Song Yuman yelled helplessly, but Wang Qingyun didn't have the time to help him.

Wang Qingyun yelled angrily: "Xuanyuan Bi, stop now and we will leave this place, how about that?"

Xuanyuan Bi heard this and sneered: "Wang Qingyun and Song Yu, who doesn't know what you did before? If I let you go, you will definitely attack us. Now that we have suppressed you, do you think I will turn a blind eye?" Will I let you go?"

Xuanyuan Bi will not let go of the warriors who deal with him. This is the world of martial arts.

Since the other party wants to kill you.

Then you have to fight back.

Wang Qingyun and Song Yu obviously wanted to kill him. How could they let such a person go? Do they still want to keep him for the New Year? ?

Almost all cultivating warriors know one thing. When facing those who want to kill themselves, they must not be merciful, otherwise they will be the ones who die.

"Xuanyuan Bi, you are simply asking for your own death."

Wang Qingyun's evil aura inspired the soul of the Yunjian Immortal Sect, and a crimson aura filled the area, greatly increasing his strength.

However, Xuanyuan Pi was not afraid at all.

Xuanyuan Pi is definitely not an ordinary person, and he also has unique tricks.

A red circle appeared around Xuanyuan Bi, and surging red spiritual power erupted from the circle, immediately surrounding his body.

This is also Xuanyuan Pi’s ultimate wink

In an instant, the red circle in the sky suddenly enlarged a lot, directly covering his head.

The two of them fought together instantly, and the crackling sound resounded throughout the air.

At this time, the power of the terrifying Dao Zhenyuan was about to burn Song Yu's body.

"It's absolutely impossible, I don't believe it."

Song Yu roared angrily, but now he had no chance of winning.

The power of his Tao Zhenyuan gradually disappeared, and his body was also breaking apart.

Although the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan gathered by the auras of the strong men at the seventh level of the Divine Realm is much weaker, it is not something that the strong men at the fifth level of the Divine Realm can defend against.

In the blink of an eye, Song Yu's body gradually fell onto Lin, and his body was completely burned by the power of the terrifying Dao Zhenyuan.

Dealing with Song Yu exhausted all the terrifying Taoist power stored in Suzaku's soul.

Chen Xuan also walked on the ground, quickly took a few pills, and then began to regain his strength.

Wang Qingyun, who was fighting Xuanyuan Bi, saw a blush in his pupils and let out a roar when he saw this situation.

Xuanyuan Bi took the opportunity to seize this opportunity. The red circle in the sky instantly shone on the top of his head, and then forced Wang Qingyun to continuously retreat.

In a short moment, Xuanyuan Pi knocked Wang Qingyun away with his sword and stepped out directly, hoping to seize this opportunity to kill Wang Qingyun.

"Hahaha, you two really deserve to die, you really deserve to die. Trust me, you will pay the price for this."

Wang Qingyun's expression was extremely ferocious. The next moment he began to burn the soul of the Yunjian Immortal Sect, and a fierce aura suddenly condensed out.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan's brows suddenly frowned, because he could clearly feel that the other party's strength seemed to be a little different.

If he launched a desperate attack, he would probably seriously injure them.

However, just when Chen Xuan was ready to fight back, his body suddenly disappeared.

"Damn it, he actually ran away. I thought this guy wanted to fight us, but I didn't expect that he actually ran away."

Xuanyuan Pi cursed, but he did not pursue him. After all, he understood the principle of not pursuing a poor enemy.

The opponent's cultivation level is not much worse than his, and now his soul has been completely burned. If he is not careful, he will probably suffer a loss.

So when he saw the other party running away, he hurried back and came to Chen Xuan's side.

"Brother Chen Xuan, the power you burst out just now is really shocking. But by the way, are you okay?"

This battle was beyond Xuanyuan Bi's expectations. A warrior at the fifth level of the divine realm actually killed a strong man at the peak of the fifth level of the divine realm.

In his eyes, this kind of cross-border battle is very rare.

What's even more unbelievable is that Chen Xuan's body can actually create the power of terrifying Dao True Yuan.

"How did he do it? Is he a disciple of a large sect? Did he use his own sect's secret skill just now?"

Xuanyuan Bi thought to himself, but other than that Chen Xuan was a disciple of a certain large sect, he felt that there was no explanation.

After a while, Chen Xuan slowly breathed a sigh of relief. He had consumed a lot of spiritual energy in the battle just now.

Fighting across realms is not out of reach for this stage of the program.

Because he not only has formations, but also various powerful techniques.

However, Chen Xuan did consume a huge amount of spiritual energy during the battle. Fortunately, the spiritual energy he consumed after taking the Li medicine has been restored.

"I'm fine now. Where did Wang Qingyun go??" Chen Xuan looked around him and found that his figure had disappeared.

