After Luo Wei finished speaking, he looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Chen Xuan, come with me."

City Lord's Mansion, central lobby.

There was a strong aura surrounding him.

"Lord City Lord, bring Chen Xuan." A voice came over.

"come in."

The door opened, and Luo Wei took Chen Xuan into the central lobby.

"Lord City Lord." Luo Wei and Chen Xuan nodded lightly.

"Haha, that's right." The city lord nodded slowly, then with a smile on his face: "You should be from the Eastern Region."

Chen Xuan nodded.

"Your cultivation level is only at the first level of the Shenxuan realm, but your talents are stronger than those of the warriors at the third level of the Shenxuan realm. You can easily break the eighth-level peak spirit pattern seal I have placed. It will only take time to enter the third level of the Shenxuan realm."

Luo Wei was shocked when he heard what the city lord said.

It has been a long time since he reached the peak of the first level of the Shenxuan realm, but he has never been able to enter the fourth level of the Shenxuan realm without burdens.

And Chen Xuancai was only at the first level of the Shenxuan realm, so it was only a matter of time before he was defeated by the city lord and entered the fourth level of the Shenxuan realm and became invincible.

"You are the first in this trial, and you will get the reward you deserve." Suddenly, the city lord said.

Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there would be a reward for being the first in the trial.

"This is an immortal weapon." The city lord said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan and Luo Wei were shocked at the same time.

Class Immortal Weapons are rare within the scope of Cangyan City, and even within the Dragon Realm City of Feng Daotu, they are very precious.

"Level Immortal Weapon?"

Chen Xuan's pupils emitted a spiritual light, and then he looked at the city lord and said: "City Lord, I once refined an ordinary fairy weapon, but I don't know, city lord..."

"You want me to upgrade your immortal weapon to the second level?" the city lord said.

Chen Xuan nodded.

"Okay." The city lord said, "Take out your spiritual sword."

Chen Xuan took out the prairie fire sword and handed it to the city lord.

"Okay, come find me in a few days."

After the words fell, the city lord disappeared.

"Chen Xuan, congratulations." Luo Wei smiled.

In his heart, he envied Chen Xuan.

Luo Wei has never owned an Immortal Artifact so far, but Chen Xuan obtained an Immortal Artifact with such cultivation.

Luo Wei took Chen Xuan out of the central lobby, and suddenly there was an additional sentence in his memory.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Wei glanced at Chen Xuan.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

This is the time for the Fire Guards to choose the second leader position.

Some veteran warriors, plus a hundred entry-level disciples, are all qualified to compete for the position of second commander.

However, some weak warriors gave up directly. Among the entry-level disciples, only the five strongest ones were ready to compete.

Song Dongbao's cultivation has reached the early stage of the third level of Shenxuan Realm, and he is the strongest person in the Fire Guards, second only to Luo Wei.

It was natural for him to become the second commander.

Before Luo Wei arrived, Song Dongbao challenged the five powerful ones among the beginner disciples.

"If I defeat you, no one will compete with me for the position of second commander."

Song Dongbao was very strong and defeated the five powerful disciples.

"I, Song Dongbao, am the second commander, who else wants to challenge me?" Song Dongbao looked nearby and said loudly.

Many warriors shook their heads in agreement.

But at this moment Luo Wei appeared.

"The position of second commander will be taken over by Chen Xuan."

Originally, Song Dongbao would definitely win the battle.

The sudden sound made Song Dongbao feel faintly angry.

Luo Wei appeared and brought Chen Xuan here.

Many warriors looked at Luo Wei, wondering what Luo Wei meant?

"Brother Luo Wei, your position as second commander just now will be taken over by this entry-level disciple?" Song Dongbao said, suppressing the anger in his heart.

Luo Wei nodded and said: "Haha, that's right. From now on, Chen Xuan will be the second commander of our Fire Guards."

Luo Wei's words completely made Song Dongbao angry.

An entry-level disciple, whose cultivation level is only at the level of Shenxuan realm, is asked to be the second commander of the guard palace. How can he be convinced?

"Brother Luo Wei, you have appointed him as the second commander, but I, Song Dongbao, refuse to accept it." Song Dongbao said solemnly.

Song Dongbao was very unhappy. He had just defeated the entry-level disciple and was about to take the position of second commander. However, something happened now.

After Luo Wei heard this, he could understand Song Dongbao's mood, but he had no choice.

Because this is what the city lord personally told him.

"Song Dongbao, I understand." Luo Wei said slowly.

"Sir, we are not convinced that Chen Xuan should be the second commander."

Many warriors shouted one after another.

Luo Wei sighed slightly, and then said: "This is the decision of City Lord Darao."

As soon as these words came out, many warriors were shocked.

Lord City Lord? How can it be?

Then many warriors looked at Chen Xuan with serious eyes.

"Is it really City Lord Darao's decision?" Song Dongbao's face was full of helplessness.

Luo Wei nodded slowly.

Seeing this situation, Song Dongbao was filled with dissatisfaction.

"Why? He, a warrior at the second level of Shenxuan realm, can be the second commander, but I, Song Dongbao, have worked hard for so many years, but I am not even given the opportunity to be the second commander?"

His pupils were filled with resentment as he looked at Chen Xuan.

There is nothing Luo Wei can do about this. This is the decision of the city lord Darao.

"From now on, I hope that many warriors can respect our second commander, Chen Xuan." Luo Wei said: "Okay, all the warriors should disperse."

Then Luo Wei said to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, come here."

