At this moment, one of the Four Demon Winds suddenly took action, leaving everyone unable to react.

"Everyone knows, these guys are coming for me!" Zang Yuan said hurriedly, the spear in his hand released a terrifying aura, and he immediately fought towards the enemy.

"Qi Yun! Look at the sword!" I don't know how the four devils of the devil wind knew their names. They shouted and immediately attacked Qi Yun.

Lines of spiritual power continued to shuttle across the earth, and a terrifying energy attack hit Lin's face, causing the entire earth to tremble.

Just when everyone was surprised, another sword energy attacked Qi Yun.

The four demons of the devil wind did not take action against Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu, so Chen Xuan just watched happily.

The battle lasted for several minutes, and there was still no winner. However, Chen Xuan felt that the purpose of these four demons was obviously not pure.

Chen Xuan didn't hear anything about what happened in the middle. In addition, Chen Xuan didn't know what happened in the middle. If Chen Xuan helped the wrong person.

Chen Xuan may very well regret it by then.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with him, and now Chen Xuan doesn't know what grudges there are between them.

But unfortunately, one of the Four Demons of Demonic Wind got red-eyed and suddenly came towards Chen Xuan to kill him.

With a terrifying aura, like a monster that wanted to eat life, the extremely powerful aura immediately attacked Chen Xuan's body.

With a trace of killing intent flashing in his eyes, Chen Xuan looked at the warriors attacking him.

With a wave of his hand to block, a burst of Vermillion Bird Sword Qi suddenly shot out from the sword, and another strike. Chen Xuan struck out two swords in total, and each sword Qi was mixed with inevitable sharpness.


A terrifying sword energy suddenly hit his body, causing him to take a few steps back.

"You bastard! Look at the sword!" Unexpectedly, he was repelled by Chen Xuan. This warrior, one of the Four Demons of the Wind, launched attacks against Chen Xuan again and again.

After displaying the demon soul, Chen Xuan's face revealed a dark red aura. He moved under the sword and his body moved towards him in the blink of an eye.

The sword thrust out, and an astonishing sword energy instantly attacked his neck.


The terrifying sword energy almost penetrated his body, and the blood continued to flow out, so cruel.

Even the others couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when they saw Chen Xuan's treatment of the enemy, and felt so frightened in their hearts.

"No! Third brother!" Seeing his partner being killed by Chen Xuan, the second child, one of the four demons, was furious, and the only thought in his mind was to kill Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan looked at the enemies in front of him coldly. Although these warriors in black robes came from the Demonic Wind Empire, the auras emanating from their bodies were very powerful. Three of them had reached the seventh level of the God King realm.

Now there were four demonic wind monsters in front of Yu Wenqiu. These three people looked different from each other. They exuded a murderous aura and looked so fierce that Chen Xuan couldn't help but look at them secretly.

The four devils of the devil wind might have had a way to attack together. After all, the Four Demons often work together for many years, forming a tacit understanding, and they also practice this kind of technique.

That state should be their strongest state. Because they had seen Chen Xuan before, they did not bother to use their spiritual energy to perform this most powerful technique, but Chen Xuan killed one person instantly. This possibility has been shattered for them.

But they still gathered together, and the three of them exuded bursts of black energy. One of them held a sharp blade in his hand and quickly launched a fierce attack on the others.

"You actually killed my brother, I want you dead!"

Saw another comrade being killed. The remaining four devil wind monsters roared again one by one.

"You two, damn it!"

"Must die!"


Suddenly, the four devil wind monsters suddenly surged with spiritual power on their bodies, and then each body burned with black spiritual power. Looks like a black burning man. Extremely weird.

"Kill him for me."

"Fuck them all!"

By now, they were furious.

Their goal has not been achieved, so of course they cannot turn around and run away. Moreover, it was all because Chen Xuan's sword blade was too weird that they suffered a plot.

But now, they were much closer to Chen Xuan. According to normal logic, as long as they can get close to Chen Xuan, they can quickly kill him.

Therefore, they burned the divine source one by one to activate their cultivation and attack again more crazily.

"Fuck them all!"


Yu Wenqiu and Chen Xuan also continued to attack.

Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan Sword roared, and Yu Wenqiu suddenly retracted the blade, turned to the sword-killing technique, and rushed forward. He faced off against two of the four Demon Wind Demons.

But Chen Xuan's sword blade failed to benefit either of them.

The two warriors in front of them suddenly burst into cultivation. After releasing the black spiritual power, not only did their strength increase, but the speed of their defensive attacks actually increased by another level. So much so that even his prairie fire sword can be resisted.

In an instant, the two of them attacked in front of them.

"Brother Chen Xuan's heart!"

"Brother Chen Xuan, retreat quickly!"

Hong Ming and Hong Derang couldn't help but said after seeing it.

"Chen Xuan." Yu Wenqiu paid careful attention while dealing with the two people.

If Chen Xuan loses, he will immediately come to support. After all, it was terrifying to have two warriors close to his body.

"Son, you should die this time."


The two demons of Demonic Wind were killing Chen Xuan.

"You're really looking for death, you're so lucky!" Seeing them coming, Chen Xuan sneered, instead of retreating, he suddenly rushed forward and said, "Is this how you're going to die?"

Then, he actually penetrated the chest of one of the Four Demon Wind Demons with one strike of his sword.

"How is this possible?" The demonic wind warrior's pupils widened and he couldn't accept it at all as he looked at the sword blade that pierced his chest.

He didn't believe how Chen Xuan could hit his chest with a sword when he was close.

