The Hongshi family disciples in the Fire Blood Immortal Grass Garden were already so shocked that they couldn't even say a word.

Ten Thousand Fire Sword Technique, a total of six blinks

Under normal circumstances, Hong Yunding can easily defeat the new generation in two rounds at most.

After all, the power of this sword technique is very powerful.

However, he is currently dealing with a warrior whose cultivation level is two levels lower than him. He has used several swords in a row, but there is still no solution.

"Where did this guy come from? Why have I never heard of him?"

"His strength is too strong. At first, I thought that senior brother didn't use all his strength, but now that senior brother has used the fourfold sword technique, there is still no way to defeat him."

"It's so funny. His cultivation limits his attack power. Senior brother Hong Yunding uses the last sword energy of Ten Thousand Fire Sword Technique. He will definitely be defeated by our senior brother. Don't worry, senior brothers."

After hearing his words, many people were inspired, and there are still some disciples who believe that Hong Yunding can defeat Chen Xuan.

"That's right, our senior brother can defeat him easily."

"Hahaha, I must have been dazzled just now. I'm afraid this guy has suffered internal injuries. He is just struggling to support himself now."

In the battle circle, Hong Yunding didn't think so.

After the two attacks just now, he has been able to determine that Chen Xuan's true strength cannot be an ordinary seventh-level invincible warrior in the Shenxuan realm.

And it far exceeds this realm.

"Your strength is stronger than I thought. I don't know where you come from." Hong Yunding said solemnly.

Even so, he also knew that Chen Xuan would not tell him, and from the beginning to the end, Chen Xuan's attitude was very calm, as if he did not regard him as a human being at all.

"Brother, it's absolutely impossible for someone with your kind of talent to be a nobody."

In Hong Yunding's view, with Chen Xuan's talent, even the most outstanding top powerhouses in the Longbing City area could not compare with him.

Could this kind of warrior come from other remote cities? Otherwise, there is no way to explain why he has never heard Chen Xuan's name?

Hong Yunding thought secretly in his heart. From the previous confrontation, his view of Chen Xuan had changed a lot. He believed that Chen Xuan's true strength might even be superior to his.

But he still thinks he has a chance of winning.

"The Ten Thousand Fire Sword Technique, a total of six moves, and the last sword, which is also the most powerful. If you can defend against this last sword, I, Hong Yunding, will apologize to you and leave with the disciples of the Hongshi family." Hong Yunding said suddenly. .

After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded lightly.

The changes in Hong Yunding were within his expectations. If Hong Yunding still believed that he could definitely win after two attacks, Chen Xuan would wonder how he became the strongest member of the new generation of the Hongshi family.

After seeing Chen Xuan's acquiescence, he nodded slowly.

In these few rounds of fighting, he had already noticed how powerful Chen Xuan's explosive strength was.

The next moment, Hong Yunding took action.

The last sword of Ten Thousand Fire Sword Technique was unleashed instantly.

Suddenly, a ferocious breath of flames was released near him.

These flaming breaths gathered on the Zheng of his long sword in just a short moment.

Hong Yunding's long sword suddenly struck out.

If it were this attack, any other warrior would not dare to confront it head-on, even at the eighth level of the Shenxuan Realm.

The secret method of Yin Jue.

Faced with this move, Chen Xuan also used the secret technique of Yin Jue.

The powerful sword shadow instantly trapped Hong Yunding's sword intent. With a click, the sword intent shattered and exploded.

The terrifying aura of flames instantly filled the surroundings. However, the aura of flames tried to break through Chen Xuan's defense several times, but failed.

Finally, under the burning of the sword shadow, the flame aura he displayed gradually disappeared.

Inside the Xiancao Garden, calm was restored once again.

Chen Xuan put away the prairie fire sword and stood silently.

Opposite him, Hong Yunding's expression kept changing.

The Thousand Fire Sword Technique that he was so proud of was easily broken by this guy.

"Among the new generation of warriors in the Dragon Ice City area, there is no warrior who can be his opponent."

Hong Yunding said softly.

He even deduced that Chen Xuan should be an outstanding disciple of some top sect in the main city of Longbing.

Many disciples of the Hongshi family were so shocked that they couldn't say a word.

The most important thing is that the disciples who had ridiculed Chen Xuan before all showed shocked expressions.

Seeing Chen Xuan's cultivation, they thought that Chen Xuan was 100% no match for their senior brother, but now they wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

If Chen Xuan wanted to kill each warrior one after another, none of them would be able to defend himself.

At the same time, many warriors were extremely worried.

"I am not your opponent. Now I, Hong Yunding, apologize to you."

Hong Yunding cupped his fists and apologized to Chen Xuan.

"Haha, let's go." Chen Xuan waved his hand.

It has to be said that the strength of Hong Yunding and others is too weak.

Moreover, these people didn't provoke him much, and Chen Xuan was busy now, so he didn't have the time to kill them.

"Say, before I leave, can you tell me your name?" Hong Yunding looked at Chen Xuan and asked.

"Chen Xuan."

"Chen Xuan, I, Hong Yunding, am no match for you. I admit it. Now I owe you a favor. If you need anything in the future, you can come to the Hongshi family to find me."

After Hong Yunding finished speaking, he led the disciples of the Hongshi family and exited the Fire Blood Immortal Grass Garden.

