Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 4693 Thunder Kill Sect and Blood Dragon Sect

The Blood Dragon Sect Master pondered for a moment and then said: "To be able to defeat the top powerhouse of the Leisha Sect, this young disciple of the Shangguan family is very powerful."

After a slight pause, the Blood Dragon Sect Master continued: "Let Liu Wenlong end the retreat early."

After hearing this, the expression of the warrior in green also changed slightly.

"Sir... Liu Wenlong ended his retreat early, which has caused great losses to the Blood Dragon Sect."

The leader of the Blood Dragon Sect shook his head and said: "My Blood Dragon Sect cannot lose."

At this time, Chen Xuan received Wang Ze's inheritance since he first came in, and then he gained nothing.

Chen Xuan and Firebird flew quickly through the burning ruins, searching everywhere.

But what Chen Xuan didn't expect was that there were demon warriors among the burning ruins.

This surprised Chen Xuan.

Generally speaking, there are very few demon warriors in major ruins.

Having the relics of a demon warrior is definitely extraordinary.

Currently, there are different demon clans fighting in the forest.

"Kill." Dozens of people quickly pursued these warriors.

"Go quickly." Seeing this situation, the demon man said angrily. At the same time, the two of them used all their strength to directly stop many bearded warriors.

"Haha... you have no way to leave." The leader of the demon clan warrior said with a smile on his face.

After hearing this, the three demon monks rushed towards dozens of warriors with tiger beards.

However, given their strength... I saw the leader of the warriors swinging their swords from both sides in succession, knocking them away immediately.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan took action.


Using the True God of Time and Space, Chen Xuan's body instantly appeared in front of dozens of warriors with tiger beards.

The warrior with a tiger beard was stopped by the mysterious warrior and shouted angrily: "Son, do you want to die? Dare you stand in the way of our tiger monster tribe?"

"There is no need to kill them all." Chen Xuan looked at the monk and said.

"kill him."

The leading warrior roared angrily, and immediately several warriors with tiger beards rushed in front of Chen Xuan's body, wanting to kill Chen Xuan.

But before they could take action, they saw several sword lights flash past.


Several warriors with tiger beards who were close to Chen Xuan were killed immediately.

This scene caught the attention of the leading warrior.

"Son, I am Song Hu from the Tiger Demon Clan. Who are you?" The leading warrior wanted to intimidate Chen Xuan.

But his idea was too simple.

"Tiger tribe?"

Chen Xuan remained expressionless, then shook his head.

"The Tiger Tribe is in the way of our life and death. Come together and kill him."

The leading warrior became completely angry, and then shouted loudly, and the remaining warriors with tiger beards surrounded Chen Xuan.

"go to hell."

From the area where the prairie fire sword passed through in Chen Xuan's hand, miserable screams continued to be heard.

In just a short moment, all the warriors with tiger beards were killed.

In the end, only the leading warrior was left, and he showed a scared look.

"Brother, spare my life."

The leading warrior knelt on the ground, his body trembling, and his voice trembled.

"People like you deserve to die."

As soon as Chen Xuan finished speaking, he raised his sword and killed the leading warrior.

The sudden change shocked the other demon monks who were being hunted.

Not far away, three demon monks also ran quickly.

When they saw that all the tiger monsters were dead, their faces were filled with excited smiles.

"Brother, thank you very much." One of the warriors nodded gently to Chen Xuan.

"Brother, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid we would all have died at the hands of the Tiger Demon Clan." Another warrior walked up to Chen Xuan and said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly.

He asked calmly in his heart: "Why do those tiger monsters want to kill you?"

"We are from the Longhu tribe." The man nodded slightly and said, "My name is Lian Hu."

"The Tiger Demon Clan is very large. People here are most afraid of the Tiger Demon Clan." Another warrior said.

Tiger demon clan, dragon and fox clan.

This made Chen Xuan know that there was more than just the Dragon Fox tribe in the Burning Ruins.

"I see... I'm not familiar with this place." Chen Xuan said with a faint smile.

"Brother, you killed Song Hu of the Tiger Demon Clan. The Tiger Demon Clan will definitely not let you go. Why don't you come back to the Dragon Fox Tribe with us?" Lian Hu asked.

"Of course." Chen Xuan said slowly.

We don’t know much about the Burning Ruins yet, so we’ll go back with them and take a look first.

These people are Lian Hu, Luo Honghu, and Song Yu.

They were the new generation of the Dragon and Fox tribe. They showed up to pick medicine this time, but they didn't expect that they would encounter the tiger demon tribe just after they came out.

Their Longhu tribe was in a continuous mountain range a hundred miles away.

Taking Chen Xuan with them, they quickly headed to where the Longhu tribe was.

Chen Xuan, who was walking, was suddenly stopped by Luo Honghu.

"Brother Chen Xuan..."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan stopped and turned to look at a few people.

"Brother Chen Xuan... We have a mission this time and need to kill a sufficient number of monsters."


Chen Xuan nodded in agreement.

In the following time, Chen Xuan and the others continued to kill monsters.

A week later, after their mission was completed, they took Chen Xuan back to the Longhu tribe with very excited expressions.

When Lian Hu and others returned to the tribe, they immediately attracted the attention of many warriors.

"Lian Hu, are you back so soon?" some warriors in the tribe asked.

"Yes, Lian Hu, have you completed your mission?"

Chen Xuan's soul swept across the entire tribe and discovered that the strongest one in the Longhu tribe was only at the late stage of the fifth level of Shenxuan realm.

