Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 3432 Warriors of the Extreme Ice Empire

Jackdaw City Zheng

"Won't you come with us?"

"I won't go with you. I want to stay here with my daughter."

"Oh well."

In the next few days, they also searched for information among all the survivors, but without exception, no one knew where the people from Yunxiao City had gone.

"I would like to ask this old man, do you know if there are some people who came from Yunxiao City in Jackdaw City a few days ago?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

"I didn't see it!" The white-bearded old man shook his head and answered Chen Xuan very simply. Jackdaw City has been completely submerged in recent years. Their lives are very miserable. How can they have time to care about anything from Yunxiao City? People who come over.

In addition, when these Yunxiao guards came to Jackdaw City to search for information, they did not reveal their identities, and the people living in Jackdaw City did not know their appearance at all.

"Look at this, the portrait that Chen Xuan took out from his arms." He said to the residents of the Dragon Blood Tribe in front of him.

The old man continued to shake his head: "I have never seen it before."

At this moment, a young man wearing a gray robe slowly walked towards Chen Xuan: "I think I have seen the man on the left before. He is very familiar. Isn't he a little fat?"

"It is true that he is fat, but his muscles are very developed." Chen Xuan said truthfully.

"That's right. Before Jackdaw City was flooded, I once saw them and several seventh-level monsters fighting in the mountains in the distance, but I didn't take it to heart at the time."

"When did it happen?" After feeling that he was about to find a clue, Chen Xuan's face was full of excitement. Now Jackdaw City is very dangerous, and Chen Xuan doesn't want to waste time here anymore.

"It should have been more than three months ago."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan could only shake his head helplessly. Three months ago, Jackdaw City had not been flooded. This was also the time when this group of Yunxiao Guard warriors came to Jackdaw City to search for information.

"In this case, they may really be drowned by the water in Jackdaw City." Chen Xuandao.

"They shouldn't be that weak. After all, their cultivation has reached a very high level. Why are they drowned by this mere sea of ​​Guiyuan?" Shangguan Haoran asked doubtfully.

"It's not good. This is not just the destruction of Guiyuan. Many seventh-level monsters in the sea of ​​Guiyuan have come over. Didn't you hear what the people just told them? There is a rot-slaying god. Rock beasts are also active in this Jackdaw City."

Indeed, the Slaughtering Divine Rock Beast is not only powerful in cultivation, but also lives in the sea and has a very powerful body. If they encounter the Slaughtering Divine Rock Beast on the sea, they will only die. The only way is to rely on Only by flying in the air with the power of controlling the air can you avoid the bite of the rot-slaughtering god rock beast.

It's a pity that the rot-slaying rock beast can also fly for a short time. As powerful seventh-level monsters that have reached the level of spiritual beasts, the spiritual power in their bodies is also very abundant. It is very difficult for ordinary warriors to deal with the rot-slaying rock beast. Difficult, that is, only by gathering most of the manpower can we pose a threat to the Rotten God Rock Beast.

"Today's Jackdaw City has been almost destroyed by the Slaughtering God Rock Beast. In my opinion, we should not waste time here and hurry to Yunlei Mountain Rock. Maybe we can find them."

"But Yunlei Mountain is still thousands of miles away from here, do we still have to go there?" Chen Xuan asked doubtfully.

"It's not too far away. It's only over three hundred kilometers away. Maybe there are still survivors there..."

"By the way, don't be anxious yet." Nangong Yupo said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Shangguan Haoran asked in confusion.

"Let's continue asking. Even if they have been bitten to death by the Rotten God Rock Beast, they are still very likely to find the Evil Moon True Essence Token. We must get the Evil Moon True Essence Token. There is a seal inside. There is a plan about the Dragon Blood Tribe, if we can’t get it, we will be in danger.”

"What's the plan to seal this?" Chen Xuan's face was full of curiosity.

"According to the Dragon Blood Tribe, which is currently fighting a war with the Jibing Empire, they have created many hidden elixirs and even many magical techniques. As far as I know, these are all left over from the Second Dynasty. They are A ruins were also discovered here..."

"It turns out that these Yunxiao Guard people are searching for these things." Chen Xuan suddenly had an idea.

"Then we must find the Evil Moon True Essence Token." Chen Xuan also said.

In order to find the Evil Moon True Essence Token, they continued to wander around Jackdaw City for a long time. At this moment, Chen Xuan released the power of the demon soul, and he vaguely felt the power of the Evil Moon True Essence Token. energy.

"Where?" Nangong Yupo asked hurriedly. Seeing him gearing up, Chen Xuan choked him back with his next words.

"If I'm not wrong, it's very likely that it's in the belly of the rot-slaying god rock beast."

"How is this possible..." Nangong Yupo's face clearly showed nervousness. He was still gearing up, but now he stayed on the ground motionless.

"Then let's leave here quickly." Nangong Yupo said suddenly.

Shangguan Haoran gave up his idea and said to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, we must find this Evil Moon True Essence Token. It must contain the plans of the Dragon Blood Tribe. If we can sell this information to Ji Bing The Empire will get their help, which is very important to us.”

