Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5208 The scope of jurisdiction of Bloodlink Immortal Palace

After hearing his words, the warrior suddenly stopped talking. They also felt that what he just said was a bit too much.

Bloodline Immortal Palace, one of the top ten peak sects on the second level.

And the Bloodline Palace Master is the most powerful person on the second level, and is very powerful in the entire second level.

This canyon itself is within the jurisdiction of the Blood Link Immortal Palace. If the Lord of the Blood Link Palace heard about it, they would definitely die here.

The master of the Blood Link Palace is very powerful. Although Chen Xuan has not been here long, he has also heard a rumor that there was once a peak powerhouse who wanted to practice here, so that he provoked the Blood Link Immortal. palace.

You must know what kind of powerful person the Bloodline Palace Master is.

Facing the guy who provoked him, he killed the opponent with just one sword, and then wiped out the entire sect of the opponent, and also eradicated all the power of the opponent's sect.

In the end, this incident caused a shock on the second level, but there was nothing anyone could do.

As for other news, Chen Xuan only knew that there was a deep hatred between the Blood Link Immortal Palace and the Immortal Dragon Palace.

According to the fact that Venerable Immortal Dragon had fought against the Master of the Blood Link Palace back then, one must know that one of them had just come to the second level from the second level.

The other one is a warrior who has been living on the second level. The two of them fought and attracted a lot of attention. But the result of the final battle, that is, who lost and who won, no one outside knew.

But everyone knows that these ten sects are the pinnacle power of the entire second level. If you mock them, you will probably be massacred.

The warrior with the long sword in his hand also hurriedly shut his mouth, while the other warrior also realized that he had gone too far.

"Yes, but this guy is just like us, he is also very arrogant."

"Damn bastard, what are you doing so much? You talk too much, I should have killed you a long time ago."

The purple-eyed warrior didn't want to delay any longer. At this moment, the aura around her began to vibrate continuously, and she wanted to take action against Chen Xuan instantly.

But when Chen Xuan saw him preparing to enter the palace, he didn't seem to be afraid at all and sneered. "You actually want to attack me now. It's so funny."

"Why don't we dare to attack you? Is there something wrong with your head?"

"You should think carefully. I have already told you my identity. Do you know what the consequences will be if I attack the disciples of Blood Link Immortal Palace? If you are killed by others, don't blame me." Chen Xuan said. Spread your hands.

Seeing Chen Xuan's confident expression, several people also showed surprise on their faces.

Compared with the cynicism at the beginning, they now felt hesitant in their hearts.

If this guy is really a disciple of Blood Link Immortal Palace, even if they are brave, they may not dare to offend such a powerful sect.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

Several other warriors then looked at the purple-eyed warrior.

Several people originally wanted to kill Cheng Chenxuan directly, but the reason why they hesitate now is actually very simple and not as complicated as they imagined.

Because they are very clear about the consequences of pretending to be a disciple of Blood Link Immortal Palace.

There was a rogue cultivator who pretended to be one of theirs everywhere, and was eventually slapped to death by an elder.

Xuanyuan Ke, who was behind Chen Xuan, also fell into a daze after hearing Chen Xuan's words.

"It turns out that Brother Chen Xuan is a disciple of Blood Link Immortal Palace. No wonder, I think his cultivation is very powerful. When I saw him before, I felt that his origin was not simple. He must be from a certain large sect."

He had to admire that the technique Chen Xuan had just performed was very powerful and revealed a kind of mystery.

Seeing Ji Rao's hesitation, Chen Xuan continued: "In that case, I will tell the truth. I was sent by an elder from Bloodlink Immortal Palace, and he was also my master. When I showed my talent, Several high-level officials in the sect saw it, so now I made an exception and joined the Blood Link Immortal Palace. This time, the reason why I came to the canyon was because the high-level officials wanted to test my strength. How is it?"

"Obviously, if I complete the trial, I can become a core disciple of Bloodlink Immortal Palace. If you attack me then, you will be provoking the majesty of our sect."

After hearing this, several people's faces became even more hesitant. They felt that Chen Xuan was lying to them, but they felt that Chen Xuan was pretending to be quite similar.

"Do you think that people in this world who dare to pretend to be disciples of Blood Link Immortal Palace can still be alive? Then you won't believe it when the time comes?" Chen Xuan asked immediately.

It was not that he planned to lie to this person from the beginning, but the second reason was because Chen Xuan discovered that these warriors did not seem to be that bold.

"These are just your one-sided words, but I am very curious. If you are really a disciple of a large sect, why are you with Xuanyuan Ke? Does this guy have anything to do with you?" asked the purple-eyed warrior.

"I bumped into Xuanyuan Ke on the road. Although my brother and I were old acquaintances before, I also heard about what happened to their sect before. Although we haven't seen each other in recent years, if we can complete this mission, I Xuanyuan Ke will be allowed to enter the Xuelian Immortal Palace. Recently, I have also discovered that his talent is pretty good. If he can pass my recommendation, he will definitely be able to come in and practice." Chen Xuan suddenly laughed and said.

Xuanyuan Ke, who was nearby, showed surprise, and then said: "Master Chen Xuan, don't worry, I, Xuanyuan Ke, will definitely help you. Haven't we already settled this matter before? Hahaha, but I definitely won't I will forget the training my current sect has given me. When my strength improves, I will definitely go back."

