Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5223 Ten Thousand Sword Shadow Palace

The Wanjianying Hall is one of the places where Xianwenmen practices. Many disciples come here to practice their own skills.

"Is this the Wanjianying Hall?" Chen Xuan's eyes fell on the practice hall.

This practice hall was filled with layers of terrifying auras. There were even two thunders running in the air, and waves of purple auras were running rapidly.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan couldn't help but open his mouth wide. The two thunder dragons in the air gave him a shocking feeling, and then the power was extremely strong.

At this moment, the disciples of Xianwenmen in the hall also found Chen Xuan, and then they all showed a sarcastic smile on their faces.

"Chen Xuan? Isn't he the guy who was forced to stay by the sect master? This guy actually has the guts to come here."

"I heard that this guy's cultivation level is only the initial stage of the fifth level of the Godly Venerable Realm. I wonder what the sect master thinks about his cultivation level? Or does he think he is very strong?"

"That's right. I don't know what our sect master thinks. Is this guy's talent better than our younger brother?"

"That's right. Our Xianwen Sect's materials and treasures are very precious and we don't have many of them. Why should this guy join us? These cultivation resources are already in jeopardy. Now we have to divide our precious cultivation resources by another warrior."

Some disciples in the crowd began to discuss loudly.

But soon they began to get angry, and some disciples even wanted to attack Chen Xuan. They now have an extremely bad attitude towards Chen Xuan.

As for Chen Xuan, he also obviously felt their discussion, but Chen Xuan was now determined to practice, so he ignored them directly.

Suddenly, a Xianwen Sect disciple showed a ferocious smile on his face, and then he walked up to stop Chen Xuan.

"Damn you, is this the place you can come to? This place is very dangerous and not suitable for you. Go quickly and don't force me to take action."

Lu Yu was the disciple who came to trouble Chen Xuan. His cultivation level was the fifth mid-level of the Godly Realm, which was considered to be a lower-middle level in the Xianwen Sect.

Chen Xuan didn't know who this person was?

However, he was not included in the Xianwen Disciple List, which meant that his cultivation level was definitely not very strong.

"What do you mean by this?" Chen Xuan asked.

"The reason is also very simple, because your cultivation level is too weak. If you don't listen to me, you will definitely die at that time." Lu Yu sneered at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan heard what the other party meant, and it was obvious that he was looking for trouble with him.

Warriors at their level have different hearing than ordinary people, so I know all the conversations of these disciples before.

"But what does this have to do with you?" Chen Xuan shook his head slightly and was about to enter the Wanjianying Hall.

However, just as Chen Xuan was about to walk in, he was stopped by Lu Yu.

"Damn you, you think I, Lu Yu, don't dare to attack you? You actually want to go in at will. After all, I am also a senior brother. Didn't you hear what I said just now?" Chen Xuan smiled blankly after hearing his words, and then ignored Lu Yu and continued to walk towards the Wanjianying Hall. Seeing this situation, many Xianwenmen disciples were laughing at Lu Yu. "My senior brother, this guy actually doesn't take you seriously." "He is not wrong, he is too bold, or you don't have the power to suppress a young disciple." Seeing this situation, his face was gloomy, and he felt that the reason why he was laughed at by everyone was because of Chen Xuan. But because of the rules of the sect, he couldn't attack Chen Xuan directly, so he came up with a sinister plan. "Chen Xuan, wait for me first." "What's the matter?" Chen Xuan was also a little impatient. "I want to compete with you, you son, if you have the courage, dare to compete with me? ? "Lu Yu asked coldly.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan stopped.

Want to compete with him?

Chen Xuan doesn't have the time.

However, just when he was about to refuse, the other party started talking again.

"I can take out the things you want most to compete with you. If I lose the game, all these things will be given to you."

Suddenly, he took out a few spirit stones from his hand. Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan showed some doubts.

He just needed the meteorite, and the other party took out just right.

"Since you want to give me the meteorite, I can certainly accept your competition, but wait until I come out of the Ten Thousand Sword Shadow Hall. I still have to seize the time to practice now, and I don't have time to waste with you here." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he entered the Ten Thousand Sword Shadow Hall.

Just after entering, Chen Xuan felt a fierce breath, sweeping over madly.

"What a mysterious power." Chen Xuan exclaimed.

The Ten Thousand Sword Shadow Hall is already so mysterious, how strong is this Lun Cultivation Hall?

"According to Xuanyuan Ke, the Ten Thousand Sword Shadow Hall tests the strength of the warriors. I wonder how many levels I can rank? "Chen Xuan thought to himself.

As the largest training ground of Xianwenmen, Wanjianying Hall tests the comprehensive strength of a warrior.

Over the years, many strong men have been created here, and they have all succeeded in training here.

There are different levels here.

But there are only nine levels at the highest level, and almost no one can enter the ninth level, which can be rare.

For the first level, warriors at the initial stage of the fifth level of the Godly Realm can enter. As for the second level, it is a bit dangerous.

In the second level, warriors around the fifth level of the divine realm are fully qualified to enter. In the second level, there is still a certain danger for warriors in the middle fifth level. As for the third level, only the late fifth level of the divine realm can enter. In the fourth level, it is said that only those who have reached the fifth level of the divine realm can enter, and so on.

