Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 4920 All disciples of Longbingxian Palace

The great elder of the Divine Sword Soul Sect didn't understand either.

"He has some things to deal with. Did Chen Xuan run into some trouble?" the elder of Longbing Immortal Palace deduced.

The great elder of Longbingxian Palace attaches great importance to Chen Xuan because the talent he displays is too strong.

In the eyes of the great elder of Longbing Immortal Palace, Chen Xuan's talent is much better than Shangguan's.

Shangguan's sudden death made the chief elder of Longbingxian Palace very sad, but if Chen Xuan died, it would cause a great shock to the entire Longbingxian Palace.

"Chen Xuan, I hope you can return safely." The great elder of Longbingxian Palace held the sword tightly in his hand and said to himself.

At the same time, all the disciples of Longbingxian Palace were looking for Chen Xuan.

At this time, in the fifth game, many warriors were not too concerned as usual.

The reason is also very simple, because this battle is a duel between Luo Yugui and Chen Xuan among the warriors of the Blood Killing Sect.

"Although Chen Xuan is strong, he will definitely lose this time."

"Haha, that's right. His strength only stops at fifteen."

"If we face other warriors, we might still have some chances. Against Luo Yugui, I'm afraid we won't have any chance."

Amidst the discussions among many warriors, Luo Yugui and Chen Xuan walked into the middle of the illusion formation.

Luo Yugui did not look directly at Chen Xuan. He was patiently waiting for Chen Xuan to admit defeat.

But after a quarter of an hour passed, Chen Xuan remained motionless.

This made Luo Yugui a little unhappy, and then he raised his eyes and then looked at Chen Xuan.

"Are you sure you want to take action?" Luo Yugui asked calmly.

The eyes of many warriors were focused on Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan smiled and nodded calmly.

"Damn bastard, you are provoking me." Luo Yugui said coldly.

At this moment, there were also discussions in the lobby.

Many warriors were confused. Chen Xuan dared to fight against Luo Yugui?

"Damn bastard, I don't care what trump card you have, in the eyes of me, Luo Yugui, you are just an ant."

As soon as Luo Yugui finished speaking, he waved his long sword, and a terrifying magic gate formation suddenly filled the air.

"Tenth level formation."

Chen Xuan recognized this magic gate formation. It was a tenth-level magic gate formation.

Luo Yugui deployed the formation, and then stopped looking at Chen Xuan, but his face was full of chills.

"Dare to provoke Luo Yugui."

"This guy is looking for death."

The warriors of the Blood Killing Sect were full of disdain for Chen Xuan.

But amid the discussion, an invisible sword energy appeared in the formation, and Chen Xuan walked out easily.

"What? What do you mean?"

Seeing Chen Xuan appear, Luo Yugui's expression instantly darkened.

"Is this your formation?" Chen Xuan shrugged slightly.

"Baby, it seems I still looked at you."

Luo Yugui walked towards Chen Xuan step by step, and murderous intent began to be released in the vicinity.

Chen Xuan gave a low shout, the prairie fire sword appeared in his hand, and then, the divine sword shadow technique was displayed.

Seeing this situation, Luo Yugui immediately launched a powerful attack.

"The secret of killing demons."

Luo Yugui roared, holding the sword tightly in his hand, and suddenly struck out.

In an instant, invisible auras appeared in the air.

The sword light in the prairie fire sword instantly hit Luo Yugui's long sword.


There was a loud noise, and Luo Yugui's body took a few steps back.

"No way."

Seeing this situation, the warriors of the Blood Killing Sect showed doubtful expressions.

Being able to knock back Luo Yugui several steps with one blow is almost enough to make them take it seriously.

"This boy is very powerful."

"Haha, that's right. It seems Luo Yugui is in trouble."

"Luo Yugui's Blood God Sword Technique is very strong. If he uses it with all his strength, he probably won't be able to defend himself."

Seeing the true energy gathered by Luo Yugui, Chen Xuan let out a disdainful laugh and cast the Immortal Fire Secret Technique.

The next moment, Luo Yugui's body suddenly flew out.

How many younger generations of warriors with good talents were defeated by Chen Xuan so easily?

Suddenly the hall was filled with cheers.

Although Chen Xuan is not famous at all, his cultivation has made many demon warriors surrender.

Seeing this situation, the warriors of the Blood Killing Sect also turned gloomy.

Chen Xuan's true strength far exceeded their expectations.

"This kid had hidden his strength before, and Luo Yugui was also a little unlucky."

"Yes, he saw the flaw in the Blood God Sword Technique and knocked Luo Yugui away with one blow."

Although the warriors of the Blood Killing Sect value Chen Xuan, they despise Chen Xuan deep down.

It is believed that the reason why Chen Xuan defeated Luo Yugui was because of the weakness of the Blood God Sword Art.

"Damn, what the hell is going on..."

Luo Yugui let out a roar, climbed up from the ground with difficulty, clenched the sword in his hand and wanted to continue fighting.

But he was stopped by the elder in charge of the Demon Sect.

"Luo Yugui, you can't win."

The elder in charge of the Demon Sect is a strong man at the fifth level of the ninth-level invincibility of the Divine Mysterious Realm, and he can directly see the gap between the two.

He was also quite shocked in his heart.

"It's really powerful."

If the secret method of time and space can be reached to the extreme, it will be very powerful.

