Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5028 Living in the main city of Longbing

Hearing this, he immediately laughed and said directly: "Chen Xuan, I live in the main city of Longbing now. I haven't seen you for a long time. Why don't we go here to find a tavern for a drink? We can have a good chat. "

Naturally, Chen Xuan would not refuse. He also wanted to ask, what happened to the other party during this time? So he nodded slightly in agreement.

Half an hour later, Song Huaixian was taken to the mansion where he lived.

However, at this time, many of the passing warriors were talking about the name Chen Xuan.

"Have you heard? There is a guy named Chen Xuan who actually got the highest rank of Longxian Sect?"

"What are you doing? It's impossible. A foreigner like him can actually get the legend of Longxian Sect."

Many people were very surprised by this, but Song Huaixian next to him sighed after hearing it: "Now in the entire Zhongyu Continent, who doesn't know how powerful you Chen Xuan is. Sometimes I really envy you. I didn't expect you to actually get "Longxianmen's legend"

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly and asked casually: "You don't want this now. I'm just lucky. Where are brothers Wang Eulong and Song E?"

"You and I have forgotten that I saw them some time ago and they are practicing everywhere. These two guys are about to reach a breakthrough in cultivation now. Let's go forward and we will soon reach the place where I live." Song Huaixian road.

Not long after, Chen Xuan saw a mansion in front of him, with two words written above it: Song Mansion.

Chen Xuan looked at the mansion. This mansion was very luxurious, and the decoration inside was also very prosperous.

But there are no servants here.

This also made Chen Xuan a little curious. Could it be that he had always lived alone in such a big mansion?

So he asked: "By the way, why do you live in the main city of Longbing? And I think there seems to be no one in this mansion."

The main city of Long Bing is the core city of Long Bing Continent and is also the area of ​​Long Bing Immortal Palace. Chen Xuan was indeed a little surprised that he lived in such a large mansion alone.

"Brother Chen Xuan, I'll tell you the truth. The reason why I live here is because I have a mission... and I am indeed the only one in this mansion. It's all because of the mission."

Song Huaixian whispered.

After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan nodded slightly in agreement. The other party obviously meant that he was unwilling to reveal the content of the mission, and this was normal.

Chen Xuan nodded. After all, he knew the rules of Long Bing Sect, and Chen Xuan also knew a lot more about Long Bing Sect than before, so he stopped asking questions. He knew that the other party must have something to hide.

Longbing main city, one of the courtyards Zheng

A group of warriors gathered here to discuss something.

"Chen Xuan left the Dragon Immortal Sect directly and is in the main city of Long Bing Zheng," one of the warriors said.

"This is our perfect opportunity. If he returns to Jincheng, there will definitely be many strong men protecting him. We will have no chance. We must seize this opportunity." Another warrior said.

"That's right. If he returns to the city, there will definitely be a few powerful men in the realm of gods to assist him. Then we will have no chance to take action.

Others nodded after hearing their discussion.

They are pawn soldiers, and their cultivation is not that strong. They can only complete the mission as much as possible, and the most important thing is that they do not have a pawn core.

"Now, no matter what, we must get back the essence and blood of the golden insect elder. As long as we get this thing, our mission will be completed." The leading warrior said.

"You can rest assured. According to the news, Chen Xuan is just an invincible ninth-level warrior at the ninth level of the Divine Mysterious Realm. His strength is not very strong. If many of our powerful first-level Divine Realm masters take action, he will definitely die here. ”

Only the major sects knew that Chen Xuan had broken through to the realm of gods, so these people didn't know that Chen Xuan had broken through.

"No problem, let's wait until night to act and kill it directly then, no matter whether he is practicing or doing something else."

At this moment, Song Huai shows his mansion.

Song Huaixian suddenly said slowly: "Chen Xuan, if it weren't for you, I would have died a long time ago. But you are my savior. I am very happy to see you today."

"Hahaha, what are you doing with these? The two of us are friendly and you don't want these at all."

"What are these doing? Chen Jie, do you know? I met someone some time ago. I originally thought that if I regarded him as a friend, he would not frame me, but in the end, the other person took action against me when I needed it most, but I He has been killed."

"No?" Chen Xuan said slowly.

Chen Xuan didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing.

The other party's brother actually attacked him when she was weak, probably because of some inheritance.

Sometimes the world is like this, and there is only one kind of inheritance. If one gives up to the other, he cannot get it.

If the cultivation level cannot be broken through, it will be the most uncomfortable for a warrior.

There is no need for more between them, and Chen Xuan is very satisfied if he is willing to tell himself this.

"Hehehe, I'm used to these things. I've encountered this kind of thing before on a continent, but I didn't expect that he would actually do such a thing. Come on, brother, I'm looking for you now. I just want to vent, let’s drink.”

Song Huaixian laughed immediately, then picked up the wine glass and laughed at Chen Xuan.

