The Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast, which had reached the realm of the divine soul, exploded with extremely ferocious power. In just half an hour, many disciples had been killed.

At this moment, at the end of the sky, there were two men in black with fierce faces. If Chen Xuan were here, he would definitely recognize that one of them was Li Jiuyuan.

"Damn it, this Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast didn't break through the seal from where we expected, otherwise Chen Xuan would never be alive now!"

"We probably won't be able to kill him this time. Lord Li Jiuyuan, let's go back quickly. If the people of the Sword Moon Sect find out, they will definitely come to trouble us." A young man's voice came out.

After hearing this, Li Jiuyuan's face was filled with murderous intent, but he could only nod his head and said: "That's fine, now we have no way to fight against the leader of the Jianyue Sect. He is about to leave seclusion. When he succeeds in cultivation, I'm afraid we won't even be able to fight him." The head of the family is no match for him."

Chen Xuan was also in the spirit sword area. His eyes were very stunned. Seeing the bursts of spiritual energy in front of him constantly washing the earth, Chen Xuan could only hold the prairie fire sword in dumbfounded hands, ready to counterattack at any time.

He knew that his cultivation level was in no way able to fight against the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast. After all, this was a powerful monster in the divine soul realm. If he fought against the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast, Chen Xuan would be defeated by the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast in a few seconds at most. The Autumn Dragon Beast was devoured.

Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast is a thunder attribute monster. To be more precise, Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast has reached the level of a fairy beast.

However, the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast is a very violent type among fairy beasts. They will aimlessly attack everyone around them. As long as they appear next to the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast, they will be attacked by this monster. .

"We can't delay any longer. We must seal the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast as soon as possible, otherwise the losses will be even greater!" an inner sect elder said angrily.

Zhuge Bai didn't think so. He kept waving his hands and began to recite the spell.

With the concerted efforts of several inner sect elders, the power of the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast was finally sealed.

Feeling a burst of terrifying power still coming from the front, Chen Xuan was filled with wonder: "Could it be that the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast has been sealed?"

At this moment, an inner disciple also rushed over: "What happened here?"

Many disciples shook their heads. They could only feel an extremely terrifying force coming from them, but they didn't know who did it.

"It's the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast!" said a disciple.

"What is it? It's actually the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast. Is the rumor true?"

There is a rumor in the Jian Yue Sect, but no one in the Spirit Sword area just thinks it is a rumor, and no one believes it.

Those who are willing to believe in the existence of the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast are basically inner disciples. They have been practicing in the spirit sword area for longer, and some of them even saw the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast three years ago.

The thunder that filled the sky continued to dissipate, and then the dark clouds also disappeared.

All the disciples emerged from their hiding places, with shock on their faces and the joy of surviving the catastrophe.

The power of thunder that flashed in the sky just now was really terrifying. If they hadn't run in time, they would have been hit by this power.

When Zhuge Bai saw that Chen Xuan was here, there was joy on his face: "Fortunately, you were not killed by the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast. Otherwise, I don't know how I would have explained it to Yuwen."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan also walked over, cupped his hands and said: "Elder Zhuge, this

Zhuge Bai's face suddenly became serious: "Yes, this Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast has been sealed for three hundred and twenty years. Back then, several junior brothers and I personally sealed the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast here."

"It is precisely because of the existence of the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast that there is a spirit sword area, but I did not expect that the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast actually broke through the seal. I am afraid it is because someone deliberately wanted to release the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast... ..." Zhuge Bai whispered.

Someone has an idea for Sword Moon Sect?

Unless his cultivation level is extremely strong, he will have to accept the revenge of the Jianyue Sect. The Jianyue Sect is also a first-class sect in the Jianyue Ancient City. No one in the Jianyue Ancient City dares to provoke the Jianyue Sect.

"Li Jiuyuan did it?" Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Zhuge Bai gently scratched his beard and replied: "I can't say for sure now, but in the past few days, the only person I have provoked is probably Li Jiuyuan, and among so many people, only Li Jiuyuan's cultivation is enough to open the seal."

"It must be him!" Chen Xuandao.

Zhuge Bai nodded slowly: "That does make sense. I'm afraid Li Jiuyuan has been sending people here to monitor you and wants to kill you with the hands of the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast. Chen Xuan, I originally thought you were in Jianyue." Zong is very safe, but you must be careful recently, Li Jiuyuan may want to attack you. "

"He wants to attack me. Haha, in this Sword Moon Sect, even if there is his spy, I can find him out. Elder, don't worry, I will definitely get to the bottom of this matter." Chen Xuan's face It was full of murderous intent.

Li Jiuyuan made trouble for him again and again, and even almost caused Chen Xuan's death.

This time the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast suddenly broke free from the seal, it was probably Li Jiuyuan who did it, and there were many disciples bribed by him in the entire Jiangyue Sect, but most of them were outer disciples.

There is no need for the inner sect disciples to inform the Li family. As the inner sect of the Sword Moon Sect, they are all very proud, and their status in the Sword Moon Sect is also very important, attracting the attention of many elders.

Unless the reward given to them by the Li family is very high, so high that they can betray their own master.

But for these disciples who are practicing in the sect, they are loyal to their sect, and few of them will betray them.

