"It's just an Immortal Dragon Master Sect. There's no way to defeat it. It's a bunch of rubbish."

He sensed that all the warriors arranged to go to the Blood Lord Immortal Sect of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect were destroyed.

"Damn it, does it mean that the Immortal Dragon Master Sect has several powerful people in the late fifth level of the Divine Realm?" the Blood Lord Immortal Sect Master said solemnly.

After thinking for a moment, the leader of the Blood Lord Immortal Sect gathered his thoughts.

At present, they have given up the idea of ​​attacking the Immortal Dragon Master Sect again.

In three years, Wang Keyun directly entered the fifth level of the divine realm.

He is very confident and it won't take long to reach the top of the cabinet area.

In addition to the two of them, Dugu Lun's breakthrough was also very rapid.

He has entered the third level of the divine realm without burdens

On this day, Elder Long Yi came.

"Elder Longyi."

Li Qiuyu saw Elder Long Yi and stood up hurriedly.

Elder Long Yi then asked: "How is Chen Xuan?"

Li Qiuyu said slowly: "He has not recovered from his injuries, and his true soul has gradually disappeared..."

The true soul gradually disappears, and it won't take long for Chen Xuan to be completely destroyed.

"This is the horned fairy grass." Elder Long Yi gave a white fairy grass to Li Qiuyu.

The Horned Immortal Grass is actually one of the most precious magic weapons of the Immortal Dragon Sect so far.

Seeing the Horned Immortal Grass, Li Qiuyu's pupils showed a hint of surprise.

"Okay, thank you Elder Long Yi."

He took the horn-marked fairy grass and quickly put it into Chen Xuan's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the medicinal effects of the horned grass jelly spread instantly.

"What? What do you mean?"

Seeing this situation, Li Qiuyu's face showed surprise.

Chen Xuan's expression improved significantly, and the disappearing speed of his true spirit soul became much weaker.

"The horned jelly grass is effective."

Elder Long Yi showed some doubts, and then he was extremely happy.

"I'll think about it some more." After Elder Long Yi finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Falling Sword Sect.

Zhao Ci found the sect master.

"Master, there is nothing you can do about Chen Xuan's injury?" Zhao Ci asked.

He knew that the sect master would definitely find a way.

The leader of Luo Jian Sect said slowly: "His true soul has disappeared, I'm afraid he is dead..."

"Is there no way?" Although Zhao Ci had a grudge against Chen Xuan, he was relieved after Chen Xuan saved his life.

Xianyuan Sword Sect.

Elder Xian let out a shocking breath.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a dark red energy and disappeared from the Xianyuan Sword Sect.

"Elder Immortal?" the leader of Xianyuan Sword Sect said solemnly.

Outside the Xianyuan Sword Sect, Dao Dark Red Qi carried the extremely terrifying sword energy and rushed towards the direction of the Shixian Sect.

Time Immortal Sect.

Chen Xuan still continues to be in a coma and Zheng

Although after absorbing the Horned Immortal Grass, the disappearing speed of the true soul is reduced.

But even a large sect cannot cultivate so many fairy grasses in a short period of time.

As a result, Chen Xuan's Suzaku soul stopped condensing, and a dim aura gathered around him.

Li Qiuyu has been by Chen Xuan's side, waiting for Chen Xuan's reply.

At this time, there was a sudden crackling sound inside the Immortal Sect.

"Who came to our Shixian Sect?"

Dugu Lun felt a little unhappy in his heart, and then Zheng Zheng floated in the air of the sect.

Near the Shixian Sect, a red light came at lightning speed.

At this time, the powerful men who lived in seclusion within Shixian Sect ended their retreat one after another.

After they raised their eyes and saw this red light, they were quite shocked.

"It's the immortal elder of Xianyuan Sword Sect." Fang Yanyun said in a deep voice.

"Does Elder Xian have a way to save Chen Xuan?" At the same time, a smile appeared on Fang Yanyun's face.

Elsewhere, several powerful men from the Wuji Sword Sect were shocked.

At the same time, there were disciples from the Nineteen Sect area who saw the immortal elders killing the sect.

In the current situation, in the eyes of many warriors, the immortal elder stayed in the sky above the sect with a terrifying sword energy.


The immortal elder stood in the air and made a vibrating sound.

This immortal elder has a long-standing reputation in the main sect, and many people have heard of him. However, he only has a spiritual body left now, but his qualifications are indeed very old.

At this moment, Dugu Lun and others quickly retreated.

At this time, Fang Yanyun sent a message to Dugu Lun: "Dugu Lun, this is actually the immortal elder of the Xianyuan Sword Sect. Let him go. Presumably, he must have felt Chen Xuan's aura and came to help. his."

After hearing this, Dugu Lun's face showed surprise.

Immediately afterwards, Dugu Lun asked the warriors of Shixian Sect not to act casually.

All the warriors' eyes were on Elder Xian.

The immortal elder's soul suddenly condensed in the sky above the sect.

"The talent is good, it would be a pity to die."

Elder Xian said secretly.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying aura emanated from the immortal elder's soul body, killing him fiercely.

