Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5129 Shangguan Tianji and Lu Wenglong

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then followed the master of the nine sects to the lobby.


However, at this moment, a shocking sound broke through the air, and soon, many warriors arrived together.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect you to apply for the fourth level warrior competition in the realm of gods. It really surprised me, hehehe."

The warrior aura of those words was very powerful. As soon as he arrived, he looked at the master of the nine sects of the Immortal Qi Mountain Range with a mocking smile on his face.

"Haha, it's so funny. Do you think you are very proud that our people lost to you in the previous games." The master of the nine sects of the Immortal Qi Mountain Range snorted coldly and did not continue to speak to him.

However, at this time, Chen Xuan also showed a curious expression.

"This black-haired man is the leader of the nine sects in the Longhua Mountain Range. He is also very powerful. He is the nominal leader of the nine sects in their mountain range. The men in black behind him are Zhang Yuting and Lu Yunbei. Both of them are very strong. If you want to fight with them, be careful." Shangguan Tian explained to Chen Xuan in a low voice.

After hearing his explanation, Chen Xuan's eyes fell on Zhang Yuting and Lu Yunbei.

They seemed to feel that there was a warrior whose eyes were lingering on them, but after just glancing at Chen Xuan, the two of them smiled faintly and turned away with a look of disdain on their faces.

What Chen Xuan didn't know was that they were also talking about Chen Xuan loudly.

"This kid actually dares to look at me like that. He's just desperate."

"We can teach him a lesson later. They still dare to hold a competition. They are really looking for death."

The Longhua Mountain Range arrived, and then several warriors from the Blood Immortal Mountain also arrived, with terrifying auras on their bodies.

When Chen Xuan saw the inheritor of the Immortal Bird Soul, Xuanyuan Longce, who owned the Immortal Bird Soul, he was also a little shocked in his heart.

"This guy's cultivation is so strong. The aura on his body is indeed very calm, and he also carries a terrifying spiritual pressure." Chen Xuan sighed secretly.

At this moment, his spirit felt as if he was trapped in a magic sword formation. Chen Xuan had never encountered such a situation before.

In this space, many warriors also practice swordsmanship, but fortunately, his defense against the Illusionary Divine Sword Spirit Formation is very strong, so Chen Xuan was hardly affected.

"The soul of the inheritor of the Immortal Bird Soul is really too powerful. A fourth-level warrior in the realm of gods might not be able to defend against her aura, but I'm very curious, where does he come from?" Chen Xuan said lowly. vocal channel.

Chen Xuan could clearly feel that the aura naturally coming out of Xuanyuan Longce's body contained the extremely powerful power of the divine sword.

When Chen Xuan observed Xuanyuan Longce, he also noticed that Chen Xuan was observing him.

"Interesting, this guy has a very shocking power. This is the first time I have seen a warrior with such a powerful cultivation level." Xuanyuan Longce said.

At the same time, the warriors of Mogui Fairy Mountain restrained their auras and stood calmly in the lobby, remaining silent. They did not say a word.

Chen Xuan's eyes swept over the ten warriors who were preparing to win the championship in Mogui Fairy Mountain, and found nothing very strange. Then, Chen Xuan silently nodded and prepared to change his gaze, and then went to take a look at the other warriors competing.

But at this time, his true soul condensed slightly, because Chen Xuan felt a strange aura.

"What? What do you mean?"

Chen Xuan let out an exclamation, and then his eyes once again fell on the ten warriors of Mogui Fairy Mountain who were preparing to win the championship. Finally, his eyes were limited to a warrior in gray robes.

He felt that the other party's aura was very different. Chen Xuan had never felt such a strange aura before.

"It's so weird. This guy gives me a very different feeling."

If he hadn't looked carefully, there would be no way to discover the strangeness revealed in this guy.

"His body seems to be covered with a complex formation, which completely restrains his aura. Is he a soul master? Or an formation master." Chen Xuan continued to observe the other party, but he found that he Can't see through at all.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Xuan is even more curious about the man in gray robe.

Being able to completely restrain one's own aura is definitely not something that ordinary people can do easily. Even for strong men like them in the realm of gods, it is very difficult to cover up the aura in their bodies through formations and the power of their souls. A difficult thing.

Mainly because Chen Xuan's perception is very strong, and the origins of people who even he can't detect must be very mysterious.

"What is his identity? Why does he deliberately hide his aura? Or is he hiding something?" Chen Xuan was very curious.

He remembered what Shangguan Tianjisuo had said before, that there were no top level warriors who were extremely talented at the fourth level of divine realm in Mogui Fairy Mountain, but now Chen Xuan felt that something was not right.

Unlike other warriors, the power emanating from the body of this gray-robed man alone deserves his attention during the competition.

And he had a vague feeling that the strength of the man in gray robe was no worse than that of the warriors from the other three mountain ranges.

Sure enough, there are people outside, outside Ying

Chen Xuan has finally seen it now.

