He was so powerful when he was a fourth-level warrior in the Godly Realm. When he entered the fourth-level middle stage of the Godly Realm, his strength was even more terrifying.

He knew that all the disciples could not kill Chen Xuan, so under Lu Bei's order, many disciples all took a few steps back.

Lu Bei looked in the direction of Chen Xuan, and the black square flag in his hand burst out with surging power.

Lu Bei shouted, and a terrifying breath burst out from the black square flag, and the light enveloped Chen Xuan.

Then Lu Bei took the long sword and suddenly killed Chen Xuan with a sword.

"It's really interesting."

Soon, Chen Xuan blocked the red light outside his body. The Immortal Fire Refining Body started to work, and the fierce Divine Sword Intent formed a gas wall around his body.

"This black square flag can actually release such a strange power."

Chen Xuan said secretly.

If this black square flag was used against other warriors, it might be effective, but it was a pity that Lu Bei was against him.

Immortal Dragon Sword Intent.

When Chen Xuan's body disappeared into the air, the fairy fire defense instantly exploded, and the power of the fairy fire increased several times.

With the black square flag, Lu Bei quickly approached Chen Xuan.

However, when he approached Chen Xuan, Lu Bei suddenly showed a puzzled expression and looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief.

Lu Bei shouted, and injected all his strength into the long sword, wanting to attack Chen Xuan, but unfortunately, the next moment, his body was suddenly suppressed by a breath.

"Damn it."

Seeing this, Lu Bei was extremely anxious.

But before Lu Bei could react, Chen Xuan's body appeared in front of him.

There was only a bang!

A sword light broke through Lu Bei's body defense, and blood overflowed from the corner of Lu Bei's mouth.

Then, Lu Bei's body fell directly on Lin's face.


The black square flag in his hand also fell to the ground, and the red light gradually disappeared.

Lu Bei, who fell into the spirit vein, endured the pain, but his true essence and soul were affected.

At this moment, Lu Bei's breath was weakening little by little.

"Lord Lu Bei." Seeing this, the Luojian Sect disciples said in horror.

"If you dare to hurt Lord Lu Bei, I will kill you."

Many disciples rushed to Chen Xuan, wanting to avenge Lu Bei.

Lu Bei helplessly blocked those disciples, and then coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Chen Xuan put away the Lioyuan Sword, looked at Lu Bei and said, "If you dare to provoke me next time, you will definitely die here."

Lu Bei's face was very gloomy. He was hit by Chen Xuan's body and his soul was severely damaged. It was clear that he had a great chance of becoming a poor man with declining cultivation from now on.

"Retreat..." Although Lu Bei was angry in his heart, he still left the secret room.

With Chen Xuan's true strength, the first level of the Immortal Dragon Sword Intention, he could almost kill Lu Bei.

But Lu Bei also had a backer behind him, and Chen Xuan had already provoked many enemies, so there was no need to kill him.

"Keep going."

Shaking his head, Chen Xuan turned and said to Wang Langyun.

After entering the secret room, Wang Langyun waited on the side, while Chen Xuan went into the secret room to look for the Zhenyuan Gathering Stone.

He went straight to the position where he got the golden internal consumption last time, and then Chen Xuan slowly checked the depths of the secret room.

"No Zhenyuan Gathering Stone?"

Chen Xuan was a little confused. He didn't find a Zhenyuan Gathering Stone.


Soon, Chen Xuan was about to reach the depths of the secret room.

At this time, Chen Xuan finally found that there were hundreds of Zhenyuan Gathering Stones surrounding a golden core at every distance.

Chen Xuan didn't care about anything and directly put hundreds of Zhenyuan Gathering Stones into the sword ring.

When he collected the strange golden internal consumption again, he felt the shocking power from the depths of the secret room again.

This time, Chen Xuan relied on his strength to defend against this breath, and then the secret room returned to calm.

Chen Xuan checked for a long time and didn't find anything unusual.

