Chen Xuan used the Nine Dragon Flame Soul Sword Technique and struck the Demonic Demon Fox with one sword, easily killing the Demonic Demonic Fox in an instant.

At this time, there were several warriors not far away, watching Chen Xuan's battle.

"This guy's cultivation is very strong. He should be a disciple of the Yanlong Sect." A man with a sword scar said slightly.

"Let's go and take a look." Another powerful monk said with a smile.

Chen Xuan killed the Moyuan Demon Fox, and then found four warriors approaching him.

He turned his head and looked into the distance. Several people walked in front of Chen Xuan's body.

"Brother, I guess you should be a disciple of the Yanlong Sect." The sword-scarred man said with a hearty laugh.

"Haha, that's right." Chen Xuan nodded.

"May I ask what your brother's name is?" the powerful monk asked.

Chen Xuan was silent for a moment and did not answer.

Seeing this situation, the powerful monk hurriedly said: "Brother, a few of us are actually disciples of the Longyan family. We came to this place to look for inherited treasures. We saw you taking action, so we wanted to make friends with you."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan relaxed his vigilance.

The Longyan Family, like the Yanlongmen, is actually one of the top sects in Kongyan City.

"I didn't expect that the people in front of me were disciples of the Longyan family."

Among the top sects, there are some rumors that the Longyan Family is related to Kongyan City.

The Longyan family has a technique that is extremely powerful.

"It turns out he is a disciple of the Longyan family." Chen Xuan said slightly: "I am Chen Xuan, the ninth palace of Yanlongmen."

"Chen Xuan, a few of us got some news before. There seems to be an inherited magic weapon in this continuous mountain range. How about we join forces?" The powerful monk continued to ask.

"The inherited magic weapon appears?"

After hearing this, Chen Xuan was slightly shocked.

The cultivation of these people is at the third level of the Shenxuan Realm, and presumably they are not the core disciples of the Long Yan Family.

"What will be done if the inherited magic weapon is discovered?" Chen Xuan asked without rushing to agree.

"It all depends on your own strength." The sword-scarred man said.

The other two people also nodded.

"No problem." Chen Xuan agreed immediately.

Then the group of them continued deep into the mountains.

Along the way, the powerful monk explained a few of them to Chen Xuan.

Several of them were ordinary disciples of the Longyan family, and the man with the sword scar was called Luo Qinghong.

The powerful monk was named Luo Wende, and the others were named Li Qiuhuai, Li Guixiang, and Song Gui.

Among these people, although the man with the sword scar has the highest cultivation level, the person leading the team is Luo Wende, who is the younger brother of Zhang Junlong, the peak disciple of the Longyan family.

Zhang Junlong has a very high status in the Longyan family. Not long ago, his cultivation reached the fifth level of invincibility in the realm of Shenxuan. His talent is powerful and he is one of the most favored disciples of the Longyan family.

Along the way, they moved very quickly, and after half an hour they arrived at the interior of the mountain range.

"The place where the inherited magic weapon appears should be not far away." Luo Qinghong said in a low voice.

Several other people also looked around with caution.


Immediately afterwards, many screams of monsters were heard instantly.

"Oops, there's a monster."

Luo Qinghong shouted, and then took out the spiritual sword in his hand.


Seeing the monster charging towards him, Luo Qinghong slashed at the monster with his sword.

Several other people also launched attacks one after another.

Even Chen Xuan used the Nine Dragon Flame Soul Sword Technique.

On the flat ground, there were more and more monsters, and finally all the monsters that were invincible at the fourth level of Shenxuan realm appeared.

"Everyone joins forces to attack."

Luo Wende discovered the fourth-level invincible monster in the Shenxuan realm and said loudly.

In an instant, they united to fight against the fourth level invincible monster in the Mysterious Realm of God.

The Nine Dragon Flame Soul Sword Technique was used, and Chen Xuan directly defended against the attack of the fourth level invincible monster in the Shenxuan realm.

Several other people looked surprised.

"Just keep walking."

