Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 3688 The Crisis of the Sun-Moon Fortress

In recent days, Chen Xuan has been practicing in the Sword Moon Sect.

Now that his cultivation has broken through two major levels in a row, even if someone wants to trouble him, he still has to think twice.

After arriving at the spirit sword training area, bursts of fierce sword energy gathered on Chen Xuan's body and began to spread towards the surroundings.

Several Jian Yue Sect disciples exclaimed in surprise.

"No, it's Chen Xuan who's here. His cultivation has already reached the sixth level of the Shinra Realm. I don't know what level he has reached now."

"His cultivation level is definitely considered first-class among our Sword Moon Sect's outer sect."

"I don't know if the top five masters are still his opponents."

After hearing everyone's discussion, Chen Xuan did not answer.

At this time, he suddenly saw a spiritual stone emitting orange light floating in the air, so he walked over.

Dugu Lun's voice came out from a sound transmission spiritual crystal.

"I didn't expect something like this to happen to the Sun and Moon Fortress. I have to go back and take a look..." Chen Xuan thought in his heart and began to think about finding an opportunity to return to the Sun and Moon Fortress.

Although it is very far away from the ancient city of Jianyue, with Chen Xuan's current cultivation level, it only takes a few days at most to get there.

If it weren't for the fact that many people wanted to kill him, Chen Xuan wouldn't have any worries at all.

"We must find an opportunity to go out without letting them find out."

Three days later, Chen Xuan set off in the direction of the Sun and Moon Fortress.

According to Dugu Lun's original words, many warriors from the Snake God Cult appeared near the Sun and Moon Fortress.

Chen Xuan had competed with the Snake God Sect before and knew that their cultivation was very strong.

There are some warriors from the Snake God Sect who practice extremely weird techniques. If someone is not careful, they are likely to kill them.

Just when Chen Xuan passed through a plain, he suddenly saw three warriors fighting with monsters in front of him.

Chen Xuan didn't take it to heart and hurriedly prepared to rush over.

Now he still has something important to do. If he gets entangled with these warriors, it won't be over for a while.

Just as he was about to pass by, a warrior's face suddenly turned gloomy, and his face was full of murderous intent.

They quickly killed the two monsters in front of them. One of the warriors in red armor stared in the direction of Chen Xuan and said: "This guy must have a lot of good treasures, and he came from Jianyue Ancient City." Yes, maybe they are the disciples of those great sects.”

"Brother, should we kill him?" A warrior's face was extremely gloomy, as if he had seen how many treasures could be obtained from Chen Xuan after killing him.

"Stop this guy first. He must have a lot of good things in him. Hahaha, we have killed so many monsters here and all we got are some spiritual stones. If we can kill him, we will definitely get a lot. Magic weapon!" Thinking in his mind, Lin Ziwei turned into a red light and rushed towards Chen Xuan in an instant.

Chen Xuan knew nothing about this, he was still rushing towards the Sun and Moon Fortress.

Since the people of the Snake God Sect are attacking the Sun and Moon Fortress, they will definitely occupy the Sun and Moon Fortress at all costs.

Chen Xuan was also very confused in his heart as to why the Snake God Cult suddenly attacked the Sun and Moon Fortress.

The Snake God Cult generally lives in Leizhou and several other major empires.

Although the Kamikaze Dynasty has fallen into decay, Leizhou's official power is very strong. Even if the people of the Snake God Sect want to infiltrate, they still need to think carefully and they will definitely not dare to blatantly attack the Sun and Moon Fortress.

If the Snake God Cult really attacks the Sun and Moon Fortress at all costs, there is only one possibility.

Now the Snake God Cult has fully expanded towards the north, and they want to spread their power throughout the Kamikaze Dynasty.

Chen Xuan was not interested in the struggle between the Kamikaze Dynasty and the Snake God Cult.

But the Sun and Moon Fortress is also his territory.

