"Wait, I will break the Xuanling formation and rescue you."

As soon as the voice fell, the space aura around Chen Xuan vibrated, and then began to break the Xuanling formation.

He found that this formation seemed to be much more complicated than he had imagined. At first, he thought it was a formation formed naturally by the monsters here, but now Chen Xuan found that it was not that simple.


A series of space auras burst out from his long sword and entered the dark forest. Under the outbreak of this aura, Chen Xuan found that although he had achieved some results, things were not as easy as Chen Xuan imagined.

After the space aura entered the dark forest, it was swallowed by all the fairy grass in a moment, and then the dark forest returned to peace.

"What's going on? What kind of formation is this? It seems to be much more complicated than I imagined."

Chen Xuan frowned and whispered: "With my attainments in formations, I can't break it. Could it be the top formation in the rumor? But if such a formation really exists, why does it appear here?"

At the same time, Chen Xuan took a deep breath, he felt that things were far from as simple as he imagined.

Who is this warrior of this level? He can actually set up a top-level formation. The opponent must be very powerful. I'm afraid this is a strong man of the fourth level.

"Brother Chen Xuan, let me try."

Li Qiuyu, who was nearby, suddenly said, as if he saw that Chen Xuan had no way to deal with this formation, so he took the initiative to volunteer.

Chen Xuan nodded. Maybe Qiuyu has a way. After getting along for this period of time, he found that Li Qiuyu's talent is far more than he thought.

Sometimes he can't do things, but Li Qiuyu can actually do them.

Maybe it's after entering the Wanxian Continent that Li Qiuyu's talent has been completely awakened.

Li Qiuyu's body came to the dark forest.

A very mysterious breath was released near him, swallowing up the entire dark forest.


There seemed to be movement in the dark forest. Seeing this, Li Qiuyu continued to increase his strength and attack the dark forest.

At this time, all of Li Qiuyu's strength also burst out instantly, and the breath in the dark forest was swallowed by Li Qiuyu.

Just as Chen Xuan was looking at Li Qiuyu, the space suddenly fluctuated in the dark forest, and then a phantom appeared.

"Be careful."

Chen Xuan saw this and said loudly.

He didn't know who this phantom was.

The phantom laughed wildly and knocked Li Qiuyu, who was breaking the Xuanling formation, out of the way, instantly interrupting Qiuyu's actions.

Then he looked at Li Qiuyu calmly and said, "It really surprised me that the first level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent actually produced a top-level strongman of the third level of the Divine Lord Realm like you."

The sudden remaining soul saw Li Qiuyu and then sighed in front of Chen Xuan.

Li Qiuyu's body floated in the air, and his deep pupils looked at the other party and said, "Who are you?"

Chen Xuan's eyes were also full of vigilance at the remaining soul in the air, and his long sword contained terrifying power.

The current situation is very critical. He can feel that the phantom of this soul is very powerful.

But no matter who he is, as long as he dares to attack Li Qiuyu and them, Chen Xuan will not hesitate to kill this phantom directly.

So far, he still doesn't know the true cultivation of this phantom. If the opponent is very strong, Chen Xuan may not be able to do anything to him.

Hearing Li Qiuyu's voice, the phantom said: "I am the guard here."

"What does guard mean?" Chen Xuan was even more confused.

He could clearly feel the power of the layer, and this phantom was 100% a top master.

"This senior, I just broke into this layer because I was trapped in the dark forest. If there is any disturbance, please forgive me." Chen Xuan explained.

After hearing Chen Xuan's voice, the phantom was not angry, but smiled at them, and then waved his hand and said: "Hehe, it's not easy for anyone to come in. Not everyone can come in. Since you can come here, you are the inheritor."

"Mysterious warrior, who are you? Is there anything that can't be said directly?" Li Qiuyu asked.

After hearing Li Qiuyu's voice, Chen Xuan was shocked. He obviously didn't expect Li Qiuyu to be like this, so he hurriedly stopped him and said, "Li Qiuyu, don't be rude to this senior."

But the shadow was not angry with Li Qiuyu, but was very good to Li Qiuyu.

"I'm just a guard here. I have been guarding here all the time." The shadow said, "I know you are confused and very curious about this place, but don't worry, I will tell you everything here soon."

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu were obviously very confused, so they listened attentively.

"This space does not exist. So even if you are a top-level strong man in the third level of the God Realm of the Wanxian Continent, it is impossible to detect it with your divine sense. Only the inheritor can enter this space. If you are not the inheritor, you are not qualified to enter here at all."

The first sentence of the shadow shocked Chen Xuan.

This means that they can enter here because they have been recognized as inheritors.

