After Nangong Bin heard this, he nodded slightly.

"It's all my fault for failing to stop Shangguanxuan." Nangong Bin said feeling guilty.

"Senior, if it weren't for you, I, Chen Xuan, wouldn't be alive now. You don't have to do that." Chen Xuan continued: "Senior, why are you here?"

Chen Xuan was also surprised that Nangong Bin was not in Jiuyan Continent? Why did you come to Ziyan Continent?

"I'm going to Longbing Continent. I found out that the Blood Taoist took action against you, so I came to take a look." Nangong Bin said.

After Chen Xuan heard this, he showed surprise and then said: "Senior Nangong, I am also preparing to go to Longbing Continent."

"Really or not, you want to go too?" Nangong Bin said with a smile.

"Yes..." Chen Xuan replied.

After hearing this, Nangong Bin nodded and left the central lobby.

Three days later, on a hexagonal carriage, Chen Xuan and Nangong Bin stood on the hood, looking at the vast world of black rocks.

"Chen Xuan, you must be careful when going to Longbing Continent." Nangong Bin said: "Every city in the entire Longbing Continent has countless talents gathered together."

"Senior, don't worry, I know what's going on." Chen Xuan said slowly.

"Any warrior in the entire Dragon Ice Continent who has a soul fused body will be recruited as a disciple by a powerful sect. However, such a talent can easily make others jealous," Nangong Bin said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded.

In the blink of an eye, twelve months passed. On this day, Nangong Bin suddenly opened his eyes.

"Senior, are we here yet?" Chen Xuan asked.

Nangong Bin shook his head, looking slightly heavy as he looked around him.


The clouds in the sky suddenly tore apart, and a sword light emerged suddenly, covering the hexagonal carriage in an instant.

Nangong Bin's attack landed on the sword light.

The sword light receded instantly, and Nangong Bin's expression became even more gloomy.

"Who is he?"

Nangong Bin couldn't figure out who was attacking him here?

However, at this time, Nangong Bin was suddenly stunned.

"Chen Xuan?"

On the hexagonal carriage, Chen Xuan had long since disappeared. When Chen Xuan opened his eyes, he suddenly found that he was in a very mysterious place. He could clearly feel the pressure coming from him.

However, there were seven warriors beside him at this time.

"What is this place?" Suddenly, a warrior asked.

"Brother, I think you look familiar."

"My name is Song E." The warrior in black clothes said.

After hearing this, several people around him were instantly shocked.

"No way, are you Song E?"

"Are you really Song E?"

"Song E is actually a new generation of top talents on Longbing Continent."

Chen Xuan listened to the discussion of the peak disciples next to him and stood aside with doubts on his face.

Half an hour later, Chen Xuan discovered that the group of peak disciples next to him were all outstanding warriors in this continent.

Song E's cultivation level is very fierce. With his invincible strength at the sixth level of the Shenxuan realm, he can defeat three or five early stage warriors at the seventh level of the Shenxuan realm.

The purple-eyed warrior who asked Song E was a warrior from Longjin Continent.

Dragon Gold Continent is located near Dragon Ice Continent, and the warriors who practice there are very powerful.

And this guy is the number one talent of the new generation in Longjin Continent, named Song Huaixian.

Song Huaixian is also invincible at the sixth level of Shenxuan Realm, but his cultivation level is not weaker than Song E's.

"How did you get here?" Song E asked.

"I was preparing to go to Longbing Continent, and suddenly I appeared here." Song Huaixian said.

After hearing this, several other people also nodded.

"The same goes for us. What on earth is he going to do?"

While several people were discussing, a warrior suddenly appeared.

"Haha, everyone, welcome to join Long Bingmen."

There was no aura fluctuation in this man's body, but Chen Xuan deduced that this guy's cultivation level should be at the seventh level of Shenxuan realm without burdens.

"Who are you?" Several warriors asked in a deep voice.

After hearing this, the warrior immediately laughed and said: "I'm not already dead, I'm from the Long Bing Sect!"

"People from Long Bingmen? Who are you? What is your purpose?" Song E asked in a deep voice.

"The master of our Long Bing Sect, please come over. You can call me Wang Keqing." The man said.

"The master of the Long Bing Sect is just trying to get us to join the Long Bing Sect?" Chen Xuan asked aloud.

Wang Keqing's eyes fell on Chen Xuan's face. He nodded to Chen Xuan without saying anything more, and then said: "With your current cultivation level, there is no way to know the real Long Bing Sect. You only need to know Long Bing Sect. It is enough that it is the most powerful sect, and it is also the most powerful place in the Central Region besides Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.”

When Chen Xuan heard this, he showed a hint of excitement on his face.

"Senior, are you talking about the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent?" Chen Xuan asked.

Wang Keqing replied: "Haha, that's right. Any warrior living in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent can destroy the Ten Thousand City Continent. As for what it is like in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, I, Wang Keqing, don't know." Wang Keqing only knows that the cultivation level reaches a certain level. Realm, you can break through the earth, enter the legendary Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, and look for Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain.

After listening to Wang Keqing's words, Chen Xuan was extremely excited.

"The master of our Long Bing Sect... although he is not from the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, he can easily enter the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent." Wang Keqing continued.

In an instant, several people's faces were filled with shock.

"Okay, all you have to do now is join the Long Bingmen." Wang Keqing's voice came out.

"Senior, what are the benefits of joining Long Bingmen?" a warrior asked.

"The Long Bing Sect is the most powerful sect in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. You must know that not every warrior is qualified to join the Long Bing Sect. What benefits do you think it will bring?" Wang Keqing said.

After hearing this, several people were shocked.

"Joining Long Bingmen shows that you are strong enough. At the same time, no one will dare to provoke you in the future." Wang Keqing said.