A few of them wanted to use Chen Xuan to find the inherited magic weapon. However, what they didn't expect was that before they could find the inherited magic weapon, they encountered an invincible monster at the fourth level of the Shenxuan realm.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan was so powerful that he was able to defend himself against the invincible monsters at the fourth level of Shenxuan realm.

Taking advantage of this perfect opportunity, Luo Wende and others escaped in an instant.

There is no way to defend against monsters in the Shenxuan realm.


Chen Xuan cursed in his heart when he saw several people running away.

However, several people were afraid that Chen Xuan would catch up, so they teamed up to lay a fierce spiritual seal, trapping Chen Xuan and the fourth-level invincible monster in the Shenxuan realm inside the seal.

"Chen Xuan, if I'm to blame, it's because you are too strong."

After doing all this, Luo Qinghong and others left easily.

Chen Xuan, who was fighting an invincible monster at the fourth level of Shenxuan Realm, suddenly found a spiritual seal appearing around him.

"The Longyan family's technique?"

The Longyan family is best at the secret method of spiritual sealing.

The spirit pattern seals of the Long Yan Family are countless times more powerful than ordinary spirit pattern seals.

Even the top formations deployed by the formation masters are incomparable to the spirit pattern seals of the Long Yan Family.

Nine Dragons Flame Soul Sword Technique...

Chen Xuan gave a low shout and displayed the Nine Dragons Flame Soul Sword Technique at the ultimate level.

In an instant, his whole body was filled with the strong power of Divine Sword Dao.

In an instant, the power of the Nine Dragons Flame Soul sword technique increased rapidly.

In just a short moment, the Nine Dragons Flame Soul Sword Technique reached its ultimate state.

The Nine Dragons Flame Soul Sword Technique in the ultimate state is even more powerful.


The power of the Divine Sword Dao instantly filled the surroundings, directly causing the monster beasts who were invincible at the fourth level of the Divine Mysterious Realm to fall into the phantom sword formation.

"The power of Divine Sword Dao has become stronger." Chen Xuan sighed secretly in his heart.

When the technique reaches its ultimate state, the power of the Divine Sword Dao becomes extremely powerful.

The monster beast, which was invincible at the fourth level of Shenxuan Realm, struggled desperately, but had no chance of winning.

Chen Xuan's body flashed quickly and entered the formation.

The Nine Dragons Flame Soul sword technique was used again, and the sword directly penetrated the body of the fourth level invincible monster in the Shenxuan realm.


This monster was killed by Chen Xuan.

After killing the monster, Chen Xuan hurriedly came to the spiritual seal.

After some time, Chen Xuan looked very gloomy.

This spiritual seal was more powerful than he imagined.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Xuan sat on the ground and began to comprehend the spirit pattern seal.

"The Longyan family's secret method of sealing with spirit patterns is really powerful." Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

The secret method of spiritual sealing used by warriors in the Shenxuan realm can easily trap him.

If it were performed by an invincible warrior at the fourth level of the Shenxuan realm, wouldn't it be stronger?

When Chen Xuan was comprehending the spirit pattern seal, Luo Qinghong and others also encountered some troubles.

Although they found the place where the inherited magic weapon appeared, they were in trouble.

"What should we do? We are trapped in this place." Luo Qinghong's face was gloomy.

"Break him." Rowend shouted loudly.

Several people began to look for ways to crack it.

A week later, several people emerged from their predicament.

At this time, the inheritance magic weapon is right in front of you.

"Hahaha, the inheritance is ours." Luo Qinghong and others suddenly laughed.

Several people walked out of the predicament and then walked towards a red altar inside the underground.

At this time, there was a Green Soul Jade on the crimson altar.

This green soul jade contains fierce power. Before getting close to the green soul jade, I felt extremely depressed.

"Green Soul Jade." Luo Qinghong said excitedly.

Luo Wende's pupils were excited as he looked at the Qinghun Jade.

The reason is also very simple, because he recognized that this green soul jade is actually a second-grade immortal weapon.

Even within the Longyan family, there are only a few second-grade immortal weapons.

Possessing a second-grade immortal weapon, with Luo Wende's cultivation, he has no problem at all against an invincible warrior at the fourth level of the God of War realm.

