Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5280 Huang Tianyang of the Huang family

When he was at the Xuekong Ruins, Chen Xuan bumped into Huang Yang from the Huang family. Chen Xuan didn't know much about him at the time, but he didn't expect that Huang Yang had reached the five major perfections of the divine realm at this moment.

Chen Xuan had never heard of the name "Song" of the Blood Sect, so naturally he didn't know what his strength was.

I originally thought that the one who could compete with him in the end was Shangguan Punishment.

But now Chen Xuan glanced at these people, and his face showed a little surprise. Now several people who did not threaten him appeared directly.

Moreover, these people have very strong minds.

"Are you ready?" Yu Wenhuang asked.

"Senior Yu Wenhuang, that's right." Shangguan punished.

"No problem. If that's the case, you won't be able to blame me if you die next." Yu Wenhuan.

Immediately afterwards, he slashed forward with his sword, and in an instant, an extremely large canyon appeared in front of many warriors near Fairy Bird Peak.

"This is called Cloud Canyon. It has been wrapped in the Law of Thunder for several consecutive years, and contains star stones. Those who get the star stones will keep them, and those who don't get them will be brushed away." Yu Wenhuan.

In an instant, there were discussions in the main hall.

The Yuwenhuang trial was too terrifying.

Cloud Canyon is extremely shocking to people's hearts. It seems that others don't know it, but some warriors who know the inside story are actually starting to retreat now.

"Oops, I didn't expect that Yu Wenhuang's trial was so demanding and he actually had to practice in it." Wang Jiu said calmly in his heart.

"Yes, Cloud Canyon is not an ordinary place. It has been sealed before, and as far as I know it has been sealed for so many years. I didn't expect that he would let these people enter." Zhang Ziang also sighed.

In the viewing area.

Zhang Huo glanced at the thunder-wrapped hall with a complicated expression, and then whispered: "I, you really want to let these people in, do you know how dangerous it is inside?"

"It's a pity. These people are all very good in cultivation, but they all have to die here."

Zhang Huo sighed, but then he didn't say anything. In the end, he could only shake his head and leave.

This canyon seemed real and illusory, right in front of their eyes, but it seemed very far away.

Chen Xuan was listening to Zhang Ziang and Wang Jiu explain to him about Cloud Canyon. After all, Chen Xuan didn't know much about this canyon, and he didn't have much time to enter the second level.

"Chen Xuan, you'd better not go to this Yun Canyon. Do you know how dangerous it is?" Zhang Ziang said.

Others don't know it, but he is too aware of the dangers of Yun Canyon. With Chen Xuan's overall strength, it is as if he is seeking death.

He didn't want to see Chen Xuan killed in Yun Canyon because of this.

"It's Chen Xuan. It's very dangerous here. If you are not sure, don't go in. After all, no one knows what will happen inside." Wang Jiudao.

"What danger is there in this Cloud Canyon? Why did the faces of many warriors darken instantly when they heard this? Is it really that dangerous in this place?" Chen Xuan asked doubtfully.

"Chen Xuan, you know too little, so let me explain to you how dangerous this place is." Zhang Ziang said.

"Originally, the area around Cloud Canyon is actually the same as other places. Although it is a relatively dangerous place, after some sixth-level warriors entered, they only faced some powerful monsters. But in thousands of years, Previously, the sky above Yun Canyon suddenly began to be filled with thunder. These are the power of thunder, and ordinary people will definitely die if they encounter them. "

"He's right. Yun Canyon has been surrounded by thunder for several years. The most important thing is that some strong men who have reached the fifth level of the divine realm died in it. Finally, the strong men with the sixth level of the divine realm were shocked. Some powerful men at the sixth level of the God Realm discovered the Star Stone Diagram on the Cloud Canyon."

"What are you? You can't do it, Star Stone Map?"

Hearing this, Chen Xuan also raised his lips a little.

Other warriors didn't know it clearly, but he knew it very well.

In the second level, the power of rules is divided into twelve types.

The power of rules such as the Thunder Law can release thunder and fire, which can instantly burn the true soul of a strong person with the fifth level of the divine realm. It is very terrifying. Even a strong person with the sixth level of the divine realm encounters this power of rules. There is no strength to resist, and the true soul will be burned.

"There is actually a star stone map on Yun Canyon?" Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression.

Zhang Ziang nodded and then said: "The star stone that Yu Wenhuang asked you to find is the star stone diagram that was released. So you better be careful, otherwise you will lose your life."

Even a strong person at the sixth level of the divine realm cannot defend the star stone map. A strong person with a perfect fifth level of the divine realm will definitely die here if he touches it.

"I'm not bound to encounter the Star Stone Map." Chen Xuandao.

"You don't have to think about the star stone. You know it must be in the star stone map. How do you take it out? If you are touched by the thunder and fire released from inside, your end can only be described as miserable." Zhang Ziang asked road.

Chen Xuan remained silent, his mind filled with thoughts about the Star Stone Diagram.

Chen Xuan still knows a lot about this thing.

This is a very precious magic weapon.

