The Lord of Zhenkong City was not born in Zhenkong City, but in Leiyuan City near Zhenkong City.

Having served as the Lord of Zhenkong City for more than 20 years, he has accumulated a lot of wealth and is very familiar with the ways of the world.

Pouring a glass of wine again, the Lord of Zhenkong City said, "Brother Chen, I am really sorry for what happened just now. I just felt that you were a quack and thought you were lying to me, but I didn't expect it was really you."

Seeing the Lord of Zhenkong City apologize humbly, Chen Xuan naturally had no way to pursue it, so he said, "Okay, since the Lord of the City is so kind to me, I will definitely not pursue it further."

"I wonder if the Lord of the City will attend the Gang Auction after three days?" Chen Xuan suddenly asked.

"Hahaha, of course, as the Lord of Zhenkong City, I will definitely attend it. After all, I still need to host this Gang Auction. If you rest assured, I will only go there at the beginning, and leave other things to others."

"Brother Chen, you must enjoy it well. There are still many fun places in our Zhenkong City. I will arrange someone to take you there in a few days." The Lord of Zhenkong City said with a playful smile.

Chen Xuan shook his head and said, "That's not necessary. Since the Lord of the City knows my name, there is no need for me to stay in the City Lord's Mansion any longer."

"Brother Chen, are you leaving now?" The Lord of Zhenkong City hurriedly tried to persuade him to stay.

Chen Xuan nodded and said, "That's right, I can't stay in your mansion anyway. Besides, I have some things to do, so I'll leave first."

"Since Brother Chen is determined to leave, I will naturally not try to persuade him to stay, but Brother Chen Xuan should be more careful. Those people from the Dragon Bear Gang will definitely not give up."

"Why don't you go and deal with the Dragon Bear Gang?" Chen Xuan suddenly asked.

The Lord of Zhenkong City smiled bitterly, but felt that his smile was very artificial.

"Brother Chen, you don't know that the origin of the Dragon Bear Gang is very big. It's not just the leader of the Dragon Bear Gang. They also have many connections with the Xuan Gui Sect near me."

"These people in the Xuan Gui Sect are very powerful, especially the leader of the Xuan Gui Sect, whose cultivation is stronger than mine. What can you and I do? He has reached the second late stage of the Shenluo realm, one realm higher than me..."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan could only nod casually. He had never heard of the Xuan Gui Sect. There are many Xuan Gui Sects in Yunxiao Mansion. Except for some Xuan Gui Sects that have been passed down for thousands of years, he has never heard of other Xuan Gui Sects.

Of course, there are also some strong people who founded their own sects. Although they were established for a short time, they are very powerful.

Watching Chen Xuan's back slowly leaving, the Lord of Zhenkong City slowly shook his head and said to Captain Li beside him: "You are so bold, didn't you check it for me at the beginning? This is the real Chen Xuan."

"Lord City Lord, is he the real Chen Xuan?"

"How can it be fake?" The Lord of Zhenkong City questioned, leaving the other party speechless.

After leaving here, Yuchi Leiyuan said immediately.

"Lord Chen Xuan, this Lord of Zhenkong City is so pretentious, it makes me feel sick."

Chen Xuan did not answer, but looked back at the City Lord's Mansion. After walking a few steps, Chen Xuan turned around and said: "This Lord of Zhenkong City gives me a very strange feeling. Maybe he has other plans. We must be more careful when we act in Zhenkong City recently, and we must not fall into his trap."

"Lord Chen, how did you know?" Yuchi Leiyuan asked softly.

Chen Xuan chuckled: "Based on my intuition, this guy wanted to force me to drink when he toasted me just now. Although as a cultivator in the Shenluo realm, he can also use the spiritual energy in his body to expel the alcohol, but I always feel that he gives me a very strange feeling."

When he first entered the City Lord's Mansion to drink, Chen Xuan felt that the Lord of Zhenkong City was flexible. Although his cultivation was stronger than Chen Xuan, he took the initiative to lower his face and toast him.

No matter how you calculate it, the status of the Lord of Zhenkong City is higher than Chen Xuan. After all, Zhenkong City is a big city in Yunxiao Mansion, which cannot be compared with Dragon City.

After Chen Xuan's dedicated development, Longcheng can only be regarded as a middle-class city. Although many cities in the Qiushuang Empire and the Mofeng Empire in the west can no longer be compared with Longcheng, Longcheng cannot be regarded as a central city in the entire Yunxiao Prefecture.

Due to various complex reasons, Longcheng has lost its position as a commercial thoroughfare. Since three hundred years ago, Longcheng has been prosperous and declining, but a few hundred years ago, Longcheng could be regarded as a first-class city in Yunxiao Prefecture.

Now in the entire Yunxiao Prefecture, there are only twelve cities that can be called first-class cities, and most of the other cities are second-class cities.

As for this Zhenkong City, it is a second-class city on the surface, but in fact it is very close to a first-class city. After all, the business of Zhenkong City is extremely developed, and the Gang Auction Conference held every three years also attracts a large number of people.

Even the warriors from other royal palaces of the Yunye Empire will come here one after another, which is enough to imagine how much appeal the Gang Auction Conference has.

Because in the northern Yunxiao Mansion, there will be many spiritual herbs produced in the northern border in this auction, which can not be found in other royal palaces of Yunye Empire.

If these spiritual herbs are sold in other royal palaces, the price will be several times higher, but in Zhenkong City, it is likely that only more than 20 medium-grade spiritual stones will be needed to buy them.

