Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 4639 Heavenly Killing Sect Leader

However, with the terrifying defense of the ninth level defense, Chen Xuan successfully defended against the sword that killed the sect leader.

However, because of this, Chen Xuan was pursued by the slain sect leader.

"go to hell."

Killing the sect leader didn't give Chen Xuan any chance and struck out with his sword again.

Even an invincible expert at the fourth level of Shenxuan Realm might not be able to defend himself.

If he were hit by this sword, Chen Xuan would definitely die.

"How can it be!"

Chen Xuan fled desperately.

He watched helplessly as the sword that killed the sect leader was about to hit Chen Xuan.

Suddenly, in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, a crack appeared in the sky, and then a terrifying aura instantly filled the air, instantly swallowing up the terrifying sword energy that killed the sect master.

"Son, go quickly."

A voice came into Chen Xuan's ears. Zheng

Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, then he tried his best to use the True God of Time and Space and rushed towards Huoyan Daotu.

Chen Xuan left, and then the figure of the mysterious warrior just now slowly appeared.

"The master of the Killing Sect, actually went after a son of the Mystic Realm?" The mysterious warrior was not afraid at all when he saw the Killing Sect Master, and laughed heartily.

"This is so funny, Wang Hanlin, why can't I hunt down the warriors in the Shenxuan realm?" Seeing this situation, the leader of the killing sect snorted coldly and said in a cold voice.

If anyone were in this place, it would be a shock.

Because this mysterious warrior is Wang Hanlin.

He is quite famous in Feng Dao Tu.

"I'm going to kill the sect leader, why not let him go?" Wang Hanlin said with a hearty laugh.

"Wang Hanlin, don't meddle in other people's business. If this guy kills Shangguan Ziqiong, he will definitely die." The leader of the killing sect said coldly.

The attitude of killing the sect leader is very clear. If Wang Hanlin blocks it, he will immediately use all his strength to fight Wang Hanlin.

After hearing this, Wang Hanlin's expression also changed.

He also didn't expect that this guy just killed Shangguan Ziqiong, the murderer.

"No wonder Sect Master Sha is so angry." Wang Hanlin shook his head and said softly.

"It seems you have to kill this guy?" Wang Hanlin asked.

Zheng Zheng, who killed the sect leader, nodded a few times, then stopped talking, passed Wang Hanlin directly, and disappeared from Wang Hanlin's sight.

Wang Hanlin looked at the leaving figure of the killing sect master, sighed, and then said softly: "Sir, it seems that what you did is a bit embarrassing! Even Shangguanzi was killed by you."

Chen Xuan, who ran away quickly, was very confused about who had just rescued him.

"Except for Xu Huo, I don't seem to know any other strong people." Chen Xuan said to himself.

The man who just stepped forward to stop the killing of the sect leader was 100% at the peak of the fifth level of the Shenxuan Realm, or even a higher level of cultivation.

As he got closer and closer to the Huoyan Daotu, Chen Xuan became more and more nervous.

After about another stick of incense, Chen Xuan could already see Huoyan Taotu.

"Fire Flame Dao Tu is coming soon." Chen Xuan's face showed a surprise.

But at this moment, a flash of light flashed through.

"Son, suffer death."

Along with a sharp shout, a burst of spiritual energy instantly hit Chen Xuan's body.


Chen Xuan's defense was instantly broken.

"Run quickly." After getting up, Chen Xuan spat out a mouthful of blood, but still used the True God of Time and Space to escape quickly.

At this time, the leader of the Killing Sect sneered and suddenly struck out with his long sword.


At the critical moment, Chen Xuan came to the range of Huoyan Daotu.

However, his body was also hit by this sword energy.

"not dead?"

Feeling Chen Xuan's aura, the head of the Killing Sect was a little surprised.

The true energy near the killing sect master was released, and then gathered on the long sword, and suddenly struck Chen Xuan with the sword.

At this time, the Taoist master of Huoyan Daotu was in a main city not far from Chen Xuan.

"Taoist Master, why do you have time to come to my place?"

"Lu Hong, it's natural for me to come to you. Have you heard about the Yanling Puppet incident some time ago?" Taoist Master Huoyan said with a hearty laugh.

"Well, what are Taoist master's plans?" Lu Hong asked.

Taoist Master Huo Yan was preparing to speak when he suddenly felt a mysterious aura emerging.

"There is an invincible peak expert at the fourth level of Shenxuan Realm, fighting near the fire earth."

As soon as Master Huoyan finished speaking, his body disappeared instantly.

Lu Hong also showed surprise and followed closely.

Near Huoyan Daotu, Chen Xuan was seriously injured and almost died. The leader of the Killing Sect stood in the air and struck down with a sword.

The sound resounded throughout the air.

The sword energy contained extremely ferocious power, and it swooped down.

As long as this sword hits Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan will definitely die.

At this moment, Suzaku's soul quickly condensed, and a trace of Suzaku's power entered his body.

"Run quickly."

Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

However, at this moment, this terrifying sword energy was about to strike in front of him.


The leader of the killing sect stood in the air and said in a cold voice.

The leader of the Killing Sect thought that everything would end there, but two warriors suddenly appeared in the sky above the Huoyan Daotu.

The moment Master Huo Yan appeared, he waved his long sword, and a burst of spiritual energy quickly burst out.

In an instant, spiritual energy appeared in front of the terrifying sword energy.

The crackling sound erupted instantly.