After reaching the fifth level of the divine realm, each level has a realm. For example, after reaching the fifth level of the divine realm, there is also the mid-term limit.

At the same time, there were many shadows wandering in the air in the main hall. After seeing Chen Xuan come in, they quickly began to attack him.

However, Chen Xuan blocked the attack of these phantoms without any pressure. Then Chen Xue'an easily crossed the first level, and then he went directly to the entrance of the second level.

Arriving at Lin Er Pass, Chen Xuan could clearly feel a very powerful spiritual pressure at the entrance, suppressing his body.

"I really didn't expect that this place would be so stressful." Chen Xuan said to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he activated the Immortal Level 1 Dao True Essence and the Law of the Sword.

The power of the two Immortal Laws surrounded the vicinity, and then Chen Xuan began to withstand the pressure.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the fairy weapon, the prairie fire sword.

The current Liaoyuan Sword has completely completed its transformation and has already become an immortal weapon. Although there is still a certain gap between it and a divine weapon, Chen Xuan believes that with the Liaoyuan Sword, he can definitely withstand the spiritual pressure here.

"Try the power of the Immortal Fire Cloud Sword Technique."

At the same time as Zi, Chen Xuan quickly ran the formula of the Immortal Fire Cloud Sword Jue.

The next moment, the soul fire condensed, and suddenly the program looked ahead and swung a sword.


Many warriors practicing here suddenly felt the earth tremble. At this moment, the full blow of the soul fire that Chen Xuan had condensed exploded with shocking power.

"Hehehe, it really surprised me. This swordsmanship is very strong."

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan nodded slowly, and then he laughed excitedly.

After the Immortal Fire Cloud Sword Technique has been multiplied many times, its attack has surpassed that of an ordinary fifth-level intermediate ultimate warrior in the realm of gods.

When he came to the second level, Chen Xuan found that there was a more powerful aura permeating the place. At the same time, there were shadows in the sky, holding long swords, and the driver was attacking him.

Boom! !

There are more and more ghosts, and Chen Xuan already feels a certain amount of pressure compared to before.

What surprised Chen Xuan was that these shadows were like mirror images of him, and the techniques they performed were very similar to his.

Moreover, the strength of these phantoms that fill the air ranges from high to low, and some are even close to the realm of gods and the late fifth level.

But there are also some weak ones whose cultivation level will not pose a threat to Chen Xuan at all.

"Only in battle can I achieve a breakthrough in my cultivation." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

In the following time, Chen Xuan fought with these phantoms in the sky in the second level.

It has to be said that it improves very quickly in battle.

Outside, half an hour later.

Lu Yu sneered: "Chen Xuan, I hope you don't die in the Ten Thousand Swords Shadow Palace, otherwise I will lose a lot of fun."

For him, Chen Xuan agreed to compete. This was an excellent opportunity to obtain an immortal meteorite. Almost everyone knew how precious this kind of meteorite was.

After all, the power contained in it can even allow some low-level warriors to break through directly. However, this is something Chen Xuan has never seen before in the first level.

For some of the disciples here, Chen Xuan agreed to Lu Yu's competition, which was no different than seeking death.

"Lu Yu, you are lucky to have met a man named Leng Tou Qing."

"Yes, this kind of Leng Touqing is just looking for death. I didn't expect that you would bump into me."

"This kid will definitely have no strength after fighting in the hall. When the time comes, you can compete with him again and you will definitely be able to suppress him easily."

Many disciples around looked at Lu Yu and said with a smile.

They despised Chen Xuan very much, and they did not consider at all that their actions were actually taking advantage.

"I, Lu Yu, don't like to bully Rao, but since you all want to see me teach him a lesson, you can join Weng Yicheng later." Lu Yu was very confident in him.

"But then again, will this guy enter the second level? What if he enters the next three levels?" Suddenly, a warrior said: "I heard that Xuanyuan Ke seemed to appreciate this guy very much. Although his cultivation is only in the middle stage, he can even compete with other more powerful warriors."

"Have you been kicked in the head by a donkey, or is there something wrong with your position? With his strength, he wants to enter the second level? It's so funny. I'm afraid he won't even make it out of the first level alive. must."

"It's so funny. When he enters the second level, I will stand on his head to show you."

There is a big gap between each level in the Palace of Thousand Swords and Shadows.

In their understanding, with Chen Xuan's overall strength, it is obviously impossible to enter the second level.

But what they didn't know was that Chen Xuan didn't use much strength at all, and could easily enter the second level.

More than half an hour later, Chen Xuan felt that his strength had increased a lot, so he finally stopped fighting with satisfaction and carefully felt the insights he had gained during the battle.

"In just over half an hour, I have learned so much. It seems that my understanding of swordsmanship has improved a lot now."

Putting away the prairie fire sword, Chen Xuan smiled.

As expected, for a warrior of Chen Xuan's level, he can only quickly break through his own cultivation level in battle.

Soon, Chen Xuan exited the Ten Thousand Swords Shadow Palace, even a little embarrassed.

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