Outside the Xiancao Garden.

"Senior Brother Hong Yunding, have you given up on taking the fairy grass?"

"Yes, Senior Brother Hong Yunding, isn't it a pity that we finally found the Fire Blood Immortal Grass Garden?"

"Senior Brother Hong Yunding, we can find other sect disciples and join forces. No matter how strong this Chen Xuan is, he cannot be our opponent."

The Hongshi family disciples still want to find the fairy grass.

"Okay, what are you doing? We are no match for him."

After Hong Yunding heard this, he said loudly.

Hong Yunding shouted angrily, and many disciples stopped talking.

"From now on, I, the disciples of the Hongshi family, are not allowed to take advantage of Chen Xuan's fairy grass. If they let us go, there is no reason to rob it."

After the words fell, Hong Yunding took the lead to leave.

In the Fire Blood Immortal Grass Garden, calm returned once again after Hong Yunding left.

Chen Xuan continued to sit on the ground and set up several formations to protect the Firebird.

"It is too difficult to absorb the roots of the fairy grass. It will probably take a long time." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

During this period, more and more Feng Daotu warriors were killed in Hong Ruins.

Since the last deadly battle, the seven dragon and ice guards have been together, looking for the hiding place of the Evil Sect and the Snow Dragon Demon Clan.

But no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find their hiding place. Instead, the Sha Sect and Snow Dragon Demon Clan hidden in various places in the Hong Ruins were constantly killing famous and upright warriors.

In a continuous mountain range, Song Huaixian and Song E were sitting on the bluestone, both of them looking extremely nervous.

"Damn Anaconda, damn it, he rebelled."

The last time they fought for the inherited magic weapon left by the powerful person at the ninth level of the Shenxuan Realm, Lu An and others took action forcefully, and several of them died.

The remaining Song Huaixian, Song E and Wang Eulong were hiding in the dark, looking for inherited treasures and trying to improve their cultivation. However, they accidentally bumped into Lu Bo.

This guy wanted to kill several of them, but fortunately they all had some killer skills and escaped.

However, in the process of escaping, Song E and Song Huaixian lost contact with Wang Eulong.

"I don't know how Wang Eulong is doing. There is no news about him now." Song Huaixian said solemnly, his face full of anger.

"Wang Eulong is very strong, I think he will be fine." Song E thought for a moment and said.

"Sooner or later I will kill Lu Bo with my own hands. This damn guy, I must avenge my dead brothers." Song Huaixian said.

"Lu An's strength is too strong. If you want to kill him, you must at least become a second-level disciple. Otherwise, it is basically impossible to defeat him." Song E said.

Song Huaixian nodded. Although he was very angry, looking for Lu An now would mean dying in vain. Anyway, the altar ruins took a long time to open. During this period, he could quickly improve his cultivation.

His talent is stronger than Lu Bo, and as time goes by, he will be able to catch up with Lu Bo.

"This experience has cost me a lot. I didn't expect that his strength would be so strong, but we must accumulate more knowledge. As long as I have the chance, I will definitely take revenge." Song Huaixian said slowly.

Several people joined Long Bingmen and participated in training together. In just a few months, someone died.

"Take a rest and then let's leave this place." Song E said.

"Where to go?" Song Huaixian asked.

"Go find Wang Ce." Song E said, "I have obtained Wang Ce's whereabouts."

"It seems that this is the only way now. Let's leave as soon as possible."

"Yes, if you continue to look for inherited treasures here, it won't be easy to find them."

Just as the interior was in chaos, the senior officials of Longbing's main city were also paying attention to Hong Ruins.

After all, the changes in Hong's ruins caused a sensation.

In the ruins of the altar, they also have to beware of the killings by the powerful men of the Evil Sect and the Snow Dragon Demon Clan, and the Snow Dragon Demon Clan was not a very strong presence in the vast black rock world tens of thousands of years ago.

As the years passed, the warriors of the human race became increasingly declining, allowing the Snow Dragon Demon Clan to take the opportunity to become even stronger.

Even so, although the warriors of Feng Daotu have declined, they are still not comparable to the Snow Dragon Demon Clan and other demon sects.

So far, Chen Xuan has only come into contact with demon sects and demon clans such as the Sha Sect and the Snow Dragon Demon Clan.

Chen Xuan was no stranger to the Snow Dragon Monster Clan. He had even killed many Snow Dragon Monster Clan. Relatively speaking, the Snow Dragon Monster Clan was weaker than the Evil Sect.

The Sha Sect is a very peculiar demon sect. They often kill the warriors of Feng Dao Tu. When the demon sect and the famous sect were fighting to the death, the strong warriors of Feng Dao Tu sealed the Sha Sect and wanted to completely destroy them.

But after all, it was not done, and now the evil sect has become more powerful in secret. The Hong ruins are just an illusory formation where the demon sect and the famous decent sect once fought to the death. The evil sect is the main one here, and the snow dragon demon clan also remains. Some forces have fallen.

In the Hong ruins, the seven dragon and ice guards united to find the hiding place of the evil sect and the snow dragon demon clan. Other experts in the eighth level of Shenxuan realm also felt the danger.

They were slowly looking for the inherited treasure. As for Chen Xuan, he had been protecting the firebird from devouring the original fairy grass roots in the Fire Blood Immortal Grass Garden.

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