"Shixianzong Chen Xuan, I advise you to hand over your things as soon as possible. I think you should know the strength of the two of us, right?"

Before the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm was opened, Chen Xuan was already a very famous person in the branch sect.

So when Chen Xuan first came here, Yun Guan recognized Chen Xuan directly. The most important thing was that after feeling the vibration of the Qingyi sword stone, Yun Guan's pupils showed excitement.

He knew that Chen Xuan must have something he wanted to get. If he were alone, he might not kill Chen Xuan directly. After all, it would be risky for him.

"Give this thing to you, are you crazy?" Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face.

"Hehehe, I am Chen Xuan. With your strength, possessing the Qingyi Sword Stone will be a disaster for you. Are you really sure you don't want to hand him over to me?"

Yun Guan's words were full of disdain. He believed that Chen Xuan was not your opponent at all.

He said directly: "I know that you are looking for Qingyi Sword Stone to improve your strength. Don't worry, if I get the inheritance magic weapon, I will definitely not treat you badly. If I am in a better mood, then I will also give you enough materials and treasures for cultivation, which will definitely help you improve your strength."

Yun Guan's meaning is very simple. He wants Chen Xuan to hand over the Qingyi Sword Stone honestly, and then he can steal Chuan Chang.

What was given to Chen Xuan in the end was just some scraps.

After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan shook his head and said blankly: "What are you doing? I wonder if you are crazy."

In the spiritual veins, many disciples looked at Chen Xuan with doubtful expressions.

How dare he speak to Yun Guan in such an arrogant tone?

This is simply a matter of life and death...

The opponent is a veteran and strong person in the sect, but you, Chen Xuan, are nothing.

Although many warriors in the sect now know the name Chen Xuan, most people still think that he is just a facade. Warriors who know Yun Guan know that he will definitely attack Chen Xuan next.

But now a life-and-death battle is inevitable for Chen Xuanlai.

But many warriors are thinking in their hearts. Although Chen Xuan's strength is not bad, most warriors just think that she is a talent player. If we talk about her current strength, can Chen Xuan really beat Yun Guan?

"Yun Guan is too strong. Looking at the warriors in the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm, there are really not many warriors who can defeat him. Chen Xuan, you have only become stronger in the past two years, but you are still powerful after all."

"It's the same. It's impossible to fight Yun Guan."

However, some people think that Chen Xuan's cultivation is definitely not as simple as it seems.

After all, Chen Xuan was able to defend against even Wang Yan's three swords. This only shows that his power is indeed terrifying, and it also shows that Chen Xuan's talent far exceeds that of warriors of the same realm.

"Are you sure you want to provoke me?"

Yun Guan stared at Chen Xuan coldly and asked.

"So what exactly do you mean??"

"What do I mean? Hahaha, hand over the things. I don't want to say the same thing twice."

"Hehehe, so what if it's the second time? I want to hear it a third time."

Chen Xuan was merciless. Since the other party had already turned against him, Chen Xuan would definitely not give Yun Guan any face.

But it was obvious that his words completely angered Yun Guan.

The other party tightly grasped the sword in his hand, and the terrifying sword light flashed, and Chen Xuan would take action at any time.

"Do you believe it or not, my sword energy can deal with you, and if you are hit by me, you will be killed by me immediately? Aren't you afraid?" Yun Guan threatened Chen Xuan.

After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan slowly shook his head, spread his hands and said, "Can you please stop making me laugh? If you talk so shamelessly, aren't you afraid of slapping your tongue? And you really think you can win?" I?"

"Did you have a breakthrough in your cultivation? Your tone is so arrogant. Although I know this is absolutely impossible, you have already angered me." Yun Guan looked in the direction of Chen Xuan jokingly and came directly to Chen Xuan's All around.


As soon as Yun Guan finished speaking, the terrifying sword energy instantly filled the area, surrounding Chen Xuan.

Immediately afterwards, his sword light appeared, carrying terrifying sword energy, and he instantly killed Chen Xuan.

However, facing his attack, Chen Xuan stood calmly. Two terrifying rays of light burst out from his eyes. Suddenly Yun Guan's body was blocked by an invisible force and fell directly in front of him. .

"I'm done. You're playing with fire and burning yourself."

In an instant, the divine sword intent gathered in the spiritual sword in his hand also dissipated in an instant.

"Hahaha, now I know the gap between the two of us."

Chen Xuan said calmly.

Yun Guan was shocked by Chen Xuan's skills, and his eyes were a little dull. He seemed to realize that Chen Xuan was not his opponent, so he slowly stood up from the ground.

"It's my fault Chen Xuan, this is all my fault."

In an instant, he suddenly knelt down in front of Chen Xuan.

The crisp sound of kowtow shocked all the disciples in the spiritual veins.

They didn't seem to believe it.

What is Yun Guan doing? He's crazy?

"It's so terrible, even Yun Guan was defeated."

"Chen Xuan is so strong that Yun Guan doesn't even have any defense?"

