Wang Qiu's soul power swept through him instantly, and when he found that Chen Xuan's aura had completely disappeared, he became very angry.


Wang Qiu roared and then entered the secret land of Lindi.

Suddenly found underground

"I'm going to cut you into pieces, son, don't you even think about slipping away from me now."

Wang Qiu was full of evil spirits and walked quickly in the secret area, trying to catch up with Chen Xuan and others.

The Fire Bird and the Three-clawed Golden Dragon were in front, the Qianyuan Spirit Snake was behind, and the others followed closely behind.

Now their only recourse is to slip underground.

If this channel is cut off, they will be really in danger this time...

At the same time, several people quickly moved forward in the deep secret ground.

Wang Eulong's face was full of embarrassment and he said: "I'm sorry, it's all because of me that you guys are in danger. I really didn't expect that he would actually join the demon clan."

"Now is not the time. Let's escape first. We must find a way to leave quickly before we can tell people outside about his relationship with the Demon Sect."

Chen Xuan said in a deep voice, and the others nodded slowly.

At this moment.

Behind Chen Xuan and the others, bursts of roars kept coming.

"Damn bastard, don't even think about leaving you from here. Even if you find the king and I come to help you now, you won't be able to escape from here."

They had vaguely heard the sound of anger coming from behind them. At this time, Chen Xuan thought that Wang Qiu must be chasing them.

But he didn't expect that the opponent would chase so fast.

In the secret area, there are fire birds and three-clawed golden dragons. Chen Xuan and others are far ahead. In addition, Chen Xuan also sets up several formations from time to time, which really puts Wang Qiu in trouble, so that he is very interested in Chen Xuan. His hatred became even deeper, but Wang Qiu never gave up.

He also knew that if Chen Xuan and others were allowed to leave here, and if the relationship between himself and the Demon Sect was exposed, he would definitely encounter attacks from other more powerful sects when he could walk out of the secret realm.

In this way, after about four sticks of incense, Chen Xuan and others finally encountered danger.

"This is terrible. There seems to be a barrier in front of us. If we insist on going our own way, our speed will definitely be very slow. We will be overtaken by Wang Qiu in half an hour. What should we do now?" A warrior asked. .

"Go up, we can't stay in there any longer, and we must not let him catch us."

Chen Xuan said loudly, and a group of people suddenly appeared.

Ahead is a series of mountains, surrounded by thick smoke, giving people a very scary feeling.

"What's in the mountains? Why do I feel a very strange aura?" Song E asked.

"Could it be the place where a strong man was killed? Maybe there is some inheritance here." Song Huaixian said.

"Hurry up and get inside. We can't stay here. He's almost catching up with us."

Chen Xuan made a quick decision and shouted softly.

In an instant, other peak disciples followed and entered the continuous mountain range.

A thin layer of black mist enveloped this mountain range, and Chen Xuan and others frowned at the mist around them.

"I didn't expect that we actually stumbled into this place by mistake."

"Do you know where this place is?"

"I don't know, but I heard a rumor before. There seems to be a Valley of Death in this inheritance. However, this is just a rumor. No one has ever seen it with their own eyes."

Chen Xuan frowned slightly and then said to them. "Don't worry so much for now, just find a way to get out of here."


When Wang Qiu's body suddenly appeared, he happened to see Chen Xuan and others entering the rolling mountains.

His expression became more ferocious.

"These guys actually went to that place."

Just when he was stunned, Chen Xuan and others had completely disappeared into the mountains. When Zheng

His expression kept changing, and finally he stopped.

"It's so funny, so ignorant, you dare to break into such a weird place. Do these guys think their lives are too long?" Wang Qiu sneered, turned around and left here.

In Wang Qiu's opinion, the chance of coming out after entering the Illusion Formation Plain is very low.

Because he knows best what dangers there are in the Phantom Array Plain.

Those who can get out of here, unless they are extremely lucky, will not be able to leave there at all.

"Since these guys are looking for death, I won't follow them to die. Hahaha, I hope the things inside can help me kill them." After that, his body left here directly.

Passing through the thick fog surrounding the Continuous Mountains, Chen Xuan and the others entered the Continuous Mountains.

As soon as we entered the rolling mountains, we saw a shocking scene.

Everyone showed panic expressions and stared at the scene in front of them in stunned silence.

"No way, no wonder I thought this place was so lifeless before, but I didn't expect so many people to die."

The continuous mountain range was not too big, but it was filled with bones. These bones contained a lifeless aura, which even gave Chen Xuan a headache.

