"While the two of them are fighting to the death, I will think of a way to escape first."

Chen Xuan felt helpless now, but at the same time, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

If the other party really pushed him too hard, Chen Xuan would have to join forces with him to kill the warrior.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement in the air.

Luo Xianjian's speed is surprisingly fast. Watching helplessly as Luo Xianjian was about to hit him, the Immortal Dragon Sword Intention was unleashed instantly.

Two invisible sword lights, carrying frightening power, instantly emerged from the vicinity of Chen Xuan, and then directly struck Luo Xianjian.

The next surprising scene appeared. Chen Xuan's sword light actually defended against Luo Xianjian's attack.


Although the Luo Xian Sword erupted with frightening power, the power of the two sword lights created by Chen Xuan was also very powerful.

So much so that several people watching nearby exclaimed in amazement.

The secret technique of Huan Kong has been activated to the extreme. Chen Xuan doesn't care now. The opponent is very powerful, and he feels that this person is not acting alone.

So Chen Xuan fled directly outside Yunzhong City.

"What? What do you mean?"

Song Zhenchu, who was fighting the leader of Longhua Shizong, also had surprise on his face.

He also didn't expect that this guy was proficient in the secrets of time and space, and was able to escape from under his nose.

"Want to escape from the suppression of my Divine Sword Aura? That's really a beautiful idea."

It can be said that in Yunzhong City, all the warriors in the city know who he is.

Song Zhenchu ​​would not dare to kill the warriors without him. He is the founder of the underground order here.

When he betrayed his sect, he killed seventy-nine people in a row. Later, his reputation spread here.

However, these were just rumors, and Chen Xuan didn't know.

"Song Zhenchu, please stop."

The leader of Longhua Shizong roared angrily and attacked Song Zhenchu ​​ferociously.

However, Song Zhenchu ​​seemed to have anticipated what was happening in front of him. Then he sneered and took out a Lingxuan Sword from Najie. The next moment, the long sword suddenly floated in the air, forming a sword aura. .


Song Zhenchu ​​instantly broke through the Lingxuan sword energy, and a green aura was immediately released, covering the head of the Longhua Shizong inside.

"You can't stop me, hehehe."

Song Zhenchu ​​looked at the leader of the Longhua Shizong who was trapped by him, then sneered, stamped his body on the ground, and flew away in an instant.

The face of the patriarch of Longhua Shizong, who had been completely suppressed, was extremely gloomy.

He didn't expect that the other party would have such a magic weapon.

"Song Zhenchu, are you provoking a fight with Longhua Shizong? Do you know that we have been together for many years? Do you think you can control me with this kind of thing?"

The sect leader of Longhua Shizong said angrily, then he closed his eyes and began to carefully search for a solution.


However, at this moment, a terrifying aura came from the mountain behind Longhua Shizong's sect.

This kind of aura made all the warriors in Yunzhong City show shocked expressions, and even made them extremely frightened in their hearts.

"What happened just now?"

Many disciples of Longhua Shizong showed shocked expressions. They were extremely panicked, but nothing changed, which also made them wonder what happened.


The Longhua Shizong sect suddenly shook, but at this moment, a frightening aura was released from the back mountain.

Even the elders of the sect felt this power, but when they were thinking of a way, they found that they could not get close.

The head of Longhua Shizong shouted loudly, and suddenly, a black light shot out from the back mountain.

With lightning speed, he arrived in front of the sect master of Longhua Shizong, and then began to emit terrifying rays of light.

After looking at the black light in front of his body, the master of Longhua Shizong walked over gently, and in front of him was a red spear.

The light of thunder burst out from this spear.

Suddenly, the terrifying power of thunder appeared in the entire sky.

Seeing this situation, all the warriors in the city showed shocked expressions.


At this moment, only the sect leader of Longhua Shizong understood that this Blood Will Spear was actually the inherited magic weapon of Longhua Shizong, and it was very powerful.

It can be said that this spear is also the foundation of Longhua Shizong. Even if the sect is destroyed, this Blood Will Spear will not suffer any loss. At the same time, it is also an inherited magic weapon to protect the safety of their sect.

This magic weapon has been passed down for tens of millions of years, and few people have known about it. Only each sect leader has the opportunity to obtain this magic weapon.

"Song Zhenchu, just wait for me."

Holding the Blood Will Gun, the aura around the Longhua Shizong's master once again increased several times, and he was also surrounded by waves of terrifying thunder and lightning power.

The blood intent spear suddenly condensed, and the cyan aura instantly cracked, and was immediately shattered by the leader of the Longhua Shizong.


The body of the leader of Longhua Shizong also instantly chased in the direction of Chen Xuan.

At the same time, inside the forest outside Yunzhong City.

Chen Xuan used all his strength to activate the secret method of illusion and space, constantly using his body skills to transform the power of time and space.

"Why would a strong man at the late fourth level of the divine realm take action against me?"

Chen Xuan believed that he had never provoked the powerful people in the late fourth level of the divine realm, except those from his own sect.

"But they shouldn't be chasing them here, right? Is it because the purple-haired warrior I met before was a strong man from a certain sect?"

Soon, Chen Xuan felt that his idea was wrong.

However, Chen Xuan didn't think too much. The top priority was to leave here as soon as possible. He had to return to the sect as soon as possible.

