Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 3579 Still want to assassinate me?

The prairie fire sword was taken out, and a burst of fierce Suzaku fire suddenly ignited and quickly bloomed towards the man in gray robe.

The body of the man in gray clothes was instantly burned by the flames. In just a few minutes, he was burned into bursts of ashes.

"You still want to kill me. What a fool's dream." After killing the man in gray, Chen Xuan didn't show any expression. Instead, he went to the Chamber of Commerce to buy a few spiritual herbs, and then returned.

In the past few days, Chen Xuan has been learning the power of dragon patterns from Yuwen in the Dragon Pattern Sect. Because Chen Xuan has never been exposed to carving dragon patterns before, it is a bit troublesome to learn.

"Yuwen, why did I just do something wrong? I obviously did it according to your method." Chen Xuan asked.

Yuwen was also a little helpless and held up his forehead: "Chen Xuan, this is a book about dragon pattern carving. Take it back and study it for a few times. Come to me when you fully understand it. If there is anything you don't understand, I will explain it to you. I told you.”

After getting the book, Chen Xuan looked at it carefully before taking it back.

"Chen Xuan, I want to tell you that as the Dragon Blood Empire's Dragon Pattern Grandmaster, our status is very noble. Many people want to be my disciples. Since you are ready to practice the power of Dragon Pattern with me, I am sure I will protect you." Yuwen said.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded slowly: "I did meet a person in front of me who wanted to kill me, but his cultivation was not as strong as mine. He was only at the third level of the Shinra realm, and he was killed by me. "

"That's right, they must not be convinced either. After all, they basically have the blood of the imperial royal family. However, their family has been very marginalized, and they basically have no interaction with the royal family, but they have also retained the name Yuwen. surname."

As for Chen Xuan, he now understands the layout of Chiyun City. He knows that there are a total of three families in the entire city.

The leader is naturally Yundingmen, and Zhang Boxiao is also one of the strongest.

He also has royal blood, but it is very rare. However, this does not prevent him from possessing the power of dragon marks.

Even as a branch of the royal family, it is possible to cultivate the power of the dragon pattern to an extremely high level, but without the guidance of an expert, it is difficult to improve.

Among these three major families, those who rank at the top are basically the top strong men in Chiyun City, and their cultivation levels have basically reached the middle stage of the fifth level of the Shenluo realm.

After learning about this situation, Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. After all, his power of dragon pattern has been upgraded to the second level, plus the power of Suzaku fire, Chen Xuan believes that even if he faces the gods Experts at the middle level of the fifth level of the Luo Realm can also handle it.

"Are you ready?" Yuwen asked.

Chen Xuan nodded and replied: "I have learned a little bit about this. There are indeed many families in Chiyun City who seem to be interested in me. However, I don't have to worry. These family sects should not be in Chiyun City. Do something with me?"

"This is a difficult matter, but now that I'm protecting you, they will definitely not do anything. You should study this book carefully first. I think you don't have any understanding of spiritual patterns at all, so you'd better hurry up and learn it. "Okay." Yuwen said helplessly.

He originally wanted to teach Chen Xuan how to carve dragon patterns, but Chen Xuan knew nothing about dragon pattern carving.

Even if it was the most basic spirit pattern carving, Chen Xuan didn't know anything about it. This made Yuwen a little helpless and could only start from the most basic.

In Chiyun City, no family or sect dared to provoke Yuwen.

And Yuwen also spread the news that he would accept Chen Xuan as his disciple. When this became public, many people were surprised.

No way, he actually accepted a disciple from the Kamikaze Dynasty?

Could it be that this person from the Kamikaze Dynasty also has the royal blood of our Dragon Blood Empire? This should be impossible...

Could it be that his talent is so terrifying? Otherwise, Yuwen would never have accepted him as his disciple...

According to the records in the book, Chen Xuan also studied it carefully: "This book introduces it in detail, including the most basic carving methods of spiritual patterns, and even some materials are introduced in detail."

The carving of spiritual patterns is divided into three steps. The first step is to prepare the materials for carving spiritual patterns. The second step is to skillfully control the Dantian to be able to carve various patterns as desired. In addition, each spiritual pattern master , all need to draw a variety of patterns, and also require a certain amount of artistic thinking.

As for this third step, it is very difficult.

Not only is it much more difficult than the previous two, but if it is not completed, it is likely to cause certain side effects.

When the time comes, not only will the spiritual pattern not bring an increase to the monk, but it will also have an impact on his body, which will be more than worth the gain.