"It seems that these guys have encountered a powerful enemy." The elder in charge of the Demon Sect smiled.

The Demon Gate War is to select a new generation of top experts.

Chen Xuan nodded to the elder in charge of the Demon Sect without saying anything more, and then walked out of the illusion formation.

Since before the Demon Sect War began, the warriors of the Blood Killing Sect have been regarded as invincible beings among the new generation.

But a little-known Chen Xuan defeated Luo Yugui with lightning speed.

Because of Chen Xuan, the next game was bleak.

"Today's game is over, it will continue tomorrow."

After the words fell, the elder in charge of the Demon Sect glanced at Chen Xuan, then turned and left.

Demonic Hall, a great hall Zheng

The elder in charge of the Demon Sect stood silently.

"Sir Master, this Chen Xuanfu is very strong."

Just after the game ended, the elder in charge of the Demon Sect came to the main hall because Chen Xuan successfully attracted the sect leader.

"I'm really curious. After the Demon Gate War, bring him to see me."

After the words fell, the door owner disappeared.

This time inside the mysterious Long Bingmen.

"How is it?" Long Bing Sect Master asked with a smile.

"Master, I participated in the Demon Sect War. As expected, Ming was able to win the championship and then get the Demon Dragon Stone." Chen Xuan said slowly.

After hearing this, the leader of the Long Bing Sect nodded.

"I have a certain understanding of the Demon Hall. With your strength, unless you come from the Burning Dragon Secret Realm, no one in the ninth level of the invincible first level of the Mysterious Divine Realm can be his opponent." Long Bing Sect Master said: "However, don't be careless. Demonic warriors from the core area of ​​the Demonic Forest often come to the Demonic Forest. The Demonic Warriors from the core area of ​​the Demonic Forest are the most terrifying existences."

The leader of the Long Bing Sect knew this very well, so he let Chen Xuanxin.

"Okay, thank you for your concern, Master." Chen Xuan nodded lightly.

"Okay, you go first."

The leader of the Long Bing Sect waved his hand and Chen Xuan resigned.

At this moment, the leader of the Long Bing Sect raised his eyes and looked deeply into the sky.

"The stronger Chen Xuan's true strength is, the more likely he is to succeed." Long Bing Sect Master said softly.

Defeating Luo Yugui, Chen Xuan suddenly became the most popular contestant in the Demon Sect War.

For a moment, Luo Yugui, who was defeated by Chen Xuan, left the Demon Hall with hatred and even left harsh words.

If you don't break through the ninth level of invincibility in the divine realm, you will never end the retreat.

His heart was full of hatred for Chen Xuan, and he had made up his mind that the next time he ended the retreat would be the time for revenge.

The top contestants are all very strong.

Chen Xuan, who had never been optimistic before, successfully entered the top few, and most importantly, the opponent he defeated was actually Luo Yugui.

The next morning, eight warriors came to the lobby.

This time, the final number one talent will be determined immediately.

Chen Xuan was also quite excited in his heart.

"This time the strongest person in the Demon Sect war will be born among the eight of you soon." The elder in charge of the Demon Sect looked nearby, and then said: "Everyone can challenge other warriors at will. If you fail several times, If it doesn't succeed, it will be wiped out," said the elder in charge of the Demon Sect.

After hearing this, many warriors nodded.

The warriors from the Blood Killing Sect standing at the front looked at each other, and then nodded lightly.

The eight powerful demon sects stood near the illusion formation, waiting for the order from the elder in charge of the demon sect.

"At this moment, the game begins."

As soon as the elder in charge of the Demon Sect finished speaking, a Demon Sect warrior stood up.

His eyes fell on Chen Xuan, his face full of teasing.

"I challenge Chen Xuan."

This guy's name is Yu Wenyun, and he is one of the younger generations of popular warriors in the Demon Sect area.

Luo Yugui was defeated, which made some of them resent Chen Xuan.

Luo Yugui was as famous as them, but Chen Xuan defeated Luo Yugui, which made other warriors think that they were no match for Chen Xuan.

So many people were ready to challenge Chen Xuan together.

After hearing Yu Wenyun's words, Chen Xuan's expression did not change at all.

"no problem."

The elder in charge of the Demon Sect nodded.

Although many warriors were worried about Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan took a step forward and looked at Yu Wenyun with a slight frown.

"Damn bastard, you're done."

Yu Wenyun looked in Chen Xuan's direction and sneered.

He believed that this guy defeated Luo Yugui entirely because of his superior understanding of time and space skills.

If this were not the case, how would it be possible to defeat Luo Yugui.

He is not Luo Yugui, so he is confident to get rid of this guy.


Yu Wenyun took action.

Extremely intense soul fire was released near him.

These soul fires contain mysterious power.

"Moyun Sword Technique."

Yu Wenyun roared, holding the sword tightly, and the nearby soul fire instantly gathered on the sword.

Then he suddenly struck out with his sword towards Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan was not afraid.

Chen Xuan didn't hold anything back and released the Suzaku fire from his body.

As soon as the Suzaku Fire appeared, all the warriors watching the battle around the Demon Hall took a few steps back.

Their pupils were filled with fear.

"Is this soul fire?"

"It's too strong. The flames released by Chen Xuan completely suppressed Yu Wenyun's soul fire."

"My dear, I feel like I'm going to die."

Many weak Demon Sect warriors all took a few steps back, their faces full of shock.

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