After Elder Zhang Rize pulled up Peng Yuxiang, he broke through with aura and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

"Damn it! Stop it." The elder of the cabinet said solemnly, with some displeasure in his words.

"First Elder of the Cabinet, this man injured my disciple within the spirit pattern seal of the Soul Refining Tower. Please give me an explanation, First Elder of the Cabinet." Elder Zhang Rize said solemnly.

"I think you should know what happened just now. I don't want Peng Yuxiang to plot against the disciples of our sect again." The cabinet elder said angrily.

"No way……"

Although Elder Zhang Rize was angry, he still restrained himself.

He did not dare to disobey the words of the cabinet elder. After all, the other party's status was much higher than his.

However, when he looked into Chen Xuan's pupils, his murderous intent became even more obvious.

Seeing Chen Xuan walk out of the Soul Refining Tower, the cabinet elder immediately said loudly: "Chen Xuan wins the Soul Refining Tower."

In the Burning Dragon Tower, the test was about Fu, and Chen Xuan also won.

Winning three games in a row made Chen Xuan become the most dazzling new generation disciple in Fenmen.

Even the young top experts who have condensed the Nine Paths are full of affirmations for Chen Xuan.

As for the other Supreme A-level disciples, they were even more shocked.

At this time, discussions were taking place on top of the Soul Refining Tower.

In just a short moment, the news was conveyed to the Soul Refining Tower.

In an instant, all the warriors started discussing.

Soul Refining Tower, Chen Xuan won again? But I thought before that Chen Xuan would definitely win, hehe. "

"Hehehe, Elder Zhang Rize and the others wanted to completely suppress Chen Xuan, but his disciple was suppressed by Chen Xuan."

"I wonder what Elder Zhang Rize is thinking now."

Many warriors all started discussing.

On the Soul Refining Tower, Elder Zhang Rize's expression was extremely gloomy.

He gave Peng Yuxiang a pill, then circulated his spiritual energy and used the powerful power of the soul to restore his injuries.


In the process of recovering from the injury, Elder Zhang Rize discovered the injury to Peng Yuxiang's soul.

He glanced at Chen Xuan and then helped Peng Yuxiang recover from his injuries.

Half an hour later, Peng Yuxiang's expression recovered a lot.

Although my soul was traumatized and has not fully recovered, it doesn't matter anymore.

"The final battle is still going on?" the cabinet elder asked.

Elder Zhang Rize said in a deep voice: "Of course, but Peng Yuxiang's soul was injured and needs to rest. There will be a battle in the martial arts arena in a few days."

After hearing this, the cabinet elder looked at Chen Xuan.

"Of course it's no problem." Chen Xuan spread his hands and said.

The cabinet elder nodded, and then said: "Let's fight again in a few days."

Elder Zhang Rize had no expression on his face and quickly left the Soul Refining Tower with Peng Yuxiang.

When he came under the Soul Refining Tower, countless people looked at Elder Zhang Rize, and he was also very helpless.

"damn it……"

Elder Zhang Rize cursed in his heart and left here quickly.

At this moment, the cabinet elder came to Chen Xuan's side, with a calm smile on his face.

"Chen Xuan, your talent is the best in the Burning Clan. There is no doubt that I am really surprised that your strength has improved so much in a short period of time." The chief elder of the cabinet said.


The warriors outside the tower were discussing.

If it were other warriors, many warriors wouldn't care.

But it was the chief elder of the cabinet who said this.

The chief elder of the cabinet controls the entire Fen Clan and is considered the pinnacle warrior even on the Jiuyan Continent.

But he actually praised Chen Xuan for being the best in the Burning Clan.

Although these warriors were a little dissatisfied, they had nothing to do, because the elder was right. Chen Xuan's talent was truly unparalleled. Especially after he won this game, the other warriors were all impressed by Chen Xuan. They were full of admiration.

At the same time, many warriors looked at Chen Xuan with shock in their eyes.

Unknowingly, Chen Xuan has grown to this point.

This growth rate was so fast, far beyond their imagination. How long did it take?

Chen Xuan has been favored by so many elders in the entire sect. The most important thing is that he is the chief elder of the cabinet and has a very high status in the entire sect.

Among the great disciples of the Gong Sect in the Nine Palaces, only Fen Qigong and Fen Yigong were very excited.

Fen Qigong didn't need much. Ever since they discovered Chen Xuan's talent, they had given him a large amount of materials and treasures. They knew that Chen Xuan had such a terrible talent and still stayed here, so Chen Xuan could only remember his roots.

After all, many people had wanted to send Chen Xuan before this, the most important ones being the elders of the First Palace.

The elder of the First Palace helped Chen Xuan once upon Wanyan Qinghong's persuasion.

Before this, although he knew that Chen Xuanfu was very strong, he did not expect that Chen Xuan would be so strong.

The elder of the First Palace turned to look at Wanyan Qinghong behind him and praised him.

"This kid's talent is really terrifying, it's simply astonishing."

Seeing this situation, Wanyan Qinghong's face was filled with a faint smile.

