However, when the man in gray robe saw Lu Wenglong coming, he waved his long sword lightly. In the next moment, a red aura suddenly appeared in the air, blocking Lu Wenglong in an instant.


Lu Wenglong's long sword hit the air, and a crisp sound sounded.

But there is no way to break through the opponent's defense.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan also showed surprise.

This powerful technique made many warriors exclaim. This was the first time they had seen such a strange technique.

"I didn't expect that his strength would become so strong."


"As expected, I didn't expect to be trained by him."

In the lobby, Chen Xuan nodded. His inference was good. The talent and cultivation of this gray-robed man had reached an extremely high level. Although the opponent had always been secretive, he could deduce it through his opponent Chen Xuan.

The other party's cultivation level has at least reached the late stage of the fourth level of the divine realm, and he seems to have deliberately not shown his strength.

Lu Wenglong's strength has also reached the realm of gods. At the early stage of the fourth level, he was unable to let the man in gray robe use all his cultivation.

Then the two of them fought for several rounds, and Lu Wenglong was defeated unsurprisingly.

In the air, the expressions of several senior officials of the Main Immortal Dragon Palace changed, and they also showed surprised expressions.

"This one is good."

A mysterious warrior surrounded by a terrifying aura said with a smile.

"Let's wait and see." Another warrior said.

"It's so funny. You guys, let me see, this guy named Chen Xuan is the most talented."

Their game, but they wouldn't be surprised if they knew.

After all, they know better than anyone what the fundamental purpose of this game is.

The third match was between Xuanyuan Longce and the fourth level warrior of the Divine Realm from Mogui Fairy Mountain. Facing an opponent of this level, he still did not use all his strength. He could easily break through the opponent's attacks with just the magic sword formation. .

The other party did not pose a threat to him at all.

The Fantasy Sword Formation is a very unique way of training.

This technique is a fusion of formation techniques and sword techniques, allowing the enemy to fall into his own illusion.

However, after watching this match, many warriors exclaimed that Xuanyuan Longbu's magic sword formation was actually so powerful.

The opponent actually lost so quickly. How strong is his cultivation?

Next was Lu Yunbei's match. He still looked at the opponent ferociously, as if he realized that he had met a murderer, so that when his opponent saw Lu Yunbei, his face was very shocked.

However, he finally decided to fight and was defeated in just a few rounds.

An opponent he met later was frightened and looked extremely nervous, and he admitted defeat without any surprise, so that he won two games in a row.

The next few games have nothing to do with Chen Xuan.

After waiting for another three or four hours, it was finally Chen Xuan's turn. His opponent was still a fourth-level warrior of the Divine Realm from the Longhua Mountains.

"It seems like this is luck. I didn't expect it to be a coincidence."

Chen Xuan smiled lightly and said.

"Damn you bastard, how dare you be so arrogant."

This fourth-level warrior of the divine realm jumped directly onto the competition stage. He showed off his ferocious body skills from the very beginning and seemed not to give Chen Xuan a chance to counterattack.

The next moment, red lights appeared on the competition stage, making many warriors look surprised.

"What a powerful aura."

"You really have simple thoughts. You want to use this method to dodge me. Do you know that my attacks require even warriors at a higher level than me to avoid them?"

At this moment, it is not necessary to think about it and know that the warriors in the Longhua Mountains have definitely seen that his body refining defense is too strong.

Therefore, in order to defeat Chen Xuan quickly, he did not give him any chance to attack.

But they think they can defeat the program in this way? This only shows that they have not woken up from their sweet dreams.

"This kind of move also wants to attack me."

Facing the attack of the fourth level warrior of the God Realm of Longhua Mountain, Chen Xuan let out a disdainful laugh and did not take his opponent seriously at all.

"This guy is really an arrogant and arrogant guy. It's really annoying. He actually dares to look at our people like this." Zhang Yuting said in a cold voice with his pupils filled with chill.

At this time, the battle was still going on. The fourth-level warrior of the divine realm, who transformed into many red lights, said with great anger: "You don't defend yourself against my attack. You are simply asking for your own death."

Immediately afterwards, he burst out with the most ferocious force and suddenly hit Chen Xuan's body. He originally thought that this time he could directly knock Chen Xuan away, but the next moment he showed a shocked expression.


The terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations reverberated from Chen Xuan's body and directly swallowed up this fourth-level warrior of the divine realm.


The fourth-level warrior of the Divine Realm in the Longhua Mountains seemed unable to withstand this kind of power, and was directly knocked away by the aura released from Chen Xuan, and then he passed out directly.

In the entire lobby, all the warriors showed shocked expressions. They looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

After a while, many warriors looked in Chen Xuan's direction with doubtful expressions, and were shocked in their hearts.

I have to say that Chen Xuan's battle this time was too shocking.

I originally thought that Chen Xuan's winning streak would be ended this time, but it turned out that he won so easily again.

You must know that at this stage of the competition, the warriors you encounter are all in the same realm.

Soon Chen Xuan had won the recognition of many warriors.

"It's too powerful. Is this Chen Xuan's true strength?"

"I think he hasn't used his full strength yet. This guy named Chen Xuan is really scary."

"Damn guy."

Zhang Yuting held the sword tightly in his hand, his expression extremely gloomy.

At the same time, he gritted his teeth tightly, wishing he could eat Chen Xuan alive.