Xuanyuan Ke's words made several members of the Xuelun Sword Sect look very confused. They didn't know whether Chen Xuan's words were true or false.

If it is true, they will have to pay a heavy price, but if it is false, they will lose a good opportunity.

"Sir, it seems that he is really a disciple of the Blood Link Immortal Palace." said the warrior with a long sword in his hand.

"No way, actually..."

The purple-eyed warrior said calmly: "Are you indeed a disciple of the Extremely Blood-connected Immortal Palace?"

"Yes." Chen Xuandao.

"Can you tell the authenticity of what you just said? At least you should have their disciple token." The purple-eyed warrior continued to ask.

"What are you??"

A smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face, but at this moment, as soon as his words fell, his body disappeared instantly.

"You should know what the technique I used is, right?" Chen Xuan's voice came out.

For a moment, several people from the Blood Lun Sword Sect were unable to see Chen Xuan's body.

"Sir, it seems to be their technique."

"Being able to be so strong at the early stage of the fifth level of the Divine Realm, apart from the Blood Link Immortal Palace, I am afraid it is impossible for the disciples of other sects to achieve this. The origin of this guy is indeed not simple." Another warrior said.

"But he is a disciple of the Blood Link Immortal Palace. Why doesn't he just take out the token to prove his identity and talk to me so much nonsense." The purple-eyed warrior whispered.

Now he is a little helpless.

If the other party was really a disciple of Blood Link Immortal Palace, he would not dare to take action. Now the situation has become a deadlock.

He feels that he can neither advance nor retreat now.

But he was a little worried because the other party was not a disciple of a large sect at all.

If the other party deceives him again, the good opportunity he lost will never be found again.

And he will have to worry about the other party's revenge in the future.

But just as he was pondering whether this matter was true or false, suddenly a mysterious aura came from the distance.

Then Chen Xuan's body suddenly appeared.


However, what they saw the next moment was not Chen Xuan, but a phantom of a dragon and fire bird appeared instantly.

"Come together and kill!"

When the phantom of the dragon fire bird appeared, Chen Xuan also happened to walk out.

The phantom of the dragon fire bird gave out a chilling breath, and then he targeted the surroundings to attack.


The two exchanged swords, and the phantom of the dragon fire bird suddenly disappeared.

"What are you, a disciple of the Bloodline Immortal Palace?"

After the words fell, several people from the Blood Lun Sword Sect looked at each other.

This scene put them on full alert. They originally thought that Chen Xuan was going to launch a sneak attack on him, but then, he realized that Chen Xuan was showing off his force to him. The strength of a favored person was so powerful. They were very worried. It's hard to believe that this should have been given to him by Chen Xuan's master.

After all, most monks don't have such powerful demon pets.

Although the demon pets raised by many warriors are quite good in strength, the gap in strength between them and their masters is also very wide.

"Haha, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect you to actually be a disciple of the sect." The purple-eyed warrior chuckled.

"That's right. If I had known that Xuanyuan Ke was your brother and your friend, we wouldn't have dared to touch him even if we had the courage to eat him. Brother, this is all a misunderstanding."

"Brother, since it was all a misunderstanding before, I wonder if we can help you. If I help you, can you also let us join the big sect?"

Chen Xuan spread his hands and looked at them, confirming that the other party was not lying. Then Chen Xuan said: "Of course, and I am not such an angry person. Of course this kind of question is okay. My mission this time is quite difficult. As long as you Help me complete the mission, and I will try my best to let you join the Blood Link Immortal Palace."

After hearing this, the faces of several members of the Blood Lun Sword Sect suddenly became surprised.

Ever since they saw the Fire Bird, they felt that Chen Xuan should be a disciple of a very powerful elder in the sect.

And he's still a closed-door disciple.

If I can really get a relationship, I will have a backer when I enter the big sect in the future.

"Don't worry, my lord, leave everything to us. From now on, we will obey your orders, and we will do whatever you want." The purple-eyed warrior looked into Chen Xuan's eyes and vowed.

Chen Xuan then said: "Okay, but what are you doing in Qingxueyun Canyon?"

After hearing this, Jirao's expression changed.

"it turns out……"

The purple-eyed warrior hesitated for a moment, but decided not to hide it anymore.

"In this case, I will tell you the truth. We have got some clues. There are inherited magic weapons in Qingxueyun Canyon. Other sects nearby have also arranged for their disciples to come here to search for these precious magic weapons, but this is just one for the time being. Rumor has it that although many people are searching here, there are still many people who have not found it." The purple-eyed warrior said.

"You mean there is an inherited magic weapon here?" Chen Xuan frowned slightly after hearing his words.

"Is the news there accurate?" Chen Xuan asked.

After practicing for such a long time, Chen Xuan knew that there were such things as rumors.

Many times, the so-called rumors were simply false.

It was just some psychologically unbalanced warriors who deliberately released smoke bombs and false news, which eventually caused others to search for several times in the mountains, but in the end, they didn't even find a hair.

However, this time Chen Xuan believed it directly, because according to these methods, the place pointed out by the two books emitting dark red aura was really the Qingxueyun Canyon, and it was in the area under his feet.

Qingxueyun Canyon, after Chen Xuan's speculation, should be related to the Immortal Soul Demon King, and there must be some legends in it.

In any case, this is a second-level inheritance, and Chen Xuan believes that it is still very useful to him.

"Do you know any other information?"

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