The most important thing is that opposite the Sun and Moon Fortress is Dragon City. Once the Sun and Moon Fortress is occupied by them, Dragon City will also be in danger.

It is absolutely impossible for Chen Xuan to let the Sun Moon Fortress be controlled by the people of the Snake God Sect, especially since Taixu Villa can bring him a large amount of spiritual grass and spiritual stones every year. If Taixu Villa is defeated, Chen Xuan will will suffer heavy losses.

At this moment, a red light flashed in the sky.

Three figures instantly appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes.

Chen Xuan's face was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would be so fast: "Who are you?"

Facing Chen Xuan's questioning, the man in red armor had a very ferocious expression: "You are very unlucky to have come here. We have killed many monsters here. It's a pity that we brought The reward is too great, I will definitely get a lot of treasures if I kill you directly!”

The other two warriors also showed cruel smiles.

"Brother Lin is right. With the rewards from killing monsters, it is better to just kill people."

"Then you want to grab something?" Chen Xuan asked with a smile. After his cultivation reached the sixth level of Shenluo Realm, he still had no opponent among the monks at the same level.

Just by releasing the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan could feel what level these three cultivators had reached.

The strongest person has only entered the early stage of the seventh level of the Shinra realm. With Chen Xuan's current cultivation level, it is very easy to kill him.

Lin Ziwei stepped forward and said with a ferocious smile: "Today I just want to kill you and then take away all your things!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan knew that the problem could not be solved.

The prairie fire sword was taken out instantly, and bursts of dragon roars emanated.

Accompanied by the powerful Suzaku fire, the prairie fire sword instantly floated in the air and rotated twice around Chen Xuan's body.

"Just because you still want to steal my things, you are simply desperate!"

The next second, Chen Xuan's body turned into a red light, and the power of the dragon pattern gathered on his body was instantly released, killing the two warriors.


The two of them had no way to resist the sword energy, and were instantly knocked back more than two hundred meters, hitting Lin directly.

Seeing Chen Xuan kill the two of them at such a fast speed, Lin Ziwei's face was slightly surprised: "No, I thought his cultivation was only at the sixth level of the Shinra Realm. I didn't expect him to be so strong!"

Chen Xuan would not let them go. After killing the two warriors, he instantly rushed towards Lin Ziwei.

"Go to hell!" As Chen Xuan shouted angrily, bursts of light red light instantly appeared on his body, and he crashed directly into Lin Ziwei's body.

Lin Ziwei's cultivation was not weak, but he was unable to resist Chen Xuan's attack.

The body flew more than two hundred meters, and Lin Ziwei hit Lin hard.

After being directly hit by Chen Xuan's sword energy, blood flowed from Lin Ziwei's arm.

Lin Ziwei, whose expression was full of anxiety, instantly took out the talisman from his space ring and smashed it in the direction of Chen Xuan.

"Go to hell!" Lin Ziwei roared, with a layer of red aura wafting around his body.

The power of Fu Zhuan began to wrap around Chen Xuan.

Bursts of red thunder and lightning burst out from this talisman, instantly surrounding Chen Xuan's body.

Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He could feel the terrifying aura released from the talisman, which had reached two stars.

"I didn't expect Fu Zhuan to be so strong. There must be very powerful skills stored in it." Chen Xuan thought to himself, and his body flew directly into the air, avoiding Fu Zhuan's attack.

Lin Ziwei took advantage of this opportunity and quickly ran away into the distance.

Seeing Lin Ziwei's body getting further and further away, Chen Xuan sighed helplessly: "There is no time to fight with him now. We must return to the Sun and Moon Fortress as soon as possible. If the people of the Snake God Sect occupy the Sun and Moon Fortress, I'm done..."

The Snake God Sect is a very dangerous sect. The most important thing is that they don't play by common sense. Many warriors of the Snake God Sect are very strong, but these are basically the top leaders of the Snake God Sect.