Chen Xuan also nodded indifferently. Whether he could get the Evil Moon Essence Token and let the Yunye Empire take the initiative was not very important to Chen Xuan. He felt that the Evil Moon Essence Token actually contained the mysterious skills of the Dragon Blood Tribe and the Purple Frost Wing Bead inherited from the First Dynasty. This was what really moved Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan had also encountered the Purple Frost Wing Bead inherited from the First Dynasty. The energy in these Purple Frost Wing Beads was very fierce. Until now, Chen Xuan still carries the Purple Frost Wing Bead he got at the beginning.

"Brother Chen, what do you think of my idea?" Shangguan Haoran said.

"Brother Shangguan, are you crazy? How did the Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast destroy the wall of Jackdaw City? You saw it. How could the three of us kill this terrible monster?"

"We are not strong enough. If there were more than 20 people, we might be able to kill the Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast, and we must ensure that our cultivation can reach the second level of the Shenluo realm."

"The cultivation of this Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast is almost equivalent to the third level of the Shenluo realm. How can we kill it with just the three of us?" Nangong Yupo began to say.

At this point, Chen Xuan and Shangguan Haoran were speechless. Now Jackdaw City was completely submerged. If they were on land, they could at least guarantee that they would escape unscathed, but now in Jackdaw City, the Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast was rampant in the city, and it also lived in the most core position of the city. No matter how strong their cultivation was, it was impossible for them to kill the Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast in the Guiyuan Sea.

"This is simply impossible." Nangong Yupo said.

"No, we still have to try." Shangguan Haoran's will was very firm.

"Then when do we go?" Chen Xuan asked.

"We must first search for the whereabouts of this Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast in Jackdaw City to ensure that the Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast will not suddenly attack us. As long as there is enough time, we can set a trap for this Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast. After all, this Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast will definitely not fly into the air and eat us." Shangguan Haoran said.

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan and the others heard a huge sound of water waves coming from outside the window. They hurriedly walked out of the window, but saw that there was a giant Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast in the air, with a heavy leather body and a mouth that was almost 13 meters long. It appeared in the air and directly killed all the survivors on the city wall.

"Impossible..." Nangong Yupo was full of shock, and his expression seemed a little distorted. He never thought that the Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast could really fly in the air and easily bite the city wall into pieces.

Shangguan Haoran was also stunned in the same place. Seeing that this Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast directly ate all the survivors on the city wall, his heart was also filled with fear: "No way, this Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast is really too terrifying. It is really difficult for us to kill it." Chen Xuan also nodded: "That's right. By the way, when the Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast came out just now, I didn't feel the breath of the Evil Moon True Essence Token on him. It is very likely that these Evil Moon True Essence Tokens are in the center of Jackdaw City." "Doesn't this Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast also live in the center? How could we fall into the Sea of ​​Return to Origin and look for the Evil Moon True Essence Token..." "If we can't find the Evil Moon True Essence Token, our mission this time will be in vain." Shangguan Haoran said hurriedly. Nangong Yupo and Shangguan Haoran have already had some differences. One thinks that they should hurry to Yunlei Mountain Rock, while Shangguan Haoran wants to find the Evil Moon True Essence Token in Jackdaw City. "Brother Shangguan, I don't mean not to look for the Evil Moon Essence Token in Jackdaw City, but to think of other ways. We can't just snatch it openly from this Turot God Rock Beast. Do you think your cultivation can kill it?" Nangong Yupo said softly.

Shangguan Haoran's face also revealed hesitation, and then he said:, yours too. Well, but now we only have one chance. If we can't find the Evil Moon Essence Token in Jackdaw City, it will be more difficult for us to find it in the future. "

"This outbreak of Guiyuan in Jackdaw City will only last for a few months at most, and the people of the Dragon Blood Tribe will come to look for this Turot God Rock Beast. If we kill this Turot God Rock Beast, it is very likely that we will find the Evil Moon Essence Token under the water. We must not let the news spread. "Shangguan Haoran said slowly.

As a native of the Yunye Empire, Shangguan Haoran was devoted to how to contact the Jibing Empire. He didn't want the Evil Moon True Essence Token to be discovered by the people of the Dragon Blood Empire.

"Shangguan Haoran, you are right. If we want to find the Evil Moon True Essence Token faster, we must find it within these fifteen days. You must find it before Ran from the Dragon Blood Empire comes, but we must make detailed plans. "Chen Xuan whispered.

"Then what can you do now?" Nangong Yupo also asked.

Chen Xuan replied to him: "You see, we must first attract this Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast away. I feel the breath I got. The Evil Moon True Essence Token is next to the Tu Fu Shen Yan Beast and also on the Qinglian Square in the center of Jackdaw City. "

"Plus we have to dive underwater, which is very dangerous in itself. If there are other seventh-grade monsters in this Jackdaw City, we will definitely be attacked. "

"What method can we use to attract this rot-slaying god rock beast?"

Chen Xuan smiled softly. At this moment, a cyan light appeared on the palm of his hand, and a red spiritual stone appeared instantly.

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