At this moment, Zhao Wan kept taking a few steps back.

He sensed something was wrong.

However, despite being heavily supported, he was still defeated by the siege of these people.

"These damn guys, I will fight them if the worst happens."

Zhao Wanjiang suddenly waved the long sword in his hand, and a terrifying aura immediately swirled around his body.

At this moment, he took out a few pills and threw them into the air.

The few breaths of immortal-level elixirs instantly roared out with terrifying breaths, and in the end he swallowed them directly.

"Zhao Wan, you are finished, go to hell."

Two powerful men who had reached the five major levels of the divine realm joined forces to break Zhao Wan's final attack. They were so powerful that Zhao Wan was almost unable to defend himself.

Although he took the pill that increased his strength, he was still unable to defeat four hands with two fists.

However, at this moment, the two warriors seemed to see that he was already stretched thin, and launched a fierce attack again, killing him instantly.

Zhao Wan's expression was gloomy. It was obvious that he did not expect that he would end up like this.

He would actually die after being surrounded by these people.

Originally, he thought that even if he could not get any inheritance here, he could at least escape with his life saved. But now everything is a luxury. It is not that simple for him to get the inheritance.

"You guys are so shameless, you actually set up an ambush here to attack us."

Zhao Wan said in a cold voice.

If these damn guys hadn't attacked him when he wasn't prepared, how could he have been injured, and how could he have died here.

"It's so shameless, hahaha, it's the funniest sentence I've ever heard. You are so shameless to us, but what can you do now?"

"Yes, you have no power now, and you can only die in my hands in the end."

One of the warriors sneered.

Another warrior also laughed, his pupils full of disdain. It was obvious that they had seen Zhao Wan die by their hands.

He was watching helplessly as Zhao Wan was about to be killed, but the sudden change in front of him made his face darken.

Because he felt an imperceptible force.

Just when he was about to attack, he suddenly felt this force wrapping around Zhao Wan, and then his body disappeared.


The attacks of two powerful men who had reached the five major levels of the divine realm landed heavily on the ground.

"What happened?"

The two warriors looked at each other, their pupils filled with confusion.

"Two against one, it's so funny. If you are really so powerful, why don't you challenge him in a duel?"

Suddenly, the two of them heard a sarcastic voice coming from the air.

The two people turned their heads and looked over, and suddenly found Chen Xuan walking out of the air.

"What's going on? Where did this guy come from?"

"Brother Chen Xuan? I didn't expect you to come here. Thank you very much."

Zhao Wan originally thought he was going to die, but what happened now made him not expect that Chen Xuan would come to save him at the critical moment.

It had to be, he originally thought that his relationship with Chen Xuan was not very good, but now he knew that with Chen Xuan here, he was safe. Although he was very surprised in his heart, he could also see that Chen Xuan I came here specifically to save him.

"Damn you bastard, are you just asking for your own death?"

"It's simply too funny. Zhao Wanjin will never be able to escape from me, and your appearance will give him no chance of winning."

The two looked at Chen Xuan and said in a cold voice.

"Leave this to me. If the two of them attack you, I will make them pay the price." Chen Xuan said slowly.

"Brother Chen Xuan, although you are like this, there is still something else..."

"Anything else?"

"These two guys have very strong cultivation, you must be more careful."

He still seemed a little worried about Chen Xuan. "

"Hahaha, don't worry, they are just two trash fish. I can handle them both." Chen Xuan said firmly.

When Zhao Wan saw this scene, he nodded. He seemed to know that Chen Xuan might have achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, so he didn't say anything more. Then he told Chen Xuan to be careful, and then left the battle circle.

"Damn bastard, don't think you can stop us."

"That's right. You actually have the guts to come here alone. You are simply asking for your own death."

As soon as they finished speaking, two powerful men who had reached the fifth level of the divine realm launched an attack on Chen Xuan.

Time Sword Immortal Technique!

Chen Xuan used the magic of time, the rules of space flashed, and his body instantly escaped into the air.

No one can track him in the air, not even these two strong men.

"It's simply too funny, space rules? This guy does have a few brushes, but in front of us, it's just too ridiculous. His power is not enough to deal with us."

"This guy must be in the air. Find him quickly and kill him."

The two of them sneered. They have seen many warriors who can possess the rules of space. They have traveled around the world for so many years and have seen many in these tens of thousands of years. They are not afraid of people like Chen Xuan at all.

However, after a moment, the two of them showed surprised expressions. Originally, they had vowed to kill Chen Jun easily, but then the smiles on their faces completely froze.

The reason is also very simple, because they searched the entire formation, but there was no trace of Chen Xuan.

