Under Shangguan Tianji's guidance, the two of them soon arrived at the central lobby of Yi Zong.

Along the way, Chen Xuan was also checking Yi Zong with his spiritual consciousness. At the same time, he also lamented that Yi Zong was worthy of being the number one sect in the Immortal Qi Mountain Range.

Even if the disciples of the Ghost Immortal Sect and the Blood Immortal Sect were added together, the strength of the disciples could not compare to that of the Yi Sect.

There is a man in gray robe in the central lobby, and next to him is a mysterious warrior with a strong aura.

The most important thing is the mysterious warrior wearing black robes, observing Chen Xuan with fierce eyes.

After a long time, the man in gray robe laughed heartily and said, "Shangguan Tianji, his cultivation level is not very good."

"This is Chen Xuan." Shangguan Tianji said softly: "This is Lu Wenglong, the leader of the Yi Sect, and this is Zhao Lingqing, the leader of the Guixian Sect."

"Okay, that's it, let's go." Lu Wenglong smiled and took the lead out of the central lobby.

When they passed the lobby, suddenly a warrior of the fourth level of the divine realm blocked Chen Xuan.

"Zaizi, you are not from our Xianqi Mountain Range, right?"

"Then what?" Chen Xuan asked impatiently.

After hearing this, the guy's expression changed, and then he said angrily: "You don't even know me, Hua Luoxin? If you dare to talk to me like this, I want to see what your skills are?"

Seeing this situation, Lu Wenglong said angrily: "Hua Luoxin, Chen Xuan is a distinguished guest of my Yi Sect."

"Haha, Hua Luoxin? You're a piece of trash. I can knock you away with one sword." Chen Xuan looked at Hua Luoxin with great disdain.

"Damn it, you actually..." Hua Luoxin was so angry that he launched a violent attack on Chen Xuan in an instant.

"Go wherever you need to go, hurry up, don't come out and make me laugh."

Chen Xuan suddenly struck out with a sword. When the spiritual sword in his hand was struck out instantly, Hua Luoxin's body was instantly knocked away.

Seeing this situation, Lu Wenglong and Zhao Lingqing looked a little gloomy.

"Brother Chen Xuan, you haven't used your full strength yet." Shangguan Tian said anxiously and deliberately.

"Yeah, if you don't kill him, it would be a big honor." Chen Xuan nodded.

After hearing this, Lu Wenglong smiled and said: "Brother Chen Xuan, you are really strong. I admire you. Let's go."

"Master Lu Weng of the Long Sect, I'm a little curious that the Yi Sect is not the strongest sect in the Immortal Qi Mountain Range? Why are the fourth level warriors of your sect so weak in the Divine Realm?" Chen Xuandao said.

Hearing this, Lu Wenglong looked at Chen Xuan angrily.

"When you enter the Xianyun Secret Realm, won't I kill you, bastard?"

Lu Wenglong looked gloomy and said softly.

Zhao Lingqing, who was nearby, had a hint of murderous intent flashing through his pupils.

"Let's go and reach the Xianyun Secret Realm as soon as possible." Zhao Lingqing said.

Several of them were strong warriors at the fourth level of the Divine Realm. They were extremely fast and soon reached the range of the Xianyun Secret Realm.


Waves of spiritual power came from the secret realm of Xianyun, giving people a depressing feeling.

"What's going on? Divine consciousness has been blocked. Is there any power here affecting us?"

As soon as he entered the area covered by the black aura of the Xianyun Secret Realm, Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness was unable to see what was going on inside.

The aura shrouded near the secret realm really shocked Chen Xuan.

Although he had encountered similar things before, it had never been like this.

"Why is this black aura so strange? Could it have existed before? How was it formed?"

At a glance, Chen Xuan saw that the black aura seemed to come from the secret realm of Xianyun.

It can be said that the black aura is very weird, and the Xianyun Secret Realm is even weirder. If Chen Xuan is allowed to go in alone, there will definitely be many dangers.

In the afternoon, several people stood above the Xianyun Secret Realm, and they felt even more that there was a cold breath coming from the secret realm, constantly coming from inside.

At this moment, they were all standing outside, not in a hurry to go in.

"You two, I know you have come from afar, but there are puppet spirits of the fourth level of gods in the fairy cloud secret realm. After entering the fairy cloud secret realm, we must stay vigilant. If you two are willing, you You can walk at the front, and if you encounter any treasures, you can get them first. Zhao Lingqing and I will come in behind, what do you think?" Lu Wenglong said.

"Haha, that's right. This is a good idea. If the two of you have us behind you to deal with the puppet spirits of the fourth level of the gods, you two can search for the inherited magic weapon as much as you want, and there will be no other dangers behind you. , As the saying goes, first come first served, whatever magic weapon you find after entering belongs to the first one to find it." Zhao Lingqing also said.

"It's really ridiculous. Let us be the scapegoats?"

Although Chen Xuan knew their purpose in his heart, he also knew that if he didn't agree to their request like this, he would at least cooperate on the surface.

Only then could he enter the secret realm. After all, Chen Xuan didn't know how to enter this secret realm.

"To deal with the puppet spirits of the fourth level of the gods, you must be strong. Shangguan Tianji, do you think you are stronger than us? If you feel that you don't want to go in front, you can also go to the back." Lu Wenglong said.

After hearing this, Shangguan Tianji fell into silence and did not continue to speak.

To be honest, now that the trouble has reached this point, he is useless.

After all, if it was a life and death battle, he was indeed no match for them.

