Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5261 It’s Shangguan’s punishment

"Shangguan punishment? I didn't expect it would be you."

"It turns out to be Brother Song. It seems like it was just a coincidence. I just happened to pass by this place and then I spotted you, so I came over to take a look. But I really didn't expect it. It just broke out. That power actually emanates from you." Shangguan smiled.

"I think brother Shangguan, you're not just looking at me this time. I'm afraid you have other things to do." Song Qing looked into his eyes and said calmly.

The two of them had always had conflicts before, but due to pressure from the top, their conflicts had temporarily eased.

But since they meet here, they won't care so much.

After hearing what he said, Shangguan Punishment on the other side suddenly laughed: "Haha, that's right. You're right. I really didn't come here specifically to reminisce with you. Song Qing, if my inference is correct, you have already made a breakthrough. , now that your strength has taken a step forward, you are now qualified to be my opponent, this is not bullying you, is it?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Hahaha, what else can I mean? Do you want me to be more understanding? I want to fight you and see how strong you are."

Before entering the Blood Kong Ruins, Shangguan Punishment regarded Song Qing as his enemy.

Not only are they involved in their previous personal grudges, but they are also in a competitive relationship.

But this time when he passed by inadvertently and discovered Song Qing's aura, he found that the opponent's strength had increased a lot, and he couldn't wait to fight Song Qing.

Both of them are known as the strongest talents. Neither of them were convinced.

"Shangguan Punishment, there will eventually be a fight between the two of us, but now I still have something to do." Song Qing said.

Although his cultivation level has broken through, it is obvious that he does not want to fight Shangguanxu now. After all, the opponent's cultivation level is also very strong, and he has more important things to do now.

The two of them had always maintained a balanced cultivation before.

When the two fight, it is 100% that both sides will suffer losses in the end. If they are injured in the secret realm, I am afraid they both know very well what is waiting for them.

It's not the most critical moment yet, so there's no need to hurt both sides like this. If someone else gets the advantage, they'll lose more than they gain.

"That's fine. When we enter Fairy Bird Peak, the two of us are destined to have a battle."

"Hehehe, yours is, I will fight you,

But now we have more important things to do, so let’s put the fight between the two of us aside for now. "

Although you are like this, but before that, I have to make sure that after your breakthrough in cultivation, you are qualified to be my opponent. If your strength is not my opponent, and I have been waiting for so long, wouldn't it be in vain? "

As soon as Shangguan Pun finished speaking, he suddenly slashed out a sword energy.

This sword energy suddenly burst into the air, showing terrifying power.

It had to be that the angle of this sword was very tricky, and the power he unleashed was very powerful. It was obvious that he wanted to really compete with the opponent.

After Song Qing saw the sword energy exerted by the other party, she frowned slightly and used the strength in her body to defend against the sword. Although he defended himself, his body also took two steps back.

This obviously clarifies a problem, the other party is also very powerful.

"Haha, that's right. It seems that your cultivation is really good. You can actually defend against my sword energy. From now on, you, Song Qing, will be my opponent for Shangguan Punishment. After we go in, I will definitely Please ask for advice on your cultivation."

Shangguan Punishment immediately laughed. After learning that the other party's cultivation level was not bad, he left the plain directly.

Watching Shangguanxue leave, Song Qing said in a deep voice: "In the future, I will suppress you Shangguanxue. Hahaha, the so-called number one talent, I want to let you know how powerful I am."

At the same time, as soon as Shangguan Punishment left, the Demon Blood Dragon Sect warriors showed a smile on their faces. They had already discovered Song Qing before.

At this moment, a demon warrior released his spiritual energy, trapping Song Qing in the middle of nowhere.

"They are simply asking for death. These people from the Demon Sect dare to provoke me. They are simply asking for death."

Facing the powerful Shangguan Penalty, although Song Qing was not necessarily his opponent, the other party's expression just now made him feel unhappy.

It just so happened that these Demon Blood Dragon Sect warriors came to provoke him, so he could test how much his strength had increased after his breakthrough in cultivation.

Song Qing, who launched a ferocious attack, was too terrifying.

A moment later, all the warriors from the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect who attacked him died.

"The strength of you guys doesn't interest me at all. These garbage magic sects are really meaningless."

After killing these people, Song Qing waved his sword, and drops of blood dripped from it. Then he turned and left.

A week later, Song Qing heard the news about Chen Xuan and Xuanyuan Bi and happened to bump into Wang Qingyun.

Since Song Yu's death, Wang Qingyun suddenly disappeared.

No one knew where he went. It was as if he had disappeared, but now he suddenly appeared.