As for ordinary demon clan warriors, they are basically at the late stage of the fourth level of Shenxuan realm.

"Are these monsters so weak?" Chen Xuan was a little confused.

"Chen Xuan, I will take you to see the clan leader." Lian Hu said.

Half an hour later, Lian Hu and others took Chen Xuan to the central hall of the tribe.

"Lian Hu, you are back so soon." The clan leader looked at Lian Hu and the others.

"We... met the tiger monster clan." Lian Hu said in a deep voice.

"What are you? You can't do it, Tiger Monster Clan?"

After hearing this, the patriarch's expression changed drastically.

"Why did the Tiger Demon Tribe come to our side?" The clan leader asked hurriedly: "Have they discovered our Dragon Fox Tribe?"

The place where the Dragon Fox tribe is located is very hidden, and other warriors don't understand it at all.

If the Tiger Demon Tribe knew about it, they would definitely come and kill the Dragon Fox Tribe.

The leader of the human tiger demon tribe has advanced cultivation and can kill a tribe at will.

"Clan leader, the tiger demon clan that surrounded us are all dead." Song Yu said.


The clan leader looked at Song Yu with a look of surprise in his eyes and asked.

"Clan leader, it was Brother Chen Xuan who saved us. At that time, we were surrounded by Song Hu from the Tiger Demon Clan and almost died. Fortunately, Brother Chen Xuan saved us." Luo Honghu said with a smile.

"Who is this brother?"

It was only then that the clan leader noticed Chen Xuan behind Luo Honghu, and then asked.

"Chen Xuan, I happened to encounter the Tiger Demon Clan taking action against a few of them, so I rescued them." Chen Xuan said slowly.

After hearing this, the clan leader nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you."

Later, Chen Xuan was placed in the Longhu tribe.

The people of the Longhu tribe had great respect for Chen Xuan after they learned that Chen Xuan had rescued Luo Honghu and others.

Chen Xuan also took the opportunity to understand the situation in the burning ruins.

But in the first week when Chen Xuan came to the Longhu tribe.

The tiger demon tribe found the dragon and fox tribe.

"I want you to die." A demon man with a beard and wearing red soft armor said coldly.

Immediately afterwards, he led a large number of tiger monsters to the dragon and fox tribe.

"Kill me."

Immediately, many tiger demon tribes began to kill the demon warriors of the Dragon and Fox tribe.

In an instant, a miserable cry came out.

"Oops, it's the tiger monster clan."

Someone inside the Longhu tribe shouted.

When the clan leader heard the news, he looked scared.

"The tiger demon tribe discovered our dragon and fox tribe?"

But at this moment, a warrior rushed into the tiger demon group and killed each warrior one after another.

The tiger demon tribe is too weak and is no match for Chen Xuan.

When the Moon Sea Sword Technique was used, many tiger monsters were instantly killed in the area passed by the prairie fire sword.

"Kill him for me."

Lu Xuehu, who had orange beards, roared loudly when he saw such a fierce Chen Xuan.

In an instant, all the tiger monsters gathered in front of Chen Xuan's body.

"Son, did you kill my brother?"

Lu Xuehu looked at Chen Xuan and whispered.

Chen Xuan said nothing, and activated his fire defense, killing each warrior one after another.

The Moon Sea Sword Technique in the ultimate realm is extremely powerful.

The cultivation level of these tiger monsters is at the early stage of the fifth level of Shenxuan realm, so there is no need to worry at all.

One after another, the tiger demon clan died under Chen Xuan's sword.

In the blink of an eye, all the tiger monsters brought by Lu Xuehu had been killed.

In the end, Lu Xuehu felt a trace of fear in his heart.

Lu Xuehu prepared to escape. But Chen Xuan didn't give him a chance, and the True God of Time and Space appeared behind Lu Xuehu in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the prairie fire sword suddenly thrust down, directly piercing Lu Xuehu's body.

The tiger demon clan, who were arrogant just now, all died here in the blink of an eye.

All the warriors in the Dragon Fox tribe looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

"Brother Chen Xuan is too strong."

"The Tiger Demon Clan is no match for him."

"The tiger demon clan has been killed."

Many monks roared excitedly.

However, at this time, after the clan leader heard the news, he immediately summoned several elders and entered the central hall of the tribe to discuss important matters.

"Clan leader." The elder asked.

"Chen Xuan is very strong. He killed the tiger demon clan and saved our dragon and fox tribe." The clan leader looked nearby and then said: "But have you ever thought that he would attract the clan leader of the tiger demon clan? attack?"

"Haha, that's right. If it weren't for him, the Tiger Demon Clan would never have found him."

"The leader of the Tiger Demon Clan is too powerful. If the leader of the Tiger Demon Clan comes, our Dragon Fox Tribe will definitely be destroyed."

"Elder Wang Hu, go to the territory of the Tiger Demon Clan in person and seek peace with the Tiger Demon Clan." After thinking for a moment, the sect leader made a decision.

"No problem, I'll go right away." After hearing this, Elder Wang Hu nodded and said, "But... don't let Chen Xuan leave."

All the tiger demon clan led by Lu Xuehu died.

On this day, Luo Honghu led Chen Xuan and began to travel.

"Brother Chen Xuan, although our Longhu tribe is small, it has lasted for a long time." Luo Honghu explained.

"Real or false." Chen Xuan was a little interested.

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