According to Dugu Lun, among the warriors of the Snake God Sect who attacked the Sun and Moon Fortress, the strongest one was named Zhang Pingyun.

It is rumored that his cultivation has reached the early stage of the eighth level of the Shinra realm, and he has practiced many mysterious techniques of the Snake God Sect, so he is likely to become stronger.

No matter how strong his cultivation level is, Chen Xuan must return to the Sun and Moon Fortress as soon as possible and kill him.

Once the Sun and Moon Fortress falls, Taixu Villa will definitely not be able to sustain it for long.

Lin Ziwei fled to a hidden corner and began to lick his wounds: "Both of my brothers were killed by him. This guy is so hateful. I must kill him!"

Thinking that his cultivation was not strong enough, Lin Ziwei could only shake his head in despair: "His cultivation is indeed very strong. I am definitely no match for him. If I want to kill him, I must use external force!"

Chen Xuan quickly set off in the direction of the Sun and Moon Fortress without feeling Lin Ziwei following him.

Finally, two days later, Chen Xuan returned to the Sun and Moon Fortress safely.

At this time, outside the Sun and Moon Fortress, Chen Xuan saw many strange figures wandering in the Black Cloud Forest.

There is a mountain range near the Sun and Moon Fortress, and there are many dangers lurking in it.

There are many monsters in this dark cloud forest.

But the people of the Snake God Sect can use their own skills to control these monsters.

But they cannot control monsters with a higher level than themselves. They can only control monsters with a lower level than themselves. Even so, they can still pose a threat to the Sun and Moon Fortress.

The face of a warrior from the Snake God Cult in black was full of ferocity: "Haha, Lord Zhang Pingyun has passed. We must occupy the Sun and Moon Fortress this time, otherwise our power will not be able to expand to the north."

"But it's useless for us to just control these monsters to attack the Sun and Moon Fortress. It only takes them a few seconds at most to kill them all." Another warrior from the Snake God Cult said.

"Don't worry about it for now. Even if they can kill the monsters, as long as we work together, we can definitely pose a threat to the Sun and Moon Fortress." Another snake god cultivator said.

Chen Xuan stared at them coldly from a distance, with the prairie fire sword already appearing in his hand: "I didn't expect people from the Snake God Sect to actually appear in the Black Cloud Forest near the Sun and Moon Fortress. They must have planned it..."

He didn't know that this group of warriors from the Snake God Cult were not only scattered throughout the Black Cloud Forest, but also in the entire Taixu Mountains.

The two Snake God Cult warriors in front of them continued to talk.

"Brother Zhang Pingyun has been with us. You must be careful when you come here. I heard that there is a person in the Sun and Moon Fortress who has a strong cultivation level. He should be from Taixu Villa."

"Ah haha, Taixu Villa is no longer viable. We don't need to worry about their threat at all. With Zhang Darao's strength, it only takes two rounds at most to kill the owner of Taixu Villa!"

Chen Xuan's body turned into a ray of red light, and the prairie fire sword carried bursts of flames and fiercely killed the two warriors of the Snake God Cult.


The chest of one of the Snake God Cult warriors was immediately penetrated, and blood flowed out gurglingly.

The face of another Snake God Cult warrior was full of shock. He turned his head hurriedly, but found a more ferocious sword energy heading towards him.

"This is impossible!" His face was full of shock. He originally wanted to dodge, but because the prairie fire sword energy was too fast, there was no way to dodge.

Another deafening sound came out, and the body of the last Snake God Cult warrior was instantly pierced by the long sword. He collapsed limply on Lin, unable to stand up.

Chen Xuan walked over, put a long sword on his neck and asked, "Tell me honestly, how many people did your Snake God Sect send out this time?"

Back then, Chen Xuan had come to Sun Moon Fortress and met warriors from the Snake God Sect, but those people were all fake and not the real members of the Snake God Sect.

"Me, me, there are more than a hundred of us here..." said the warrior of the Snake God Cult.

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