Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 3536 The legacy of the Fourth Dynasty

Although the 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal' was left over from the Fourth Dynasty, it naturally doesn't matter how much you cherish it.

The Hunyuan Formation that remained was already very old. Even Chen Xuan didn't know whether this Hunyuan Formation could be activated.

"I don't know why the Fourth Dynasty set it up here, and also put a 'Luo Mingli Crystal'." Chen Xuan couldn't help but think about it in his heart. He should have felt that this ruin was definitely not that simple. .

Three minutes later, Chen Xuan felt that their power was getting closer and closer, and even he felt very nervous inside.

The pressure put on him by the strong men of the Snake God Cult was too strong.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan saw two figures flashing in, and waves of fierce spiritual power continued to bloom.

"You are really hiding here, good boy. It's a pity that I have obtained the 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal' now." The face of the strong man from the Snake God Sect was full of blood, and he suddenly raised his hand. The snake-shaped scale staff sword on his hand said angrily to Chen Xuan.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan stepped back with a gentle smile: "You have also seen that this place is full of the aura left over from the 'Luo Mingli Crystal Stone'. You have already come in, I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of what? Hahaha, do you think I will fall into your scheme!?" The strong man from the Snake God Cult suddenly laughed wildly and said viciously to Chen Xuan: "Son, don't think that I don't know what's going on in your heart. What abacus, I accidentally touched the 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal' just now, but it had no effect on me."

Following the roar of the strong man from the Snake God Sect, Chen Xuan found a light red light emerging from his body, and a stream of air suddenly condensed among these scale staff knives.

Chen Xuan suddenly discovered that the strong man from the Snake God Cult had actually embedded the 'Luo Mingli Crystal' into the snake-shaped scale staff knife. As the strong man from the Snake God Cult attacked, Chen Xuan's face showed A hearty smile.

"It took no effort at all. I originally wanted you to take out the 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal', but you ended up inlaying it on the scale staff knife yourself. Very good?"

"What do you mean!" The strong man from the Snake God Sect frowned, and his red face was filled with murderous intent.

"What do I mean? I'm afraid you'll know later." Chen Xuan smiled fiercely, and then he pressed his hands on the Hunyuan formation pattern on Lin's face.

A few seconds later, a burst of light blue light emitted from the room, instantly covering the few of them in their surroundings.

Just as Gongye Zitai rushed over, he saw the aura of 'Luo Ming Li Jingshi' emanating from the room. Even he felt the terrifying power of this power.

"What's going on..." Gongyezi said in a low voice.

Standing outside the room, Gongyezi didn't dare to walk in, but at this moment, he felt that his mind was bewitched, and his feet walked in involuntarily.

With half a foot in, Gongye Zi was unable to fix his body and could only helplessly look at the 'Luo Ming Li Jingshi' spinning in mid-air.

The gathering of 'Luo Ming Glass Crystals' is rotating, rather it is the snake-shaped scale staff knife of the strong man of the Snake God Sect spinning in the air.

When the scale staff knife rotates, the 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal' is also peeled out from inside bit by bit.

A few seconds later, the 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal' slowly landed on the core of the Hunyuan Formation in the center of the room.

This 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal' was obviously made for this inner shell. Only the core of the Hunyuan Formation was seen emitting a burst of blue and strange light, which instantly illuminated everyone's face.

Chen Xuan, a strong man from the Snake God Sect, and Mrs. Gongye all stared with shocked eyes at the core that was emitting blue light from the center.

"What happened!" The strong man of the Snake God Cult now focused all his attention on his scale staff sword.

This scale staff sword is basically used by the warriors of the Snake God Sect. These snake-shaped scale staff swords can further improve their skills. Unfortunately, the scale staff sword has been completely destroyed by the power of the 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal'. broke through.

It didn't take long for the scale staff knife to break into pieces, and finally slowly fell to Lin.

Chen Xuan seized the opportunity, and under their horrified eyes, walked directly through the space, and then closed the stone door.

"Fortunately..." Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief: "I don't know how long we can trap them. Forget it, I still don't think about it so much."

In the room, the strong men of the Snake God Sect and Gongye Zitai all had ferocious looks on their faces. They were now beginning to be controlled by the hallucinations emanating from the 'Luo Mingli Crystal Stone'.

The ability of the 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal' is very powerful. Even with just one 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal', Gongye Zitai was almost controlled by his mind. But the strong men of the Snake God Sect were different.

His cultivation level has reached the peak of the fifth level of the Shenluo Realm. This 'Luo Mingli Crystal' really has no way to deal with him. However, Chen Xuan accidentally entered the Hunyuan Formation left over from the neighboring fourth era. This Hunyuan Formation... The elemental formation method can also further enhance the power of 'Luo Ming Li Jingshi'.

Even strong men at the level of the Snake God Cult masters have gradually been affected by their spiritual consciousness.

Once a cultivator's spiritual consciousness is affected, they will feel their actions.

At this time, the strong man from the Snake God Cult and Gongye Zitai actually made strange actions in this room.

If Chen Xuan were here, he might have thought they were dancing. With his back against the wall, Chen Xuan was also listening to the sounds inside.

After resting for a while, Chen Xuan pulled out the Cang Yan Huan Po Dagger from his arm, and blood immediately spurted out.

After holding back the pain, Chen Xuan's face even looked a little pale. He hurriedly took out the elixir and swallowed it quickly.

There is even a trace of poison in Cang Yan Huan Po Dagger.