Many disciples in the spiritual veins exclaimed.

The disciples of Xueyunjian Sect were extremely angry when they saw this situation.

"This guy actually dares to attack our people. Let's all kill him together."

At this moment, no one knew who it was, and suddenly a dozen disciples of the Yunjian Sect took action in the direction of Chen Xuan.

Their rankings in the Sword Fairy Forest are not bad. If they are united, they are extremely powerful. At least they are one or two realms higher than them. Facing their attacks at the same time, I am afraid there is nothing they can do in one round. Accept the fight.


But then, Chen Xuan just glared at them, and they showed shocked expressions.

"Hehehe, you guys still want to fight me."

The dozen warriors who rushed over suddenly became surprised after seeing Chen Xuan's expression. It didn't take long for them to fall into the magic sword formation. Then they found that their bodies became sluggish. It is precisely because there is an invisible force in the sky suppressing their movements that their movements start to be slower than before.

However, at this time, Yun Guan finally recovered from the magic sword formation.

His expression was extremely dark.

When he kowtowed to Chen Xuan just now, it was not out of his original intention. At that moment, he seemed to be suppressed by Chen Xuan's power, which even made him feel extremely terrified in his heart.

"Wait a minute, what happened just now?"

He was a little confused and immediately looked at his long sword. It didn't matter if he didn't look at it. He suddenly found that there seemed to be a seal set by Chen Xuan in the long sword.

The famous disciple of Xueyunjian Sect and a strong man in the Sword Immortal Forest was actually no match for Chen Xuan.

At the same time, Yun Guan's expression was extremely gloomy.

"Chen Xuan, I had already begged you for mercy, but you actually wanted to use the magic array to control me. You forced me to do this. I want to kill you."

Yun Guan roared angrily, and a divine soul phantom suddenly appeared in his hand, and the terrifying divine sword intent spread crazily around him.

The last breath of extremely messy depictions visible to the naked eye surrounded him.

Chen Xuan shook his head.

Until now Yun Guan thinks he can defeat Chen Xuan.

However, his thoughts are very true. The other party still doesn't know the gap between him and Chen Xuan, but feels that he still has a glimmer of hope.

In Chen Xuan's eyes, this was simply hilarious.

The next moment, the terrifying power of the Divine Sword Dao appeared again. Yun Guan had no defense at all and was directly trapped by the phantom sword formation.

"Qingyi Jianshi, as long as you give me the things, I won't argue with you."

Chen Xuan looked at him and said softly.

In an instant, Yun Guan became weak again compared to his previous toughness.

Although he was deeply ashamed and vengeful, he was no fool.

Naturally, he knew that he was no match for Chen Xuan, so he took out two Qingyi sword stones from Najie and gave them to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan said slowly: "It's a pity. This time you have hit the iron plate. No matter how strong you are, it is not enough in front of me."

With that, Chen Xuan didn't even look at Yun Guan, who was trapped by the magic sword formation, and walked to the main city that was about to be broken. He knew that the so-called inheritance was in this city.

Chen Xuan must speed up and look for Chuan Chang

"Dushi Immortal Sect Chen Xuan was able to defend Wang Yan only because he met the master. Now that I have seen this scene, I finally know the true strength of Chen Xuan," said Lu Yuan.

"Oh, really?" Chen Xuan asked immediately.


At the same time, several sounds of breaking through the air were heard in the distance.

The eyes of Lu Yuan and Chen Xuan were attracted by these people.

In the distant void, there are several warriors coming together.

Seeing them, Lu Yuan's body trembled and he seemed very surprised.

In an instant, many disciples in the spiritual line were discussing.

The five most talented and powerful men from Pobei Sword Sect appeared, and they were notoriously aggressive among those in the same realm.

But now for them, the battle has just begun.

"Brother Chen Xuan, these five talented people are very strong. In fact, they are the strongest among the one hundred people in the Sword Immortal Forest." Lu Yuan whispered: "If it is a life and death battle, I will not be afraid of any of them. A warrior. But they are also dangerous together."

The Pobei Sword Sect is considered to be a relatively strong sect among the major sects.

This time, a large number of the five great talents of their sect entered the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm at the same time, with the purpose of obtaining the legends of the top powerhouses.

The top five talented people all have high rankings in the Sword Immortal Forest.

And Yun Guan, who was trapped by Chen Xuanhuan Formation, was weaker than them.

The appearance of the five powerful men made all the disciples look at the five powerful men.


The raging spiritual energy came out, and a terrifying aura was exuding near the five powerful men, and they walked from the sky at the same time.

They directly saw Yun Guan trapped in the illusion formation.

"Illusion array?"

Liu Delong, one of the five most talented men, softly chanted the spell, and a soul sword light instantly slashed out, gently penetrating the illusion formation.


The entire illusory formation disappeared directly.

Yun Guan wore a black robe and fell into madness.

"Chen Xuan, I want to kill you."

Yun Guan roared angrily. But soon he realized that the phantom array had disappeared.

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