Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5127 Absorbed a third-grade heaven and earth essence

In fact, fourth-level warriors like Chen Xuan, who have absorbed a third-level earthly essence, are rare in the Immortal Cloud Space, but warriors like him are very common in the second-level.

"Master Sect Master, with your current level of cultivation, it is very easy to deal with the masters of the nine sects." Shangguan Tian said excitedly.

His eyes looked calmly in the direction of Chen Xuan. If he could become the master of the nine sects, the Blood Immortal Sect would also benefit.

So naturally he would not miss this opportunity, and he also saw great possibilities in Chen Xuan.

He had never seen a talent like this before, but Chen Xuan managed to do it.

"To be honest, I don't have to fight for the position of the Lord of the Nine Sects. I don't care much about whether I can control this place." Chen Xuan said softly: "The only thing I want to do now is to enter the core of Xianyun Space. Got some useful information for me.”

"It turns out that this is the purpose of Chen Xuan Da Rao."

Shangguantian thought about it carefully, and suddenly there was a hint of surprise in his pupils and he said: "If you want to go in, I really have a way, but this method is also risky, even I don't dare to There is no guarantee that it will be successful, but if it is successful, you will definitely be able to get in. ”

"What can you do?" Chen Xuan asked with curious eyes on his face.

He still has no way to figure out the relationship between Xianyun space and the second level, and he doesn't know where this space is, especially how far the distance between the two is.

Or maybe these are two different spaces.

But he knew that if he wanted to enter the second level, the answer must lie in this space.

However, Shangguan Tianji and others have never left the Xianyun space, and they don't know how to enter the second level?

Only by entering the core of the Immortal Cloud Space, the Main Immortal Dragon Palace, can one come into contact with these secrets passed down from ancient times.

"According to the information I have received, the Lord Immortal Dragon Palace often organizes competitions between the fourth-level warriors of the major Immortal Mountain God Realm to encourage us to practice together. Their purpose is also to make us practice harder. Of course, just like you They have the same idea, they also have a more important purpose, which is to select some talents who are invincible in the same realm, and then they will bring them to the main Immortal Dragon Palace to cultivate these talents with outstanding talents." Shangguan Tian said anxiously.

"You mean to let me participate in the fourth level warrior competition of the Ten Thousand God Realm? Then find a way to get in." Chen Xuan asked.

"Haha, that's right. With your strength, as long as you participate in the competition, you will be noticed by the senior officials of the Main Immortal Dragon Palace. After all, with your talent, it may not be that difficult to enter, and you may even be accepted as their disciple. "Shangguantian said anxiously.

Chen Xuan didn't know much about this sect, so he asked, "Can I get the answer just by going in?"

"Lord Chen Xuan, don't worry. As one of the oldest sects here, they will definitely know. As for the fourth level warrior competition in the realm of gods, the nine masters of each of the nine sects in the Great Immortal Mountain have applied like their superiors. Right. If you can get this right, you can definitely enter, and it has only been a thousand years since the last fourth-level warrior competition in the divine realm. If you can persuade the master of the nine sects to apply, it will be possible."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

He absorbed a third-grade true essence, and his strength increased several times.

Chen Xuan now has the absolute strength to defeat the Lord of the Nine Sects.

Even if he was facing other strong men at the fourth level of the middle stage of the divine realm, even if he was no match, he would at least be sure to escape.

Staying in these weak sects in the Immortal Qi Mountain Range has no meaning for the current members. He should find a way to enter the main Immortal Dragon Palace and get as many secrets as possible here. Only in this way can he quickly Leave here at one point and head to the second level.

"No problem, I can also try your method. I will go find the master of the nine sects." After that, Chen Xuan left here directly.

Immortal Qi Mountain Range, Nine Sect Main Palace.

The Lord of the Nine Sects looked very melancholy. When he thought of Chen Xuan now, he felt a little helpless. He had been worried in recent days.

"This damn guy, why have I never seen him before? Where did this guy come from?"

The Lord of the Nine Sects secretly thought: "A fourth-level warrior in the divine realm has still not absorbed the true essence. His power is already so powerful. Is his cultivation a few levels worse than mine? Can he resist my attack? What if? If he absorbs the true energy, won't I never be his opponent? If I lose without a fight, won't everyone else have to resist me? "

His heart was in a mess, and the reason was very simple, because Chen Xuan killed him halfway.

"Master of the Nine Sects, your old man is here."

Suddenly, a hearty laughter directly reached his ears.

The next moment the sound of footsteps came over.

After hearing this, the Lord of the Nine Sects walked out of the Nine Sects' Main Palace. When he saw it was Chen Xuan, his face turned very dark.

"I didn't expect it to be you. Why did you come to my territory? Could it be that you wanted to deal with me in that battle before? Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Seeing Chen Xuan's arrival, the leader of the nine sects looked gloomy and said in a cold voice.

At first, he thought that Chen Xuan would never come over, although he thought that it was impossible for him to bully Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Jie has now arrived at his doorstep. He just guessed that Chen Xuan must be here to cause trouble for him.

If he retreats at this time, what is the Lord of the Nine Sects?

"Lord of the Nine Sects, I think you should blame me wrongly. Don't misunderstand me. I came to you today because there are some important things. I have something to discuss with you." Chen Xuan waved his hand and said to him hurriedly.