After thinking for a moment, he continued to move forward. After half an incense stick, he found the golden core again. When collecting Zhenyuan Gathering Stones, there will always be a powerful attack from the depths of the secret room.

However, with Chen Xuan's current cultivation, he was able to completely defend against this attack.

"It seems that there seems to be some kind of mechanism between this golden core and the depths of the secret room. What's going on?" Chen Xuan said to himself.

He continued to move forward. In just over half an hour, Chen Xuan collected nineteen golden cores.

When he collected nineteen golden internal consumptions, he finally came to the depths of the secret room.

With a bang!

The terrifying power was released in the depths of the secret room.


Chen Xuan immediately felt something was wrong, and the fairy fire defense suddenly broke out.


Seeing this, Chen Xuan showed a surprise on his face, increased his strength, and soon the golden spiritual power that surrounded him suddenly shattered.

Just when Chen Xuan thought he was safe, suddenly the entire depths of the secret room began to shake constantly.

Chen Xuan floated in the secret room, looking at the strange scene in front of him.

And in the depths of the secret room, a terrifying torn space gradually formed.

There was a terrifying breath in the depths of the secret room.

"What is in the depths of the secret room?"

Chen Xuan raised his own defense to the extreme.


About a quarter of an hour later, a roar was heard from the depths of the secret room, and then a figure appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

Powerful spiritual pressure enveloped Chen Xuan. A crimson light burst out instantly, and Chen Xuan felt his soul shake in an instant.

However, the Immortal Fire Defense was activated instantly, blocking the opponent's attack.


When the strange figure hit the air wall, his body stopped for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the strange figure roared and spit out a stream of flames, instantly trapping Chen Xuan inside.

The rivers and seas are turning upside down, and people are turning their backs on their backs.

Chen Xuan noticed that the true energy in his body was constantly condensing in the flames.


Fortunately, there was a wall of air formed by the fairy fire defense, otherwise, he would have been dead.

"What kind of monster is it?"

Chen Xuan was a little frightened. He was already cautious enough, but he was still suppressed by this strange beast.


Chen Xuan heard the roar of the ferocious beast, and suddenly a large amount of earth essence appeared in front of him, quickly attacking Chen Xuan.


The ferocious Earth True Yuan impacted the body-protecting air wall near Chen Xuan, making a cracking sound.

After half a stick of incense, Chen Xuan finally stabilized.

He quietly observed the situation here. The air wall could defend against the crazy impact of the earth's true energy.

"It seems that it should be a very strong monster."

After a long time, Chen Xuan nodded and said.

"Son, you must die."

The ferocious beast spoke, and immediately the ferocious power continued to invade.

When Chen Xuan heard this, he stepped hard on the ground, exerted all his strength, and suddenly struck out with a sword.


After being hit by Chen Xuan's sword, the monster stopped attacking, obviously in great pain.

He also didn't expect that this damn child was not suppressed by his flames, but was instead absorbing the true energy inside.

In the past, any warrior who entered his area would be suppressed by his aura, but facing Chen Xuan, no matter how hard he tried, he could not kill him.

With the protection formed by the fairy fire defense and the formation he set up, he could sneak attack the monsters in the formation without any worries.

Although the monster's defense was very strong, it was still unable to withstand Chen Xuan's powerful attack.

The reason is simple, because part of his power is sealed.

At this moment, Wang Langyun, who was waiting outside, saw the crazily surging secret room, and his pupils radiated spiritual light.

Deep in the secret room, this monster suddenly absorbed the true energy in the secret room.


The true energy carries terrifying power and kills Chen Xuan instantly.

"What a waste."

Chen Xuan cursed, his body flashed, and he struck the surface of the true energy with a sword, and continued to launch sneak attacks.

In an instant, with another sword strike, the monster's body and soul were directly cut off by Chen Xuan.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan broke through the monster's defense. With just half a stick of incense, Chen Xuan attacked the monster almost to death.

At this time, Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and sealed his throat with a sword...

