Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5212 The power of understanding the law

He has improved a lot now, especially since he has directly understood so many laws, which has also improved his original realm of laws.

Like most warriors, if they take too big a step, it will directly lead to an unstable foundation, so that these warriors will accidentally go crazy.

Chen Xuan's current thinking is very simple. Only when these laws are completely solidified will he think carefully and then decide whether to continue to understand these laws.

"Different laws work together to produce unexpected effects."

Chen Xuan slowly stood up from the ground and was very surprised when he saw the fusion of nearby laws.

However, among the powers of these laws, Chen Xuan's highest ambition was to realize the law of the sword.

The laws of swordsmanship do not belong to all things in the world.

This in itself is a power that transcends all things in the world.

"Now I'm very curious about who left writing traces here? And it also records so many inheritance insights."

Although he had achieved a breakthrough, Chen Xuan became more confused in his heart.

The energy contained in these traces is very terrifying. It must not be left by ordinary people. It may be a powerful demon clan. However, Chen Xuan was also puzzled and did not let him find out the answer.

Because there are only a few historical records above.


While Chen Xuan was thinking about it, the Immortal Sword Fire Heart Technique successfully completed the breakthrough. Of course, this also surprised Chen Xuan.

Everything is because he obtained the law of swordsmanship.

At this moment, the Immortal Sword Fire Heart Technique formula was rapidly circulating in his body, and then Chen Xuan felt that his soul was filled with the aura of the Divine Sword Intent.

"Improvement in cultivation?"

Chen Xuan was extremely happy. The sixth level of the Immortal Sword and Fire Heart Technique, and his cultivation level increased many times, which was really surprising.

"It's really unexpected to me that in just a few short days here, I have gained so much. I didn't expect that this inheritance would be so terrifying to him."

For Chen Xuanlai, he just discovered a secret place, and he has not yet figured out whether this is the final place of inheritance.

However, this has allowed Chen Xuan to gain so much in the past few years, which only shows that the final inheritance recorded in these books must be even more precious.

Chen Xuanneng, who had received so many inheritances, was so unhappy that he almost danced with joy now.

Then at this time, when Chen Xuan was comprehending the law, something happened in Qingxueyun Canyon that shocked all the warriors.

In the central area of ​​Qingxueyun Canyon, a spiritual light suddenly appeared and disappeared into the sky.

After this scene appeared, everyone showed surprised expressions.

Obviously, this should be where the inheritance lies.

So much so that this light caused a great shock, and all the warriors felt the shock brought by this spiritual light.

This light can only explain one problem, the inherited magic weapon appears!

Now that the inheritance and magic weapon have appeared, all they have to do is find it as soon as possible.

Many warriors roared, and finally they began to search in groups in Qingxueyun Canyon.

They concluded that the aura that suddenly appeared was the inheritance magic weapon they were looking for on this trip. They had been searching for these inheritance magic weapons for such a long time, but they had not gained anything at all. Who would have thought that the inheritance magic weapon would only appear now.

In an instant, all the warriors in the entire Qingxueyun Canyon were completely boiling.

On a plain, Wang Ce and Wang Yulong, who were fighting, looked shocked and stopped fighting.

The two of them specifically chose to fight here. Although it was not far from the canyon, they also saw a stream of light in the distance.

"Wang Yulong, the battle is over. It seems that the inherited magic weapon has appeared. There is no point in us continuing to fight. If we fight again after a while, I will definitely defeat you." Wang Ce said solemnly.

"What? Because of the appearance of the inherited magic weapon, you don't dare to fight me. Are you afraid? If Wang Ce, a famous disciple of the Qingyi Sword Sect, loses to a warrior whose cultivation is not as good as his, will it make Dafa laugh? ?" Wang Yunlong laughed.

He knew that Wang Ce wanted to find the inherited magic weapon.

"It's so funny. Who am I, Wang Ce? Do you think that with your strength, I will be afraid of you?" Wang Ce said coldly: "The most important thing now is inheritance. When I find the inheritance magic weapon, I will definitely I'll let you see how powerful I am.

"Hahaha, you can only talk big. If we fight again next time, I will definitely beat you until you kneel down, beg for mercy, and kowtow to call me daddy." Wang Ce wanted to find the inherited magic weapon, but Wang Ce Meteor Dragon obviously wanted to block him.

Although both sides want to get the inheritance, they have not continued to take action now.

He knew that Wang Ce was anxious because he was the leader of the Qingyi Sword Sect this time.

If they are restrained here, it will be impossible for other disciples of the Qingyi Sword Sect to compete for the inherited magic weapon, and they may lose the opportunity by then.

Regardless of whether it is for justice or something else, their fight here may no longer be able to continue.

But although Wang Yunlong also wanted to get the inheritance, he suddenly showed a murderous intention.