Several people thought for a moment, and then Song Huaixian asked aloud: "What if we don't want to join the Long Bingmen?"

"If you don't want to join, then I have to send you away from this place." Wang Keqing said.

"I agree to join Long Bingmen." Chen Xuan spoke first.

After learning about the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, Chen Xuan was even more impatient to improve his cultivation.

And it is possible that Chen Xuan can obtain the material and earth treasure in Long Bingmen and improve his cultivation faster.

The other peak disciples discussed among themselves and then hurriedly agreed.

"I've met Wang Keluolu." Several people nodded lightly to Wang Keqing.

After Wang Keqing heard this, a surprise appeared on his face.

"Since you have agreed to join Long Bingmen, I will explain it to you in detail."

"The Dragon Ice Sect has a total of seven levels, and there is a big gap between each level. With your current cultivation level, you can only become a first-level disciple at most."

The seventh level of Long Bingmen.

The disciples at the first level are all mid-level warriors at the seventh level of the Shenxuan realm; the disciples at the second level are invincible at the seventh level at the Shenxuan realm, and the fifth level are invincible at the eighth level at the Shenxuan realm.

Every warrior is very fierce. After listening to Wang Keqing's explanation, Chen Xuan and others were even more shocked.

The strength of Long Bing Sect is too strong. The most important thing is that the seventh level disciples are much stronger than the ruler of Ten Thousand City Continent?

"What you know now is only part of the Dragon Ice Sect. When you enter the ninth level of the Mysterious Divine Realm, you will understand how powerful the Dragon Bing Sect is." Wang Keqing said with a smile.

"Okay, each of you will make a soul oath not to mention the Long Bingmen matter." Wang Keqing said.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan and others swore an oath of soul and truly joined the Long Bingmen.

"Practice hard. When you enter the fourth level, you will have the opportunity to meet the sect master."

Long Bing Sect treats its disciples very well. As long as they are disciples of Long Bing Sect, they will be protected by Long Bing Sect.

After half an hour, Wang Keqing explained the rules of Long Bingmen to several people.

After finishing speaking, Wang Keqing led a few people to a lobby.

"Every time new disciples compete here, they can officially enter the first level." Wang Keqing said with a smile.

"The first place will get a ninth-grade earth-level immortal weapon right away."

Hearing about the ninth-grade earth-level immortal weapon, Ji Rao's face was full of excitement.

They are all invincible at the sixth level of the divine realm. If they can obtain the ninth-grade earth-level immortal weapon, the time to reach the seventh level of the divine realm will be much faster.

The first match was between Song E and another warrior.

When Song E took out a narrow red sword, he directly defeated his opponent with just one strike.

"Song E's swordsmanship is really too powerful."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh, he was indeed an outstanding talent on the Long Bing Continent.

The second match was between Song Huaixian and Song Huaixian. However, Song Huaixian's strength far exceeded the imagination of many warriors. Similarly, he knocked away his opponent with just one sword strike.

The winner of the third game was a monk named Wang Eulong.

This Rao cultivator was also very fierce, and even Chen Xuan felt a little depressed.

In the fourth game, it was finally Chen Xuan's turn. Wang Keqing saw Chen Xuan walking onto the fighting stage and paid close attention to Chen Xuan.

"This guy has fused his soul body. I wonder what his strength is like?"

The battle is about to begin, and Chen Xuan's opponent is not weak either.

I saw him launch a fierce attack instantly, and the diffuse sword shadow came towards Chen Xuan in an instant.

Chen Xuan's face was indifferent, and he held the sword tightly in his hand. He watched helplessly as the shadow of the sword was about to stab him, and suddenly struck out with the sword.


This sword caused Song Huaixian's expression to change instantly.

Chen Xuan's body refining defense was so strong that he struck out with his sword and instantly destroyed the opponent's sword shadow.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan's powerful sword energy directly hit the opponent, knocking him back.

"Hey...I give up and won't fight anymore."

Hearing this, the eyes of Song Huaixian and others looking at Chen Xuan changed greatly.

"Such a powerful body refining defense, Song Huaixian, I think this guy is not weaker than you." Song E said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Song Huaixian's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

When Chen Xuan walked down from the competition stage, Song Huaixian took the initiative to walk over and said with a smile on his face: "Chen Xuan? My name is Song Huaixian. You are very strong. I hope I have the opportunity to compete with you." Song Huaixian said with a smile.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly. The first battle was over. Song E, Song Huaixian, Wang Eulong, and Chen Xuan successfully broke through.

With the same level of cultivation, it is almost difficult for Chen Xuan and others to find opponents.

In the first game of the next game, Song E played against Song Huaixian.

"Song Huaixian, come on." Song E smiled.

"Hehehe, come on." Song Huaixian laughed ferociously.

The two top powerhouses fought together in an instant.

On the competition stage, crackling sounds erupted.

"Song Huaixian is really too strong." Chen Xuan said softly: "However, Song E's strength is not weak either. I don't know who can win."


I only saw Song Huaixian's long sword striking out, and the sword energy in the air reached its peak.

However, Song E was not left behind. His narrow red sword was moving, and the light of the sword kept piercing Song Huaixian's sword energy.

Song Huaixian let out a low shout, and power exploded nearby, and he suddenly struck out with a sword.

Only to see Song Huaixian's long sword hit Song E's narrow red sword in an instant, knocking Song E back immediately.

"This... Dragon Body Refining?"

Song E stabilized his body and looked at Song Huaixian.

At this time, Song Huaixian was surrounded by fierce power.

Even Wang Keqing was extremely shocked: "I didn't expect Song Huaixian to possess the Dragon Refining Body."

"I didn't expect that Brother Song actually possesses the Dragon Refining Body, so he is no match for me." Song E said with a smile on his face.

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