The terrifying sword energy was blocked and exploded directly, releasing fierce spiritual energy.

At this time, Chen Xuan was instantly knocked away by the spiritual energy emitted.

"what happened?"

The leader of the Sha Sect thought that his sword could almost kill Chen Xuan.

But such an accident happened.

The leader of the Sha Sect turned his head and looked into the distance, then showed a look of surprise.

"It turned out to be the leader of the Sha Sect." The Taoist Master Huoyan put away his long sword and smiled faintly.

Behind the Taoist Master Huoyan, Lu Hong also stood silently in the same place.

"Taoist Master Huoyan, why are you blocking me?" The leader of the Sha Sect asked coldly.

"Master Sha, this is my Huoyan Daotu. Your sword just now will definitely cause damage to the poor soil of my Huoyan Daotu. They are all my treasures." Taoist Master Huoyan said.

Being blocked by Taoist Master Huoyan, the leader of the Sha Sect's face was extremely gloomy.

"I came to this place to kill him. There is no grudge between you and me. There is no need to stop me." The leader of the Sha Sect said coldly.

"The Taoist Master of Feng Daotu came here to kill a guy in the Shenxuan realm?" Taoist Master Huoyan was a little unconvinced.

However, the next words of the leader of the Sha Sect made Taoist Master Huoyan remain silent.

"Master Huoyan, this guy will definitely die if he kills Shangguan Ziqiong of my Shamen. No one can stop me." Master Shamen said in a deep voice.

"What? No way, Shangguan Ziqiong is dead?"

After hearing this, Master Huoyan was also very surprised.

Then, he carefully observed Chen Xuan: "You dare to kill even the people of Shamen."

"Master Huoyan, although this guy escaped into your Huoyan Daotu, if you insist on stopping me, I am not easy to mess with." Master Shamen said coldly.

After thinking for a long time, Master Huoyan shook his head and said: "Master Shamen, you have to leave my Huoyan Daotu as soon as possible."

Master Huoyan will not fight with the Shamen of Feng Daotu for a warrior in the Shenxuan realm. After all, it is not good for him.

Lu Hong behind him also nodded slightly.

Hearing the words of Master Shamen, Chen Xuan was full of anger in his heart.

"Damn Shamen."

Facing the attitude of Shamen, Master Huoyan no longer stopped this matter.

After hearing this, the leader of the Sha Sect nodded, and then rushed towards Chen Xuan.

"Son, you will definitely die, and no one can save you." The leader of the Sha Sect said coldly.

At this time, Chen Xuan could not care so much.

He shook his long sword slightly, and a space jade appeared instantly.

Then, he picked up the empty jade and yelled at the Taoist Master Huoyan.

"Please save me, Taoist Master Huoyan."

Hearing Chen Xuan's yell, Taoist Master Huoyan's eyes fell on Chen Xuan.

"Master, ignore him."

Lu Hong didn't want him to take action.

But when Taoist Master Huoyan looked at the empty jade in Chen Xuan's hand.

Suddenly, his pupils were full of excitement, and then he appeared in front of Chen Xuan's body.

"Who gave you this empty jade?" Taoist Master Huoyan asked hurriedly.

"My friend's." Chen Xuan said slowly.

"Who?" Taoist Master Huoyan was surprised and continued to ask.

Chen Xuan nodded, and then said: "Xuhuo... He used to be the Taoist master of Huoyan Daotu. He asked me to come to Huoyan Daotu to find you when I was attacked."

"Taoist Master Huoyan, what are you going to do?"

Seeing this, the Lord of Shamen shouted.

Taoist Master Huoyan ignored the Lord of Shamen and observed the empty jade in Chen Xuan's hand.

"Taoist Master Huoyan, what do you want to do?" The Lord of Shamen said very angrily.

He didn't believe that Taoist Master Huoyan would go to war with Feng Daotu for a guy in the Shenxuan realm.

However, after hearing this, Taoist Master Huoyan suddenly turned around and looked at the Lord of Shamen.

"Master Shamen, let him go for my sake, how about it." Taoist Master Huoyan said.

"This is absolutely not true." The Lord of Shamen shook his head directly and said coldly: "Either the two Daotu turn against each other, or get out of the way, I will kill this guy."

Lu Hong hurried to the front of Taoist Master Huoyan's body and said: "Taoist Master, do you want to protect him?"

Lu Hong didn't understand why the Taoist Master insisted on helping Chen Xuan?

Hearing the words of the Sha Sect Master, Huoyan Daozhu remained silent, as if thinking.

"If you want to fight, then fight. Am I afraid of you?"

"Huoyan Daozhu, are you crazy?"

The Sha Sect Master did not expect that Huoyan Daozhu would turn against Feng Daotu for Chen Xuan.

"Don't even think about touching him today." Huoyan Daozhu said in a deep voice.

At this time, his spirit moved slightly, and strong spiritual energy gathered near Chen Xuan.

Seeing this, the Sha Sect Master was very angry.

"No problem, Huoyan Daozhu, one day, you will regret it." The Sha Sect Master said angrily.

Huoyan Daozhu was stronger than him, and finally, the Sha Sect Master left.

Huoyan Daozhu protected Chen Xuan.

Lu Hong was confused, but Huoyan Daozhu did not explain anything to him.

Huoyan Daozhu came to Chen Xuan's side, and then took Chen Xuan back to the main city of Huoyan Daotu.

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