The inner elixir of the monster was damaged, and then the aura on his body gradually dissipated. The next moment, his body suddenly fell to Zheng Zheng in the secret room.

At this time, the monster beast thought to himself why he didn't just kill this damn son. At this moment, the entire secret room and all the true energy were absorbed by the monster beast.

He could clearly feel that the aura of this terrifying monster was weakening at the moment.

Chen Xuan put down the stone in his heart. If the inner elixir of this terrifying monster could be absorbed by him, it would definitely improve his cultivation.

The movement in the secret room attracted the attention of several disciples not far away.

Several disciples of Longyi Qingmen passed by inadvertently, and then their pupils emitted a spiritual light.

"Wang Xue, there is movement in the direction ahead." A warrior whispered.

"Keep walking and go take a look."

Several of them are disciples with good cultivation in Longyi Qingmen.


Several people came in a hurry and saw a cave. Then they immediately walked in and found a secret room inside.

"There is a secret room." The warrior known as Wang Xue looked ahead.

Then he saw a True Essence Gathering Stone floating in the secret room.

"It's the True Essence Gathering Stone." Fang Lianye said.

"Wang Xue, do you know this True Essence Gathering Stone?" Lu Jiuyun felt that this True Essence Gathering Stone was unusual and asked hurriedly.

At this moment, Tuobalian's pupils were full of excitement, and he was observing this true essence gathering stone.

"This turned out to be the True Essence Gathering Stone, hahaha, we are so lucky." Tuobalian suddenly laughed, very excited.

"What are you? You can't, True Essence Gathering Stone?"

"Wang Xue, this True Essence Gathering Stone belongs to us." Fang Lianye said.

"In addition to this True Essence Gathering Stone, there are so many True Essence Gathering Stones that can condense a lot of Tao True Yuan as long as they are absorbed." Lu Jiuyue.

After hearing this, Tuobalian was also very excited.

If you can absorb this true energy gathering stone, your strength will be 100% increased several times. What does it mean to be just a few hundred people in the Sword Fairy Forest? He wants to hit the top 100.

"Let's work together to collect all the True Essence Gathering Stones, and then we'll absorb them." Tuoba Lian nodded.

But at this time, a warrior suddenly appeared from the secret room.

Seeing this situation, Ji Rao had a look of surprise in his eyes.

"What happened?"

Tuobalian glanced at the True Essence Gathering Stone, and then looked at the warrior not far away.

"What's going on? Chen Xuan from the Shixian Sect area?"

Tuobalian recognized Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face: "Sorry, the True Essence Gathering Stone is mine."

"Chen Xuan, we discovered this first."

"Yes... but we all belong to the same sect, so we can only give you one at most..."

After a few words, a complicated look appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Damn bastard, do you want to die?" Lu Jiuyun said angrily.

Fang Lianye, who was nearby, waved his long sword and said: "Brother Lu Jiuyun, don't be like this stupid trash. Seeing him like this, he still wants to occupy our True Essence Gathering Stone."

"Aren't you going to get out?" Tuobalian was obviously unhappy.

Naturally, he didn't want other warriors to obtain so many true energy gathering stones.

"Damn you bastard, go to hell."

After the words fell, Lu Jiuyun took advantage of the situation and wanted to take action.

"You rubbish, I'll find the True Essence Gathering Stone first and eliminate the danger inside. Haha, you guys saw the True Essence Gathering Stone when you passed by, and you actually wanted to steal my things?" Chen Xuan sneered.

"It's so funny. You alone can deal with the monsters inside?" Fang Lianye said disdainfully.

At this time, a trace of murderous intent flashed across Lu Jiuyun's pupils.

"Just die."

As soon as Lu Jiuyun took action, he took out his Immortal Artifact, the sword light flashed, and in an instant he used the fifth-level Immortal Sword Dao Immortal Essence Secret Technique.

A swish sound...

Many powerful sword lights suddenly appeared in the air, surrounding Lu Jiuyue's sword, and then stabbed at Chen Xuan with the powerful sword lights.

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