In just half a time, Chen Xuan had read all the books on carving spiritual patterns.

"It seems that now I have a certain understanding of spiritual patterns." Chen Xuan also knew about spiritual patterns before, but he only had a superficial look at them and did not study them in depth.

Chen Xuan had always spent his spare time refining elixirs before, so he had no time to study spiritual patterns.

Spirit Pattern Master is indeed a very ancient profession in this black rock world. Even in the Second Dynasty, Spirit Pattern Master already existed and is as old as alchemy.

Almost every spirit pattern master needs to master various techniques skillfully, and even needs to be very skilled in controlling and coordinating movements.

Otherwise, there would be no way to carve spiritual patterns at all.

You must concentrate on carving spiritual patterns, otherwise the carved spiritual patterns will not have the amplifying effect at all.

A few days later, Chen Xuan thoroughly understood the book, so he took the book and rushed towards Yuwen.

At this time, Yuwen was in the room, lying on the couch with a bunch of grapes next to him.

After seeing Chen Xuan approaching, he showed surprise: "Chen Xuan, why are you here? Have you finished reading all the books?"

Chen Xuan nodded.

"Haha, no way. You actually finished reading this book so quickly. You are indeed talented. Good boy. Now that you have finished reading, I will test you to see if you fully understand it."

Chen Xuan nodded again.

"Very good, let me ask you, what three abilities are most needed for spiritual patterns?"

"What spiritual patterns require most is spirit, physical coordination, and control of the spiritual power of the Dantian. Of course, the most important thing is whether the carving method of the spiritual patterns can be applied skillfully." Chen Xuan replied.

Yuwen showed a hint of admiration and whispered to him: "Very good, your answer is quite accurate, but I tell you, as a spirit pattern master, when you reach a certain level, you must create your own Spirit Pattern."

"After all, the spirit patterns carved by each spirit pattern master are different in nature, and they all put their own efforts into it. You must create a new spirit pattern according to the scene you need."

"However, this is also a state that only the top spirit pattern masters can achieve. You are just getting started now. I have so much to say, but I just want to warn you that you must not copy the spirit pattern carving techniques in the books.

Chen Xuan nodded and said: "I also know that although I am not a spiritual pattern master, I was also an alchemist before."

Without Yuwen, he would naturally understand this truth.

Yuwen nodded with satisfaction, but then continued to ask: "By the way, Chen Xuan, since you have read this book thoroughly, I will teach you how to blink twice."

If you want to become a spirit pattern master, you must accept the test. Let me see if you have the basic abilities of a spirit pattern master.

His eyes continued to scan Chen Xuan's body, and then he whispered: "I have met many people who practiced dragon pattern with me before, but their theoretical knowledge was very strong, but when it came to practice, they failed It's completely contrary to my own theory."

"In short, no matter who you are, you must combine theory and practice. This is the foundation and the most fundamental condition for being a spirit pattern master. Even you are no exception. You must pass my test."

Yu Wenhui knows people with his eyes. From the first moment he saw Chen Xuan, he discovered that his control of spiritual consciousness has reached a very high level. Unless he is talented, it is impossible for him to be able to control his spiritual consciousness at this age. Skilled in controlling spiritual consciousness.

Only strong men who have reached the realm of divine souls can control their spiritual consciousness. Apart from this, warriors in other realms simply cannot do it.

But Chen Xuan just did it, which is why Yuwen was so excited, thinking that Chen Xuan was a good candidate for weapon refining, a talent for practicing dragon pattern, and could even become a dragon pattern master.

The essential difference between spirit patterns and dragon patterns is not that big. The only difference is that one uses the power of dragon patterns to carve spiritual patterns, and the other uses the earth's spiritual energy to carve.

Of course, the patterns carved using dragon patterns are obviously stronger for monks.

"If you want to pass my test, you must first be able to master the power of spiritual consciousness, and I want to see how strong your potential is." Yuwen whispered.

Chen Xuan nodded, and then replied: "I wonder how you want to test me?"

After he finished, Chen Xuan suddenly felt streaks of flames appearing around him, which contained a ferocious aura.

"The power of dragon marks is different. My dragon mark can also possess the dragon mark fire, but some people are not born with it. The power of each dragon mark is very different, just like the demon soul."

Chen Xuan also discovered that the power of dragon patterns does vary widely, but there are certain variables in the dragon patterns. This is the dragon pattern stone tablet.

Everyone with dragon-marked blood can basically get the inheritance from the dragon-marked stone tablet to learn more dragon-marked techniques and make their cultivation stronger.

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