Moreover, the other party said that this dimension does not exist. What is the place he is in now? Could it be that he was in the Fantasy Sword Formation?

However, if this is a magic sword formation, it is unlikely. After all, if they want to set up a large formation, Chen Xuan and the others will definitely be aware of it when they come in.

Although there were many questions in his mind, Chen Xuan did not ask out loud. He felt that the other party would not do anything to him.

The meaning of this phantom also means that there may be some inheritance in this space. He knows that the phantom will definitely do it, and the answer lies with him.

Sure enough, Xuying's body fell gently on the ground and said softly: "My warrior is the founding ancestor of this space. He is the strongest person in the first level. The first level in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent where you are. , also made by adults.”

After hearing this, Chen Xuan was shocked.

He didn't expect that the other party could actually build the first level.

The strongest person in the first level? Created the first level of this Ten Thousand Immortals Continent?

You have to know how high a person's cultivation level must be to be able to create a world.

But before he could finish being surprised, the shadow spoke again. "It seems that you have misunderstood. What I mean is that this space is called the First Level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. The reason why the Lord changed this space to this name is even because he made a joke."

"This is called the first level. After the master created it, he left the world and went to the second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. He specifically left me here to guard the first level. As long as I don't encounter danger, I will not take action easily. "Xuying continued.

"But in fact, you can also think that Sir is actually the creator of this first level, because the first level world of the previous era has long been destroyed, and it was Sir who created this world with his own hands."

One after another news reached Chen Xuan's ears, and she couldn't help but blink her eyes because of love.

"I have stayed in this level for many epochs. Several people have come to this place, but no warrior has been able to pass the test left by the adults. Their talents seem to be not quite right," Xuying said.

From the mouth of Shangguan Ze of the Immortal Meteor Layer, he already knew some secrets about the first level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent and the second level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

But he didn't expect that the other party would actually tell him this information.

As his memory awakened, Chen Xuan understood that only those who surpassed the fourth level of the divine realm could create the first level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

At that time, he was wondering, who built this first level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent?

Because in his understanding, every world will be destroyed because of the reincarnation of Tao rules.

But each reincarnation takes hundreds of millions of years, or even tens of billions of years.

So many years cannot pass by in the blink of an eye.

And according to this guard house, this first-level world was created by a strong man called the first-level strongman. I'm afraid it would be difficult for her to be happy.

"One layer." Chen Xuan muttered to himself.

Li Qiuyu, who was nearby, even showed a puzzled expression.

It has not been long since he came to Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. Although Li Qiuyu's strength has improved rapidly, his understanding of the rules of Tao has not been thorough.

"A total of seven people entered this place before the three of you, but they all failed to pass the test." Xuying said calmly: "The test left by the adults is very dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you will die, so pass the test. The losers were all killed."

If Shangguan Luo hadn't entered this place accidentally, Chen Xuan wouldn't have discovered it.

It is even more impossible to understand that the first level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent is actually called the first level.

"I'm curious, how did he get in?" Li Qiuyu asked.

Looking up from Shangguan Luo, the mysterious warrior in front of them raised the corners of his mouth.

"Get up. When he got close to the spring, he was sensed by the aura inside the spring and was taken in." Xuying said: "But his strength is a bit low. He can't even break through this dark forest. He can only compare with his luck." Well, the strongest person in the first level once realized the Tao like him, but if his strength cannot be improved, I am afraid he will not be able to break through in this life. "

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan showed a surprised expression: "It is somewhat similar to the path of the first level strongman? What does this mean?"

Chen Xuan watched Shangguan Luo closely.

He was trapped in the dark forest, and his breath was gradually weakening.

But with the appearance of the shadow, he was safe for the time being.

The shadow laughed wildly and immediately looked at Shangguan Luo in the dark forest.

"What do you mean?" Li Qiuyu asked in surprise.

"His strength is a bit low. When he reaches the level of the two of you, he may still have a chance to pass." But now he is far from reaching it. " Xuying said.

After finishing, Shangguan Luo's body disappeared instantly.

Chen Xuan was slightly shocked. It seemed that Shangguan Luo's talent was much stronger than he imagined.

Even Xuying believed that he could reach the top level of the third level of the divine realm. Chen Xuan thought at the beginning that his talent should be very extraordinary.

In particular, he felt that the other party's mind was also very calm, and the breakthrough in cultivation was only a matter of time.

"Senior, I'm still very curious about what is in this space? Is there any inheritance?" Chen Xuan finally couldn't help but ask.

Since it was built by the strongest person in the first level, and there are still layers of trials left behind, this can only make one question clear. There is definitely an inherited magic weapon here.

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