"You are really arrogant. You dare to talk to me like this? This is the first time I have seen such an arrogant person like you." Wang Ce's face was gloomy after hearing this.

Although he was not very powerful in this area among the same generation, he could definitely be ranked in the top ten.

As a result, Chen Xuan dared to talk to him in this tone, which really made him very angry.

However, at this moment, a sound of breaking air came from a distance, and suddenly an invisible sword energy appeared behind Wang Ce, and this sword energy instantly killed him.

Then, he immediately slashed out a terrifying force and killed him instantly.

The two auras collided fiercely in the air, and soon they canceled each other out.

But this was just an appetizer, and then several more sword energies continued to kill.

Seeing this, Wang Ce hurriedly waved his sword to defend against the opponent's attack.

Although his strength was also quite good, and his defense was timely, there were too many sword energies in the air, so that he was still knocked back a few steps by a sword.

At this moment, she suddenly turned her head and looked behind her, and a warrior suddenly appeared.

"A rubbish in the early fifth level of the Godly Realm dares to fight me, Wang Ce, you are looking for death." Wang Ce said with disdain: "Do you think I, Wang Ce, am afraid of you? I tell you, you will definitely die today. I wanted to spare your lives, but now you can't leave here."

"Oh, is that so? You are still so arrogant. I am afraid that we will be fine today, but only you will die here."

"Hahaha, do you really think I can't get out of here, son, I tell you,

The people who will be killed today will only be you guys."

"It's really pitiful. You are still bragging until now." Chen Xuan said indifferently.

Seeing Chen Xuan talking to him as if nothing had happened, Wang Ce felt very depressed and even accumulated a burst of anger.

Few people of his generation dared to talk to him like this. Although he was not as talented as some disciples of some large sects, in some sects, almost many people had to give him face.

"Damn you, you are arrogant, aren't you? Today I want to see how you defend against my attack." Wang Ce sneered, although he used his ultimate move on Wang Yunlong because he wanted to get away. But he also felt a weak breath from Chen Xuan. He felt that Chen Xuan was only in the early fifth level of the God Realm. He didn't worry that he could bring danger to himself. In the end, the only people who were killed were Chen Xuan and his friends. "Since you are stubborn, I will let you know what cultivation suppression is." As soon as Chen Xuan finished speaking, his body disappeared into the air. "What? What do you mean?" Seeing this scene, Wang Ce was very surprised. He didn't expect that this boy's time and space law was so fierce and his speed was so fast! "Is this boy a formation?" Wang Ce felt a trace of the power of the formation and took it for granted that Chen Xuan just used some secret methods to temporarily increase his speed. So he said arrogantly: "You are really true, you can't deal with me, Wang Ce, with this alone, I will let you see the gap between us."

Before Wang Ce finished speaking, he clearly felt the terrifying power suddenly burst out.

At this time, Chen Xuan urged all his strength and suddenly struck out with a sword.

The extremely strong body refining law instantly spread around.


Chen Xuan repelled Wang Ce with a sword.

Chen Xuan sighed secretly.

"It's worthy of the body refining law, which can improve the body refining defense so much."

Chen Xuan said secretly.

The power of his sword just now is almost equivalent to that of a late fifth-level warrior in the Godly Realm.

Although Chen Xuan can't suppress the late fifth-level warrior in the Godly Realm 100% now.

But he knows that if he uses the Immortal Yuan Secret Method, the mid-level warrior in the fifth-level Godly Realm will not pose any threat to him, at least he can withdraw from the opponent's hand.

And the fight is still possible.

Wang Ce's cultivation is very high. His cultivation has reached the fifth level of the Godly Realm. Although he is very strong among his peers, he is not good enough in Chen Xuan's eyes. However, Chen Xuan still did not use the remnant of his soul. He wanted to test how strong he was. "Yes, but if you think that this can deal with me, your cultivation is just this. Next, I will let you see what real power is." Wang Ce touched his chin and took out his long sword in an instant. A terrible breath instantly filled the air. The strong power of the immortal law near Wang Ce condensed into a soul fire. These flames began to burn the surrounding air crazily. The soul fire contains terrifying power. Seeing the soul fire condensing in the air, Chen Xuan also exclaimed. The power is indeed very strong. And the speed at which these flames burn is very amazing. "Brother Chen Xuan, this is the immortal secret method of the Qingyi Sword School." Xuanyuan Ke said in a low voice. "Soul Immortal Fire Method? It's not as powerful as I thought." Chen Xuan raised his eyes to look at the soul fire in the air and took out the Liaoyuan Sword. The Immortal Dragon Sword Intent was unleashed, and twelve sword lights shot out instantly.

The Law of the Sword greatly increased the power of the sword light.

Facing Wang Ce's all-out attack, Chen Xuan also knew that the opponent was very strong, so he did not dare to show mercy now. It would be terrible if it backfired in the end.