The other party has been causing trouble for him in these times, probably because he inferred that the other party wants to leave more than he does now, so when the other party wants to leave.

His sword energy suddenly sealed Wang Ce.

This also makes the latter somewhat helpless.

My original attitude was not to fight, to give up when the situation was good, and then go to find Chuan Chang individually.

As a result, now it suddenly blocked him again.

Obviously, he already knew what the other party meant.

"Wang Yunlong, you are simply asking for death. You actually dare to block me. Since you want to die, I will let you know how powerful I am."

Wang Ce's face turned cold, and he suddenly struck out with his sword.

This sword contained the terrifying power of the Immortal Essence Law, causing mountains to collapse and the earth to crack, and the situation on the ground to change continuously.


Wang Yunlong also struck out with his sword, which collided hard with Wang Ce's sword.

With a roar, the two sides collided fiercely in the air.

A terrifying aura began to sweep across the entire land.

The space shook. Wang Ce and Wang Yunlong each took a few steps back. They were both trying to get at each other, and they had no choice.

The current situation is that although there is some gap between the two in cultivation, no one can defeat the other in a short period of time, and they will continue to work here.

Although Wang Ce's cultivation is a level higher than Wang Yuelong's, Wang Yuelong's skills are so terrifying, and the battle between the two has lasted for several days.

But after so many fights, they still couldn't tell the winner. It was very simple, they didn't use their inherited magic weapon.

After all, they all want to save their trump card for last.

"Damn, this guy actually blocked me for so long."

Wang Ce held the sword tightly in his hand, and his heart was full of anger at this time.

However, he also knew that even if he used all his strength, he would only be able to suppress Wang Yunlong slightly, and there was no way to defeat it.

If you continue to waste time here, you may inherit the magic weapon, and you are destined to miss him.

At that time, the inheritance magic weapon they cherished was snatched away by other sects, and in the end they could only wait for the next inheritance to appear.

I don’t know how many years we have to wait.

"Wang Yulong, you have blocked me for so long, what are you going to do? Do we have to lose both sides?" Wang Ce asked in a cold voice, suppressing the anger in his heart.

He felt that the other party was just deliberately provoking him.

"Hahaha, what happened before is still vivid in my mind. You killed several disciples in our sect, and now you ask me what I want? You, should I take revenge? I want to kill some of your sect's disciples. How about your disciples?" Wang Yunlong said with a smile on his face.

Seeing that Wang Ce was very angry, he secretly rejoiced.

But Wang Yunlong is very happy. Although his strength is not as good as the opponent, this is also the best opportunity to block the opponent.

"Wang Yunlong, don't give me a toast or drink as a penalty, and you will seize the golden opportunity of inheritance by mistake." Wang Ce's words were somewhat threatening.

"Hehehe, I want to see what you, Wang Ce, have to do with me. If I don't give you a toast or a penalty, can you kill me?" Wang Yunlong said with disdain.

Among the same realms, it can definitely be regarded as a first-class talent, otherwise it would not be possible to fight with the opponent across realms for such a long time.

Suddenly, a strange aura emitted near Wang Ce.

Immediately afterwards, a strange red light erupted from his body, and this light suddenly spread out into the air.

The power that the red light burst out was so powerful that it even shocked him.

"Oh no."

Wang Yuelong felt the terrifying red light, and his body flashed quickly and he quickly dodged.


Because there was no protection from the formation, the strange red light hit the plain, immediately turning the entire plain into a place of turbulent space.

When Wang Yunlong stabilized his body, he found a light and shadow flickering in front of him, and another breath of air came towards him.

However, when he blocked the attack, Wang Ce had already escaped quickly.

In just a few seconds, the other party had already disappeared.

"Damn, this guy is so fast. It seems I made a miscalculation. I didn't expect him to have such a method." Wang Yunlong cursed.

However, he can also conclude that Wang Ce's method may also cause some harm to himself.

After his speculation, this should be a very powerful secret method, and it cannot do powerful damage to the enemy.

You can't use this powerful technique all the time. Otherwise, you would have used this technique a long time ago, and you wouldn't have to waste so much time with him here.

They have been fighting for several consecutive times, and the battle still has no winner.

"It's strange. I have never seen the kind of aura just now, and I feel it is completely opposite to the technique practiced by the Qingyi Sword Sect before. Did he get some inheritance? What happened?" Wang Yun Long racked his brains to think.

The two of them have been sworn enemies for a long time, and they also know the Peters Kung Fu very well.

Whether the other party has practiced any new techniques, they will definitely get some information in advance.

However, at this moment, Wang Ce used his unique skill and successfully escaped Wang Yunlong.

For his entanglement, Wang Ce was naturally extremely angry, but he also felt helpless. His cultivation level was a level lower than his, and he was still able to pester him for such a long time.

I'm afraid there is no one else but this man named Wang.

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