"It seems that there are many top-notch experts in the Immortal Cloud Space. I'm afraid these people are also very powerful." Chen Xuan sighed, and then paused slightly. Although the opponent's cultivation was strong, Chen Xuan was not Worry.

At this time, the masters of the nine sects in the major mountain ranges also finished communicating.

In this space, there are a total of nineteen mountains and rivers. Each mountain range is extremely huge, at least millions of kilometers long, so there are still many sects in the mountains.

There are dozens of warriors preparing to win the championship in each major fairy mountain, and they are divided into different groups.

Soon, the heads of the nine major sects chose their battle slogans and then announced them.

Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other four or three warriors who were preparing to seize the magic weapon in his group were not from the Immortal Qi Mountain Range.

"The first thing to do is the basic competition. Each group of nine warriors who are ready to seize the magic weapon will fight with each other. The top two with the highest cultivation level will directly pass the next competition. If they fail, they will have to pass the next competition. Participate." The master of the nine sects of the Immortal Qi Mountain Range announced the rules of the competition.

This was the first time he had seen Chen Xuanlai's rules, but he was not too surprised.

In fact, this rule is the same as the previous rules. Because Chen Xuan has never participated, the leader of the Nine Sects deliberately told Chen Xuan.

Every time a fourth-level warrior in the Divine Realm competes, these basic rules will be explained. In addition, they are about not using hidden weapons, and falling off the competition platform, even if they fail, etc.

Chen Xuan also understood this, and he had already made preparations.

At this moment, the game begins.

"It seems that there will be several fierce battles during the competition. There are many talented and strong people in this competition. I hope you can point them out by then. After all, this is just a competition. Our major mountain ranges have already done well before. According to the rules, you must not deliberately kill people during the competition, otherwise you will be punished immediately by the masters of our nine major sects, and you will be permanently ineligible to enter. I hope you can think carefully about it. "The masters of the nine sects of the Immortal Qi Mountain Range. said in a deep voice.

No matter what, they are all warriors in the Xianyun Space. This space is not very big, with exactly nineteen mountains and rivers.

And they are all connected to each other. Killing each other will not only not improve the overall strength of Xianyun Space, but will weaken the power of their space, so they will not tolerate this happening.

Chen Xuan's team is the first team.

"Next, the competition between the fourth level warriors of the Divine Realm will officially begin. First, the four warriors from the first team who are preparing to seize the magic weapon will stand on the competition stage, and you will compete against each other." said the master of the nine sects of the Immortal Qi Mountain Range.

After his words fell, in an instant, they walked to the competition stage in the center of the lobby.

"Everyone, the competition has officially begun. You have all heard the previous rules." The master of the nine sects of the Xianqi Mountains said loudly.

Chen Xuan's opponent was an ordinary fourth-level warrior of the divine realm in Mogui Fairy Mountain.

Since he had never heard of the monk Chen Xuan, this fourth level warrior of the divine realm thought that he could definitely defeat Chen Xuan easily in this battle.

At the same time, he held his sword against Chen Xuan, and then a ferocious battle wave was released nearby, and a terrifying aura was suddenly released.

Before Chen Xuan took out his weapon, his body flashed and rushed directly towards Chen Xuan.

At this time, the duel between the other two warriors also began.

"It is possible that the senior officials of the Main Immortal Dragon Palace are secretly watching this game. Although it is only the first game, I think they have already come over. I cannot retain my strength in this game and strive to defeat it in just one round. other side."

Chen Xuan thought to himself.

In just one breath, the opponent's attack was already close to Chen Xuan's body.

At this time, Chen Xuan's body shook slightly, and then he held the sword tightly and struck out.


A simple sword strike completely shocked many warriors.


The sword fell decisively on the opponent's body. After being hit by Chen Xuan, he had almost no defense and was immediately knocked away by Chen Xuan's sword energy.

The next moment, his whole body flew out like a kite and fell heavily in the lobby.

Blood oozed from the corners of his mouth, and he slowly stood up from the ground with a look of helplessness on his face.

He didn't expect that he would lose so quickly, so a complicated look appeared on his face. Finally, he said helplessly to Chen Xuan: "It seems that this match is up to you. Since I have already left the competition stage, , knowing that I have lost, I am willing to admit defeat.”

Despite this, Chen Xuan saw a trace of hatred in his pupils.

But this has nothing to do with Chen Xuan.

The other party saw that he could only live and die. Anyway, if he lost, he would lose. His strength was not as good as his own, so Chen Xuan would naturally not be afraid of him.

"Is this guy a newly emerged fourth-level warrior of the divine realm from the Immortal Qi Mountain Range?"

"His body-refining defense is extremely strong. Ordinary fourth-level warriors in the realm of gods have no way to defend against his attacks."

"That's right, even those strong men who have cultivated to a higher level may not be able to do what he can do if he can knock away a fourth-level warrior in the realm of gods with one sword."

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