At the same time, in Jincheng, in the city lord's mansion.

Chen Xuan had just started fighting with Song Yunlan when suddenly, Lu Kuanglong's body appeared.

"Chen Xuan, I didn't expect your son to grow to this point. Go to hell."

Lu Kuanglong roared angrily, and the strength of the divine realm burst out instantly.

The terrifying aura instantly spread throughout the city lord's mansion, directly covering Chen Xuan.

"Too bad, it's him."

Chen Xuan secretly yelled something bad and instantly used the Immortal Sword Technique. Chen Xuan knew this Lu Kuanglong very well.

If it weren't for him, Chen Xuan's cultivation would not have improved so quickly.

Before Lu Kuanglong's attack arrived, Chen Xuan's body disappeared immediately, and then his body merged into time and space, and the surroundings suddenly turned into a phantom.


In an instant, the entire earth trembled. Lu Kuanglong's sword directly blasted away the space, and fierce black spiritual energy spurted out.

"How can it be……"

Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression. He did not expect that the opponent's cultivation level had actually improved again in the past few years. Looking at Lu Kuanglong who was attacking crazily, he was also shocked in his heart.

"Weren't Master Lu Kuanglong and Master Lu Lang forced out of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent? Why does he appear here? Have they already come out from there?"

At the same time, Chen Xuan thought carefully and felt relieved. He had come out of the tearing space before. Although he didn't know the reason, there was a way.

But for now, Chen Xuan still has no room for thinking. Facing a strong man of this level, he is definitely no match.

After all, the opponent was already extremely close to the second level of the Divine Realm, and in the past few years in the tearing space, his cultivation level had made further breakthroughs, so Chen Xuan escaped while using the Sword Immortal Technique with all his strength.

In an instant, a sword energy hit the air, and the city lord's mansion suddenly collapsed.

"Too bad, there is a powerful person at the peak of the first level of the divine realm."

Wang Dongye and other powerful men immediately noticed a powerful aura appearing.

Song Yunlan, who had just returned to her residence, felt shocked when she felt the terrifying aura.


When Song Yunlan arrived, Chen Xuan had already disappeared, and Lu Kuanglong was frantically attacking the surrounding areas.

"Brother Chen Xuan, what happened??"

There was a blush in Song Yunlan's pupils, as if she didn't expect that strong men would come here one after another to assassinate Chen Xuan.

He and Chen Xuan had a very good relationship to begin with. Since the other party was ready to fight to the death, he couldn't just stare from the side, so he held the spirit sword in his hand and fought with Lu Kuanglong.

"Go to hell!"

Lu Kuanglong actually thought very simply. He planned to retreat after killing Chen Xuan. After all, he did not want his whereabouts to be exposed.

Even though his strength was improved in the time and space rift, he still seemed powerless when facing a powerful person like the Supreme Demon King.

He originally thought that his plan was perfect, but now he can't attack Chen Xuan, and he can't find it at all. Where did Chen Xuan go?

He was very angry, but when he was angry, Song Yunlan appeared.

So Lu Kuanglong just vented his anger on Song Yunlan. Anyway, judging from the fact that the other party stood up for Chen Xuan, he must have a good relationship with Chen Xuan.

Suddenly, a sword shot out, directly knocking Song Yunlan's body away.

"Song Yunlan, damn it."

Song Yunlan was threatened, and Chen Xuan could not continue to avoid him. After all, the other party appeared to protect him. How could Chen Xuan be watching from the side.

So the next moment, Chen Xuan's body appeared from the sky.

He came to Song Yunlan and directly supported Song Yunlan as he was about to fall down. He found that there was already a scar on the other party's body.

Although he is very strong, there is still a difference between him and Lu Kuanglong.

"Lu Kuanglong, I'm very curious, what happened in the rift in time and space? Why aren't you dead yet?"

Chen Xuan looked at Lu Kuanglong.

"It's so funny. I'm here specifically to kill you this time." Lu Kuanglong sneered.

"Weren't you forced into the space-time rift outside the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent? Why can you come back now? What happened?" Chen Xuan asked.

He also knew that he was no match, so all he could do now was deliberately delay time. After all, he had notified the sect master of Shenlie Mountain just now, and he was on his way here.

The Supreme Demon King is currently practicing in seclusion. Chen Xuan must not trouble him. The leader of Longbingmen was also seriously injured before. Thinking about it carefully, the only one who can restrain him is the leader of Shenli Mountain.

The master of Shenlie Mountain is also very strong in cultivation, and since the last time. After Chen Xuan helped him.

His strength also achieved a breakthrough.

