After the words fell, Chen Xuan left here and set off towards the Golden Fire Mountain Range.

At this time, in the Golden Fire Mountain Range, a warrior dressed in white was hunting monsters.

This monster beast is extremely large, but it is simply not enough to see in front of this white-clothed warrior.

The warrior in white is a casual cultivator, and he came here to find the Golden Fire Grass.

As soon as Chen Xuan arrived at the mountain range, he walked inside.

There are many strange spiritual grasses growing in the Golden Fire Mountain Range. However, the most dangerous thing is that there are many strange rocks here, and they are arranged irregularly to form many natural spiritual formations.

Most warriors are likely to get lost after walking in and end up trapped inside.

For a formation master of Chen Xuan's level, this kind of threat is already very minor, so he doesn't really care about it.

As soon as Chen Xuan walked in, he saw an extremely terrifying monster grinning at him.

Apparently Chen Xuan approached its territory.

No matter what, Chen Xuan directly killed the monster and finally obtained his inner elixir. Then Chen Xuan left here.

Half an hour after he killed the monster, a warrior in white appeared. He looked in the direction of Chen Xuan and showed a thoughtful smile.

"This guy is pretty good. He actually has the guts to come to this mountain range alone. That's great. I'm a little curious about him..." After I finished, the man in white followed Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Xuan knew nothing at this time. He was still looking for the Golden Fire Grass.

Golden fireweed is not so easy to find.

He stayed in this mountain range for three days, but Chen Xuan still found nothing. He did encounter several powerful monsters, but they were still killed by him.

After getting the inner elixir of the monster, Chen Xuan refined several elixirs.

The spiritual materials needed for Nine Transformations to Return to Yuan Dan were too precious, so even Chen Xuan couldn't afford to consume them. This time, what he refined was only a very ordinary elixir, which could at least restore his injuries.

"Now I still have seventeen Nine-Return Yuan Pills..." Chen Xuan took two more pills for Luo Wei when he was practicing, so he didn't have many anymore.

"It's better to find the Golden Fire Grass quickly and leave here as soon as possible..." Chen Xuan always felt that there was a danger here.

He doesn't want to stay here any longer.

Especially in a month, the space ruins will be opened. Then he will go inside to find treasures. How can he waste time here?

Time flies, and a week has passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Chen Xuan discovered a cave in the mountains.

There was a vague aura of gold and fire coming from the cave, so Chen Xuan deduced that the spiritual grass he was looking for was probably inside.

So Chen Xuan entered it directly, but at the next moment, a huge snake-like monster appeared in front of him.

The snake-like monster roared, seeming to warn the human in front of him not to continue intruding into his territory.

But how could Chen Xuan get what he wanted.

Having found this place, he would not give up.

Once the Golden Fire Grass finds him, he will be rewarded with five thousand soul jade.

Chen Xuan held the prairie fire sword and stared at the snake-like monster in front of him with a murderous look on his face, a burst of fire blooming in his pupils.

"Come on, you beast!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly, and suddenly slashed through with the prairie fire sword in his hand.

The prairie fire sword directly collided with the body of the snake-like monster, causing layers of sparks to burst out.

But what surprised Chen Xuan was that the monster's defensive power was surprisingly astonishing. He did not kill the monster, but instead aroused its ferocity.

I saw this monster roaring loudly, and then rushed towards Chen Xuan.

"The defense of this snake-like monster seems to be very strong. It seems that I have to use my soul to find a way to kill him..." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Then he raised the sword in his hand and rushed towards the snake-like monster in an instant.


The body of this snake-like monster was instantly knocked away several meters by Chen Xuan.

In the next round, Chen Xuan found an opportunity and directly inserted his sword seven inches into the monster.

This terrifying snake-like monster roared miserably, and finally twitched on the ground.

After a while, the monster became motionless.

At this time, he discovered that there was a flower exuding a golden aura on the ground at the place where he had just fought. It was obviously the golden fireweed he was looking for.

"I didn't expect that I found the Golden Fire Grass so quickly with no effort at all." Chen Xuan's eyebrows showed a hint of surprise.

But he discovered that this Golden Fire Grass only had the cultivation power to survive for a thousand years.

But this is not bad. You must know that many warriors have to go through a lot of troubles to get the Golden Fire Grass, but Chen Xuan can get it easily now.

Just as he was about to take the Golden Fire Grass in his hand, he suddenly saw a white figure appear in front of him, and finally took the Golden Fire Grass away.

