turned pale. Chen Xuan extinguished any hope of their lives. All of them suddenly became ferocious. But it was of no use, Wang Lun rushed over and killed them all immediately.

As the prairie fire sword flashed past again.

"And your Liu family disciples will also die."

Then, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun once again killed the few remaining disciples.

"I'll fight you."


"I don't dare to do it anymore. It's all our elders. It has nothing to do with us. We were wrong."

In short, the disciples of the Liu family fell into ferocious fear. No matter how they begged for mercy, Chen Xuan was not affected at all. His face was cold, like a murderous god.

"Elder, save me, save me."

Several warriors suddenly had no choice but to continue asking for help from Hua Meng and the others. He never imagined that the last Liu family disciples and people close to Elder Liu, the Cao family, and others existed.

"You bastard, how dare you kill my disciples like that."

"You are really going to fight us to the death."

Elder Liu and the Cao family also mobilized their true energy to continuously attack the barrier of the body-destroying formation. The barrier was shaken continuously, but they were unable to truly break the formation.

They said angrily: "If Chen Xuan lets us out, you will be killed!"

Chen Xuan showed a look of disdain and smiled slowly. If they all walked out of the formation, I am afraid that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun would not be able to deal with them. However, the command flag that controls the body-destroying formation lies with Chen Xuan. In hand, it is easy to deal with them.

In fact, when Chen Xuan killed their disciples before, the disciples of the Liu family could not help but speak out, but Chen Xuan did not give them any face at all.

"Who do you think you are?" Chen Xuan still sneered: "Kill."

"Okay, Chen Xuan."

Wang Lun immediately attacked them, and Chen Xuan's true energy emerged from his palm, and he suddenly waved the prairie fire sword and attacked. The sword energy floated and took away the lives of the Liu family's disciples one by one.

At this moment, on the Black Cloud Peak, Zheng

"Chen Xuan, your speed is much faster!"

Wang Lun followed him as he used the speed. Seeing the speed of Chen Xuan's demon soul after it was used, Wang Lun couldn't help but sigh.

"Is this fast?"

Hearing what Wang Lun said, Chen Xuan suddenly smiled and said: "This is not my fastest speed! The power of the demon soul, blessing."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xuan suddenly moved.

At this moment, he discovered that when he used the power of the demon soul, he could still activate the power of the demon soul. The power of demon red demon souls all appeared in the outside world from inside his body, and these demon soul powers immediately possessed Chen Xuan's body. The power of demon souls pulled at various parts of his body. This made Chen Xuan's speed become even faster.

The demon soul cultivator has cultivated to a level that allows him to fly into the air quickly. Although Chen Xuan has not yet reached the point of controlling the mysterious flying into the air, the power of his demon soul has also reached the limit of the second level of the God King.

"So fast, is this blessed with the power of the demon soul?!"

Wang Lun also saw it: "The power of the demon soul can actually have such wonderful uses?

Those with the power of demon souls are very rare. There are very few people who can achieve success in cultivation. After all, only a few people know the power of demon souls.

"It's just using the power of the demon soul. What's the big surprise?"

Chen Xuan said lightly.


Seeing Chen Xuan's calm demeanor, Wang Lun said in an admiring tone.

Even so, Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart: "I never expected that I can now use the power of the demon soul and Suzaku at the same time, and I don't feel tired at all. I couldn't do it before."

After all, only after the demon soul is condensed can it be considered a demon soul in the true sense. Therefore, he is actually not as indifferent as he appears. But in front of Wang Lun's body, he still pretended to be inscrutable.

"Obviously there is still such a huge gap in our realms." Wang Lun saw Chen Xuan's speed increase, and he couldn't help but sigh as he followed beside him: "But Chen Xuan, your speed breaks through so fast!"

He was so shocked by Chen Xuan's performance that he couldn't help showing surprise.

After all, for a person in the second level of God King to be able to display such a fast speed, this was definitely not true in his previous understanding of cultivation.