Lu Yunbei, who was nearby, also looked at Chen Xuan on the competition stage: "Very good, you are finally qualified to be my opponent, Lu Yunbei. I am very curious about how far you can last? If I defeat you, my cultivation level It’s recognized, hahaha.”

"Now, he is my prey."

Lu Yunbei was very direct. He did not hide his murderous intention. At this time, he touched his chin and said with a cold face. "I don't know if I will be scheduled to play against him in the next few games."

The competition soon reached the final stage. Among the people they won, Zhang Yuting, Lu Yunbei and Xuanyuan Longce were all talented disciples who were already famous before the competition. Everyone knows their strength well.

At the same time, they are very, very strong in the same realm.

But no one expected that Chen Xuan and the man in gray robe would be among the final candidates. After all, the two of them had never had any reputation before, and many warriors thought that they could not win this time.

"It's really remarkable that these two talents have appeared in the Immortal Qi Mountain Range and the Mogui Immortal Mountain. Especially this Chen Xuan."

At the same time, many people discussed that the previous Immortal Qi Mountains and Mogui Immortal Mountains were basically not among the top ones. In most cases, they were at the bottom.

After all, in the previous games, the first and second places were occupied by the Longhua Mountain Range and the Blood Fairy Mountain. It was difficult for other mountain ranges to occupy the top three.

However, now there is finally a warrior who has reached the top few. This is already a very rare existence.

In the air, several elders, after seeing the talents displayed by Chen Xuan and the others, and having watched the game here for such a long time, they finally couldn't hold back and appeared directly in front of Chen Xuan and the others.


The aura of terror spread across the land, and the senior officials of the Main Immortal Dragon Palace arrived instantly.

"Disciple, see the elder." The heads of the nine major sects greeted each other hurriedly.

A faint smile appeared on the faces of several elders, and then they nodded slightly, and then said: "This competition between the fourth level warriors of the Divine Realm really surprised us. We didn't expect so many talents to appear. In the end, you guys The remaining few people can join the Main Immortal Dragon Palace. You can choose to participate in the next competition, but you can also choose not to enter the school."

But before he could finish, a warrior flew out instantly.

"Son, I watched a few of your games before, and I found that the exercises you practice are very similar to the ones I practice. I'll leave it at that. Are you interested in becoming my close disciple? "

Elder Song Wangjiu asked with a smile to the man in gray robe.

"Disciple pays homage to your lord." The man in gray robe said immediately.

Elder Song Wangjiu laughed when he saw this situation: "No problem, from now on, after this battle is over, we can return to the main Immortal Dragon Palace to practice, and strive to enter the fourth middle stage of the divine realm as soon as possible."

After hearing his words, the eyes of many warriors present suddenly widened. They were now extremely envious of this mysterious man in gray robe.

Elder Song Wangjiu is not an ordinary person in the main Immortal Dragon Palace, and his status is also extremely high. I didn't expect that he would also come here at this moment.

"That's great! Congratulations brother."

"Song Wangjiu, you have sharp eyes and quick hands, hehehe."

Several elders smiled slightly. Elder Song Wangjiu came closer, lightly hit the gray-robed man on the shoulder and said: "Fight well next and strive to get the first place."

"Don't worry, I will definitely win the first place in this competition." The man in gray robe said.

Then, Zhang Yuting and Lu Yunbei also looked excited, waiting for the other elders to speak.

"Behave well next, okay, that's all I want." Elder Hongtong said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, several elders arrived at the viewing area

"The next step is the challenge. Everyone can challenge each other. If you defeat the opponent, you will get one point." The master of the nine sects of the Immortal Qi Mountain Range simply explained the rules.

"Okay, the game officially begins."

As soon as the master of the nine sects of the Immortal Qi Mountain Range finished speaking, the man in gray robe directly challenged Lu Yunbei.

"you wanna die?"

Lu Yunbei himself felt unhappy with him. The man in gray robe actually took the initiative to see how strong he really was. Naturally, he would not be merciful.

"I'm afraid you don't have the ability." The man in gray robe sneered.

"You're just asking for death."

Lu Yunbei floated in mid-air and quickly struck at the gray-robed man.

"Your strength makes me uninterested."

Contrary to the expectations of many warriors, the man in gray robe jumped behind Lu Yunbei without any movement. Then the man in gray robe used his sword hard. The next moment, a miserable scream came from her body.

Soon, Lu Yunbei struggled to defend, and only the true soul remained.

"Damn it!! I will definitely kill you." Lu Yunbei had already fallen into a state of madness.

Upon hearing this, the nine masters of the Longhua Mountain Range suppressed Lu Yunbei and then took him away from the competition stage.

"Lu Yunbei, you recover from your injuries while the others continue." The leader of the nine sects of the Immortal Qi Mountain Range said.

The man in gray robe powerfully defeated Lu Yunbei, and Lu Yunbei naturally became the loser.

"I want to challenge Xuanyuan Longzhi."

Zhang Yuting originally wanted to challenge the man in gray robe, but after seeing Lu Yunbei, he didn't think he was much stronger than Lu Yunbei.

"Zhang Yuting is no match for Xuanyuan Longce." Chen Xuan said to himself.

Then the two of them started fighting, and the battle between the two was very fierce. Xuanyuan Longce's Magic Sword Spirit Formation was too strong, but Zhang Yuting was also extremely powerful.

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