Chen Xuan nodded, and then said: "That's right, I feel that my cultivation has reached a bottleneck. Breakthroughs can only be made in dangerous places. You also know that it is difficult to improve after reaching the fourth level."

Elder Hongtong pondered for a moment, and then said: "I, Chen Xuan, you must think carefully. The secret realm of demons and ghosts is very dangerous. You are likely to encounter unknown risks there, and you will die if you are not careful. . Are you sure you want to go to such a dangerous place? You might as well practice your sword skills outside and wait until the time is right to go in."

"Sir Elder, I've made sure, and don't worry, I definitely won't go in if I'm not fully prepared."

"No problem. Since you have already done this, I will submit your application to the people above. You don't need to worry. After all, this is a careful decision. Your application will probably get a reply from those high-level officials soon." Elder Hongtong sat on the stone bench and transmitted the message to the elder of the Demonic Secret Realm.

Chen Xuan originally needed some time, but just as he was about to leave, he was directly grabbed by the elder.

Chen Xuan didn't expect that he would get a reply so soon.

"Chen Xuan, don't leave yet. You can enter the secret realm of demons and ghosts." Elder Hongtong said: "However, before entering the secret realm of demons and ghosts, there are some things I must make clear to you."

"Let me first explain to you the situation in the secret realm of demons and ghosts."

There are many powerful demon clans captured in the secret realm of demons and ghosts. These powerful demon clans are all demon warriors who once lived in the fairy cloud space.

For more than ten years, there have been too many powerful demon clansmen in the secret realm of demons and ghosts.

In order to survive, these strong demons can only desperately kill other strong demons, even warriors in the Immortal Cloud Space who enter the secret realm of demons and ghosts to practice.

After a period of time, all the weak and powerful members of the Demon Clan were killed, and the remaining ones were all the top masters of the Demon Clan.

Although the strongest warrior among the demon clan in the Demonic Secret Realm is only at the middle stage of the fourth level of the Divine Realm.

But they were able to survive in that harsh environment, and they were able to continue to condense their true energy. Some of their strengths had reached the limit of the fourth level of the divine realm in the middle, which is equivalent to the strength of the late fourth level of the divine realm.

If it weren't for the powerful spiritual seal in the Demonic Secret Realm, these powerful warriors would have escaped long ago.

The most important thing for the powerful monster clan is that they hate the warriors of Xianyun Space very much. After all, why were they imprisoned here in the first place? No one knows better than them.

In most cases, the demon race and the human race are antagonistic.

However, this situation is still relatively rare for Chen Xuan.

Therefore, after listening to these explanations, Chen Xuan was slightly shocked.

"Chen Xuan, everyone knows your talent well. I hope you can be as safe as possible inside. If you encounter an opponent who is stronger than you, you must remain calm. Facing these people, you must not Feel free to act impulsively. If you really encounter an opponent you can't solve, you can take this spiritual stone I gave you. Once you encounter danger, you can crush it and we will arrange for someone to rescue you. "Elder Hongtong said.

After finishing, he took a spiritual stone and gave it to Chen Quan.

"Okay, thank you elder, I will definitely pay attention to safety inside." Chen Xuandao.

The Secret Realm of Demons and Ghosts is an independent space in the Immortal Cloud Space, located on a plain near the main Immortal Dragon Palace.

For several consecutive years, a large number of warriors have set up a formation here.

Chen Xuan took out the empty jade given by Elder Hongtong and successfully entered the secret realm of demons and ghosts.

With a flash of inspiration, Chen Xuan suddenly noticed the terrifying pressure surrounding him.

"What a powerful aura."

Chen Xuan found that the entire ground was enveloped by powerful auras, and he could smell the smell of blood from a long distance away.

"Is this the secret realm of demons and ghosts?"

No wonder Elder Hongtong asked him to be very careful.

The earth essence here is extremely scarce, and there is a powerful aura everywhere.

Only then did Chen Xuan understand how powerful this group of demon warriors who could survive the killings were.

"Haha, warriors living here?"

Just when Chen Xuan was thinking, a demon warrior suddenly appeared in an instant.

He touched his chin and observed Chen Xuan with fierce eyes.

"Just die."

The demon clan strongman shouted loudly with his long sword, and suddenly the scarlet aura from the earth gathered in his long sword, forming a terrifying sword aura.

"It's so strong."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but burst out his third-grade earth essence, which was able to resist the burning of this aura.

"Earth True Essence?"

Seeing this situation, a terrifying smile appeared on the face of the strong demon clan man.

Thousands of earthly essences were released from his body, directly suppressing Chen Xuan's earthly essences.

"Oh no."

Chen Xuan hurriedly circulated the breath of time and space cultivation, and his body disappeared into the sky.

"It's just asking for death."

When the demon clan strongman saw Chen Xuan escaping, she immediately shouted and attacked.

However, Chen Xuan continuously dodged the attacks of the powerful demon clan by flying in the air.

Then he suddenly displayed the Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Art.

Swish! !

A terrifying sword light pierced the demon clan strongman.


The strong man from the demon clan defeated Jian Guang with his strength, but this made Chen Xuan disappear in an instant.

"Damn, what the hell is going on."