The power of the second-grade immortal weapon is too fierce.

Several people looked at the second-grade immortal weapon Qinghun Jade with excitement.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect it. It turned out to be a second-grade immortal weapon." Luo Qinghong laughed excitedly.

Li Qiuhuai and Li Guixiang were also very excited.

At this time, Luo Wende woke up from the shock, and a trace of murderous intent flashed across his pupils.

The body inadvertently took a few steps back.

He glanced at the very excited people, and a long sword appeared in his hand.


When there was no movement, the long sword hit Luo Qinghong's body decisively.

Luo Qinghong screamed in pain and fell directly on Lin.

"Luo Qinghong, what's wrong?"

They didn't even notice how Luo Qinghong fell to the ground.

When Li Qiuhuai and Li Guixiang ran to Luo Qinghong's side, Luo Wende took action again.

Luo Qinghong, who was lying on the ground, thrust out his spiritual sword and pointed it at Luo Wende, wanting to tell the two of them, but before he could finish speaking, he heard a thud.

Li Guixiang was stabbed by a long sword and fell to the ground instantly.

Li Qiuhuai saw Li Guixiang falling to the ground, his body moving rapidly, and he looked at Luo Wende in disbelief.

"Luo Wende, you..."

Li Qiuhuai was full of anger.

"The second-grade immortal weapon belongs to me, Luo Wende, and no one can compete with me." Luo Wende said coldly.

Just when Luo Wende finished speaking, the most powerful Luo Qinghong also died.

Now only Li Qiuhuai is left.

"Luo Wende, the second-grade immortal weapon is about letting me go." Li Qiuhuai thought to himself and then said.

He alone has no way to fight against Luo Wende.

Luo Wende's powerful face showed madness.

"Luo Wende, we are all disciples of the Longyan family, there is no need to kill him. Besides, you are Zhang Junlong's cousin. I dare not bring this matter out." Li Qiuhuai quickly backed away.

"I, Luo Wende, would not do such a thing."

Luo Wende's body instantly shot towards Li Qiuhuai.

Seeing this situation, Li Qiuhuai defended desperately.


But Li Qiuhuai had no chance of winning. He only saw Luo Wende's long sword piercing Li Qiuhuai's body.

In an instant, Li Qiuhuai's body fell on Lin.

After the execution, a proud smile appeared on Luo Wende's face.

"It's so funny. When I get the second-grade immortal weapon, the strength is equivalent to the fourth-level invincible warrior in the Shenxuan realm. It won't take long for me to be on par with Brother Zhang Junlong." Luo Wende said with a ferocious expression.

Slowly walking towards the Green Soul Jade, Luo Wende stabbed the Green Soul Jade with his long sword.

"Hehehe, I finally got it." Luo Wende said excitedly.

Within a week, Chen Xuan still had not broken the spirit pattern seal of Long Yan Family, which made him very helpless.

But on this day, Chen Xuan got a piece of news.

"Master, in a few more days, I will be able to enter the fourth level of the Shenxuan realm and become invincible."

"I am trapped in the spiritual seal." Chen Xuan briefly explained the matter between him and the disciples of the Longyan family.

After hearing this, Firebird was very angry.

Then he performed the Dragon Fire Fantasy Jue.

The crackling sound resounded throughout the air.

A terrifying ray of light, with lightning speed, directly pierced the spirit pattern seal, and then penetrated the spirit pattern seal.

"Dragon Fire Magic Art?"

Chen Xuan's face showed surprise. Fire Bird's Dragon Fire Magic Art was really powerful.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan directly used the fire sword technique.

A mysterious sword light appeared, and it directly grabbed the gap where the spirit pattern seal was broken, and then tore the spirit pattern seal apart.

The spiritual seal was torn apart and disappeared into the air, and Chen Xuan saw the fire bird.

At this time, the fire bird has a strong aura nearby. It can be seen that it has broken through to the fourth level of the Shenxuan realm without burdens.

"A breakthrough?" Chen Xuan asked.

Firebird nodded, nothing more, and then a fiery red spiritual energy surged nearby.

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