Xuanyuan Bi said with some embarrassment: "I originally wanted to stop him, but Brother Chen Cheng seemed to be injured just now, so I didn't chase him and let him escape."

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan nodded slightly, but he didn't feel too surprised.

After all, if Chen Xuan is injured, he is very likely to be in danger, and it is normal for him to choose to stay here.

"Brother Chen Xuan, you really opened my eyes. The body can actually create the power of terrifying Dao True Yuan." Xuanyuan Pi chuckled.

"It's just good luck." Chen Xuan was unwilling to let the other party know too much about this matter.

Xuanyuan Bi nodded, and then there was nothing more.

However, Xuanyuan Pi knew that his choice to bring Chen Xuan to this place was the most correct, because he also discovered that Chen Xuan's talent was indeed much stronger than he imagined.

He glanced at Chen Xuan in front of him, and his evaluation of him began to change.

Before, he felt that Chen Xuan looked indeed majestic and distinguished, and he might be a disciple of a large sect.

But now he carefully observed Chen Xuan and found that the opponent's strength far exceeded his imagination, and could even be described as terrifying.

He had never seen a warrior who was only in the later realm defeat a strong man in the peak realm. This seemed to him almost impossible, but Chen Xuan did it.

After solving Wang Qingyun and Song Yu, Chen Xuan and the others felt much more relaxed.

Song Yu was killed by Chen Xuan, but Wang Qingyun escaped. His friend Song Yu was killed, and Wang Qingyun would never let it go.

"Hurry in, it's very dangerous here." Xuanyuan Bi whispered.

Chen Xuan also nodded.

After all, this is the mountain where the powerful man at the seventh level of the divine realm sealed the ferocious beast with ancient bloodline, and there are 100% inherited magic weapons in it.

If Wang Qingyun spreads this news, many strong people will come, and even if they unite, they will not be able to defend it.

"Go directly into the space passage?" Chen Xuan asked.

Xuanyuan Bi looked ahead at the space passage formed by the power of the Tao of Horror. His pupils emitted a spiritual light and then said: "If it were before, I would have thought that there would be no way to enter the space passage. But now it seems that it is completely unnecessary. Worrying about whether I can enter the space channel."

"What? What do you mean?"

Chen Xuan was a little confused and looked at Xuanyuan Bi.

"Brother Chen Xuan, this space channel has a high probability of being a powerful formation. If my inference is correct, you should be a fifth-level immortal formation mage." Xuanyuan Pi asked.

"But why didn't I find any breath?" Chen Xuan was even more confused.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Bi approached the space passage, and then his long sword suddenly appeared.

In an instant, the ferocious power of Tao Zhenyuan was injected into the space channel Zheng

Within a few breaths, Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression, because the formation hidden in the space passage was gradually revealed.

"What a powerful technique." Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

If there is no news, if you break into the space channel at will, you will definitely die here.

This formation contains a terrifying aura.

Chen Xuan felt that this was roughly equivalent to the immortal stone formation, but because the strong men at the seventh level of the divine realm were killed for too long, the power of the formation became incomplete.

"Brother Chen Xuan, can you break the formation?" Xuanyuan Pi asked.

"It can be cracked." Chen Xuan said slowly: "However, I need some time to crack the formation."

"I'm here to cover you, and you break the spiritual formation as soon as possible." Xuanyuan Bi said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then did not continue to talk nonsense.

Having experienced the Immortal Stone Formation, Chen Xuan thought a lot about the fifth-level Immortal Formation.

Although this incomplete formation is extremely mysterious, Chen Xuan can still clearly feel the rules of this incomplete formation.

After about four sticks of incense, Chen Xuan finally discovered the rules of this incomplete formation.

Immediately afterwards, he began to decipher this incomplete formation.


Chen Xuan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The sword light was released, and the ferocious formation aura killed him instantly.


There was a slight gap in the incomplete formation.

Then, Chen Xuandao said: "Hurry up and get inside."

Seeing this situation, Xuanyuan Bi showed surprise on his face, and then entered the gap.

Seeing Xuanyuan Pi enter, Chen Xuan also entered the gap instantly.


When Chen Xuan and Xuanyuan Bi all entered, the terrifying power of Dao Zhenyuan around them continued to explode.

At this time, a hidden location.

Wang Qingyun, whose body was covered with scars, looked extremely nervous, and his breath was weakening little by little.

"Xuanyuan Bi, you won't live long." Wang Qingyun was very angry in his heart: "If you mess with me, Wang Qingyun, I will kill you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Qingyun sent a message to the warriors of Yunxian Huajian Sect.

"Xuanyuan Pi, go to hell." Wang Qingyun said in a deep voice.

At this moment, walking into the space passage, Chen Xuan and Xuanyuan Bi came to a dark canyon.

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