Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5256 Attracting the Tiger Dragon Demon

Chen Xuan told several people in Zhao Wan.

Then, several of them nodded slightly.

"Ready, move."

Chen Xuan's body disappeared into the sky

A crackling sound was heard, and the fifth-level immortal-level formation was instantly deployed, completely suppressing the Tiger-Dragon Demon King.

At this time, Zhao Wan and others also used their strongest skills to attack the Tiger Dragon Demon King.

The Tiger Dragon Demon King did not expect that they would have the courage to attack. He let out a roar and began to attack everyone.

Other ordinary tiger dragon monsters are also frantically attacking the Immortal Stone Formation.

At this time, the firebird appeared in a red light area inside without any movement.

Immediately afterwards, he used the magical beast spirit Ten Thousand Birds Divine Fire to kill a tiger dragon demon, absorbed the breath in his body, and then quickly rushed to the interior of Gulong Town.


The speed of the Dragon Fire God Bird was very fast. In just a short time, the Fire Bird arrived inside Gulong Town.

"Lord Chen Xuan, I have arrived in front of the black altar." Firebird said.

"Be careful." Chen Xuan said slowly.

The firebird nodded, saying nothing more, and then flew directly to the black altar.

However, at this time, the Tiger Dragon Demon King discovered what was happening in front of him. He roared angrily and asked the other Tiger Dragon Demons to deal with the Fire Bird.

At this moment, a large number of tiger and dragon monsters quickly swarmed towards the black altar.

"Firebird, hurry up." Chen Xuan asked anxiously.

"Lord Chen Xuan, I'm in trouble." Fire Bird said: "There is a red aura from the Demon Gate nearby. As long as I get close, these red auras will attack me." "Lord Chen Xuan, this secret book is suppressing someone. kind of strength.”

Seeing that he was about to be surrounded by a large number of tiger and dragon demons, the fire bird could only use the phantom beast spirit of the dragon fire god demon shadow to return to the red light area.

The Firebird knew he had to retreat quickly.

Not long after, the Fire Bird returned safely, and the Tiger Dragon Demon King quickly returned to the red light area.

After this battle, the Tiger Dragon Demon King discovered the plan of Chen Xuan and others. He was very angry and ordered the ordinary Tiger Dragon Demon to trap the black altar in his palace.

"Chen Xuan, how are you?" Xuanyuan Bi asked hurriedly.

"There is a secret book on the black altar, which seems to be suppressing some kind of power." Firebird said.

"What's so scary about your altar?" Zhao Wan seemed to have thought of something and asked hurriedly.

Firebird said: "There is a complex aura of true energy in this secret book."

"Xingyun Secret Code?" Zhao Wan said in a loss of voice.

Huo Qiyun nearby also had excitement on his face.

"What is the Nebula Secret Code?" Xuanyuan Pi asked doubtfully.

After hearing this, Huo Qiyun began to explain to Xuanyuan Bi: "Do you know the identity of the founder of this altar ruins?"

Chen Xuan and Xuanyuan Pi shook their heads slightly.

Huo Qiyun continued: "This is Wang Xingyun."

"Wang Xingyun?"

After hearing this, Chen Xuan seemed to have understood that the so-called Nebula Secret Code was Wang Xingyun's magic weapon, a rumored ninth-level fairy-level magic weapon.

Seeing the expressions of Chen Xuan and Xuanyuan Bi, Huo Qiyun nodded and said: "Haha, that's right. Wang Xingyun's Nebula Secret Code previously defeated all hostile warriors. However, he was killed, and then the Nebula Secret Code disappeared. Unexpectedly, The Nebula Secret Code is actually hidden here.”

"The Nebula Secret Code belongs to those who are at the seventh level of the Divine Realm. It has spiritual pressure for us." Zhao Wandao said: "However, it is speculated that the Nebula Secret Code is placed on the black altar to suppress the demon. And the way to deal with the Tiger Dragon Demon is It should be on the Nebula Secret Book."

"The aura of a strong man at the seventh level of the divine realm, hahaha." Xuanyuan Pi chuckled.

Hearing this, Zhao Wandao said: "Three of you, the ninth-level immortal-level magic weapon is certainly important, but for now, let's unite together for the time being. After the tiger dragon demon is destroyed, we can then snatch the ninth-level immortal-level magic weapon? How about it?"

"We need to sneak into the black altar quietly, take away the Nebula Secret Book, and deal with the Tiger Dragon Demon. Other warriors will block the Tiger Dragon Demon King." Zhao Wan continued.

"Who was allowed to sneak into the black altar?" Xuanyuan Bi asked.

Chen Xuan heard this and said, "Can you defend yourself against the Tiger Dragon Demon King for a short period of time?"

"Chen Xuan is going?"

"There is a terrifying black aura surrounding the Nebula Secret Code. Warriors with low strength cannot approach it at all, but I have a way to get close to the Nebula Secret Code."

"No problem, brother Chen Xuan, go get the Nebula Secret Book." Zhao Wan said in a deep voice.

Then, they finalized the plan. Firebird and several others instantly united to deal with the Tiger Dragon Demon King, while Chen Xuan went there in person.

At this moment, the Tiger Dragon Demon King despised Zhao Wan and the others. Regarding their provocation, the Tiger Dragon Demon King seemed to think that he could definitely suppress them.

The attack of the Tiger Dragon Demon King was very strong, but Zhao Wan and others would not confront him head-on. At this moment, Chen Xuan used the 19th level of the Time Sword Immortal Technique and easily came to the black altar.

Facing a large number of tiger dragon demons, Chen Xuan deployed a fifth-level immortal level formation, instantly blocking the tiger dragon demons from him.

Immediately afterwards, he arrived near the black altar.

