Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 4647 The Anger of the Heavenly Slaughter Sect

He also knew. The status of these demons outside the forest is generally humble. The deeper you go, the stronger the demons become, and the higher their status will naturally be.

"Chen Xuan, very good, what are you doing here?" the warrior asked immediately.

Nodding slightly, Chen Xuan then said to him: "Report to the lord, I was thinking about coming here, just to improve my strength."

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, the demon warrior nodded immediately, then smiled and said: "Practice well, and when we enter the first level of the Shenxuan realm, we will go to kill the mountains and let those human warriors know how powerful we are."

Chen Xuan nodded slowly.

He also saw that the demon warriors of this tribe were not particularly strong, and had not even entered the Shenxuan realm, the first level.

"I'm afraid that if you want to meet a more powerful demon warrior, you must continue to go deeper."

All night, many warriors did not find that Chen Xuan was a fake.

This also made Chen Xuan put down the stone in his heart.

"It seems that they haven't found me yet. Next, I have to find a way to enter the Killing Mountain Range. As long as I can enter that area, I can kill more talents from the Killing Sect." Chen Xuan said to himself.

In the Space Hall area, many Snow Dragon beasts have their own training places.

Chen Xuan lives on a plain.

Sitting cross-legged on the plain, Chen Xuan felt the strong breath of the earth.

With Chen Xuan's strength, he can enter the Killing Mountain Range, but the identity he is pretending to be is not very strong. If Chen Xuan wants to enter, he must have a reason.

In this way, Chen Xuan stayed in the Space Hall area for several days.

After a few days, Chen Xuan came to the Killing Mountain Range.

Although the Snow Dragon Beast is a demon race, it is not without reason that they can survive in these tens of thousands of years.

Most of the demon races will adhere to an order.

And here they also have their own sects, and even some tribes.

"Release your cultivation, let me see if your strength is qualified, we can't let those human races see us." A Snow Dragon Beast Sect Master said.

Chen Xuan released his cultivation. The sect master frowned and said, "Don't you know that in the early stage of the Divine Profound Realm, there is no way to enter the Killing Mountain Range?"

"Sect Master, I got some inherited treasures, and my strength is equivalent to the fourth level of the Divine Profound Realm." Chen Xuan said slowly.


The sect master tried to test, and Chen Xuan's strength really reached the fourth level of the Divine Profound Realm.

"No problem, you can go in."

Then Chen Xuan got a hollow jade and then entered the Killing Mountain Range.

Once again came to the Killing Mountain Range, but Chen Xuan's mentality had changed a lot.

Before, he was fighting with these monsters, but now it was different. Chen Xuan's plan had just begun, and now what awaited him would be complete revenge.

The entire Killing Mountain Range was completely controlled by the Killing Sect.

These snow dragon beasts could only wait.

After waiting for an hour, it was finally Chen Xuan's turn.

"Chen Xuan, it's your turn." A snow dragon beast said.

Chen Xuan chuckled and then entered the competition arena.

A warrior of the first level of the Divine Profound Realm opposite was on the competition arena.

Chen Xuan looked over and found that this guy happened to be from the Killing Sect.

"Snow Dragon Beast, if you meet me, you're dead." The Killing Sect warrior was very arrogant.

"It's you who's going to die." Chen Xuan deliberately provoked this guy.

"Haha, so funny."

As expected, the Killing Sect warrior was provoked by Chen Xuan and attacked directly.

In order not to be discovered, Chen Xuan could only deliberately suppress his strength.

He was on par with the Killing Sect warrior. After fighting for about half an hour, Chen Xuan then slightly displayed some killing moves and then directly killed the Killing Sect warrior.

"Very good, this is the first one."

Chen Xuan thought to himself.

In the rest area, many members of the Snow Dragon Beast clan surrounded Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan, good kill."

"Chen Xuan, did you get some inherited treasures, and your strength increased so quickly?"

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, but it was nothing.

In the following time, Chen Xuan kept killing people from the Killing Sect in the Killing Mountains of the first level of the Divine Profound Realm.

During this period, although some demon warriors were very curious, Chen Xuan's name was a little different from theirs, but they didn't care too much.

More than a month later, his name spread throughout the first level of the Killing Mountain Range.

The tribesmen of the Snow Dragon Beast were very excited.

In the past month, Chen Xuan killed sixty warriors of the Killing Gate.

Although they were all in the first level of the Divine Mystery Realm, the loss to the Killing Gate was also great.

And because Chen Xuan showed too much strength, Chen Xuan directly rose to the top of the illusion list.

Chen Xuan rushed to the illusion list in more than a month with the initial state of the third level of the Divine Mystery Realm. You can imagine his strength.

However, Chen Xuan is not only famous in the Snow Dragon Beast.

He is also completely famous in the human warrior area.

In the Killing Mountain Range.