However, the power of the Thunder Rules is too strong, and Chen Xuan must remain cautious.

Fairy Bird Peak, a place.

Yu Wenqiu, who was wearing a crimson robe, had a very excited face.

"Yu Wenqiu." Zhang Huo suddenly appeared.

"Master Zhang, why are you here?"

Seeing Zhang Huo, Yu Wenqiu said hurriedly.

"Yu Wenqiu, do you know what the first test is for your father to test these young talents?" Zhang Huo said.

Yu Wenqiu shook his head and said, "What kind of assessment is it?"

"He asked this group of people to go to Yun Canyon to look for star stones. I have followed him before. This kind of test is too difficult. It is basically impossible for anyone to complete it," Zhang Huo said softly.

"What are you? You can't."

After hearing this, Yu Wenqiu's expression instantly turned dark, and he spoke in horror.

He looked at Zhang Huo anxiously and said: "Sir, how could my father open the Cloud Canyon? Those who participated in the trial were all five great perfection warriors in the realm of gods. How could they survive in the Cloud Canyon? Didn't he know where it was? Is it very dangerous?"

"Ah, yes, this old man is so stubborn. You also know that after what happened to your father, he never recovered. He has always felt guilty about your mother. After finally finding you, I'm afraid he also wants to give you something. Just arrange things."

"Sir, you also know that I come from the second level. I have worked hard all the way. He has arranged so many things for me, but I actually don't want it. Moreover, this time I will be the only one who takes the exam. A friend." Yu Wenqiu said.

Zhang Huo nodded, of course he knew about Yu Wenqiu's strength.

"I encountered a lot of dangers when I was in the second level, all because my friend saved my life. He got the inherited magic weapon of Higurashi Demon King and asked Higurashi Demon King to restore my true body." Yu Wenqiu said: "And At present, he has been cultivating from the second level of seclusion and entered the second level. He originally wanted to take me out. If I killed him, I'm afraid I would feel very guilty. "

"Although his talent is very strong, at least among the people I know, his talent should be first-class, but now it seems that Dad has opened the Cloud Canyon. He is very dangerous." Yu Wenqiu said.

After Zhang Huo heard this, a happy look appeared on his face.

"Yu Wenqiu, your friend entered the second level and came here, which shows that he has also cultivated step by step." Zhang Huo said: "But you also know your father's temper. This guy is an old stubborn. I have been with him because of this before. He had a lot of conflicts, and it was precisely because of this that your mother had a lot of disputes with him. "

When he got here, he suddenly sighed: "Forget it, forget it, this is already a thing of the past, let's not talk about it now. But then again, you also know your father's temper. If he comes out, it will definitely be It's impossible to take it back. Now that he has decided to open the canyon, I'm afraid these people will go in by then. "

"But there is one more thing..."

Yu Wenqiu was very anxious: "Sir, can you tell my friend and ask him to leave here as soon as possible."

Zhang Huo said softly: "Yu Wenqiu, I am actually very curious about who this friend of yours is? Are you any good to him?"

"Well, what's the matter? When we first met, there were also Dugu Lun and Li Qiuyu. The four of us have known each other for a long time, and we have to take care of each other. Okay, if it weren't for him, I would have died long ago. I once talked about him with my father, but he seemed to be very disdainful of it, so that if my friend really survived, he would be able to gain his respect. "

"You haven't told me his name yet?"

"He is Chen Xuan."

"Hahaha, that's it. I thought it was who it was, but it turned out to be him."

Zhang Huo smiled and said that he was a little curious about this guy. He was also full of doubts about Chen Xuan at the beginning.

In fact, he also used his spiritual consciousness to envelope Chen Xuan, but he did not find out what specific level his cultivation had reached.

"Sir, it turns out you know him?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

Zhang Huo nodded.

"This guy has cultivated to the five major perfections of the divine realm at a young age, and his cultivation is indeed very good." Zhang Huo said: "However, since you and Yu Wenqiu have known him for a long time and are still friends, I will help him, but what I just said You haven’t answered my question yet, are you interested in him?”

At this point, Yu Wenqiu suddenly looked a little shy.

"Master Zhang, he and I are really just friends. I have only told you this matter. You must not tell my father."

"Hahaha, don't worry, Yu Wenqiu, I will definitely not follow that warrior."

"Okay, thank you sir."

In the main hall, many warriors were afraid of Yun Canyon. Hearing this name already made many people tremble.

Even Shangguan Punishment did not dare to go to this area at will.

"It's still a long time anyway, don't go in casually. This time you must be well prepared and strive to get Old Man Yuwen's biography," said the elder of Longwen Sect.

At this time, Chen Xuanzheng was discussing plans with Wang Jiu and Zhang Ziang.

"Senior Zhang Zi'ang, the Cloud Canyon seems to be very dangerous. The thunder and fire created by these thunders seem to be specially designed to restrain all flames. But can I wrap my body with the first-grade immortal Tao true essence and enter it?" Chen Xuan asked.

Zhang Ziang shook his head slightly.

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