These Mingxia thunderbolts have numbed Chen Xuan's body, otherwise he would have found a way to escape from here and would not have stayed near this room at all.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan recovered from his injuries very quickly. After two hours, he had already felt that his injuries had fully recovered, and he was not ready to waste time in Luo Mingli Cave. Chen Xuan hurriedly He walked out and started to leave outside.

A black shadow suddenly flashed past, and before Chen Xuan had time to think, he saw Shangguan Haoran running towards him.

"Shangguan Haoran?" Chen Xuan, with a hint of confusion on his face, asked immediately: "Where did you go before? Shangguan Haoran.

With a wry smile on Shangguan Haoran's face, he immediately replied: "I thought you were caught by them. Do you know that there seems to be a ruin hidden in the Luo Mingli Cave, which seems to be the Luo Mingli Crystal?" "

"How did you know!?" Chen Xuan's face was full of surprise.

He didn't expect that Haoran would already know about winning the Luo Mingli crystal in Luo Mingli cave.

"I accidentally heard a few warriors mention it when they were passing by. Should we go in and take a look?"

"Don't look at it." Chen Xuan gave a bitter smile: "Just now, the strong men of the Snake God Cult and Gongye Zitai were preparing to look for the 'Luo Mingli Crystal Stone' in the Luo Mingli Cave, and I met them inside."

"No way? How did you get out?" Shangguan Haoran's eyes widened, and the surprise on his face was evident.

Chen Xuan continued to answer: "I just encountered the formation left from the fourth era here. When they were chasing me, I opened the formation directly, and now they have been surrounded by the Luo Mingli Crystal Stone. 'The hallucinations are under control."

"Have you destroyed the 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal'?"

"I don't know either." Chen Xuan replied.

At this moment, the strong men of the Snake God Sect and Gongye Zitai were still in hallucinations, but Chen Xuan and Shangguan Haoran had already left here.

They don't want to stay in this Hongshan Mountain Range any longer. After all, Dan Vein is still very dangerous.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the strong man from the Snake God Sect fell into a hallucination. This time, he suddenly opened his eyes, his face full of murderous intent.

Looking at the 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal' in front, a dark red power of the snake god suddenly bloomed from the hand of the strong man from the Snake God Cult, and it instantly rushed to the 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal'.


The 'Luo Ming Glass Crystal' was still gathering energy, but after being attacked by the power of the snake god, it suddenly shattered.

The strong men of the Snake God Sect are also extremely twisted in their hearts. If they don't give this 'Luo Mingli Crystal' a chance, they are likely to continue to be controlled by this illusion.

The strong men of the Snake God Sect also tried their best to escape from the hallucination.

After the 'Luo Ming Li Jingshi' was destroyed, Gongye Zitai slowly opened his eyes and was released from the hallucination. He only felt that his body was very weak.

"What happened?" Gongyezi asked in shock.

The strong man from the Snake God Sect did not answer, but turned his head, with a ferocious look on his face: "This is all your fault, the 'Luo Ming Li Jingshi' can no longer be obtained."

"You blame me..." Gongye Zitai also slowly retreated towards the back.

In this dark room, if a strong man from the Snake God Sect wanted to kill him, he would be killed in just one round without much effort.

"what are you up to?"

The strong man of the Snake God Sect laughed twistedly: "Gongye Zitai, what do you think I can do? You prevented me from getting the 'Luo Mingli Crystal Stone'. If the high priest knew about this, I would You can’t eat and walk around, it seems, now I have to kill you to hide you from the eyes of others!”

Blood flowed out in the room. As for the strong man of the Snake God Sect, his body was teleported out instantly, and he was still looking for traces of Chen Xuan and Guan Haoran in the entire Hongshan Mountain Range.

However, Chen Xuan and Shangguan Haoran have disappeared long ago, and they are not that stupid. They still stay in the Hongshan Mountains knowing that they cannot defeat the strong men of the Snake God Cult.

Three days later, Chen Xuan appeared again in Hongcheng when Zheng

But at this time, he was not in a hurry to find Gongsun City Lord of Hongcheng and Gongsun Guang.

Recuperate in Hongcheng for the time being. After all, Hongcheng is still very close to the Hongshan Mountains.

In the past few days, after Chen Xuan had basically recovered from his injuries, he and Shangguan Haoran set off in the direction of Yunxiao Mansion.

Since Gongye Zitai disappeared, the entire Yunye Chamber of Commerce was also searching for his traces, but they didn't know that Gongye Zitai had been killed by a strong man from the Snake God Sect long ago.

"We must report this matter to my uncle." Shangguan Haoran whispered.

Chen Xuan also nodded slightly, then this matter is not that simple. Even if Chen Xuan wanted to deal with the warriors of the Snake God Cult, he couldn't do it at all.

After all, the opponent's cultivation level is several levels higher than his, and Chen Xuan can't even try to flatter him.

Moreover, the strong ones from the Snake God Cult could easily kill him and Shangguan Haoran, so only by asking the masters from Yunxiao Mansion could they have a chance to deal with the strong ones from the Snake God Cult.

Sighing, Chen Xuan immediately replied: "I really didn't expect that a strong man from the Snake God Cult would actually come here."

The strong men of the Snake God Sect came from the distant Leizhou to Yunxiao Mansion. There was still a long distance in between.

Leizhou is also one of the territories of the Snake God Cult. Although Leizhou was not completely occupied by the Snake God Cult, Chen Xuan also heard about it.

Zhou Mu of Leizhou also seems to be inextricably connected with the Snake God Sect. According to reports, Leizhou also wants to break away from the control of the Yunye Empire.

But the Yunye Empire will definitely not let Leizhou escape from their hands. Anyway, this matter has been dragging on, and Chen Xuan can't control that much.

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