Although Chen Xuan was speechless just now, he was quite surprised in his heart.

Why does the city lord want him to be the second commander?

Along the way, Chen Xuan was very confused.

"Chen Xuan, it seems that the city lord values ​​you very much." Luo Wei said with a hearty laugh.

"Brother Luo Wei, where are we going now?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Follow me to Cangyan General Guard's headquarters."

Cang Yan General Guard Headquarters, the commanders of several major guard palaces are present.

When Chen Xuan and Luo Wei arrived, everyone else came.

At the top, two warriors sat, and their auras were very heavy.

"Invincible at the fourth level of Shenxuan Realm?"

As soon as he entered the hall, Chen Xuan felt that the two warriors at the top were not simple.

The aura on their bodies is no different from that of the Lord of the City, but much weaker than the Lord of the City.

It was immediately recognized that these two people were invincible experts at the fourth level of Shenxuan Realm.

"Two commanders, Chen Xuan will bring you here." Luo Wei nodded lightly to the two of them.

The two looked at each other, then nodded.

"From today on, Chen Xuan will be the second commander of the Flame Guards, and he will now be awarded the Super Blue Flame Card."

Granting the Supreme Cang Yan Card means that within the Cang Yan City, the Supreme Cang Yan Card and warriors without the Cang Yan Card cannot take action against it.

"Thank you two adults." Chen Xuan was extremely happy.

Possessing the super Cang Yan Card can be regarded as a guarantee in Cang Yan City.

At the very least, not even Taoist Ghost Spear and Song District dared to take action against him easily.

After the Cang Yan cards were awarded, the two commanders left the hall.

At this time, the other three commanders guarding the palace looked at Chen Xuan with disdain in their pupils.

"It's simply too funny. With a cultivation level around the second level of the Shenxuan realm, he actually became the second-level commander."

"In my opinion, there must be no one left in the Fire Guards. Is the second commander so weak?"

"Don't be messy. This is what City Lord Darao wants."

Luo Wei snorted coldly and left with Chen Xuan.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than six months since I joined Cangyan City.

During this period of time, Chen Xuan has been living in the Fire Guards, and his cultivation has gradually improved.

In the past six months, although many people looked down on Chen Xuan, many warriors would say hello to Chen Xuan when they saw him.

On this day, the mission finally came.

This is the first time Chen Xuan has received a mission.

Within the Fire Guards, Luo Wei found Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan, there is a task this time that you need to complete." Luo Wei said in a deep voice.

"Brother Luo Wei, what's the mission?"

"A snow dragon beast has been discovered in Cangyan City, and you need to kill it," Luo Wei said.

"When." Chen Xuan asked.

Luo Wei pondered for a moment and then said: "This mission is extremely dangerous. You must be careful when you lead the five powerful newcomers and Song Dongbao together."

In the last mission, the Fire Guards lost a hundred people, including the second commander.

Luo Wei was hit hard, and this mission was also very dangerous, but there was nothing he could do.

Soon, Chen Xuan found a few of them.

"This mission requires the five of you to complete it with me." Chen Xuan said directly.

After hearing this, Shuyun was stunned.

"Commander, what is the mission content?" Song Dongbao asked.

Although Song Dongbao was dissatisfied with Chen Xuan in his heart, he still showed respect for Chen Xuan.

"The snow dragon beast was discovered in Cangyan City. Our purpose of going this time is to kill the snow dragon beast." Chen Xuandao.

"Snow dragon beast?"

After hearing this, Song Dongbao's face changed slightly and he said in horror.

Obviously, Song Dongbao knows the snow dragon beast very well.

However, there was a brief shock, and then Song Dongbao calmed down.

However, at this time, Song District and Taoist Ghost Gun, who were standing at the end, had a flash of murderous intent in their pupils, and then nodded to each other.

"It's so funny. A piece of trash wants to be the second commander. It's really a dream."

"Kill him this time. Even if the authorities investigate him, they won't suspect me."

Song District and Taoist Ghost Spear have already planned to kill Chen Xuan with the help of the snow dragon beast.

"You five need to prepare?" Chen Xuan asked.

The five people shook their heads, and Chen Xuandao said: "No problem."

Together with Chen Xuan, they hurried to the north of the city.

Cangyan City is very huge.

The peak disciples fought in the air with all their strength, and it took them more than two months to reach the northern part of the city.

The northern part of the city is surrounded by Cangyan City, which is close to the Dragon Domain City of Feng Daotu.

"According to the instructions, the place where the snow dragon beast appears is in this continuous mountain range." Chen Xuan stopped and looked down.

Some of the snow dragon beasts are at the early stage of the third level of the divine realm, and the rest are at the middle stage of the third level of the divine realm.

Under normal circumstances, the warriors in the detachment are fully capable of killing the ferocious snow dragon beast.

But the snow dragon beast has a secret method of burning demon souls. If it uses a unique move, its strength will increase several times.

"Be careful."

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he then entered the continuous mountains.

Just when Chen Xuan and others entered the continuous mountains and entered the killing gate of Fengdao Tulong Domain City, something big happened.

Kill the door, central lobby.

The face of the killing sect leader was extremely gloomy.

"The murderer of Shangguan Ziqiong has appeared."

The faces of many elders present changed drastically.

"Sect Master, have you sensed him?" an elder asked.

"Master, where is the murderer?"

"Let me kill him. He dares to attack my Sha Sect. He is simply courting death."

The elders were very angry and wanted to take action immediately.

The Sha Sect Master said: "Let Shangguan Hai go."

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