"Brother Song Qing, you finally came out of seclusion. I'm waiting for you outside. It's been so hard."

"Wang Qingyun? Why are you here? What happened before."

"Brother Song Qing, I just felt your aura, so I hurried over here, but by the way, where are you going?"

"What else can we do? Of course, it is to avenge the disciples of Yunxian Huajian Sect. These two have killed so many of us. If I don't kill them, others will laugh at us." Song Qing calmly said road.

"Brother Song Qing, okay, I already know where Xuanyuan Bi is. Although this guy's strength has increased, he absolutely cannot be your opponent. I can take you there and kill this damn guy. "Wang Qingyun said in a low voice with a sharp look in his eyes.

Song Yu's death caused him a lot of pain, and now he finally has a chance to take revenge.

"No problem, if you can find their hiding place, I can definitely kill them, and as long as you return to Yunxian Huajian Sect, I will protect your safety, even if their backstage comes to find you. Yes, I can also ask the master to protect you, and no one can threaten your safety." Song Qing nodded.

After hearing this, Wang Qingyun was very excited. He did not expect that Song Qing would actually say this, which really flattered him.

He immediately said with a serious face: "Brother Song Qing, from now on, you, Brother Song Qing, are my eldest brother. These two guys really deserve to die, but I already know their movements now." During this period, Wang Qingyun has been paying attention to the movements of Xuanyuan Bi and others.

Although Xuanyuan Bi's whereabouts were very mysterious, Wang Qingyun still felt it. It had to be that his investigative ability was very strong. Even Chen Xuan did not feel that someone was secretly observing behind him.

Although he knew where the other party was in seclusion, Wang Qingyun did not have the courage to take action against Xuanyuan Bi, and had been looking for helpers to help him deal with the enemy.

But after searching for so long, he still couldn't find anyone.

Unexpectedly, he met Song Qing, the strongest cabinet disciple of Yunxian Huajian Sect.

With Song Qing's help, it would be easy to kill Xuanyuan Pi, at least that's what he thought.

In Wang Qingyun's heart, he has been thinking about the situation when Song Yu was killed and he was unable to avenge the blood hatred.

"If I don't repay this kind of hatred, I will be an animal and a dog. Hahaha, this Xuanyuanzi and that damned son will finally be killed by me."

Thinking that he would finally kill his enemy with his own hands, he was obviously very excited.

Soon he led Song Qing to find Xuanyuan Bi's hiding place.

Since Xuanyuan Bi separated from Chen Xuan, he not only obtained some ancient inherited magic weapons, but also stabilized his cultivation.

"It's too bad. Although many magic weapons have been discovered in recent days, they have also been targeted by many people. I have to find a place to retreat in recent days. I want to make a breakthrough in my cultivation as soon as possible."

Xuanyuan Bi thought to himself.

Thinking of his sect master, Xuanyuan Bi sighed, even though he told Chen Xuan outside that his master had gone to Sanzhong.

But behind him is actually a sect

The existence of this sect is still relatively mysterious, and many people don't know about it.

Moreover, his sect master was very strict with him and would usually order him to practice.

It is precisely because of this that his cultivation level can improve so quickly.

In recent days, he has indeed found a lot of magic weapons, and when he thinks about the time he practiced in the sect, his heart is full of memories.

After a while, he thought of Chen Xuan again.

"Although some peaceful days have passed these days, I don't know how Brother Chen Xuan is doing. I hope he can also find some ancient inheritance and improve his cultivation." Xuanyuan Bida said.

Anyway, he entered the Blood Kong Ruins not for Yu Wenhuang's outer disciples, but just to improve his strength.

Thinking of Chen Xuan, Xuanyuan Bi's face was filled with smiles.

He entered the Blood Kong Ruins and made friends with top powerhouses like Chen Xuan, which would have many benefits for him in the future.

They all saw Chen Xuan's talent and had such a powerful talent as their friend.

If Chen Xuan really goes to Sanzhong in the future, he will be able to follow suit.

Perhaps he knew a lot about Mie, at least more than others.

Because in his sect, the Supreme Elder has already ascended to the third level.

"Xuanyuan Pi, I didn't expect you to be here."

Just when Xuanyuan Pi was thinking about it, a crackling sound suddenly reached his ears.

After hearing this voice, Xuanyuan Bi's body flashed quickly and he stood on a spiritual stone in the distance. Then a burst of surprise burst out in his pupils. Since he did not expect that someone would be chasing him here. .

After a while, after he saw the person clearly, his expression became even more shocked, and then he prepared to escape.

However, the surrounding space was instantly affected. Just as he was about to escape, there was an invisible force in the air that directly suppressed it.

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