Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5275 The First Level of Immortal Meteor Sword Jue

Practicing the Immortal Essence Secret Technique came naturally, and soon, Chen Xuan mastered the first level of the Immortal Meteor Sword Technique.

Chen Xuan's body flickered, and the prairie fire sword in his hand suddenly swung, and a terrifying aura emitted from the sword.

The ferocious power of Dao Zhenyuan poured into the prairie prairie sword.

Suddenly, a terrifying sword light struck a plain in the distance with frightening power.


The plain suddenly began to tremble continuously, and a very deep ravine appeared on the earth.

Condensing the power of Tao Zhen Yuan, Chen Xuan looked at the prairie fire sword in his hand with a smile on his face.

"The power is indeed very powerful. This is only the first level, and its power exceeds the Divine Fire Sword Intent. If you cultivate it to the extreme, I don't know how powerful it can be." Chen Xuan sighed to himself.

Just when Chen Xuan was testing the power of the Immortal Meteor Sword Technique, suddenly the sound of the firebird sounded in his soul.

He and Firebird established a spiritual connection with each other, so Chen Xuan could hear his voice very clearly.

"Lord Chen Xuan, we have run into some trouble. Come and help us quickly." Firebird said.

"Tell me where you are, quickly." Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

After the fire bird reported the place, Chen Xuan quickly used the Time Sword Immortal Technique and rushed to the fire bird's vicinity as quickly as possible.

He also knew that if Firebird sent him a message asking for help, it would mean that he was really in danger.

So Chen Xuan is very anxious now.

"Master Chen Xuan, you don't have to worry. We haven't been attacked by other warriors for the time being. We are just bound here and can't get out. Just come over and help us get out." Firebird said.

After Chen Xuan heard these words, he relaxed. He originally thought that other warriors had discovered Huo Niao and the others and wanted to kill them.

But since it's not the case, it's easy to handle.

On the way, Chen Xuan learned about the detailed situation, and finally he smiled.

It turns out that the Fire Bird and the Immortal Shadow Demon inadvertently entered a dangerous place, secretly absorbed the spiritual grass in the area, and were completely suppressed by a monster with ancient bloodline.

You must know that many monsters do not have ancient bloodlines.

However, in the second level, there are a lot of monsters with ancient bloodlines, so the Firebird's ability to suppress those monsters with its own ancient bloodline has become less common.

After all, those monsters are not easy to deal with.

At the same time, one of the canyons Zheng

"Giant monster, didn't you just absorb some spiritual grass from you? As for grabbing us like this?"

Firebird looked at the monster beast with ancient blood in front of him and said.

They originally found a lot of precious fairy grass here. Then he absorbed all the fairy grass, but he never thought that after absorbing the fairy grass, a huge monster suddenly appeared.

It has to be said that the size of this monster is indeed very embarrassing.

"Damn guys, my spiritual herbs are very precious things. I will definitely teach you a lesson and let you know what kind of territory this is." The monster with ancient blood said loudly.

The body of the nearby Immortal Shadow Demon suddenly darkened and then faded. Although he has now condensed into shape, he does not yet have a physical body.

"Don't be afraid, Immortal Shadow Demon. This guy won't do anything to us. If I use all my strength to fight with him, I'm afraid he will also be injured. And didn't you just eat some fairy grass? You are so angry."

"What a guy, you just ate some fairy grass. You are really a big talker. You want to run away when you see my fairy grass. I don't even have a cherry blossom anymore."

For a moment, the fire bird and the monster with ancient bloodline were in a stalemate, but did not make a move.

Because the two of them had already taken action before, this monster with ancient bloodline was very powerful and could defend against the firebird's phantom beast spirit.

But the Firebird is not weak either

The Firebird suffered a lot from him, but this monster with ancient bloodline could not defeat the Firebird and the Immortal Shadow Demon.

After all, if the two of them join forces, this huge monster will suffer a lot. So now they are not in a hurry with each other.

"You have to help me guard the area for more than ten years, and then this matter will be written off. Otherwise, even if I risk my life, I will kill you two damn guys so that you dare to steal my things. "

A monster with ancient bloodline. This is a giant dragon demon with extremely strong body defense. The Firebird did not take any advantage in the battle with him.

Moreover, this terrifying monster was also filled with flames and was very large.

Facing the terrifying defense of the giant dragon demon, Firebird was also full of helplessness. These flames could also defend against Firebird's fierce fire, so Firebird did not benefit from him at all, but suffered a heavy loss.

"Giant monster, I tell you to let me go quickly, otherwise, when our adults come, you will be finished." Firebird said.

He had to be confident now because Chen Xuan was on his way.

Huo Niao has great trust in Chen Xuan.

Can. The moment Firebird was born, he was already bound to Chen Xuan.