"My speed is indeed much faster."

At this time, Chen Xuan looked at Wang Lun beside him and couldn't help but said: "You are much more leisurely now. It can be seen that this time, your realm has also broken through a lot."

Wang Lun said: "Otherwise, I will never be able to break through the catastrophe of cultivation of the technique."

"This time, you and I are fighting side by side."

When Chen Xuan heard this, he laughed and said, "No need to be too polite."

The two people chatted casually while using the demon soul. After using the demon soul, they continued to rush. There were still various monsters along the way. When they saw it, Chen Xuan and the others would occasionally kill them and seize some crystal cores. With the loot they grabbed, the crystal cores were also Quite a few, and later, they also deliberately restrained their aura to avoid the monsters.

It took a lot of time to enter Black Cloud Peak, so they hurried for a while, and then it was night.

"Let's rest here for one night." Wang Lun took the initiative.

Chen Xuan then nodded and said: "Then you prepare, I will practice for a while."

As he spoke, Chen Xuan actually thought of the feeling he suddenly caught when he was on the road, the feeling of the intersection of the power of the demon soul and the Suzaku, and the urge to practice surged in his heart.

Then, he sat down directly, and Chen Xuan's heart calmed down.

“Previously, when I was moving forward after casting the demon soul, I suddenly felt that it was different from before. In the past, when I used the power of the demon soul to move forward after using the demon soul, I didn’t have the urge to use the power of the demon soul to support it at the same time. "

"Could it be that I have crossed the line that the power of the demon soul is mutually exclusive?"

The heart of the cultivation path is not the real hurdle.

It’s a certain feeling, just like when you study a skill and work hard, it becomes much easier to learn after accepting the various aspects of this skill.

Originally, the power of demon souls were mutually exclusive. Very few people with the power of demon souls can cultivate the great path. But today, after the battle, Chen Xuan felt as if he was crossing a realm step by step. It seems that when he was cultivating his divine power before, he also rose to the realm of the God King.

"What's going on? By the way, is it because of my breakthrough in the power of the demon soul?"

Chen Xuan felt the contact between his true energy and the power of the demon soul. However, it suddenly didn't feel like that time.

"In the Liu family, I was immersed in the realm for more than ten consecutive years, and my true energy transformed continuously, and I directly became the second level of the God King! This is the reason why I have accumulated so much."

Suddenly, he thought of this, he could become the second great god king in one fell swoop. Except for the intermittent cultivation of the power of a ray of demon soul's residual thoughts, and this intermittent cultivation, although it is not shown for a while, it will also accumulate.

"Cultivation of the power of the demon soul!"

Chen Xuan once again concentrated on this martial arts practice. As soon as he gathered it, his true energy passed through the shackles of the demon soul, and he was immersed in the state of cultivation in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, the power of the demon soul surged to a certain level, and his true energy was fed back like a torrent.

"The demon souls complement each other!"

The power of the demon soul in his body actually merged with the true energy, and the surging power of the demon soul actually merged with his body.

"I actually perfectly eased the conflict between the power of the demon soul and the true energy!!"

At this moment, Chen Xuan could still clearly feel that the power of the demon soul and the true energy were coexisting in complete harmony. This feeling stirred up powerful power.

"Demon soul restraint, open it for me!"

Then, his body controlled the surging power flow and converged in his body, where the demon soul was bound. The bondage of demon souls must be condensed to reach the third level of the God King.

If each demon soul shackles is broken, the strength will be one level closer. It is difficult for a demon soul cultivator to open two demon soul shackles at the same time. Very few demon soul cultivators can do it. !

At this moment, under the impact of this force, the demon soul shackles bound by Chen Xuan's demon soul could not withstand the impact, loosened little by little, and began to condense.

In cultivation, Rao's physical body is also very complicated, with endless secrets, dual demon soul shackles, and a demon soul shackle that is also very important in controlling the circulation of Qi and blood.

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