"Damn son of a bitch, do you think I don't know what you want to do and you want to delay it?" Lu Kuanglong sneered: "It's a pity, you son is indeed a talent, but your life will be ended soon. , died in my hands, you should be proud, hahahahaha.”

After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan's face was also very shocked.

Only now did Chen Xuan understand the reason. The person who assassinated him before was definitely related to Lu Kuanglong, otherwise the other party would never suddenly kill him now.

Although Chen Xuan knew nothing about what was going on, he now had an idea.

"Brother Song Yunlan, are you okay?"

Chen Xuan supported Song Yunlan, and seeing the other person's expression, Chen Xuan knew that he was seriously injured.

"Brother Chen Xuan, this guy is very powerful, please leave quickly."

Song Yunlan was still very loyal. When he saw Lu Kuanglong take action, he knew that Chen Xuan could not be his opponent, so he directly pushed Chen Xuan away. Then he faced the powerful Lu Kuanglong and performed a After mastering the swordsmanship, he went up to the sky and prepared to fight to the death with the opponent.

There was no doubt that Song Yunlan could not be his opponent. After just two rounds, his body fell directly on Lin.

Lu Kuanglong let out a roar and continued to chase him, but the next moment his body was shot away like a kite, which made him feel very shocked.

At this moment, Chen Xuan activated the power of the Xuanlong Ring and took risks on his own.

It knocked him away directly.

However, Lu Kuanglong's strength was too strong, and his body took two steps back. Although he was injured, it was not very serious.

However, Song Yunlan was also seriously injured, and his time and space method was different from Chen Xuan's time and space method.

Although Song Yunlan was seriously injured by this blow, he did not die, but this also made Chen Xuan very angry.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to use the power of the Black Dragon Realm.

But when using this power, Chen Xuan did not push it with all his strength. He was also worried that if he lost consciousness, he would definitely be killed by Lu Kuanglong.

"What? What do you mean? Why does this kid have such a magic weapon?"

Seeing this situation, Lu Kuanglong was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, this powerful god who was in the middle stage of the first level of the god realm could actually defend against his attack and even injure him.

"It seems that your son has a lot of magic weapons on his body, but Jincheng is about to be destroyed by me."

Lu Kuanglong laughed cruelly, and then walked towards Chen Xuan step by step. He felt that what Chen Xuan had just exerted was all his power.

"Son, do you know what kind of pain I suffered in the time and space rift? All this is because of you, but my strength has improved, and I should thank you for this." Lu Kuanglong looked extremely ferocious, raised his head The long sword, with terrifying power, surrounded it. He was ready to kill Chen Xuan instantly to avoid a long night of nightmares.

In an instant, he struck down with sword energy.

Chen Xuan felt extremely panicked. His body was suppressed and he was unable to use the Time Sword Immortal Technique.

"Damn, what the hell is going on..."

Chen Xuan cursed.

However, just when Lu Kuanglong's sword light was about to envelope Chen Xuan, an invisible sword energy appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a roar came over.

"Damn it! Stop it."

The sect master of Shenlie Mountain arrived, and his body instantly came in front of Chen Xuan, and suddenly struck out with a sword, blocking Lu Kuanglong's attack.

"Want to stop me? Haha, by you?"

Lu Kuanglong only had one thought in his mind, which was to kill Chen Xuan.

Lu Kuanglong fought with the master of Shenlie Mountain, and Chen Xuan quickly retreated.

"I'm here to help you."

When the master of Shenlie Mountain was fighting Lu Kuanglong, the master of Xianyun Palace seemed to hear the sound, and in a short moment, his body arrived.

At the beginning, he sensed the fluctuations of the battle inside Jincheng. He originally thought that there was some strong person appearing, but when he felt this familiar aura, he hurried over.

After all, this is Lu Kuanglong, known as the most powerful demon warrior in history, and his body is also a giant dragon.

And he also had great ambitions. After he was repulsed by the Supreme Demon King, they originally thought that the central area would be temporarily safe. However, it only took a few years for him to come back.

Although there were many breakthroughs in strength in the time and space rift, Lu Kuanglong felt a bit of pressure when the two peak powerhouses united.

"Only one step away, this damn kid."

Lu Kuanglong was filled with dissatisfaction and was only one step away from killing Chen Xuan.

But in the end, his plan failed because of the sudden appearance of these two powerful men.

"Run quickly."

Lu Kuanglong knocked back the two peak experts with one sword, and then quickly flashed his body and fled into the distance. He knew that continuing to fight would not do him any good.

If the Supreme Demon King comes out, with his current strength, he will definitely not be his opponent.

"Where to escape?"

Lu Kuanglong was extremely fast and arrived near Jincheng in just a short time. As long as he entered the Thousand Thousand Mountains, he would be able to transform into his true form and hide directly without fear of other warriors.

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