In an instant, this red spiritual energy directly broke through the sect's defense and rushed into Zheng Xuan's residence.

Immediately afterwards, red aura enveloped Chen Xuan.

Li Qiuyu, who was nearby, was caught off guard and his body was instantly knocked away.

However, the red aura was too terrifying, and even Li Qiuyu couldn't get close.

Under the gathering of red spiritual energy, Chen Xuan's body gradually floated in the air.

At this moment, a soul suddenly appeared in Elder Xian's soul.

Strange, what?

Boom! !

The Yuanhun had just appeared, and the entire Shixian Sect's aura was filled with extremely fierce power.

Many warriors felt extremely depressed.

"What is Elder Xian doing?" Fang Yanyun asked in a deep voice.

"Elder Immortal seems to be restoring Chen Xuan's power."

"The aura emanating from this soul is really too powerful."

Many powerful people observed the immortal elders.

In just a short while, the soul had completely dissipated.

At this time, the aura around Elder Xian was obviously much weaker.

Elder Xian controlled the Yuanhun and entered Chen Xuan's body. Then a terrifying aura erupted from the Yuanhun, trying to restore Chen Xuan's Suzaku soul.

But this time, Que's soul fell into silence and there was no way to recover.

After about a quarter of an hour, the immortal elder began to control the soul.


The terrifying power hit the Suzaku soul, causing it to tremble continuously.

"what happened??"

Although Elder Xian was confused, he still used his strength beyond his own to mobilize the power of the soul to attack the Suzaku Soul again and again.

After a while, most of the soul's power had disappeared.

Elder Immortal is in even more trouble. Can’t even recover the power gathered by Yuanhun?

But just when Elder Xian was in trouble, Suzaku's spirit suddenly shook.

Elder Xian was very excited. The power near him broke through again, and mysterious power was injected into Chen Xuan's body.


The Suzaku Soul was actually able to actively absorb the power gathered by the Soul.


In a short moment, the Suzaku Divine Soul absorbed all the power gathered by the Yuan Soul.

At this time, the speed at which Suzaku's soul was gathering was significantly enhanced.

"Hehehe, very good." Elder Xian suddenly laughed.

When the last trace of the soul's power dissipated, the power near the immortal elder disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Xian instantly became much more transparent.

At this time, Chen Xuan, who was floating in the air, quickly condensed his Suzaku soul, and released every trace of his Suzaku power.


At this moment, the clouds in the sky suddenly tore apart, and four warriors walked out of it.

These people are the most powerful people in the Immortal Dragon Sect today.

"What happened?" Elder Song Qiu asked.

"Why did Elder Xian come to Shixian Sect?" Elder Qing also asked.

"Elder Immortal, maybe you don't want to die like this."

"Elder Immortal's aura is very weak. He forcibly restored Chen Xuan and suffered heavy injuries." The leader of Luojian Sect said.

"What are you? No way, Elder Xian is crazy?" Elder Fang Qing showed a puzzled expression, and then looked at Elder Xian.

Elder Long Yi nodded to Elder Xian without saying much, and then looked at Chen Xuan.

"The power in Chen Xuan's body has fluctuated. It seems that he can really recover from this." Elder Long Yi said softly.

No matter what, as long as Chen Xuan recovers, it will be worth it for them.

However, Elder Xian has overdrawn a lot of power and will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Chen Xuan remained silent. Elder Xian was very important to Xianyuan Sword Sect. After all, he was their former sect master.

But now, in order to save Chen Xuan, he was severely injured and his soul almost disappeared.

After a while, Elder Long Yi sighed and stopped thinking.

The eyes of many warriors were all focused on Chen Xuan.

Floating in mid-air, the Suzaku soul in Chen Xuan's body has been completely restored.

After absorbing the power of the soul, he became even more fierce.

At this moment, the nine peak experts of the sect, as well as Fang Yanyun, Song Longhua and others, came to the sect one after another.

"How about it?"

"Chen Xuan's injury has been completely stabilized, and his true soul is gradually recovering." Elder Long Yi said loudly.

"Very good."

"Although Chen Xuan's injury has been stabilized, he still needs to recover properly." Elder Long Yi said.

After hearing this, many warriors nodded and left half an hour later.

Finally, Elder Long Yi and others also left.

Only Li Qiuyu and others were left.

Wanyan Qinghong and Wang Kongze looked at each other, then turned and left.

Arriving at the sect's lobby, they looked at Elder Xian whose body was slowly becoming transparent.

After a while, everyone showed gratitude and then turned around and left.

After about eleven months, Chen Xuan finally released a terrifying spiritual energy.

"Chen Xuan?"

Seeing Chen Xuan open his eyes, Li Qiuyu was very excited.

"Li Qiuyu?"

After just waking up, Chen Xuan felt that his memory was still at the end, so he activated the Xuanlong Ring beyond his own strength.

"Chen Xuan, you have been in a coma for three and a half years." Li Qiuyu was extremely excited.

Chen Xuan was also quite surprised after hearing this.

He felt that Suzaku's soul was condensing very quickly.

"Such a powerful force." Chen Xuan said to himself.

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