This shocked the two of them.

"What's going on? Why did this guy suddenly disappear?"

"No way, his space rules can be used to this extent. Could it be that he can already use the power around him to cover up his aura?"

The two of them continued to search, but after searching for half an hour, they could not find where Chen Xuan was, so that the two of them became a little anxious.

"Son, if you have the guts, come out. You can only run away. You are not a hero. If you have the ability, you can fight us head-on."

One of the warriors said loudly.

Chen Xuan's body appeared behind the warrior without any movement, and the prairie fire sword hit his body cleanly.

There was a click.

A stream of blood suddenly spurted out.

"How is this possible! Where did this kid come from?"

After being hit by the prairie fire sword, the warrior had a very surprised face.

Then another warrior said ferociously. "This guy's power is very strange, so be careful."

However, the power of the ninth-level fairy-level magic weapon was so powerful that he had no defense at all.


This powerful man who had achieved the five great perfections of the divine realm was killed by Chen Xuan in just one stick of incense.

The other warrior was also completely shocked, as if he did not expect that his brother would be killed by Chen Xuan in just a few rounds. "

"Damn bastard."

He roared, obviously very angry inside.

However, Chen Xuan's time magic was indeed very powerful. The two of them had no way of discovering where Chen Xuan was hiding, but Chen Xuan completely left him helpless.

In the end, the warrior knew that he was no match.

As the saying goes, there is no need to worry about running out of firewood if the green hills are left, so that in order to survive, he gave up fighting against Chen Xuan and fled the area.

"He actually ran away."

Chen Xuan has seen many such warriors who bully the weak and fear the strong.

When Chen Xuan rescued Zhao Wan, Xuanyuan Bi also helped Huo Qiyun defeat several warriors who besieged him.


The most important thing is that this group of sect disciples had almost no defense, and they all died immediately.

They were not particularly strong to begin with, and the few talents in the sect were already dead and wounded.

Now they are besieged by people from these sects and will soon be no match for them.

As for the big sects, because they have a deeper foundation and have more talents among the sects, their casualties are slightly better now.

It's not like those sects where so many people died.


The battle in the air caught Chen Xuan's attention.

The one fighting in the sky is no one else.

Seeing these two people, Chen Xuan also showed a look of surprise on his face.

That's right, in the sky, it was the battle between Song Qing and Shangguan Punishment, and now they had entered a fierce stage.

The more he fought with Song Qing, the more shocked and frightened Shangguan Xun's expression became.

"What the hell is going on." He also didn't expect that Song Qing's strength would actually become so strong in just a few short days.

According to common sense, the other party's cultivation level should be weaker than his own. After all, he is known as the number one talent.

However, the current situation was beyond his expectation, and he even couldn't believe what he was seeing.


The two swords suddenly collided in the air, making a cracking sound.

In these short few seconds, the two of them continued to fight again, and then quickly retreated. It was obvious that no one could do anything to the other.

Although the strength gap between the two sides is not very obvious. But anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Song Qing and Shangguanxu were confronting each other, and the aura on his body was enough to scare away many strong men.

"Song Qing, what's going on with you? When I saw you before, your cultivation was not so strong. Why has your strength suddenly increased so much now? Have you been hiding your strength?" Shangguan Xunhan said. road.

He was very confident about his own strength, and what happened now exceeded his imagination.

I thought that when Shangguan punished him, no one would be his opponent, and in the end Wang Xingyun's inherited magic weapon would belong to him.

After receiving this inheritance, his strength will be greatly improved, and no one in this area will be his opponent.

But Song Qing's strength far exceeded Shangguan Penalty's imagination.

It even made him feel that the other party hadn't even used all his strength.


At this time when Song Qing was confronting Shangguan Punishment, Chen Xuan saw an aura formed by a gathering of spiritual lights in the air not far away.

In an instant, the power of the late sixth level of the divine realm rushed directly into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan could clearly feel the vibration of the prairie fire sword.

This force is simply too powerful.

Chen Xuan secretly used the Immortal Sword Technique and arrived at that place without any movement.

Chen Xuan turned his head and glanced, then sneered. "It seems that this should be the inheritance. It is probably a good thing to be able to explode with such terrifying power."

After that, he disappeared into the air. When he appeared again, he found that the light in the air was actually wrapped around his body.

Chen Xuan immediately released a burst of Suzaku Fire, trying to expel this power.

But soon the Suzaku Fire it released was completely covered by these five rays of light.

Later, Chen Xuan's Suzaku Fire actually changed color, showing a blue light, and exuding a terrifying and shocking aura.

Try to activate the prairie fire sword and absorb the fire of the Suzaku.

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