Regarding his experience, Chen Xuan sympathized with him and could not bear it.

Whoever encounters this kind of thing will not be angry in his heart.

He originally thought they were brothers of life and death, but the other party actually betrayed him, so he also picked up the wine glass.

Just when Chen Xuan was about to drink, his expression suddenly changed slightly and he frowned.

Song Huaixian felt Chen Xuan frown, so he showed doubts.

"Chen Xuan, what happened?"

Before Song Huaixian could ask, Chen Xuan looked at him and nodded quietly.

As if he understood Chen Xuan's eyes, he hurriedly raised his wine glass and laughed again: "I really didn't expect that a few thieves came to my mansion."

Chen Xuan laughed and said, but he sent a message to Song Huaixian: "Yes, I didn't expect that someone would come here."

"Chen Xuan, do you want to kill all of them?" Song Huaixian asked via voice transmission. He also knew that Chen Xuan's current strength had broken through. If he hadn't encountered a strong man in the Shenxuan realm, he would not have been able to do it. What a danger.

Chen Xuan slowly shook his head and signaled to Song Huaixian that it was not the time to take action yet, so they should keep quiet.

After a period of time, Chen Xuan found that these people still hadn't left. Then Chen Xuan slowly stood up from the ground and said, "I'll go take care of it. Wait for me here. They are probably coming for me." ”

After the words fell, Chen Xuan left directly.

Although he didn't know the origins of these people, Chen Xuan could guess that they had evil intentions towards the blood essence and blood of Elder Jin that he had just obtained.

At this moment, when he came to the dark place, Chen Xuan used the Time Sword Immortal Technique to escape into time and space, and his body disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, his body was walking in the air, and half an hour later he saw some warriors hidden in the dark. These warriors were all wearing black clothes, making it difficult to see their faces.

"A powerful person at the first level of the Divine Realm, is he from the Dragon Immortal Sect?"

Chen Xuan looked gloomy and said to himself.

Of course, he was just guessing now. Chen Xuan was still unable to grasp the character of the leader of the Dragon Immortal Sect.

If the other party really sent people to hunt him down, Chen Xuan could only think that this was reasonable.

However, at the same time, Chen Xuan looked down at r /\u003e

Moreover, there is a long distance between the powerful people in the first level of the divine realm, and they seem to be ready to take action at any time.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan let out a disdainful laugh, and then his body flashed quickly, and without any movement, he came behind a first-level deity in the realm of deity, but the other party didn't seem to notice Chen Quan's appearance at all. .

In an instant, he directly activated the True God of Illusion.

The strong power of the Divine Sword Dao instantly gathered the first level of the Divine Realm.

He had almost no resistance and fell into the magic sword formation.

At this time, Chen Xuan activated the power of the law of fire, and the Suzaku fire burned.

In just a short moment, this first-level god in the realm of gods was burned to ashes.

But Chen Xuan's speed was too fast, and he set up a formation here. The other warriors didn't notice it at all. But after killing the warrior, Chen Xuan carefully checked his body and found that her There is no Dragon Immortal Sect token on him.

"It's not the Dragon Immortal Sect. This is a bit strange. Who is going to deal with me? Why do they appear here? Could it be that they are strong men from other sects?"

Chen Xuan frowned. In the process of taking action, he sensed that the aura in this guy's body was very strange, and there was an aura of the Demon Sect. He could conclude that these people were not warriors of the Dragon Immortal Sect.

However, Chen Xuan could also conclude that no matter where they came from, they probably came because he had just obtained the magic weapon. After all, the news had been completely spread.

He has obtained the essence and blood of the Golden Insect Elder. Many people know that there is a magic weapon of this level. If it falls into the Dragon Immortal Sect, I am afraid they will not make any plans.

After all, the Dragon Immortal Sect is the most powerful sect. If you provoke them, there will be no good results. But Chen Xuan is different. Although he is also a disciple of the sect now, after all, he is alone and no one knows that Chen Xuan will appear there. here.

But what surprised Chen Xuan was that with Jin's current cultivation level, he could kill a warrior in the mid-level of the first level of the Divine Realm without any movement, and the other party didn't notice at all.

It can be said that after the Suzaku Fire absorbed the power of the Fire Law, an essential breakthrough occurred, and its power became countless times more powerful than before.

It's just a divine being at the first level of the divine realm, and there's no way to defend against its power.

The first-level god in the realm of gods was burned clean in an instant, but there was nothing at the scene. Chen Xuan did it very cleanly, leaving no evidence, and even his body was burned clean.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan came to the front of the two neighboring strong men at the first level of the divine realm, and this strong man did not seem to feel Chen Xuan's presence.

He had no defense against Chen Xuan's Suzaku Fire.

In just a few breaths, Chen Xuan killed many people on the other side without any movement.

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