They have known each other for a long time

Firebird also watched Chen Xuan grow up step by step.

"You kid, even if you have great abilities, you are still no match for me. It is impossible to defeat me. What you think is very simple." The giant dragon demon sneered.

He was very confident in his cultivation. At least in this area, there were basically no monsters or even warriors that could threaten him.

Just when he was about to suppress the firebird, Chen Xuan finally appeared.

His body fell in front of the firebird, and his pupils also changed.

Then at this time, the fairy shadow demon was very happy to see Chen Xuan coming. When he condensed into shape, the first person he saw was Chen Xuan.

So now he has a deep impression of Chen Xuan.

"Fairy shadow demon? I didn't expect you to be here."

"Are you the master of this child?"

The voice of the giant dragon demon came.

After hearing his voice, Chen Xuan noticed the giant dragon demon. His voice was so deafening that Chen Xuan's body couldn't help shaking.

If it weren't for the distance, Chen Xuan's eardrums would probably be pierced.

"Haha, that's right, I am his master." Chen Xuan nodded.

He could clearly feel the terrifying power of the giant dragon demon, but he was not afraid.

"Damn you, let me see what you are capable of to become the master of this beast." As soon as the dragon demon finished speaking, he launched a fierce attack on Chen Xuan.

He thought that his strength could completely suppress Chen Xuan.

Seeing the dragon demon attacking, Chen Xuan suddenly struck out with a sword.

The sound of cracking resounded throughout the air.

After the dragon demon saw Chen Xuan's attack, terrible power came out from his body,

and instantly attacked Chen Xuan.

There was only a bang.

Their bodies collided fiercely, and the terrifying power came out from Chen Xuan's long sword and hit the dragon demon's body, immediately pushing the dragon demon back a few steps.

"How is this possible? How can your power suppress me? Why is this beast so strong?"

The dragon demon was a little shocked. The beast in front of him was really terrifying.

The power of a sword burst out, and he could actually feel pain.

He is a monster.

You must know that in terms of strength, even physical strength, it is basically impossible for a human to be stronger than him.

However, now he was actually possessed by Chen Xuan. Of course, this was just his inner thoughts, and Chen Xuan did not really suppress him.

It was just that the gap between the two made him a little unacceptable. After all, in his initial imagination, defeating Chen Xuan should be very simple.

"What do you think, giant monster, you regret it now." The firebird laughed.

"It's so funny, I don't believe that you can break my defense." The giant dragon monster said in a deep voice.

Just as he was about to continue attacking, the firebird suddenly said: "Giant monster, otherwise let's make a bet, do you have the courage?"


The giant dragon monster stopped and looked at the firebird.

"If the adults defeat you, how about you give this fairy grass area to us? Then all the fairy grass here will be ours." The firebird said.

"It's so funny. You want to defeat me. It's impossible." The dragon demon said directly: "However, the power of this demon is really very strange. If you can defeat me, this is already given to you." The dragon demon has the strength of a strong man at the fifth level of the God Realm. Even ordinary strong men at the fifth level of the God Realm cannot pose any threat to him. He believes that his cultivation can definitely suppress Chen Xuan. He is just a fifth level of the God Realm. Want to defeat him? It's impossible. After hearing this, the fire bird smiled lightly, and then said: "Okay, this is yours." After hearing his words, Chen Xuan also laughed, and then said. "Very good, but since you are like this, don't regret it later."

"Don't worry, we giant dragon monsters are different from you humans. Once we make a move, we must obey it."

After the giant dragon monster finished speaking, he stared at Chen Xuan and said slowly: "Damn kid, make a move, I think it's better for you to make a move first, otherwise, if you wait for me to make a move first, you will have no chance."

Although he was evenly matched with Chen Xuan in strength just now, the giant dragon monster did not think that Chen Xuan could suppress him.

Chen Xuan looked at the giant dragon monster, his spirit moved slightly, and then he had time to take out the ninth-level fairy-level magic weapon.


The giant dragon monster roared, and the whole body was wrapped in red aura, and the terrifying power instantly spread.

After feeling this power, Chen Xuan also frowned slightly.

It has to be said that the power of the monster is indeed very strong, so he can't act rashly now.

At this time, Chen Xuan also displayed the fairy meteorite sword technique.

The first purple light flashed on the Liaoyuan Sword, and then a terrifying sword light burst out from his long sword.

With a bang!!

The sword light broke the body of the giant dragon monster, and directly made his body retreat a few steps.

The heavy body of the giant dragon monster fell heavily on the ground.

The situation in front of him shocked the fire bird.

He showed a puzzled expression, looking at the giant dragon monster, as if he couldn't imagine that Chen Xuan's cultivation would improve so quickly.

"Chen Xuan is so powerful, why did he break through to such a powerful level."

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