However, after hearing this, the other party did not dispel his inner concerns.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly, stopped the Lord of the Nine Sects from taking action, and said quickly. "Sir, if I want to take action with you, it will not be at this time."

"What's the matter? I'm the program. If you are not here to snatch my position as the Lord of the Nine Sects, why are you here at this time?" The Lord of the Nine Sects looked at Chen Xuan in confusion.

They just had a fight before, but now even he can't do anything to Chen Xuan.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's body landed lightly in front of the Lord of Nine Sects, smiled faintly and said: "Lord of Nine Sects, you also know that I came from outside, so you can rest assured now. To be honest, I don't care much about the position of Lord of Nine Sects. Not only will I not attack you, but I have no interest in your position at all." However, after hearing Chen Xuan's words, he felt that Chen Xuan was simply looking at him. "It's so funny. Do you really think you are my opponent? You actually say such a big talk in a high-sounding manner. Even if you attack, what can you do? It seems that you can easily suppress me." The Lord of Nine Sects sneered. The attitude of the Lord of Nine Sects made Chen Xuan very unhappy, but he didn't say anything, after all, he needed help now. Huh! Suddenly, the raging spiritual energy rose, and a fiery red earth true essence suddenly appeared behind Chen Xuan. Feeling the appearance of this earth true essence, then the entire Nine Sects Main Palace suddenly emerged with a terrible breath. The Lord of the Nine Sects was shocked when he saw this: "Damn it, you actually absorbed the third-grade earth essence?"

He didn't expect that the aura that burst out from Chen Xuan was so powerful. At this time, the Lord of the Nine Sects was completely stunned.

A fourth-level warrior in the Godly Realm absorbed the third-grade earth essence. This is definitely something that only a talented warrior can do. Ordinary people have no way to absorb it.

After a long time, the Lord of the Nine Sects looked at Chen Xuan's smiling face, and then he also smiled bitterly, calming down the shock in his heart, and was very helpless.

If it was before, he still thought he could suppress Chen Xuan, but facing the current Chen Xuan, now he even thinks that he can't be Chen Xuan's opponent, but now he doesn't even have the courage to take action.

"This guy is really terrifying, what a talent." The Lord of the Nine Sects couldn't help but sighed, then he raised his eyes and head, looked at Chen Xuan and asked: "Since you have absorbed the third-grade true essence, your cultivation should have improved a lot, right? What's the matter?" Seeing the Lord of the Nine Sects said this, Chen Xuan laughed and said: "In fact, my purpose is very simple. I want to ask the Lord of the Nine Sects to apply to the Main Immortal Dragon Hall for a competition between the fourth-level warriors of the Godly Realm. If possible, I will definitely thank you at that time." "Damn it, you actually want to join the Main Immortal Dragon Hall?" The Lord of the Nine Sects asked. Chen Xuan nodded, and then said directly to the Lord of the Nine Sects. "That's right." He pondered for a moment, and then said: "If you want to join, I really do have the right. However, this is not up to me alone. I can't guarantee whether this application will be successful. You should also understand my difficulties." Since he knew that Chen Xuan was not here to seek its position, his attitude has eased a lot now. "Since you say so, I would like to thank the Lord of the Nine Sects." Chen Xuan said helplessly.

Then Chen Xuan did not stay here any longer. He said goodbye to the Lord of the Nine Sects and returned to the Blood Immortal Gate.

At this moment, looking at Chen Xuan's departing back, the Lord of the Nine Sects could only let out a bitter smile in his heart.

For Chen Xuan, what he said was the truth. Chen Xuan didn't care about the position of the Lord of the Nine Sects. With his strength, defeating him was a matter of lightning and stone, and it didn't even take much effort. He could completely seize the position of the Lord of the Nine Sects and then apply for this competition.

But Chen Xuan also had his own plan. He didn't do that because he also wanted to win over the Lord of the Nine Sects.

After all, Chen Xuan didn't have many friends in this space. If he could get to know a few more people, it would be good for him.

As for Chen Xuan's approach, it made the Lord of the Nine Sects feel a little respect for Chen Xuan in his heart, and at the same time he felt a little happy in his heart.

Because he knew that Chen Xuan's current strength was enough to suppress him, but he didn't choose to defeat him to seize his position.

That afternoon, the leader of the Nine Sects personally went to the Main Immortal Dragon Hall and told the senior management what Chen Xuan had said to him.

Soon, the senior management of the Main Immortal Dragon Hall discussed with each other.

They were also very curious about the Nine Sects' application at this time.

But soon they announced that the Nine Sects' application was approved, and then released the news to notify others.

As for the time of this competition, it was set for more than a month later. In the Blood Immortal Sect, Chen Xuan was very excited after hearing the news.

"Hahaha, in the competition between the fourth level warriors of the Divine Realm, our Immortal Qi Mountain Range has never been able to rank among the top and bottom. In the previous competitions, we were almost suppressed by several other major Immortal Mountains. This time we can finally do it because Chen Xuan's appearance makes him feel proud," the leader of the Nine Sects said excitedly.

He had been ridiculed by his friends before, but now, he is very confident in Chen Xuan. Let alone the major immortal mountains, even if he looks at the entire Xianyun space, he cannot find a godly realm that can rival Chen Xuan. Fourth level warrior.

In this realm, Chen Xuan's talent is really too strong.

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