The other four Demon Wind Demons were about to slash at Chen Xuan with their long swords, but when Chen Xuan penetrated him with his sword, they were stunned for a moment and shouted: "What the hell is going on? How can he be so strong?" ?”

But seeing the warrior like this, Chen Xuan just said slowly: "This only shows that you know nothing about power."

"Good boy! So arrogant!"

The next moment, they displayed a secret technique filled with black spiritual power, and then they seized the opportunity and came closer.

According to their thinking, Chen Xuan can be killed just by getting close to his body.

Hong Ming, Hong Derang and others also became afraid. They thought that Chen Xuan would be killed. Once Chen Xuan was killed, the fate of the two of them could be imagined, but they did not expect that Chen Xuan would suddenly rush forward.

Spiritual power actually appeared on his body. The surging spiritual power condensed and transformed. Then, the red lines bloomed with a stronger aura as they connected.

Among the people who were said to have cultivated demon souls and spiritual power at the same time, no one could have imagined that Chen Xuan could actually cultivate demon souls, yet he was so young.

They didn't believe that Chen Xuan had cultivated to the middle stage of the fifth level of the God King Realm in such a short period of time, and then cultivated such a powerful demon soul.

Although they could not see Chen Xuan's specific cultivation level, they could still feel that Chen Xuan was extraordinary, because at this moment, Chen Xuan's arm directly collided with the killing demon wind warrior.

They couldn't believe that in the moment of confrontation, Chen Xuan actually swung away the opponent's weapon, and the power of Chen Xuan's demon soul had also exploded.

Chen Xuan's current spiritual power is at the fifth level of the divine king realm. The blessing of the Suzaku Soul makes the Suzaku's power even stronger. In addition, his own spiritual power is much stronger than that of ordinary people who have entered the fifth level of the God King realm.

But Chen Xuan, after all, has entered the middle stage of the fifth level of the God King Realm, and these four demons of the devil wind are all at the peak of the fifth level middle stage of the God King Realm, and are even late-stage spiritual warriors! The gap in realm is still too big.

Therefore, Chen Xuan's spiritual power was already very terrifying to be able to compete with him.

There was a crack in the implementation of his spiritual power. Because the power of the demon soul is the power of the demon soul, and the spiritual power is spiritual power. After the spiritual power is condensed, there is no way to get the blessing of the demon soul.

The power of the demon soul can only be erupted in the bones. When he took action, Chen Xuan's spiritual power was not consistent. Although spiritual power and spiritual power are generated by one's own cultivation.

And the bones inside are also blessed by the explosion of twenty demonic soul powers, as well as the bonus of spiritual power cultivation. The two are combined.

Because for ordinary practitioners of spiritual power, when they display their physical form of spiritual power, their skeletal arms are blessed with the same power as their spiritual power. The power of the demon soul with twenty demon soul lines is what makes Chen Xuan different from ordinary spiritual power practitioners. This is also where he is strong.

The strength that was already many times stronger than that of an ordinary person who has entered the fifth level of the God King Realm, coupled with the blessing of twenty demon soul powers, made the strength of his arms extremely powerful.

Therefore, at that moment, he rushed forward, and his spiritual power suddenly swayed away.

The battle still continues.

At the same time, the three demonic wind warriors who had just wanted to continue the attack were completely surprised, and then roared angrily.

"This." Hong Ming and Hong De asked the two to include Yu Wenqiu and Hong Yuan, who was poisoned but not dead.

As well as Chen Xuan, one of the four Demon Wind Demons who was instantly killed by Chen Xuan, they all looked at him in surprise.

"How is this possible?" Qi Yun, who was watching from a distance, also showed surprise.

"How is it possible? Killing a strong man at the fifth level of the God King in an instant?"

"Can this be achieved at the fifth level of the God King Realm? These are the Four Demons of Demonic Wind!"

"Brother Chen, is his cultivation so strong?"

Including Qi Yun's guards, they were all surprised.

"It turns out that when brother Chen fought with us before, he didn't use his full strength at all. If he used this kind of technique, how could we withstand it?"

Long Jiang was also trembling and said: "A young man who appeared out of nowhere actually has such a strong power! Water sect? How could this declining water sect suddenly have such a talent appear?"

Of course, everything happened in an instant, and when many warriors were surprised, the attack did not stop.

"Wang Hongwen!"

The other four demons of the wind roared angrily. They didn't expect that a situation that they thought they had a sure chance of winning would end up in Chen Xuan's hands so quickly.

"That guy actually killed Wang Hongwen!"

"Ah! I will cut him into pieces! Wang Hongwen!"

"Don't be afraid, he is only one person, he is only in the middle stage of the fifth level of the God King Realm! Take action, let's take action together, kill him, and avenge Wang Hongwen!"

Then, the four demons of the wind and demons roared one by one, and these people gathered together one by one. The three demons of the demon wind and the four demons were surrounded together. They condensed their spiritual power, some wielded swords, and some held black weapons. Knives, some suddenly held short knives, and others held a long spear.

In an instant, these people joined forces and started to kill Chen Xuan crazily.

"You die too!" Of course, before they got together, Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan Sword had already gathered spiritual power, and suddenly turned around and killed the other three devil wind monsters.

The blade of the prairie fire sword carries a terrifying aura and is as fast as thunder.

When it gets closer, it suddenly changes, and then blooms with a terrifying aura, appearing and disappearing, changing in countless ways. Terrible and pervasive.


"Work together to defend! Block!"

Of course, after they gathered together and defended together with three strong men, there was no flaw at all. In addition, they and the Four Demon Winds have been fighting together for many years, and Peters has a tacit understanding during the battle.

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