A strong evil spirit filled the area, causing Chen Xuan and others to show surprised expressions on their faces.

"What the hell is this place?" Song E couldn't help but ask.

After escaping Wang Qiu's pursuit, he accidentally stumbled into such a terrifying and strange place.

If they hadn't been desperate, they would never have come here.

"These bones should belong to the strong men of Feng Dao Tu." Chen Xuan said.

The warriors of Feng Daotu are different from the Snow Dragon Demon Clan and the Sha Sect. Most of the human warriors wear clothes and have completely different auras from the demon clan.

"Keep walking, let's go to the front and take a look."

Chen Xuan led the way, and the other peak disciples slowly moved forward.

They were stunned now. If it weren't for Chen Xuan leading the way, they might not have the courage to continue moving forward.

After bypassing hundreds of thousands of bones, Chen Xuan and others found a withered skeleton sitting cross-legged on the bluestone.

Seeing this withered bone, Chen Xuan's expression instantly turned pale.

There were waves of terrible pressure exuding from this withered bones, and this pressure came directly towards the soul, if it weren't for the fact that Chen Xuan's soul was powerful enough.

I'm afraid he can't support it...

So many people who were weak in spirit let out miserable screams.

"Too bad, we can't stay here any longer."

Chen Xuan secretly screamed and activated his soul to form a defense.

"Withered bones attack the soul, and the hearts of many warriors must not be attacked by him, otherwise it will be terrible."

Chen Xuan said loudly.

This withered skeleton is a strong man from the Sha Sect. The Sha Sect is different from the Demon Clan. They belong to the Demon Sect.

Although they have joined forces with the demon clan, the demon clan is basically a human race, but the techniques they practice are too weird. So people from well-known families basically don’t want to see them.

"Haha... It has been a long time since a warrior entered the Illusion Formation Plain. I don't know how many years I have been waiting. This time is really too long."

A sinister voice came from within the withered bones.

"Who are you?" Song Huaixian asked in a deep voice.

"You guys entered my territory and asked me who I am? Hahaha, you are so ignorant. I'm afraid it won't be that easy for you guys to get out of here, hahaha." Dry Bones said again.

"It's so funny. What can a withered skeleton that has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years do to us?" Song E said with disdain.

Even though the opponent was a top powerhouse before his death, the opponent is already dead, and the most that is left is the remnants of his soul. Even if they were in danger at first, they now find that this withered skeleton seems unable to move.

Just caught off guard, they were attacked by the spirit of the withered bones, and now they have all used defensive skills. If there is a strong person alive, they may be afraid.

But there is nothing to be afraid of withered bones that have been dead for many years. They will not be afraid of strong men who have been dead for hundreds of thousands of years.

Moreover, in this continent, even the top strong man is only in the realm of Shenxuan, and is invincible at the ninth level. Is it possible that his cultivation has surpassed the realm of Shenxuan?

Even if there is, it cannot be in this area, but in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

"It's ridiculous, you guys just don't know how to live or die."

Withered Bones smiled sinisterly, and then hundreds of thousands of bones stood up one after another.

Their bodies exuded a deathly aura. They were standing in Linzi Chibi, and there was a ray of red light emitting from their pupils. The pressure surrounding them was very terrifying.

"What do you want?" Chen Xuan asked.

"You asked very well. In fact, my purpose is also very simple. Now I want a carrier." Dry Bones glanced at Chen Xuan, and then expressed his thoughts.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan and others looked surprised.

Can dry bones be resurrected?

At the same time, several people looked at each other.

"You talk so much nonsense."

Firebird said arrogantly.

"It's just asking for death."

Being treated like this by a firebird, Dry Bones was very angry and seemed ready to take action.

But the Firebird made the first move.

The spirit of the phantom beast, the dragon fire phantom.

The power of dragon fire carries terrifying power and kills the withered bones in an instant.

The skeletal arm was raised, trying to block it.


Contrary to Ku Gu's expectation, his arm was instantly broken by the power of dragon fire.

"You're not as powerful as I thought."

The Firebird then once again used the spirit of the phantom beast, the blazing fire to set the prairie ablaze.

Fierce spiritual pressure instantly filled the area.

The blood from the withered bones was sucked away, and in just a short while, the withered bones began to tear apart.

"Damn it, how dare you... What does it have to do with that monster from back then?"

Dry Bones lost his voice.

At first, he didn't take the firebird seriously. After all, there were many monsters living here, but they were basically their nourishment.

Furthermore, he could also see that Firebird was the demon pet of the human monks in front of him. How powerful could it be if it was just a demon pet?

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