The strong monster clan roared.

These strong monsters usually kill human warriors. As a result, he finally bumped into a human warrior, and he was tricked by him, and he even ran away from him.

"Don't worry about this damn human guy, I will definitely find you."

The exercise lasted for half an hour. Only when he was sure that the terrifying demon warrior was not chasing him did Chen Xuan stop escaping.

At this moment, he stood on the ground, his heart filled with shock.

Standing here, Chen Xuan always had a sense of danger. He didn't know where this feeling came from. It was probably because this aura made Chen Xuan extremely depressed.

He could always smell the smell of blood, which could only mean that countless people died here, and he couldn't even count them clearly. The battle between the demon clan and the human clan was unexpectedly cruel in this space.

"In such an environment where the air is very thin, if these monster warriors can survive, they must be extremely powerful." Chen Xuan exhaled a breath of filthy air and said to himself.

The powerful demon clan man just now possessed tens of thousands of true essences. The power of these true essences was indeed very terrifying, but Chen Xuan could not bring him any threat at all.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan is a warrior who controls the laws of time and space. He can use the first-class time and space skills to escape from his opponents. Otherwise, he may really be killed by the strong demon clan.

Of course, there is also a reason, because Chen Xuan has suppressed part of his power here.

The demon clan is more suitable for practicing in this environment.

"This place is really too dangerous. It seems that I must be cautious." Chen Xuan said to himself.

Only then did he think of Elder Hongtong.

In the secret realm of demons and ghosts, powerful aura filled Chen Xuan's surroundings.

The earth essence in the aura is extremely rare, and there is no way for those strong demon clans to cultivate.

So that they could only desperately kill the warriors living here in Xianyun Space, and then seize the cultivation materials and treasures from them.

After all, one might be able to break through to the late fourth level of the divine realm, or to a higher level.

Only in this way can they, the demon warriors, have hope, and their ultimate goal is to break out of this space and then kill all the human warriors.

As soon as he entered the secret realm of demons and ghosts, Chen Xuan was instantly awakened by the powerful demon warriors. Only then did he realize that the demon warriors here were so powerful that there was nothing he could do even if he didn't care.

Hiding under a boulder, Chen Xuan sat cross-legged on the ground and quickly regained his strength.

When he faced the demon warrior just now, he almost exhausted all the power in his body.

"My luck is better this time, so I am lucky enough to be able to escape. Will I be able to have this kind of luck to escape from him next time? And this time it is just a demon warrior. If their number is greater, Any more and I’m afraid I’ll be doomed.”

Chen Xuan said in his heart.

For Chen Xuanlai, now that he has come to this space, she cannot continue like this. Only by improving her strength can Chen Xuan stay safe here as soon as possible and not be killed by these terrifying demon warriors.

After careful analysis, if Chen Xuan wants to improve his strength, he can only comprehend the Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Art and absorb the third-grade true essence.

If one can absorb more than a dozen strands of third-level true energy, this kind of strength can be considered to be on the upper side even for those in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm.

At present, he has only absorbed a third-grade earthly essence. He is considered a talent outside. In the secret realm of demons and ghosts occupied by demon clan warriors, Chen Xuan's current strength is nothing.

I'm afraid it won't pose a threat to these powerful demon warriors.

Originally, he thought that he was already a very powerful being among the fourth level of the divine realm, but now Chen Xuan realized that everything was not that easy.

"There is definitely no way to understand the Immortal Art of Ten Thousand Swords in a short time, so if I want to improve my cultivation, I must absorb more true energy."

Chen Xuandao, besides, the purpose of his trip was just to explore the secret realm of demons and ghosts, and he did not really want to practice here for a long time.

Soon, he was going to find the disciples of the same sect in the main Immortal Dragon Palace and ask about the situation of the secret realm of demons and ghosts.

"I hope I can spare them. If my luck is better, I might not encounter a strong monster from the demon clan." Chen Xuan nodded and said in a low voice.

Then he flew in the air and kept searching.

At this moment, in a certain forest, a warrior at the fourth level of the middle stage of the Divine Realm, who was in charge of the Immortal Dragon Palace, was fighting a strong demon clan man whose whole body was full of powerful aura.

"Haha, you are really looking for death. You damn human guys still dare to come here. You simply don't know how to live or die."

The strong man from the demon clan said.

His attack methods are very strong. Behind him, there are the auras emanating from several channels of earth essence. However, his opponent, a fourth-level mid-level warrior of the divine realm in the main Immortal Dragon Palace, only has six channels of earth essence, and is obviously not a demon. The opponent of the powerful clan.

After fighting for a while, the warriors from the main Immortal Dragon Palace continued to retreat, watching helplessly as they were about to be killed by the powerful demon clan.

At this time, a sword light pierced the body of the strong demon clan member with lightning speed.

She roared, her body frightened, and the scarlet aura was instantly released from her body.

"You're just asking for death."

The blood-red eyes of the demon clan strongman were observing Kong Yuan's evil energy, and he said loudly.


The strong men of the demon clan launched an attack on Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan also used Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent and Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Art without hesitation, and even released the third-grade earthly essence.

In an instant, Chen Xuan fought with the powerful monster clan.

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