When the tiger dragon demon rushed out from the fifth-level immortal formation, it was already too late.

In an instant, Chen Xuan had arrived in front of the Nebula Secret Code. Seeing this situation, a large number of tiger dragon monsters stopped and looked a little scared.

"What? What do you mean?"

Chen Xuan could clearly feel that these tiger dragon monsters were very afraid of the Nebula Secret Code.


Suzaku's soul quickly condensed, and flames were released one after another.

At this time, spiritual pressure instantly emitted from Chen Xuan's long sword, and it began to absorb spiritual energy rapidly.

"Sure enough, it's the same as the weird aura on the spiritual veins." Chen Xuan said to himself.

The black aura contains the aura of the terrifying Demon Sect.

"The power of the Demon Sect's aura is really terrifying. Without the Suzaku Soul, I would have no way to defend myself." Chen Xuan said in his heart.

"Is it related to the Demon Blood Dragon Sect?"

While Chen Xuan was thinking, the Suzaku Soul had already absorbed all the aura of the Demon Sect surrounding the Nebula Secret Book.

Chen Xuan looked inside the Suzaku Soul, and suddenly found that due to absorbing too much of the magic sect's breath, the Suzaku Soul was surrounded by black aura.

"Immortal level nine magic weapon?"

When Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly fell on the Nebula Secret Code, he was extremely excited.

For a warrior at the fifth level of the divine realm, a seventh-level immortal weapon is already very powerful.

And the Nebula Secret Book in front of him turned out to be a ninth-level fairy-level magic weapon.

Walking to the front, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a terrifying force rushing into his body.

"It's so powerful."

The Suzaku soul in Chen Xuan's body quickly condensed, but his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

"What happened?"

Just when Chen Xuan was panicking, Suzaku's soul stabilized.


Chen Xuan discovered that the Suzaku soul seemed to be absorbing the power of the Nebula Secret Book.

A purple light on the Nebula Secret Code exuded a terrifying aura.

At this time, a large number of tiger dragon monsters showed scared expressions.

Chen Xuan shouted low, and the ferocious aura of divine will was released from the Suzaku Divine Soul, which was injected into the ninth-level immortal-level magic weapon.


The Nebula Secret Book is being taken away by Chen Xuan.

At this moment, the black altar began to tremble, and in just a short while, a continuously torn space appeared.

"What happened?"

Chen Xuan was very confused. At this time, the Nebula Secret Book had been completely taken away.


There were cracks on the black altar, and


The aura of a strong man at the seventh level of the divine realm was released crazily, and terrifying power was released from the ninth-level fairy-level magic weapon.

Chen Xuan immediately released a large amount of killing aura.

At this time, the frightening aura of destruction was released from Chen Xuan's Suzaku soul.


The tiger dragon demon had almost no defense and was instantly killed by this aura.

At this time, Chen Xuan's pupils burst into red light, and he, holding the Nebula Secret Book in his hand, gradually walked towards the Tiger Dragon Demon King.

As long as the tiger dragon demon is blocking it, there is almost no way to defend against the aura of the ninth-level fairy-level magic weapon.

"How can it be?"

Zhao Wan and others showed doubtful expressions and looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief.

The power of the ninth-level fairy-level magic weapon can only be fully stimulated by using the breath of a strong person at the seventh level of the divine realm.

Chen Xuan is only a fifth-level warrior in the realm of gods. How can he activate the ninth-level immortal-level magic weapon?

The Tiger Dragon Demon King seemed to feel the threat and turned around to attack Chen Xuan.

"Sacred Fire Sword Intent."

The power of Suzaku in Suzaku's soul rushed into the ninth-level fairy-level magic weapon, and a defensive circle was immediately formed around it.

At this moment, the power of the Suzaku emanating from Chen Xuan's body can almost make the disciples at the fifth level of the divine realm unable to move. Even the strong ones who have reached the fifth level of the divine realm dare not defend Chen Xuan head-on.

"It's much stronger than I thought." Xuanyuan Pi was very surprised.

At this moment, a soul fire carrying terrifying power fell on the Tiger Dragon Demon King.


The Tiger Dragon Demon King made a sound of panic, and his body was gradually torn apart by the aura of destruction.

The Tiger Dragon Demon King wanted to destroy Chen Xuan, but in the end he was unable to defend against the power of the ninth-level immortal-level magic weapon.

In an instant, Chen Xuan directly broke through the body of the Tiger Dragon Demon King and killed him instantly.

In Gulong Town, all the disciples showed shock.

The light on the Nebula Secret Code gradually dimmed.

The aura in Chen Xuan's body also gradually faded away, and in just a short while, Suzaku's soul returned to calm.

At this moment, the Nebula Secret Code suddenly fell from Chen Xuan's palm onto Lin. Xuanyuan Bi and several people came to the side of the Nebula Secret Code and observed it carefully.

"Brother Chen Xuan, it's really thanks to you this time. Otherwise, we don't know how to deal with the Tiger Dragon Demon King." Xuanyuan Pi said with a smile.

Zhao Wan and Huo Qiyun woke up from the shock and looked at Chen Xuan with very dark expressions.

Even they couldn't fully activate the power of the ninth-level fairy-level magic weapon, but the guy in front of them, who was at the fifth level of the divine realm, could activate the power of the ninth-level fairy-level magic weapon.

The tiger dragon demon was dealt with, and many sect disciples also came out one after another.

Soon, the eyes of many sect disciples were attracted by the ninth-level immortal-level magic weapon.

"Is this the ninth-level fairy-level magic weapon?"

"It would be great if I could have a ninth-level fairy-level magic weapon."

"I didn't expect that there really is a ninth-level immortal-level magic weapon in Gulong Town."

Many disciples discussed among themselves.

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