"Since you two have no objections, and we are united now, we need to help each other. If you two help, we can get Chuanchang faster," Zhao Lingqing also said.

Then, under the leadership of Lu Wenglong and Zhao Lingqing, they stepped on the spiritual energy condensed by black spiritual energy, slowly moved forward, and slowly entered the bottom of the Immortal Cloud Secret Realm.

"It's not a formation or a spiritual seal. Why is the aura here so strange?" Chen Xuan secretly observed Lu Wenglong. Although they are temporarily united now, it is hard to see whether the other party will suddenly attack him. .

In a moment, they will approach the interior of the Xianyun Secret Realm.

"Be cautious,

Lu Wenglong said suddenly.


Suddenly, a roar suddenly came out, breaking the silence of the Immortal Cloud Secret Realm in an instant.

The next moment, three puppet spirits of the fourth level of the gods rushed out from the strong black spiritual energy and rushed directly towards Chen Xuan and Shangguan Tianji.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan was also very surprised.

"Die to me!"

At present, Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness seems to be completely covered by this black aura. Without his spiritual consciousness, there is no way to see the fourth-level puppet spirit of the god hidden in the black aura.

At this moment, Chen Xuan quickly took out his weapon and struck the fourth-level puppet spirit with his sword.


The fourth-level puppet spirit of the Divine Lord was hit, and his body stagnated slightly in the air before continuing to attack Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan used the prairie fire sword to prepare to fight against the fourth-level puppet spirit of the god.

However, at this moment Lu Wenglong and Zhao Lingqing took action.

After they joined the melee, several puppet spirits of the fourth level of the gods kept retreating, and were finally killed by a group of people.

"What weird puppet spirits of the fourth level of gods. I didn't expect them to have such a powerful power. Who refined them?"

Chen Xuan had never seen this kind of puppet spirit of the fourth level of god. Not only was it very powerful, but he also felt that the opponent's attacks seemed to be organized.

"Be cautious and don't be anxious yet. There will be a large number of fourth-level gods' puppet spirits coming. We have to wait patiently here." Lu Wenglong said in a low voice.


After killing three puppet spirits of the fourth level of the God Lord, several people successfully arrived inside the Xianyun Secret Realm.

In a place like this, they must speed up, after all, there are many powerful puppet spirits tracking them behind.

However, after arriving here, Chen Xuan clearly felt that his body was still being suppressed.

"You two lead the way from the front. Zhao Lingqing and I will take the back to deal with these scary guys." Lu Wenglong said.

Shangguantian nodded anxiously, and then continued to move forward with Chen Xuan. At the same time, the two of them also remained vigilant. They were obviously communicating secretly.

They were also always on guard against Lu Wenglong and Zhao Lingqing. If the two of them launched a sudden attack, it would be difficult for Chen Xuan and the others to resist it.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the black spiritual energy became stronger and stronger.

This was their first time encountering this situation.

This weird gray aura completely enveloped all the nearby auras, and Chen Xuan and the others were unable to resist at all.

Just as they continued to move forward, Chen Xuan felt something unusual and stopped.

"What happened?" Lu Wenglong asked.

"Wait a minute, I thought I heard a sound just now. Did you hear any strange sounds?" Chen Xuan asked,

Lu Wenglong shook his head and said, "What? There's no sound at all. We can't waste time here. We should move forward quickly. We can't stay here for a long time."

Chen Xuan thought for a moment and moved on.

"See the secret cave ahead? The inherited magic weapon is in the secret cave. As long as we successfully enter the secret cave, we will be safe." Zhao Lingqing said to Chen Xuan and the others slightly fiercely.

As soon as Zhao Lingqing finished speaking, a voice came over.

Behind Zhao Lingqing and Lu Wenglong, many puppet spirits of the fourth level of gods appeared in an instant.

Lu Wenglong shouted low, used his body skills, and fought with the puppet spirit of the fourth level of the god.

Chen Xuan and Shangguan Tianji also joined the battle. While the two were not paying attention, Zhao Lingqing took out an empty jade from Najie and gathered his strength to kill him directly.

In an instant, a spiritual light appeared around them. This spiritual light immediately blocked all attacks and at the same time, directly enveloped them.

"These guys are very powerful, we must run quickly."

Seeing this situation, Lu Wenglong sneered and then disappeared into the air.

This seems to be their plan.

By the time Chen Xuan and Shangguan Tianji found out, it was already too late. These monsters had already launched an attack on them.

"Immortal level triple formation."

Shangguan Tianji's expression was extremely dark. This spiritual light was a formation that trapped them with many fourth-level puppet spirits of the gods.

"Damn it, it's all my fault. If it weren't for me, we wouldn't be trapped here. All of this is because of me, because I was too careless."

Although he was also prepared, he didn't expect it.

In order to kill him, these two people, Lu Wenglong and Zhao Lingqing, actually put in so much effort, and they had obviously been planning for a long time. What happened in front of them shocked them both.

At the same time, a feeling of hatred appeared in Chen Xuan's heart.

"You two, you two actually believe in us so much. Hahaha, enjoy death to the fullest, and you can enjoy the fun that death brings. This kind of fun is not common."

Zhao Lingqing said with a smile, and then he and Lu Wenglong entered the deep and dense land of Zheng.

"This is bad, what should we do now?"

Shangguan Tianji felt very helpless, even a little desperate. Both the puppet spirits had the strength of fourth-level warriors in the realm of gods. Their combined attack power was too strong. With the strength of the two of them, it was impossible to deal with so many attacks.

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