Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 4928 Trapped in Ten Thousand Thunder Canyon

In Wanlei Canyon, when Chen Xuan was about to take action, a voice came to his ears.

"Baby, leave from the left."

Hearing this voice, Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment.

"Let's go."

Chen Xuan glanced at Firebird and then said.

When Firebird heard this, he jumped up instantly and his face darkened instantly.


Chen Xuan took the Firebird and walked to the left without hesitation.

However, when Chen Xuan left, he secretly used fire defense to defend himself. Touching this road, Chen Xuan originally thought that this road was a dead end, but halfway through, his body was teleported directly. .

"What is this place?"

Chen Xuan looked around, very confused.

Isn't he in Wanlei Canyon? Even if it comes out, it should be outside Wan Lei Canyon.

Why are you in this strange place?

Could it be the technique of the mysterious powerful man who secretly guided him?

"Okay, thank you sir."

Chen Xuan raised his eyes and looked at Kong, and said helplessly.

Immediately afterwards, he disappeared with the firebird.

In the air, two mysterious warriors stood silently, staring coldly

Seeing the direction in which Chen Xuan was running quickly, a smile appeared on the faces of the two mysterious warriors.

"Looks like this guy is going to Kongtongmen."

"Master Yunjian, let's go too."

Immediately afterwards, two mysterious warriors left this place.

One night, Chen Xuan also secretly contacted Zhao Bei. Zhao Bei was the only one who could help him in Wanlei Continent.

"Chen Xuan, where are you?"

"Brother Zhao Bei, I have successfully escaped from Ten Thousand Thunder Canyon." Chen Xuandao.

"Chen Xuan, come to me quickly and I will take you away from Wan Lei Continent."

"Okay, thank you Brother Zhao Bei, but I don't plan to leave. I want to save Brother Wang. We two know each other, and this matter happened because of me after all." Chen Xuandao.

After the words fell, Chen Xuan rushed directly towards Kongtong Gate.

Zhao Bei's mansion.

Many invincible warriors at the ninth level of Shenxuan realm gathered in this place. If there were other warriors here, they would definitely be shocked.

Because these warriors who are invincible at the fifth level of the ninth level of the Shenxuan realm usually have great prestige on the Ten Thousand Thunder Continent.

"Zhao Bei, what's going on?" asked a strong man at the fifth level of the ninth-level invincible realm of Shenxuan.

"Yes, Zhao Bei, did you encounter any danger?"

After Zhao Bei heard this, he nodded slightly to the many warriors, and then said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I, Zhao Bei, want to take care of you."

"Zhao Bei, straight."

"It's also Zhao Bei. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be alive at all."

Zhao Bei nodded and then said: "Have you also heard what happened on Wanlei Continent?"

"Chen Xuan is my friend, and it is his brother who was arrested. He is going to save his brother. I can't just watch him die." Zhao Bei continued.

Many warriors nodded and then agreed to help Zhao Bei.

You may become Zhang Luoyu's enemy during this trip. If you don't want to, I won't force you. " Zhao Bei said.

Immediately afterwards, under the command of Zhao Bei, many warriors went to Kongtong Gate.

In a short time, countless strong men gathered under Kongtong's sect.

Many warriors are patiently waiting for Chen Xuan to appear, because he carries the divine sword Fire Heart Technique on his body.

The Divine Sword Fire Heart Technique appeared, but it was actually obtained by an unknown Chen Xuan.

Many experts who are invincible at the fifth level of the ninth level of Shenxuan Realm are targeting the Divine Sword Fire Heart Technique.

At this moment, more and more powerful people gathered under the Kongtong Sect.

"If he doesn't come in a week, I will kill you with my own hands." Zhang Shu said gloomily.

"It's so funny. If you want to plot against Chen Xuan, you have a good idea."

Wang Kongze said in a cold voice.

Zhang Shu did not continue to talk to Wang Kongze. He walked to the side of the peak and stared at him coldly.

A large number of powerful men of the ninth level and fifth level of Shenxuan realm gathered here, but they did not dare to enter the sect.

Zhang Luoyu is very strong. Unless he is a strong person at the first level of the divine realm, no one would dare to provoke him.

Chen Xuan, who was on his way quickly, began to unleash his murderous intent.

If it weren't for Zhang Luoyu, Zhang Shu would have died long ago.

However, even with a powerful warrior like Zhang Luoyu, Chen Xuan believed that he could definitely kill Zhang Shu with his sword.

"Wang Kongze, wait for me."

Chen Xuan said with murderous intent on his face.

Time passed by bit by bit, and in the blink of an eye, a week passed.

During this week, Chen Xuan did not appear under Kongtong.

Outside Kongtong Gate, Zhang Shu's expression became increasingly gloomy.

"Damn it, Chen Xuan doesn't want to show up?" Zhang Shuhan said.

Zhang Luoyu has laid a trap. If Chen Xuan appears, he will definitely die here.

"It seems that Chen Xuan doesn't dare to show up anymore."

"In that case, shall we kill him now?"

Several subordinates asked.

"Wait another five quarters of an hour." Zhang Shu said impatiently.

In the blink of an eye, five quarters of an hour passed, and Chen Xuan still did not appear. A long sword appeared in Zhang Shu's hand.

Lines of terrifying sword light burst out, floating in the air, and then, the long sword in his hand suddenly stabbed Wang Kongze.

In the air, Master Luo Huo wanted to take action. Just when Master Luo Huo was about to take action, an invisible sword energy appeared outside Kongtong Gate. He watched helplessly as the sword was about to stab Wang Kongze. Chen Xuan's body Appears instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he struck Zhang Shu with a sword.