After entering the Qingling Inn, Chen Xuan found a seat and sat down.

I have been staying in bed for a few days and have not eaten anything good. I am very hungry.

When Mr. Li of Qingling Inn saw Chen Xuan and Yuchi Leiyuan coming in, he immediately walked towards them respectfully.

Chen Xuan's clothes were not very luxurious, because Chen Xuan also had to think about the battle. If he encountered danger, wearing a heavy robe would definitely affect his actions. Therefore, Chen Xuan was only wearing casual clothes today.

Even so, Mr. Li of Qingling Inn was very respectful. After walking over, he immediately said: "What do you want to eat, adults? Our restaurant has everything. We have all kinds of dishes you want to eat. From the south to the north, everything is available."

"What do you want to eat?" Chen Xuan asked.

Yuchi Leiyuan looked at the broadcast, ordered a few dishes at random, and then handed them to Mr. Li of Qingling Inn.

After watching the broadcast, Mr. Li of Qingling Inn smiled bitterly: "Boss, we don't have this roasted bear paw for the time being. Why don't you change to another dish?"

"What, even this is not available?" Yuchi Leiyuan was surprised.

"Why don't you have any roasted bear paws here?"

Chen Xuan smiled lightly: "Since there is no roasted bear paw, let's change it, boss, just change it."

Yuchi Leiyuan was a little unhappy. Obviously, he wanted to eat roasted bear paws, but there was no way without roasted bear paws. He could only follow Chen Xuan and order a few other dishes.

Just after sitting down, Chen Xuan saw several men in black clothes next to him, talking to each other.

Chen Xuan didn't take them to heart, poured a sip of wine and drank it.

When drinking with the Lord of Zhenkong City, Chen Xuan felt extremely depressed.

This person's attitude turned 360 degrees, making Chen Xuan uncomfortable.

The voices of the men in black clothes talking next to him were getting louder and louder, forcing Chen Xuan to focus his attention on them. Judging from the clothes these men were wearing, they were all of the same shape, and they were definitely from the nearby Xuan Gui Sect.

"I didn't expect these people from the Xuan Gui Sect to come here." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

He had heard about the Xuan Gui Sect in the Dragon Bone Mountains near Zhenkong City. The Xuan Gui Sect had been passed down for hundreds of years. According to reports, the sect master's cultivation had reached the third level of the Shenluo realm. Of course, this was just the news Chen Xuan had heard, and he didn't know what realm he had entered.

Reaching the third level of the Shenluo realm was not considered a great power in Yunxiao Mansion, but the cultivation was definitely not weak. Being able to establish a sect in the Dragon Bone Mountains near Zhenkong City, the sect master of the Xuan Gui Sect must be very capable.

Several men were obviously drunk and began to joke loudly.

"Did you see the two guys next to him? Hahaha, you can tell from the clothes they are poor. They are dressed like this, but they dare to eat in Qingling Inn." Chen Xuan also knew that the Qingling Inn where he was eating was well-known far and wide. Just a simple meal cost three medium-grade spirit stones. "Hahaha, that's right. They look so poor. They dare to eat here in this state. I think they should save their money." "Only people from our Xuan Gui Sect are qualified to eat here this time." "That's right. Our Xuan Gui Sect has a very special status in Zhenkong City. Even the Lord of Zhenkong City has to give us face. Why do these guys have the right to eat here?" Several people from Xuan Gui Sect became more and more rampant, and their provocative eyes kept lingering on Chen Xuan. "What should we do?" Yuchi Leiyuan said. Chen Xuan stopped him from rushing over and said, "They are just a bunch of scum. Don't bother with them."

"Hahaha, did you hear that? This guy is still pretending to be a big shot. He thinks he is my opponent."

"I can kill him in one round."

"Who do you want to kill?"

"That scum in black clothes with an expressionless face..."

Chen Xuan poured a cup of tea, drank it, and then looked out the window, not bothering with these scum at all.

Outside the Qingling Inn, Dongfang Zhijun slowly walked towards Chen Xuan and others.

"I didn't expect you two to come here. It's really hard for me to find you." Dongfang Zhijun sat down immediately.

After seeing Dongfang Zhijun leave, Chen Xuan hurriedly scanned his surroundings, worried that the Lord of Zhenkong City would send someone to monitor him.

"Dongfang Zhijun, why are you here?" Chen Xuan suddenly asked.

"Do you know that it is very dangerous to be so close to me now? I have just gone to the Lord of Zhenkong City. What if he sends someone to follow me?"

Dongfang Zhijun laughed: "Brother Chen Xuan, don't worry. I have spent three years, and that thief has not been able to catch me. How can he find me now?"

"Don't worry, I have spied around the area. He has not sent anyone to follow you. However, you still have to be careful. The people of the Dragon Bear Gang seem to have searched for your whereabouts in the city. They seem to want to kill you." Dongfang Zhijun said.

"It's just the Dragon Bear Gang. If they dare to come, everyone will die." Chen Xuan's face was full of disdain.

To deal with these people from the Dragon Bear Gang, Chen Xuan didn't need to use all his strength. The battle between him and the leader of the Dragon Bear Gang had exhausted him before he used all his strength. If he continued to fight, he could definitely kill the leader of the Dragon Bear Gang easily.

"Brother Chen, the leader of the Dragon Bear Gang is not easy to deal with. This guy is said to have mastered the mysterious poisonous water. This mysterious poisonous water is very dangerous. What if he poisons you?"

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