The current Chen Xuan Body Soul Hall broke the record and reached the highest level of the ninth level.

On the Soul Refining Tower, Chen Xuan showed extraordinary strength and directly injured Peng Yuxiang.

The warrior seemed to have thought that there would be almost no suspense in the battle a few days later.

They all believed that Chen Xuan would definitely win this time, and that the other party had no chance of winning.

In the previous battles, Chen Xuan had achieved overwhelming victories. Yes, he was defeated by Chen Xuan without even being able to fight back.

Regardless of physical strength or spiritual strength, they are far inferior to Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan is really awesome."

When the cabinet elder took Chen Xuan and others back to the Soul Refining Tower.

Many warriors shouted loudly to Chen Xuan.

"Brother Chen Xuan is the top talent of our sect. Who dares to object to what I say here?"

"That's right, senior brother Chen Xuan is so powerful."

It has to be said that now Chen Xuan has become a celebrity in the Burning Clan, and all the warriors are talking about his name.

Before this, many people did not know Chen Xuan, but now, they all know that Chen Xuan is now a veritable top talent in the minds of these disciples. Unless they are some older generation disciples, there is nothing anyone else can do. Overshadowing Chen Xuan.

Fenmen Elder Hall Zheng

When the cabinet elder and Chen Xuan arrived at this place, the sect master had already been waiting.

"Sect Master." The cabinet elder and Chen Xuan bowed slightly and said with a smile.

The sect leader nodded, and when he saw Chen Xuan, the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Very good, you are doing very well, both in terms of talent and physical training strength. You have very high talent, which cannot be compared to weaker warriors."

The sect leader looked at Chen Xuan and said slowly.

In terms of cultivation, it is rare for a warrior to practice other techniques at the same time.

However, Chen Xuan practiced many techniques at the same time, and they all reached a very high level. It seemed that he did not delay his practice.

This shocked the cabinet elders and the sect leader.

Especially knowing that Chen Xuan is a strong body refiner, the sect leader then raised his lips.

They burned the whole family, and it had been a long time since there had been a true body-refining expert.

"Chen Xuan's performance is too dazzling. Things about Chen Xuan must not be spread. Otherwise, it may bring him danger." The sect leader said.

Their sect still has many enemies. If a talent like Chen Xuan is discovered by them, they will probably be killed secretly. The sect leader will never allow this to happen.

The chief elder of the cabinet nodded.

I believe that Yi Fenmen can control this news and prevent Chen Xuan's extraordinary talent from spreading to the outside world.

That is to say, this matter only spread among the sect, and outsiders did not know about it.

"Chen Xuan, if you have any troubles in cultivation in the future, you can come to me at any time." The sect leader said.

If other warriors understood it, I wonder how envious they would be?

You must know that this is the sect leader. On this continent, as the leader of a sect, he is not only very powerful, but also has a very high status. However, Chen Xuan has now been recommended by the sect leader.

"Thank you, sect master." Chen Xuan nodded lightly and clasped his fists to express his gratitude.

"Very good, Chen Xuan, what you did just now was very good. I really didn't expect that you practiced different techniques at the same time."

After chatting a lot with Chen Xuan, the sect leader asked Chen Xuan to leave first.

In the hall, he and the chief elder of the cabinet were the only ones left.

"Elder, what do you think?" the sect leader asked.

"Chen Xuan's talent is very strong, at least the strongest I have ever seen." The cabinet elder said solemnly: "Although his cultivation is a bit weak, his cultivation is equivalent to the fifth level of invincibility in the Shenxuan realm. Go to The Seven Flames Secret Realm is absolutely fine, but it’s not that simple to get into the top few.”

After hearing this, the sect leader also nodded slightly.

Then the two seemed to be thinking about something.

After some time, the sect leader spoke.

"I can give him the Burning Sword Intent. I don't know how many years have passed, but no one has been able to practice this technique, but now I feel that Chen Xuan should be able to do it."

Hearing what the sect leader said, the chief elder of the cabinet showed surprise.

Other warriors didn't know that but he knew it very well.

The Burning Sword Intent is actually a legacy left by a certain peak powerhouse from the Burning Clan long, long ago. Its power is very fierce, and it is very lethal to the invincible powerhouses at the seventh level of the Mysterious Realm.

However, since the peak expert left here, no warrior is practicing this sword technique.

Fenmen has been selecting top talents, hoping that Fenjianyi can reappear in the world.

But over the years, no warrior has made the sect master think he can practice.

After seeing Chen Xuan's performance, the sect leader decided to teach Chen Xuan the burning patterns.

"Sect Master, we must be careful. This technique is too powerful. Although Chen Xuanfu is extremely powerful, the Burning Sword Intent is even more important."

The chief elder of the cabinet said.

The reason is also very simple, because if you inherit the Burning Sword Intent, you will be qualified to inherit as the sect leader.

The sect leader sighed slowly, and then said: "Perhaps Chen Xuan is the best person to practice this technique. I have selected many people before, but although they have good talents, they are not as good as Chen Xuan." In this way, both the soul and the physical training have reached a very strong level."

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