Zhang Shu's attack was blocked, causing him to step back a few steps.

"Chen Xuan?"

Zhang Shu saw this and showed a look of surprise on his face.

"Finally appeared."

"Chen Xuan, you are simply courting death."

The long sword in Zhang Shu's hand kept moving in the air, and the long sword burst out with mysterious sword energy, stabbing directly at Chen Xuan.

He clenched the Liaoyuan Sword tightly, and when the Divine Sword Shadow Technique was performed, the Immortal Fire Secret Technique was also performed together.

In an instant, Chen Xuan burst out with his strongest strength.


The two collided, and Zhang Shu's body flew out directly.

Without any defensive power, Zhang Shu was directly defeated by Chen Xuan in one blow.

"If there was no Zhang Luoyu, you Zhang Shu would be a piece of trash." Chen Xuan stared at Zhang Shu coldly.

Zhang Luoyu brought the long sword and looked at Chen Xuan and smiled, "You are here."

The next moment, the aura of the invincible seventh level of the ninth level of the Divine Profound Realm burst out instantly, and Chen Xuan's body was directly suppressed without warning.

Chen Xuan tried his best to stand up, and then looked at Zhang Luoyu.

"What? Chen Xuan, what do you mean?"

Chen Xuan was able to stand up, which was far beyond Zhang Luoyu's expectations.

"Hand over the Divine Sword Fire Heart Method." Zhang Luoyu stepped forward, his breath even more fierce.

"Zhang Luoyu, you are dreaming, I won't give it to you." Chen Xuan said slowly.

"It's so funny, I can still get the Divine Sword Fire Heart Method after killing you."

A flash of sword light flashed, and Zhang Luoyu instantly blasted towards Chen Xuan.

At this time, a large number of powerful warriors of the ninth level of the Divine Profound Realm and the fifth level of invincibility appeared under the Kongtong Sect.

The leading warrior was Zhao Bei, and behind Zhao Bei followed many powerful warriors of the ninth level of the Divine Profound Realm and the fifth level of invincibility.

Zhao Bei rushed to the front, came to Chen Xuan's side, and stopped Zhang Luoyu from taking action.

The appearance of Zhao Bei caused a discussion among the Kongtong Sect.

Many warriors were shocked that Zhao Bei would actually go against Zhang Luoyu for Chen Xuan.

"Zhao Bei, do you want to be my enemy?"

The aura around Zhang Luoyu was shaking, and he looked at many warriors and said coldly.

"Zhang Luoyu, Chen Xuan is a very good friend of mine. Please give me Zhao Bei face and let him go, how about that?" Zhao Bei said.

"Zhang Luoyu, it's too shameful for you to attack a warrior of the ninth level of the Divine Mysterious Realm, the first level."

The strong men of the ninth level of the Divine Mysterious Realm who followed Zhao Bei expressed their opinions.

Although they could not compare with Zhang Luoyu on the Wanlei Continent, even if they were Zhang Luoyu, they would not dare to attack at will.

"If you want to be my enemy, I will never show mercy." The aura around Zhang Luoyu rushed up.

Zhao Bei and others saw this situation and their faces were gloomy.

Zhang Luoyu was not afraid of them at all.

"I'll give you a chance. If you insist on doing so, don't blame me, Zhang Luoyu."

Zhang Luoyu said in a cold voice.

The strong men of the ninth level of the Divine Mysterious Realm, the fifth level, looked at each other, and then looked at Zhao Bei.

"Zhao Bei, what should we do?"

"Chen Xuan is my friend, I can't just ignore him." Zhao Bei said.

Zhang Luoyu's face darkened after hearing this.

"No problem."

An extremely powerful aura erupted near Zhang Luoyu. Suddenly, he tightly grasped the long sword in his hand and suddenly killed many warriors with one sword.

"Let's go together."

Many powerful warriors of the ninth level of the Shenxuan realm and the fifth level of invincibility united to fight against Zhang Luoyu.

The strongest battle broke out outside the Kongtong Gate.

Many warriors were shocked.

While fighting to the death, Chen Xuan directly rescued Wang Kongze.

But at this moment, a shocking sound erupted outside the Kongtong Gate.

Then, Chen Xuan was shocked to find that Zhao Bei and others were forcibly suppressed by Zhang Luoyu.

Many warriors all took a few steps back.

Zhang Luoyu struck out with a strong sword and directly blasted Zhao Bei and others back.

At this time, Zhang Luoyu showed his extremely strong strength.

Zhao Bei and others looked at each other, their faces full of helplessness.

Zhang Luoyu hit the threshold of the eighth level, and they couldn't deal with him even if they joined forces.

Zhao Bei sighed, and Zhang Luoyu stared at the many warriors with cold eyes, his face gloomy.

"If you provoke me, Zhang Luoyu, you must die, but as you are from the Wanlei Continent, I can also let you go." Zhang Luoyu changed the subject.

"Brother Zhao Bei, you can leave." Chen Xuan said.

At this moment, Wang Kongze shouted: "Two old men, I knew you were coming, ahem..."

"What do you mean? No way, there are warriors hiding in the dark?"

Chen Xuan and Zhao Bei and others raised their eyes and looked into the air, but found nothing.

Then Chen Xuan looked at Wang Kongze in surprise.

"It's so funny, I want to see who it is."

Zhang Luoyu sneered, a sword light flashed, and directly hit Wang Kongze.

Watching Zhang Luoyu's sword light, when it was about to touch Wang Kongze, two warriors appeared in the air.

There was no breath emanating from these two mysterious warriors.

However, when Zhang Luoyu saw the two, he was shocked.

His expression changed, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"How... is this possible?"

"I didn't expect this cultivator to have such profound strength."

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