After all, the other party is a strong person in the later realm, and Chen Xuan also knows that talents like them must have unique skills.


At the same time, the soul fire in the air instantly rushed into the sword light Zheng

The sound of clicking came out, and at this moment, the sword light continued to shatter in the air.

Chen Xuan had already realized that the other party was quite strong, so the next moment, Chen Xuan directly chanted the magic formula, and his soul emerged instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Shenhun Cannian also took action.

Bursts of black light shrouded the air, and the red aura was also flowing crazily.

A ray of red light burst out from Shenhun Cannian's body.

The prairie fire sword pierced the sky, carrying the terrifying law of the sword, and killed him instantly.

The Immortal Sword Fire Heart Method circulates, and the cultivation level is improved, and is instantly absorbed into the Sword Law Zheng

"It's just asking for death."

The Soul Immortal Fire Technique was activated to the extreme, and soul fires floated in the air one after another to defend against Chen Xuan's attacks.


The collision between the soul fire and the sword light caused the surrounding space to tremble, and the burst of power even destroyed all the surrounding mountains, rocks and trees.

"Damn it, how is this possible? How could a piece of rubbish at the early stage of the fifth level of the divine realm burst out with such powerful power? Why on earth is this? What is the origin of this kid?"

While attacking, Wang Ce felt more and more that Chen Xuan's origin was not simple.

He concluded that Chen Xuan had definitely received some kind of inheritance, or else he was a disciple of a certain major sect.

As for whether Chen Xuan was a disciple of a large sect or not, it had nothing to do with him. Anyway, the trouble had reached this point, so he could just kill him.

However, what he cares about most is that Chen Xuan has probably obtained some inheritance, so he can fight him across two major levels.

Generally speaking, most warriors fight across levels. Being able to cross one level is already an extremely talented person.

If it spans two levels, it is almost rare. Unless you use some magic weapons, you can fight with warriors who are two levels different.

"If I can get the inheritance from him, my strength will be greatly improved. This guy must have the inheritance."

The murderous intention in Wang Ce's heart began to be released continuously. He felt that this was an excellent opportunity. Then the soul fire surrounded him and appeared in front of Chen Xuan, seeming to want to burn Chen Xuan to death.


Wang Ce looked at Chen Xuan and roared, and a fierce spiritual energy burst out instantly, wanting to kill Chen Xuan instantly.

"As expected of a late fifth-level warrior."

Chen Xuan secretly lamented that even if the body and the residual thoughts of the soul were united, there was no way to defeat Wang Ce.

Wang Ce's attack was very powerful, far exceeding Chen Xuan's expectations.

There was a huge gap between all the warriors at the fifth level of the Divine Realm. After the body and the residual thoughts of the soul were combined, Wang Ce finally became a little unbearable.

He felt that Chen Xuan was too difficult to deal with.

Especially since he felt insulted.

Although he is not a top-level talent, he can definitely be regarded as an upper-middle-class talent. As a result, he has wasted so much time against a warrior who is in the early stage of the fifth level of the divine realm.

If anyone knew about it, it would be ridiculous.

"Just die."

Wang Ce's pupils glowed with a blush, and he instantly launched a surprise attack.

After Chen Xuan felt his attack, he felt helpless and could only disappear into the sky.

At this moment, cracks appeared in the sky. Wang Ce's attack was too strong, and even Chen Xuan did not dare to fight head-on, so he directly used the time and space technique and instantly avoided his attack.

"You damn bastard, if you have the guts, don't run away. If you have the ability, we will fight openly." Wang Ce cursed loudly.

"Do you think I'm stupid trash like you? If you had the guts, you suppressed your cultivation to the early stage of the fifth level of the divine realm. Now your cultivation is so much higher than mine. It's not fair between us."

"Hehehe," after hearing Chen Xuan's voice, his expression was very dark.

However, there is nothing we can do with the program

"It's so pitiful. It's taken so long and you still can't deal with me. It seems you are really a waste, a complete waste." Chen Xuan's voice came from the air.

After Wang Ce heard this, his face became even darker. He had probably never been so humiliated before, so he roared and attacked the surroundings crazily.

Chen Xuan realized that the other party was about to lose his mind, so he was taking the opportunity to seize the opportunity.

It didn't take long for Chen Xuan to find an opportunity and attack Wang Ce directly.

"The late stage of the fifth level of the Divine Realm, and he must have understood a lot of true energy. The most important thing is that this guy's physical defense is very strong. If you want to break this guy's defense with attacks, I'm afraid it won't be that easy. You have to think There is another way.”

After a while of fighting, Chen Xuan found that although his attack was very lethal.

But it was still a little short of heat.

Originally, Chen Xuan fought with him just to see how far his cultivation had reached, but now Chen Xuan has a rough understanding of his strength.

Although he was two realms away, the opponent couldn't do anything to him.

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