"Elder, a powerful Snow Dragon Beast has recently appeared in the first level of the Killing Mountain Range. It has killed many of our warriors in more than a month." The warrior of the Killing Gate whispered.

"What a piece of trash! Arrange a top-level warrior at the peak of the first level for me to kill him." The elder said angrily.

Killing the mountain range itself is a training function, but if such a powerful snow dragon beast appears, the warriors of the killing sect will suffer heavy losses.

Sure enough, the next morning, the Shamen arranged for warriors at the peak of the first level of the Shenxuan realm to go and kill Chen Xuan.

In this battle, Chen Xuan used his overwhelming strength to kill a warrior who was at the peak of the first level.

After hearing the result of this battle, the elder was very angry and immediately arranged for warriors from the third level of the Shenxuan realm to go there.

But Chen Xuan left the Killing Mountain Range. From then on, even if they wanted to find Chen Xuan, they couldn't do it at all.

Although the Killing Gate now occupies a dominant position in the entire space, they are not willing to go deep into the depths of the ferocious beasts, which will bring them more danger.

"Where did Chen Xuan go? Why haven't I seen him during this time?" The man in purple robe was a little confused.

Before that, he also saw Chen Xuan show his extraordinary talent and kill several powerful beasts.

But now it suddenly disappeared.

He even wondered whether Chen Xuan was killed by the snow dragon beast.

But the idea was quickly dismissed.

Because he knew that Chen Xuan's character was relatively calm, if not absolutely sure. I will definitely not go to an area where ferocious beasts are infested.

The man in purple robe heard a piece of news.

A snow dragon beast went on a killing spree in the first level of the Killing Mountains, causing the Killing Gate to suffer heavy losses.

The man in purple robe was full of doubts. Although he vaguely felt something was wrong, he didn't think about it carefully.

With Chen Xuan's disappearance, the first level area of ​​the Killing Mountain Range once again returned to calm.

In the space hall area, on a certain plain.

Chen Xuan stood silently.

"Just wait, Shamen, I will definitely make you pay the price."

The reason why he disappeared was because he didn't want others to suspect that his strength had improved too quickly.

Whether he is suspected by these ferocious beasts or by the human race, it will not be of any benefit to Chen Xuan. Especially under the current circumstances, Chen Xuan must not be discovered. If he is discovered, both the human race and the demon race will Chen Xuan couldn't bear the consequences of causing trouble for him.

So much so that Chen Xuanzai hid for more than a month and then reappeared.

Chen Xuan's appearance directly caused a sensation.

All the snow dragon beasts are patiently waiting for Chen Xuan to return to the First Level Killing Mountain Range again.

And many warriors in the Kill Mountain Range are also paying attention to Chen Xuan.

"Where is Chen Xuan? Let me kill him."

"The snow dragon beast dares to kill my killer?"

"Chen Xuan, do you dare to enter the Double Killing Mountain Range?"

Many people want to kill Chen Xuan. After all, the human race has killed so many people by a monster race, and it is hard for them to talk about it.

But Chen Xuanzhen entered the Double Killing Mountain Range just as they said.

"Okay, I have fought against you before, so I won't talk nonsense. Those who think they are strong can come to me at any time." Standing on the competition stage, Chen Xuan said coldly.

Chen Xuan had already been killed in the first level area before, and dozens of killers died in his hands. Chen Xuan would never let go of killing these people.

His plan was to kill all the talents of the Killing Clan. However, this would not satisfy Chen Xuan's hatred. As long as his strength increased, Chen Xuan would definitely destroy the Killing Clan.

However, after hearing Chen Xuan's words, the entire Killing Mountain Range was completely boiling.

"Too arrogant. This demon warrior didn't recognize his identity at all."

"He needs to know who he is, but he is so arrogant when he just asks us to practice. Let me do it. I must teach him a lesson."

Kill the disciples and enter the competition arena.

"Chen Xuan, you are too arrogant, die."

But as soon as he took action, he was easily killed by Chen Xuan.

"Your strength makes me uninterested in replacing you with someone stronger. Otherwise, don't blame me for bullying you."

After hitting this guy's head with a sword, Chen Xuan said with disdain.

"you wanna die."

Another person walked into the competition stage.

But the result was no different, he was defeated by Chen Xuan's sword.

In this way, after more than a dozen Shamen warriors were killed in a row.

Shamen finally got angry.

They were also curious about where this mysterious demon warrior came from.

But when the top leaders of the Killing Clan went to inquire about the information, the people from the Yao Clan simply ignored them, and even took the initiative to help Chen Xuan keep his name secret, without revealing any of Chen Xuan's identity.

"If you break the rules of killing mountains, you must die."

This is the news coming from the killing gate.

They absolutely cannot allow a powerful demon clan to suddenly appear and kill so many of their talents in a row.

The purpose of killing the sect this time was to train the new generation of disciples. As a result, instead of allowing the new generation of warriors to break through in strength, so many of them were killed.

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