Once he betrays a sect, even if he joins a stronger sect in the future, he will be rejected. No matter how strong his cultivation is, few sects are willing to accept him as a disciple.

The next time, Chen Xuan also temporarily returned to his residence.

Because of this incident, he specially set up a dragon pattern formation near his courtyard.

With the existence of the dragon pattern formation, he believed that if someone was watching him around, they would definitely be able to find it.

Two or three days have passed, and there are still no clues. Chen Xuan is not in a hurry. He believes in the principle of waiting and waiting.

As long as he waits patiently here, the spy Li Jiuyuan planted will definitely reveal his flaws. When the time comes, Chen Xuan can catch him directly and ask about Li Jiuyuan's plan from the other party's mouth.

Time flies, three months have passed, and it’s already winter in the blink of an eye.

Heavy snow fell in the sky, and while Chen Xuan was meditating in the courtyard, he vaguely felt something was wrong.

He had almost forgotten about it, but he found a sneaky figure in the distance, hiding behind a tree and observing him.

With a smile on Chen Xuan's face, he said: "Haha, you think I can't see you hiding there? You're looking for death!"


Chen Xuan's body instantly turned into a red light, and before the disciple had time to react, Chen Xuan grabbed his arm.

"What are you doing, Chen Xuan?" The disciple in Tsing Yi's face was full of panic, and his eyes were somewhat evasive.

"Haha." Chen Xuan's sneer was full of meaning and he replied directly: "What do you think I will do?? You have been sneaking around here and staring at me for a long time. If I guessed correctly, it should be the Li Jiuyuan faction. Did you come here?”

"Li Jiuyuan, I have never heard of this name. Chen Xuan, please don't spit on me!" the Sword Moon Sect disciple said angrily.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly: "I know you won't."

"What did Li Jiuyuan give you? To make you willing to keep silent and betray your master?"

Chen Xuan had also encountered this disciple in the Jianyue Ancient Vein.

He was also present when Li Jiuyuan wanted to kill Chen Xuan.

"Are you the spy that Li Jiuyuan planted here before? Three months have passed and you are still quite cautious. I thought everything that happened was all an illusion." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Chen, I don't understand what you are talking about..." This disciple was about to explain.

But they found that Chen Xuan's body released a red dragon pattern, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura. An extremely terrifying force burst out instantly, directly suppressing his body.

"What are you going to do? If you want to cause trouble for me, don't blame me for being rude. I'm not someone you can bully casually!" the disciple said immediately.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan directly slapped him on the body, then drove the long sword and placed it on his neck: "I only give you three seconds to think. If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me. If you kill me, I am very cruel. After killing you, I will hang your head on the mast, and I may even quarter you into pieces..."

"No, no more, Chen Xuan, I beg you to let me go, I will tell you everything I know, please don't kill me!" The disciple's face was full of horror.

Seeing that the other party was showing off, Chen Xuan nodded slowly and said with a smile: "Very good, it's best to tell me all the news you know."

"Li Jiuyuan just asked me to monitor you. I don't know anything else." The disciple's body was trembling, and he felt a desperate murderous aura from Chen Xuan.

Under the suppression of this force, his body was unable to move, just like fish on the chopping board, and had no choice but to be slaughtered.

Chen Xuan smiled softly: "What you are saying is nonsense. Let me ask you, was the Fantasy Autumn Dragon Beast in the Spirit Sword area released by you? How many informants are there in the Sword Moon Sect? Hurry up No matter what, I won't let you go!"

With Chen Xuan's long sword pointed at his neck, no matter how strong this outer disciple was, he still knew how big the gap was between him and Chen Xuan.

"I'll tell you everything..."

"Master Li once gave me a mysterious magic weapon and asked me to take it to the Spirit Sword area. I didn't know what it was..."

"Second question." Chen Xuan said coldly.

"It's just me, no one else!" The disciple's eyes were a little dodgey.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly, and the long sword in his hand released a red fire: "I will give you three seconds to reflect and see what went wrong with what you just said."

The disciple was so frightened that he almost screamed: "No, no, I tell you, I'm all with you..."

After asking the question from the other party's mouth, Chen Xuan directly waved his long sword, and a burst of red light was released instantly, cutting the disciple's body in half.

There are a total of three insiders in the Jianyue Sect. They all benefited from Li Jiuyuan and have been monitoring Chen Xuan for more than three months.

As long as Chen Xuan leaves the Sword Moon Sect, these disciples will notify Li Jiuyuan, who is hiring killers to cause trouble for Chen Xuan.

"Very good, very good. You actually dare to betray your master. These people are really tired of living." Chen Xuan did not go directly to trouble them, but sent a message to Elder Zhuge through the sound transmission jade pendant.

It didn't take long for all three moles to be arrested.

They betrayed the Jian Yue Sect, and their fate was very cruel. Although Chen Xuan had already killed the disciple and had no evidence, Zhuge Bai trusted Chen Xuan extremely.

Just call them by name and arrest all three moles.

Chen Xuan didn't know what happened next. He only knew that he lived a very comfortable life for the next period of time.

For a whole month, no one came to trouble him, and Chen Xuan naturally practiced in the spirit sword area.

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