You can only be safe if you are inside the sect. However, thousands of kilometers away behind Chen Xuan, Song Zhenchu's face is very gloomy. He is now chasing after him with all his strength.

He was holding the Luo Xianjian in his hand, which was also the inherited magic weapon of his original sect. After he destroyed the sect, he directly snatched the sect's inherited magic weapon.

However, at this moment, he felt quite helpless and his face was gloomy.

"How can this guy be so strong and be able to shatter the sky?" he asked while tracking him.

After tracking for several hours, he never came into contact with Chen Xuan, which made him feel a little anxious.

"I don't believe that you can escape the suppression of my divine sword."

Behind him, the leader of the Longhua Shizong possesses the top-level inherited magic weapon, the Blood Will Spear. At this time, he is also chasing after him.

"In order to protect this guy who is in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm, he actually brought his sect's inherited magic weapon."

Song Zhenchu ​​grinned and said: "However, even though you, the head of the Longhua Shizong, still can't stop me, Song Zhenchu, hehehe, if you want to stop me, you have to catch up with me."

As he spoke, a red light appeared in Song Zhenchu's pupils, and then lines of energy and blood formed around him, so that his speed increased to the extreme.

In just a short moment, he saw Chen Xuan directly.

"This boy's talent in time and space is indeed very powerful, and even if his speed is compared to mine, it's not that much worse."

Even Song Zhenchu ​​had to sigh that Chen Xuan was indeed a very powerful being in the same realm.

"It's a pity that your son has provoked Zhao Ci. Otherwise, you will definitely grow into a strong man in the future, but now you have no chance."


After a few breaths, Song Zhenchu's speed surged again, and it didn't take long for him to catch up with Chen Xuan.


The huge Luo Immortal Sword in his hand appeared instantly, and finally blocked Chen Xuan directly.

After Chen Xuan saw the other party chasing him, he did not continue to run away, but simply stopped.

"Senior, I don't know why you are trying every possible means to hunt me down. I have no grievances against you, and I don't seem to have provoked you. I wonder if you can give me a reason?" Chen Xuan nodded slightly and asked.

"It's so funny. Of course you didn't provoke me, ah, but do I need any reason for wanting to kill you?" Song Zhenchu ​​said calmly.

Chen Xuan was extremely shocked. After thinking carefully, he felt that the other party was not a lunatic who would kill everyone on sight.

Otherwise, he would definitely not be alive now.

After all, if such a madman is left in the world, many powerful people will definitely take action against him.

However, what Chen Xuanwei is now puzzled about is who can make a strong man at the late fourth level of the Divine Realm chase him?

And the other party must have been entrusted by others, so he came to hunt him down.

"I'm afraid you can't guess who wants to kill you." Song Zhenchu ​​stroked his beard and then said: "But what I want to tell you is that you are the first warrior I will deal with after finishing my retreat. Just kill you, hahaha.”

"Song Zhenchu, please stop."

At this time, the head of Longhua Shizong also arrived.

He held the blood intent gun and looked at Song Zhenchu ​​with an unkind expression.

"I, Old Man Long, what are you going to do? Are you determined to completely fall out with our Longhua Shizong?"

"I have completely fallen out with you, Longhua Shizong? You really thought well." Song Zhenchu's face showed a sneer: "I have no grudges with you. If you make me anxious, I will destroy you, Longhua Shizong? I'm afraid you You should know my rumors.”

"However, how virtuous and capable is this guy? I'm really curious. You would stop me at all costs, and you even took out all the inherited magic weapons of your sect." Song Zhenchu ​​continued.

"Chen Xuan is a distinguished guest of our Longhua Shizong. Now, no matter what happens, I will not even take care of it." The head of Longhua Shizong said: "Song Zhenchu, the situation has been placed in front of you. I advise you to do your best. It is better to give up the pursuit of Chen Xuan as soon as possible. Otherwise, I, Longhua Shizong, are not easy to mess with, and I don’t mind falling out with you completely. By then, we will both lose. "

The leader of Longhua Shizong paused slightly, and a chill flashed across his pupils.

In fact, for Chen Xuanlai, how to escape Song Zhenchu's pursuit was Chen Xuan's top priority.

It's not because Chen Xuan is greedy for life and afraid of death, but because Song Zhenchu ​​is too strong in the same realm.

Chen Xuan vaguely felt that he was about to reach the peak of the fourth level of the Divine Lord.

It is even possible that the opponent is hiding his own strength.

The most important thing is that even if the leader of the Longhua Shizong brought out the top-level inheritance magic weapon, he was not worried about being unable to defeat the opponent, and he continued to provoke him with words.

Moreover, Chen Xuan vaguely felt that the Luo Immortal Sword in Song Zhenchu's hand must be a third-order immortal.

Chen Xuan knew without thinking that the magic weapon in his hand was definitely extraordinary.

Moreover, there is always a frightening aura emanating from the opponent's body. All of this shows that his strength is very likely to have reached the fourth level of the divine realm without burdens.

Therefore, it may not be that easy for Chen Xuan to defeat him.

Moreover, after Chen Xuan's calculations, although the head of the Longhua Shizong could temporarily stop Song Zhenchu, if it took a while, if he solved the crisis in front of him, Chen Xuan would still have nothing to do when facing him.

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