The white-clothed warrior had a playful smile on his face, and finally looked at Chen Xuando and said, "I didn't expect that you would also want to get this kind of spiritual grass."

Chen Xuan frowned. He didn't know why the white-clothed warrior said such words.

Has he been following me all this time?

Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart. Thinking of this, he felt horrified. Now that he has understood the true god of time control, he can't feel the other party's aura.

"Could it be that he has mastered some secret method to cover up his aura..."

But the most important thing now is that the warrior in white actually stole his Golden Fire Grass.

Chen Xuan just spent a lot of effort to kill the snake-like monster, but the other party took away his spiritual grass so simply, which made Chen Xuan very unhappy.

"This spiritual grass should be mine."

"What's yours is yours. This spiritual herb was obviously obtained by me. Son, I advise you not to be ignorant of current affairs, hahaha!" the white-clothed warrior said arrogantly.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly: "I will only give you one last chance. If you don't hand over the spiritual grass, your fate will be death."

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? Just because you want to kill me, I think your thoughts are too simple..."

After the words fell, his body suddenly floated in the air, and then he continuously waved the long sword in his hand, forming a converging sword energy in front of him.

As long as Chen Xuan charges, I'm afraid he will use this sword energy to attack Chen Xuan.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan did not dare to show weakness. The monster he finally defeated was snatched away by this white-clothed warrior. No one would sit back and wait for it.

Chen Xuan directly used the Rimu Sword Technique, and a fierce sword energy instantly emerged from the prairie fire sword.

At this time, the two sword energies in the air were competing evenly, but no one took action.

Chen Xuan knew that the white-clothed warrior was not weak, and the other party also discovered that Chen Xuan's cultivation was not as simple as he thought.

The white-robed warrior's cultivation has entered the middle stage of the third level, but the sword energy condensed by Chen Xuan is also very powerful.

At this time, he stared at Chen Xuan with a pair of sinister eyes.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to have cultivated to this level. I really looked at you before, but don't be complacent." After the words fell, his body immediately rushed towards Chen Xuan, and then a fierce aura erupted. out.

Chen Xuan's body immediately jumped up, and he instantly slashed a stream of Sunset Sword Qi in his direction.

However, at the same time, his heart was also filled with shock

Obviously, he didn't expect that Chen Xuan, with his second level of invincible cultivation, could actually perform sword skills that made him feel frightened. However, it was not over yet.

After being hit by Chen Xuan's sword energy, the white-clothed warrior's body immediately jumped into the air. He was just thinking about defense. But then.

Suddenly a dark red light condensed in the sky.

The Suzaku fire burned in its direction instantly.

The white-clothed warrior showed a shocked expression. He did not expect that the flames burned so fast. Before he could react, the fire had already burned his body.

The fire of Suzaku can even burn the soul, let alone its flesh and blood body.

I only saw the warrior in white clothes being swallowed up by the flames for an instant, and then he let out a sound of tragic sword blows.

"You still want to steal my things, what a beautiful idea." Chen Xuan sneered, and then he slowly walked towards the white-clothed warrior.

However, at this time, the white-clothed warrior was not as arrogant as before. He was afraid of Chen Xuan from the bottom of his heart. It is no wonder that Chen Xuan had completely broken the white-clothed warrior's defense in the attack just now.

With the knife in his hand, Chen Xuan took his life cleanly, then took away his space ring and left here quickly.

These ruins are hidden in every corner of the world.

Traces of them can be found in almost many places, but these ruins do not appear at any time. Only under certain circumstances will the space be opened and appear in front of the warriors.

In the world, there are often some altar ruins.

But this time there was too much movement at the altar ruins, which shocked the twelve main cities of Feng Dao Tu.


After a while, warriors from several other major cities also arrived.

"Cang Yan City Lord, what did you find?" A city Lord asked.

The Lord of Cangyan City shook his head and said: "The space turbulence in this place is too strong, even I can't get close."

After hearing his words, several city lords also showed shocked expressions.

"I don't know what's inside." Another city lord said.

Several city lords discussed among themselves.

While several city lords were discussing, the elder who killed the sect arrived.

"Great Elder."

Seeing this situation, several city lords nodded slightly.

The great elder of the Killing Clan is second only to the Killing Clan Master in Feng Dao Land, so even a few city masters are very respectful when they meet him.

After all, they are a sect. Although the city lords of major cities are very powerful, some of the top sects have supreme elders. If these old monsters appear. They are absolutely impossible to rival.

"Great Elder, do you know what kind of altar ruins this is?" Cangyan City Lord asked.

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